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Rebecca 😍0753608772❤️

Vizitator Ioana.rebeka

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  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Am luat si eu azi decizia neinspirata de a o vizita pe Rebecca, in ciuda recenziilor negative, manat de dorinta de a fute ceva frumos si de convingerea ca probabil nu o sa-mi strice starea buna pe care o aveam. 

Am ajuns la ea la 7, primit mesaj sa urc la 7:04, iar la usa am fost intampinat de aceeasi fata frumoasa pe care o vedeti si in poze. M-a rugat sa ii las banii la inceput si sa ma duc la dus. I-am zis ca tocmai facusem dus, dar a insistat asa ca m-am conformat.

Dupa dus a debutat cu un oral bine facut, fara atentie la zonele adiacente sau artificii, dar placut, cu presiune, priveliste frumoasa, deep, nimic de reprosat. Am stat vreo 5 minute la oral, mi-am amintit ca citisem niste comentarii pe tema asta asa ca nu am insistat sa imi faca mai mult.

Am avansat dupa la normal, unde am schimbat 3 pozitii in cam 5-10 minute, la cererea ei. Nu parea ca rezista prea mult in nicio pozitie, dar altfel a fost placut. Undeva dupa 7:20 mi-a zis sa incerc si eu sa termin, moment in care m-am frustrat ca ma grabeste dupa nici 15 minute de futai si mi s-a dus partial erectia. Rebecca m-a intrebat daca vreau sa termin pe sani si i-am zis ca as prefera sa mai continuam. Nu a primit vestea prea bine si m-a anuntat ca la finalizare nu vii sa futi 30 de minute, ca are clienti care termina in 10-15 minute, ca nu ar trebui sa vin la ea daca am probleme, ca probabil am citit si eu recenziile de pe site si stiam ca nu e o idee buna sa vin. Evident, intalnirea s-a terminat acolo, undeva la 7:27 eram plecat.

Ce pot sa zic, am gresit ca mi-am imaginat ca o sa trec cu vederea comentariile aiurea si ce ar putea sa se mai intample si m-am ales cu niste bani aruncati pe geam. 150 de lei nu-i o avere, dar sunt fete mult mai ok la banii astia care arata bine, se fut bine si au grija sa te simti bine pana la final. 

Sunt deja destule recenzii negative, dar se pierd printre comentarii si poze asa ca una in plus nu strica, atata timp cat e si relevanta.

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  • Oras:Romania
  • Oras:Romania
Acum 12 ore, ramideus a spus:

Am luat si eu azi decizia neinspirata de a o vizita pe Rebecca, in ciuda recenziilor negative, manat de dorinta de a fute ceva frumos si de convingerea ca probabil nu o sa-mi strice starea buna pe care o aveam. 

Am ajuns la ea la 7, primit mesaj sa urc la 7:04, iar la usa am fost intampinat de aceeasi fata frumoasa pe care o vedeti si in poze. M-a rugat sa ii las banii la inceput si sa ma duc la dus. I-am zis ca tocmai facusem dus, dar a insistat asa ca m-am conformat.

Dupa dus a debutat cu un oral bine facut, fara atentie la zonele adiacente sau artificii, dar placut, cu presiune, priveliste frumoasa, deep, nimic de reprosat. Am stat vreo 5 minute la oral, mi-am amintit ca citisem niste comentarii pe tema asta asa ca nu am insistat sa imi faca mai mult.

Am avansat dupa la normal, unde am schimbat 3 pozitii in cam 5-10 minute, la cererea ei. Nu parea ca rezista prea mult in nicio pozitie, dar altfel a fost placut. Undeva dupa 7:20 mi-a zis sa incerc si eu sa termin, moment in care m-am frustrat ca ma grabeste dupa nici 15 minute de futai si mi s-a dus partial erectia. Rebecca m-a intrebat daca vreau sa termin pe sani si i-am zis ca as prefera sa mai continuam. Nu a primit vestea prea bine si m-a anuntat ca la finalizare nu vii sa futi 30 de minute, ca are clienti care termina in 10-15 minute, ca nu ar trebui sa vin la ea daca am probleme, ca probabil am citit si eu recenziile de pe site si stiam ca nu e o idee buna sa vin. Evident, intalnirea s-a terminat acolo, undeva la 7:27 eram plecat.

Ce pot sa zic, am gresit ca mi-am imaginat ca o sa trec cu vederea comentariile aiurea si ce ar putea sa se mai intample si m-am ales cu niste bani aruncati pe geam. 150 de lei nu-i o avere, dar sunt fete mult mai ok la banii astia care arata bine, se fut bine si au grija sa te simti bine pana la final. 

Sunt deja destule recenzii negative, dar se pierd printre comentarii si poze asa ca una in plus nu strica, atata timp cat e si relevanta.

E discutabil aici, cu dusurile/introducerea se duc deja 10 min mai raman 20 de futut. Daca vrei mai mult trebuie sa iei o ora. Depinde si de tipa bineinteles daca lucreaza cu program full nu te lasa sa stai mai mult. 

Este neplacut sa-ti reaminteasca timpul dar nici nu poti sa futi 30 min/ 1 fin.

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  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Nu sunt de acord. Îmi fac întotdeauna duș înainte să plec ca să evit să pierd timpul cu asta. Nu fac nici la final duș la escorte. Nu plătesc ca să mă spăl. Introducerea mai durează, da, dar în cazul de față n-am făcut nici măcar cunoștință, deci nu se aplică.

Nu e normal să iei juma de oră și să ți se spună să te grăbești când mai ai peste 10 minute rămase din programare. Te fuți până la final, când trece timpul sau mai rămân 2-3 minute îți zice fata "gata, nu se mai poate", îți pui hainele pe tine și te duci. Uneori termini mai repede, alteori mai greu. În descriere scrie "finalizare 30 de minute", păi să fie 30 de minute. Dacă nu pot să termin îmi asum, nu am chef să plătesc o oră unei fete la care nu am mai fost și care pare că are șanse și să îmi strice ziua.


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  • Telefon: 0753608772
  • Oras:Bucharest
  • Telefon: 0753608772
  • Oras:Bucharest

Disponibilă de astazi începând cu ora 14:00 in zona Nerva Traian 

Strada Logofăt Tautu nr.2

Programari la numarul de telefon 0