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  1. Salut ! Revin si eu cu o recenzie la titulara topicului. Aseara fiind cu chef, am sunat la cateva fete,inclusiv la Andreea si surprinzator mi a raspunspromtpt ca se poate la orele 21:30 deoarece tocmai isi anulase un coleg' programarea. Am intrebat o daca mai are chef si de mine pentru varianta de 90minute si mi a raspuns ca da desigur! Andreea m a asteptat in sutien si chiloti sexy, parfumata discret, bronzata, cu tocuri in picioare, parul rosu desfacut si nemachiata si cu zambetul pe buze! Am stat la chat pe canapea la o cola rece (mai multe cole reci) 😀si pe langa noi era si motanul ei curios ne dadea tarcoale 😃 Actiunea a decurs normal,mi a dat prosop ,am intrat la dush sa ma racoresc,m am invitat langa Andreea pe saltea unde ne am desfatat cu fk, oral nep, 69, mangaieri, normal protejat apoi am scos prezervativul si a continuat Andreea la oral nep cateva minute pana am ajuns la finalizare in gurita ei ( Cim) a stat putin si apoi a mers la baie sa se igenizeze. Apoi am mers si eu la dus, am baut sucuri, stat la chat nitel, ma mai jucam cu motanul ei, o mai sarutam pe Andreea, eram intre ei rasfatat de amandoi in acelasi timp 🤣. Ar fi dubios daca as numi threesome, nu? Am vrut sa incercam ceva nou, am inceput al 2 lea numar cu Andreea intinsa pe canapea cu capul pe cotiera si eu in picioare deasupra ei sa mi faca oral, in timpul asta eu ma jucam cu sanii ei, este o senzatie foarte placuta, apoi ne am dus jos pe saltea si am continuat in pozitia caprita pana mi am dat drumul exploziv! Numarul asta a durat ceva mai mult, ca eram obosit si eu si ala micu'😂 Sa lasam si cateva note: Andreea: nota 10 , miniona, roscata, sexy, sanii si fundul de vis Locatie: 9 , apa calda, curatenie in locatie,apa de gura, geluri de dus diferite, deodorante,b bete de urechi, etc. Gasesti de toate in baia Andreei, nici acasa nu am atatea 😅 ON: 10 fara obiectii NP: 9,5 am chinuit o ceva la al 2 numar Gfe: 10+++ Fiind asa tarziu m a asteptat sexy, glumeata, zambareata si fk la greu, nu stiu de unde are fata asta atata energie mai ales la ore tarzii! Cadoul : 450 lei -100 min fara graba +50lei (Cim ul) plus o cutie de bomboane din partea mea + 6 plicuri la motan 😁 De recomandat :Da Multumesc Andreea pentru timpul petrecut impreuna si abia astept sa revin imediat cum imi permite timpul! O zi buna!
  2. Salut! Revin si eu cu o recenzie la titulara topicului. Am vizitat-o de mai multe ori, dar o sa fac referinta doar la vizita de aseara. Am trimis cateva mesaje aseara pe la cateva fete , inclusiv la Andreea, si surprinzator mi-a raspuns ca se poate de la 22:00 (din cate am inteles a prelungit programul pentru "fideli", si ma bucur sa fac parte din categoria asta 😅) pentru 2h. Ma ajuta foarte mult programul asta prelungit, deci o sa "abuzez" de intalniri cu ea, cat imi permite... Andreea m-a asteptat intr-o costumatie foarte sexy, cu tocuri in picioare, care ii scoteau in evidenta posteriorul minunat, ea fiind miniona se vede foaaaarte bine. Are parul rosu acum, ceea ce mie imi place foarte mult, deci un plus pentru mine. Actiunea a decurs clasic, cu vorbit putin inainte, Cola 0 pe saturate, si invitat la dus, apoi pe salteaua consacrata; unde ne-am desfatat cu fk, oral nep, 69, normal prot; tot ce trebuie, finalizand cu aplauze in balonas... dupa vreo 2 minute intense in caprita 🤣 (cred ca mi-am batut recordul). Luat pauza de revergorare, iar pe vorbit, iar pe Cola 0, ba ii gadilam motanul, pe Bobitza, la cererea mea ca el lasa ceva par si nu il tine in camera, dar pt mine parul nu e un deranj deci mi-a facut placere; si dupa ne-am reintors la saltea pentru numarul al doilea. A decurs la fel de bine, dar doar pe oral, masaj intens cu ulei, finalizand glorios in CIM, pana la ultima picatura. Asta a durat ceva mai mult, ca era obosit ala micu'... 😅 Sa lasam si niste note: - Domnisoara: nota 10+, miniona, roscata, sani si fund de vis - Contact: pe WhatsApp foarte usor, cat timp ii specifici pana sa raspunda (si sa nu fii prea badaran ) - ON: 10, fara obiectii - NP: 9 (atat cat a durat a fost bine :)) ) - GFE: 10, mereu primitoare, glumeata, zambareata, si fk cat imi place - Locatie: 8 (am depunctat putin ca eram eu infrigurat, la ea putin frig... dar a adus un calorifer d-ala electric si a fost mai ok dupa); apa calda surprinzator a curs (a trebuit sa amanam intalnirea asta ca a avut ceva probleme cu apa, se lucreaza prin zona sau ceva, din cate am inteles), muzica buna la TV, parcare la mall - Cadoul: 600 RON pt 2h, si 50 RON extra pt CIM (si o floare si o cutie de bomboane estra din partea mea) - De recomandat: DA Acum cu noul program o sa incerc sa ma programez mai des la ea, ramane prima pe care o contactez cand caut vreo domnisoara. Multumesc Andreea pentru timpul petrecut, si cu siguranta voi reveni! Zi buna!
  3. Salut tuturor, De la ultima recenzie, am mai vizitat domnisoara de mai multe ori, de fiecare data o placere. Are cateva costumatii noi, altele si mai noi, si de fiecare data este ceva diferit, dar intotdeauna sexy. Din pacate nu am cum sa exprim mai bine intalnirile cu Andreea, decat ca e nota 10 in orice aspect... mai putin GFE... acesta ar fi nota 16/10. Multumesc Andreea pentru toate intalnirile, si ne vom revedea curand, cu acel body stocking poate ☺️ Seara buna! Aleks
  4. Salut, Au trecut aproape 3 luni de cand am scris prima recenzie domnisoarei. Intre timp am mai vizitat-o de vreo 10 ori, cred... atunci cand raspunde 😁 Nu o sa reiau intamplarile intru-cat prima data am fost mai descriptiv, insa Andreea este o fata minunata si de fiecare data ma simt bine, sper ca si ea la fel. Ultima data am fost vineri, m-a asteptat imbracata cu ce i-am cerut, si anume acea costumatie de scolarita care ii pune in valoare formele sexy si intalnirea a decurs perfect ca intotdeauna; iar la final m-am intalnit cu Batman pe scara, ...bine, Andreea zice ca era popa, dar nu cred! La multi ani!
  5. Salut tuturor, Plictisit intr-o sedinta la aceasta ora tarziu (sau devreme, depinde) in noapte, ma gandeam sa fac ceva util cu viata mea, si anume sa las o scurta recenzie pentru Andreea aka Rebeca aka Pupacioasa aka Sugartits. Doream sa o intalnesc pe domnisoara de mai mult timp, insa stiam ca are o procedura bine pusa la punct de a cerceta domnii/dubiosii care doresc sa o viziteze, dar am zis sa incerc totusi sa o contactez... si spre surprinderea mea, am trecut de filtrul aspru pus, si am ajuns sa primesc cale libera pentru a ajunge sa o cunosc pe Andreea si pe motanelul ei paros si durduliu (ma refer la animalul de companie, perversilor!). Inca din conversatia pe WhatsApp parea ca va fi ok, dar dupa ce am intrat prima data pe usa ei, am stiut ca totul va decurge ok. Am vizitat-o pana acum de 3 ori, prima oara 30 min (sa ne 'cunoastem'), apoi doar cate 90 min (sa ne relaxam), urmand ca in ~12h sa mai avem o "sesiune". ☺️ Las acum acest review, dupa 3 intalniri, deoarece am o idee dupa care ma ghidez (relatez acest lucru deoarece am fost intrebat de mai multe ori de ce dupa a 3-a vizita), chiar daca prima si a 2-a au decurs perfect: Prima oara este o intamplare. A 2-a oara este o coincidenta. A 3-a oara este un obicei. (As putea adauga: dupa a 4-a oara este deja o regula) Imi place de Andreea: mica, amuzanta, inteligenta si cu un fizic de invidiat (desi ea zice ca vrea sa slabeasca... din pacate), cu niste sani minunnaaati numai buni de atins, jucat, lins, motorboat si altele (imi imaginez cum ar fi sa dea cu putin ulei de masaj...ooofff), mereu politicoasa, cam PREA politicoasa cateodata "stai bine, iti mai aduc ceva, ia te rog, serveste", prea mult! Un comportament binevenit, desigur; dar nefiind obisnuit cu asa ceva, este ... altfel. Intalnirile au decurs perfect de fiecare data, cu mici discutii despre totul si nimic; cu dus si folosire apa de gura, multi pupici din partea ei (prea mult pt gustul meu 😜#gluma,), cu jucat cu sanii (eu cu ai ei, ea cu ai mei 😅), mult 69, ON+CIM, inca nu am trecut la NP, asta e pt vizitele 4-6. Eu fiind un nesimtit obosit de fiecare data, am 'chinuit' putin domnisoara, insa de fiecare data am triumfat asupra micului inamic comun. Pentru viitoarele intalniri cu Andreea ar trebui sa iau inainte cateva zile libere, vad cum fac si reusim ceva... Din pacate, nu am inspiratie pentru nimic mai mult de atat dupa cateva zile fara somn, deci imi cer scuze pentru acesta povestire succinta (am invatat noi cuvinte in lb romana!). Note. Atitude/GFE - 10+++ - oo daaa ON - 10 - exact cum trebuie, rapid-incet, cu inflexiuni (alt cuvant nou, pare ca se potriveste aici). tot ce trebuie, cu CIM extra NP - N/A (inca) Iggiena - 10 Locatie - 8 (dau doar atat deoarece cred ca ar trebui sa ia cel putin o canapea mai buna, care sa 'ne tina') Sani - 10+++++ Motan - heftychonk Intalnirile, din opinia mea, au decurs exact cum trebuie. Sper ca pe viitor sa ramana la fel de bine (poate doar mai multe tinute sexy 🤤). Weekend placut tuturor! Aleks
  6. Salut! Am vazut-o pe Bianca pe forum de ceva timp, si imi placea ce vad in poze, care se reflecta si in realitate in mare parte (doar ca a mai slabit, iar fundul nu mai este asa bombat 😝). Dupa 3 vizite la Bianca, vin cu cateva cuvinte, numai de bine. Programari facute usor pe WhatsApp si respectate de ambele parti. Bianca o fata frumoasa, scunda (pentru mine), ten inchis (extra solar), buze voluminoase, par lung si putin cret (pe care il tine mai mult in coc, din pacate, dar la ce calduri sunt, inteleg), voluptoasa exact cum trebuie, si vorbareata. Da, vorbeste mult, dar si eu ascult mult, deci nu a fost o problema asta ;pentru mine este exact ce trebuie. Fiecare intalnire a decurs lin, cu o singura "rupere de ritm" din vina mea, incercand sa fac o glumitza, dar am trecut repede peste asta. Lucrul ce imi place cel mai mult la interactiunea cu Bianca este atentia pe care o da igienei: dus obligatoriu pentru ambele parti si utilizare din abundenta a apei de gura, pentru a putea avea acces "la toata experienta" alaturi de ea. De fiecare data, intalnirea a inceput cu cate o mica discutie, baut de apa/suc, si dus. Actiunea din pat incepe cu inspectia de igiena, pe care am trecuta cu brio de fiecare data (🥳), ON, un FK mai lin si senzual, nu "mozolala". Apoi randul meu sa ma joc cu apetisantii sani si piersicuta, foarte frumos, dupa classic NP LOT in care ma puteam bucura de privelistea minunata, m-a futut de m-a indoit, nu pot sa zic altceva , cu finalizari in balonas pentru ca... de ce nu? [Prima data ne-am panicat putin dupa finalizarea in balonas, deoarece se udase excesiv si pentru cateva secunde noi credeam ca a fost o scapare, insa, din fericire, a fost alarma falsa. Mi s-a parut semiamuzant acest lucru, asadar l-am impartasit.] Daca trebuie si note, ma conformez: Domnisoara: 10/10 - comunicativa, pro client, forme frumoase foarte bine proportionate, fund bombat, sani frumosi (desi ea neaga asta, ar trebui sa dau 0/10 doar pentru aceasta ponegrire <am zis bine?> ), atragatoare, ce sa mai, imi gadila toate simturile GFE: 10/10 ON (N daca treci de inspectia riguroasa): 8/10 (scad deoarece CIM este 'creme de la creme', forever and ever) NP: 10/10 (daca nu ai grija, te fute ea pe tine, dar nu o sa iti displaca) Igiena: 15/10 Locatie (nu ca ar conta): 8/10 - Momentan curge cada, dar e in curs de remediere; iar patul ala parca e Patul lui Procust, sper ca vom gasi o solutie care sa nu includa taierea picioarelor mele pentru a putea activa De revenit: Dap. Eu m-am simtit foarte bine in compania ei si o sa revin cat mai des De recomandat: As vrea sa zic ca nu, sa ramana doar pentru mine, dar no se puede, deci da Pe scurt, daca esti respectuos si igienizat, vei avea o intalnire foarte reusita. Cam atat de la mine, sunt prea obosit sa fac recenzia mai atragatoare, dar sper ca si asa e ok. Sper sa ne revedem curand si sa avem mai mult timp sa ne relaxam impreuna. Zi buna! Aleks
  7. Salut! Am vizitat si eu pe Deea saptamana aceasta si voi incerca sa las un review mic, in limba romana. Deci daca gresesc cuvinte... cui ii pasa Imi place Deea. Mica si amuzanta, amabila si inteligenta. M-a asteptat in costumatie sexy, cu muzica buna, cu A/C pornit si multa apa rece 😅. Nu mi-a placut ca a dat costumatia jos inainte de a iesi eu de la dus. Mereu cred ca o femeie este mai sexy cu putina imbracaminte dar deloc. Nici parul prins nu este preferatul meu, dar proabil de la caldura. Insa m-am jucat cu sanii, 69, iar sanii, si mult ON. Prefer ON peste NP oricand. Note. ON - 9 - mult si bine, preferatul meu NP - 8 - Nu sunt fan, dar cu ea deasupra, m-am putut bucura de sani Atitude/GFE - 9 - Sociabila si amuzanta, insa fara FK, citit ca face, dar poate nu ea placut de mine Higiena - 10 Casa - 9 - Cu AC si lumina interesanta Sani - 10+++ O ora reusita, dar probabil fara implicare de la mine. Sper ca ma va primi data viitoare si va fi mai bine. ☺️ Zi frumoasa! Aleks
  8. Hello everyone. I'm here to leave a little review on my RuxyPuxy here. It's gonna be short and sweet, just like she is. I've visited her 3 times already and I left happy every time, you know, first time is an accident, second time is a coincidence, third time is a habit. Ruxy, a funny petite fuck-machine with nice big boobies and thicc af, always wearing some sexy lingerie, especially those fishnet stockings, daaaaamn, or how rappers call it, a true "shawty". Every encounter with her starts with a little chat about little things, and escalates to mild GFE, with a lot of touching and kissing (needs some more tongue thought, love me some DFK), and playing with those awesome tittiessssss, and a blowjob to give your life for. So good can barely last a minute, two tops. Taking a little break, chatting about nothingness while I admire her body and wanting to taste her. And then I do, eating that muffin until orgasm (as she claims), as I recharge for round two, which is always similar to round one. So, nothing else from me today, my English is failing me at this late hour... As for giving grades: Home: 8/10 - single in the apartment, doesn't really matter anything else, oes it Girl: 8/10 - tiny but thicc, Oral without: 8/10 - a few times I felt a little too much hand... GFE: 7/10 - in this category I grade the kissing, and needs more initiative, and even more tongue ^^ Normal: 8/10 - did it only once, but ye, if she could be more active, would be awesome Anal: did not try, but definitely want to I'm sorry for the low grades, but I have faith they will improve. See ya soon, Rux! Yours truly, Aleks, aka BabyFace
  9. Here are my favorite English speaking girls from Bucharest (they both work pretty close to Mega Mall): Andra: Tasha: Thank me after you visited them.
  10. Heyyo everyone. Just dropping by, remember I haven't write a review for this awesome lady for a while, even though I have several times before since my last review, if I did after every visit, I would be reported for spam; so I thought I'd d-d-drop a few lines; since we "celebrate" a year after our first encounter. Nothing much changed, top class services; smart, funny and beautiful girl, only the bewbs got bigger and better to play with. Yes, this is small and dry, and so am I after every visit with Andra. See you soon. Cordially, Aleks
  11. Hello everybody. Gonna keep this really short: BEST ORAL EVER Like, for real, I'm mostly into oral, and she blew my fkin mind. So, we texted fir 1 hour this Saturday, all cool. Got in the apartment, talked a bit, drinka asome water, went to shower, got out and got some fk and the BEST ORAL EVER. She kept sucking everything she found around for long time, CIM, and she kept sucking for a long time, trying really hard to get to the second one, but I dishonored by species, couldn't reached it as the first was just out of this world. Did I mention about this being the best oral ever? Because it was. Hope we can meet again.
  12. Hello everine, I'm squeezing myself in with a littke review on my meeting with Laura. As I'm writing on the phone, I'm going to keep it short and cute (just like Laura ðŸ˜). So, on the 1st of December (La multi ani Romania! And muie psd!); I was the last to visit her on her trip, she says; we agreed on 90 minutes. We both kept our word, and there we were, at her location, near Julius Mall. A short, skinny af woman (~5ft, 90lbs) opened the door, and I was a little surprised, while she must have been afraid of that sketchy guy tall (and wide) as the door. We introduced ourselves, talked a little bit, drunk her water, and I was asked to take a shower, probably I was smelly or something idk. After I got out of the shower, she was waiting for me in a very sexy bra and panties and hot glasses, and action started with a nice oral for a long time, with some 69 in there too (sweet little peach). Then we went for some LOT in which she was riding me like crazy. Then we went for some doggy (I was afraid of some other position as I could easily break her as she is sooo fkin small, it's a compliment, though), pumped in for a little bit then CIM. We took a little break, some refreshing shower, talked a little bit, and went for round 2. With the same nice oral, 69, lot, doggy and then boom, time for some anal, alternating with normal. She is so tight, it was great; but unfortunately, we could reach the second climax after she did her best, but it was my fault, not hers, I was too tired, and also, the first one was too good. Ok, guess it wasn't that short and cute as I hoped, time for grading I guess. ON: 8 (would have like some more attention to the neighbours and probably less hand) NP: 9 (she tight and seems like she puts soul in it) AP: 9 (tigther than NP, and that cute little ass is lovely, but she said only in doggy, or so I understood, sorry if I'm mistaken) GFE: 8 (we texted about some FK that she agreed on, but maybe she didn't like me or it was our first time together so we didn't, but I didn't push; in rest is awesome, makes you feel welcomed and like she is that hottie next door that you have some casual intercourse) Location: 9 (nice and cozy place, I like the neighborhood, but a little too far away from my hotel) Halatu (?): 400 lions for over 1 and a half hours All in all, would totally come again, if she agreeds, and maybe we'll be more open. Mkay, bye.
  13. Well hello there! After I've tried to reach Alice for a while, last time I finally caught her, twice in 2 days! First, I texted her to make an appointment, and she replied. We first discussed for 1 hour, but I arrived a little earlier, like 1 hour earlier, and she was free, so we agreed on 2 hours. Nice area around there, near the Palace Hall (?), can't wait to get me some Hora Brenchu there :) So, I reached her apartment and a beautiful little blonde girl with a cute smile answers. She invites me in, we introduce ourselves and talk a little bit. She has a nice apartment, but a little too small, I think, she said she just moved in... After we get to know each other a little bit, she invites me to the shower, maybe I was smelling bad or something... she gave me the towel and throwed me in the shower, where I could barely fit :D (she took a shower before I got there) Then we went tot he "dungeon" and talked a little bit more, then we start making out, french kissing like there's no tomorrow, and then a nice oral for a few minutes, nice moves, while looking at me, and I asked for a 69, where I found a tasty little peach, smelling all nice and uuh, couldn't stop. But we did stop, she put on a condom, and lady on top was it. While I'm just sitting there as a plank, I admire her passion, bewbs and moans, and getting my mouth "raped" by her tongue and nipples. Me likey likey that. It was intense and nice, so I couldn't last too long, so I gave up what I had best in me, into her pretty little mouth... and that was numero uno. We refreshed ourselves, I drank 1 liter of her water, talked a bit more, and we start kissing again, trying a number two, but as I was tired and first time was too good, didn't reached the second Nirvana, even if she really tried, but "It's not you, it's me" was in my mind... then we took a shower, she said she goes first because I take long showers...whatever, I'm just dirty like that *wink* As for our second meeting, pretty much the same, but we were a little more confortable with each other, and it was only one hour, which we fully filled. Welp, that was it, as boring as it sounds, for me it wasn't. Home: 8/10 - single in that little apartment, that bathroom is sooo little though, had drawers bigger than that :D Girl: 9/10 - tiny girl (like 5'3'' I think), some would say she's chubby, I don't think so, with sexy lips and boobs, and that nice little pussy I'd nimble on all day long Oral without: 10/10 - can't ask for more... GFE: 10/10 - too good, maybe too little? I want moar! Normal: 9/10 - as I like it, me standing there like a plank, and the lady on top, kissing me Anal: N/A Would come again: Hell yeah
  14. What's up bois?! Just passing by, after several encounters with Tasha after my last review, I decided to d-d-drop a few lines here, even if I don't know what to say about this walking fantasy boner-pill like person (this lowkey sounds offensive, didn't mean it like that), other than she is beautiful, young, funny and intelligent redhead. She is the first girl from all I visited (in Romania and abroad) that has straight 10s from me in my book, in every aspect you may think, like she is just like the perfect mistress: kisses since you walk in the door, until you go out, has the kind of jokes that I like, which turns me on the most (she thinks for some reason I'm serious all the time, well, sweety, I'm not, just trying not to reveal my true real self, for example, I love dead-babies jokes), has the same taste in music that I do, turns me on alot, and I will mention it again, the GFE is over the limit, and boy oh boy, do I love to lick her sweet cherry, and she gives me the impression she likes it too, which turns me on right now just thinking about it. I'm a perv. I tried to keep this short and nice, but it's getting long and weird, so I'll stop. To sum up, and sounding rude: Awesome girl, great services. Go to her. Or don't. More for me. Idk. Can't wait until next time, Red. P.S.: Those videos you post just make me wanna clean my furniture. #joke
  15. Well hello everyone, and may we all have a nice spring, hoping the winter won't backstab us, again. I woke up in the morning, and remembered that I didn't write a little review on my encounter with Andra... So it was 31st of January, and wanted to give myself a nice birthday present, so I looked on the forum for the hottest girl and sent a message, hoping she responds. And she diiiid!!! Little did I know that it was about to be a diasspointing meeting... because of me, not Andra, she's cool, find out why in the next installment. So, I was just shopping in the MegaMall and texted with her a little bit, and found out that she stays somewhere near the MegaMall, so I said to myself "it's pretty close, outside is kinda cold, may rain, let me take the car..." and it took me like 25 minutes to get to her, and it would have been only like 6 minutes walking... nevermind, I arrived in time at her block of flats and went upstairs (can't remember the floor, hope I'll get to see it and remember it in a few days *wink wink*). And was I at the door, and a beautiful amazonian tattooed tall girl opens the door (my brain: "we hit the fucking jackpot!!") and she invited me in. We chatted a little bit, but with my broken English and me just staring and her curves and tattooes, she did most of the talking, and let me point it now that she's as smart as she is hot, someone throw an engagement ring or a Pokeball at her and don't let her escape (not sure if I should even joke with this...). Anyways, after we talked for a bit, I went to the shower, and god damn, didn't see so many shower gels even in the MegaMall Carrefour. So I took a nice little shower (if any of you pervs wanna know about this, pm me!) and went to the "dungeon".She took of her clothes nice and slowly and started rubbing against me, while going to mini-me and BAM best blowjob ever. That simple... Don't even know how to write it down, it was just awesome and she put me to shame in like 5-7 minutes, sucking all my energy, OWO and CIM, of course. I tried to clean myself up a little bit, but she was forcing me she will do it, oh well, ok then, and she did. Took a little break, and we talked for like 15 minutes. She was so engaging in the conversation that the time just passed by, and I'm not even mad, she's intelligent and fun, but again, my spoken English is just bad, so I may have ruined it... She asked me about round 2. I hesitated a little bit, but said ok, and went straight to 69. Gorgeous little pussy and ass, tasty and a little wet, couldn't stop licking 'em. This went on a little bit, and she asked me if I wanted to put the condom on, but as myself am more of a BJ guy (and 69) said no and kept going a little bit, to the point that I knew a second finish was not to come that day. And that is why I was disappointed. Dressed up and invited myself out, while still chatting with her. Damn, that was a boring review... better refresh the memory soon with her... Guess is time for some grades, huh? Home: 10/10 - single in the apartment, everything you need at the bathroom, shower gels and mouthwashes. Girl: 10/10 - slim, tall (maybe next time lose the platforms, felt like a midget, hah ), sexy clothing, big lips, big boobs, sweet pussy, cute ass Oral without: 9/10 - took a point of that just 'cause it was too good (?) - sucked me dry first time, and couldn't do anything after, next time maybe lower the skill level, please? :ras GFE: 9/10, sorry... took a point of because FK is the real deal :2qm40hg (also, didn't really played with those awesome boobs, but I didn't even ask, so that's on me) Normal: N/A Anal: N/A Fee: 300 lions, at the end D2D time- About 60-70 minutes, don't know really, and I apologize if I overstayed, the time just flew by; but she never looked at the time, nor telling me it's up, so that's a plus on my book! Would come again: Fuck yeah, every time I'm back in Bucharest! All my reviews sound the same... Have a nice day everyone, and hope we'll see again soon, Andra!
  16. Any girls around here in Zalau? Driving an hour and a half to Cluj seems just too much. Please help, I'm tired of spending time with Pamela HANDerson...
  17. Well hello my sinful brothers! A few days ago I visited Tasha, and I'm still in awe. Texted her via WhatsApp, as my spoken English is trashy, and she replied pretty fast, did the appointment in no-time. Reached her apartment pretty easily, Lidl Pantelimone, somewhat near the MegaMall. Parked in the Lidl's parking lot and went on my journey to see the princess, while we talked on the phone to guide me. Got there, and boy oh boy, jaw dropped. Behind the door was a beautiful young lady, tall and slim, with high heels, sexy outfit and cute bunny ears. We went to the living room and had a little chat. She offered me a drink, unfortunately didn't have plain water, but no worries, went with a nice tea. Chatted a little more, and I invited myself to the shower, after leaving 500 *lions* on the table. She gave me the towel, slippers, and I started showering. [if anyone wants the story about me showering, hit me up, pervs!] She did before I came there. After I got out of shower, she invited me to the bedroom, and started shoving her tongue down my throat, almost choking me. I'm not complaining though, don't get me wrong, I was just surprised. This went on for a few minutes, kissing each other, or her boobs, oh damn, those sweet boobs... *boner intensifies while typing* and she started and unprotected oral (at my choice, she asked), with some attention to the near area. Nice music on the background, a little too much "bumtzi bumtzi" for my taste, but it gets you in the mood. I asked her to climb over me and do a 69. The view so nice, pussy so sweet, ass so perfect, we went like that for like 30-35 minutes without even noticing, it was that good! She either pushing down my lil' dick, or she pushed her pussy deeper in my face, still can't decide which one was better! The action continued with her putting the condom and climbing over me, lady on top, riding me like on a freaking mechanic bull (you know, like that in every Texas movie ever) making me having muscle cramps, while I was admiring her body. This didn't last long, as she is pretty tight, and I finished in her pretty little mouth. We cleaned off, and I was dressing up, hurrying up, 'cuz some asshole kept calling me all the fucking time, not letting me enjoy at the fullest what was happening. So, the grades are like it comes: Home: 10/10 - single in the apartment, everything you need at the bathroom, shower gels and mouthwashes Girl: 10/10 - slim, tall, sexy clothing, sexy accent Oral without: 9/10 - took a point of that just 'cause I would have loved a little more attention to the near area, and maybe some hand too (might sounds weird, but that's me...) Normal with: 9/10 - LOT all the way with her to admire her body while she's humping like there's no tomorrow, took a point there 'cause I got a little cramp (fuck me, right?) and because I couldn't suck on her titties, maybe next time we try on the living room sofa? *wink wink* Anal: N/A - Don't know if she does, if she wants to try, I volunteer as tribute! Fee: 500 ron (she wanted to give me back 50, as her fee is 450, but I refused, it was worth it) - for 1 finish (at my choice) D2D time- About 60 minutes, don't know really, and I apologize if I overstayed, the time just flew by; but she never looked at the time, nor telling me it's up, so that's a plus on my book! Would come again: Fuck yeah, every time I'm back in Bucharest! Hope I did the review by the book. See ya!
  18. Well hello there, little nymphomaniacs. I don't really post reviews for the girls that I've visited, but when I do, better take it for granted. So, I've reached her flat pretty easy, right near Bucharest Vitan Mall, communication via SMS; and she was waiting me with a nice outfit, showing her really nice body. Talked for a few minutes, as my (spoken) English is bad as fuck, so we better went to action (also, I asked her what's her age, she said 49, couldn't fucking believe it, wish my wife had that nice body,also Alyna looks like 33 more than I do). Asked myself to take a quick shower, even though I've had taken one before left my hotel, but before that, left the 200 Lions note on the coffee table. Shower gels, soaps, mouthwash, everything you want (better bathroom that my own, damn). Then we started slowly, as I'm a little shy, meh, while 'Metallica - Nothing else matters' was playing in the background, she started undressing and sucking my little weenie, without condom, as I preffered (I'm starting to get a boner while I write this), deepthroating it, lot of attention to 'deez nuts', and I asked politely to do a 69, that's a sweet little cherry, tight and small, would nibble on that clit all night long (boner intensifies). After a while, she put on the condom and lady on top all the way, while I was staring at those nice titties ( 'Bon Jovi - It's my life' in the background), someone take note, that's how I wanna die, hot tight MILF on top of me, and good music in the background, suddenly a wild squirt appears all over me, as I wanted, and it was fa-bu-lous. Changed positions, she's still on top (I still have a boner while writing this) and she was with her back at me, while her booty hole staring at me, so I started massaging that eye, seems she liked it. Changed position again, you know, the sideways ('spooning') one, while doing that I was massaging her titties and clit. Now, as horny as I was at the moment, asked to try some anal, and put her in doggy style (figured out it's a bad position for me, as I'm too tall to find that position comfortable, << stop jerking while reading my review, perv!>>), and felt like singing 'Let it go' (you know, cumming, just trying to make this review funny, now stop judging, I'm awake for 20 hours already), so I pulled out, took of the condom, and she start sucking good, really good, balls massaging, the good stuff, and while she was pornstar looking at me, came in her mouth, and she kept sucking a little bit (that's annoyingly awesome and uncomfortable at the same time, I'm confused), then we refreshed each other. Took a little brake, I drank all her water, listening to music and talking a bit, at this moment I wasn't sure if I should leave, as I had work to do, but damn, didn't wanna miss the chance of taking a second round in the bed with her, so she started again on that oral satisfaction, while I was eating that nice pussy and ass like a madman ( Gorillaz - Let me out singing), and kept going til I busted the second nut, legs shaking then, shaking now, 2 hours later, no regrets. I may have stood a little more than 1 hour, and I apologize for that, and for coming tired as fuck and kinda late, but I just had to meet her, and unfortunately left my wallet in the car, so no 'apology gift' was left, stupid me, hope to get back at her asap, and just now I saw that she is doing shows with another girl, gotta love me some threesome with 2 fine ladies, anytime soon. Now I guess it's time for some grades: Apartment: 10/10, clean, bathroom full with hygiene products, good music. Lady appearance: 9.5/10 (took half a point because I think she should lose the wig; hope this wasn't supposed to be some sort of secret; or I'm just dumb af and that's her hair, whatever) Unprotected oral: 10/10, going deep, attention to the nuts, with CIM Protected normal: 10/10, my favourite positions, she's tight af, me gusta Protected anal: 10/10, ditto ^ Would definetely recommend (as already did to my coworkers), and hope I see her again, with her girl friend, because what better than a hot woman? Two hot women!
  19. I finally decided to write a (sort of) review here (sorry about the previous girls to whom I didn't write a review, you were all fine), but Betty was out of this world. Beautiful skinny blond girl, long legs, nice tattoos, perky ass and yummy boobs; if this isn't Heaven, I don't know what is. Easy communication via SMS and spoken, even if my English is trashy. So, after we exchanged a few texts, we managed to make an 'appointment'; and later on I reached her block <easy parking spots> and then went to her flat. Some hot girl opened the door, presented herself as 'Betty', and invited me to the pleasure room (oh, and I think she was alone at home, or the other girls were quiet af). I left the cash, then went to the bathroom, took a refreshment shower, and then she did the same. She came back wearing some sexy bikini and a white shirt that really shows off her body. We started with some touches, licking her boobs while she's stroking Lil Me. Then she started to suck on it (no rubber), sloppy just how I like it, while I rub her wet pussy and clit. After a few minutes of a great blowjob while I'm trying not to cum, she puts on the condom and she goes on top, so I can see and stroke those nice titties. Great view and sexy moans! This goes for a few minutes, then we change position: she's on her back with her legs over my shoulders and I pump in for a few minutes. Damn those sweet sexy moans were driving me nuts! Took off the condom and she starts sucking like there's no tomorrow and I came, and she keeps sucking a little more. I like that. All these happened in like 25 minutes, as I had to go because of stupid coworkers (someone gonna get fired tomorrow for this). All in all, I rate this meeting a solid 10, and I can't wait to get back for a full session, so I can 'take revenge'. Growing a bone just while writing this. PS: It might sound weird for some, but she smells so fucking nice! Wonder what perfume she's wearing.
  20. Hello. I'm Alex. I registered here long time ago but left Romania a few days after I registered and didn't have time to meet any of these wonderful girls or even write this message. Pleased to be back around. Now, can anyone recommend me, in private if it isn't possible here, some girls that speak English? Multumisc si o ziua buena!
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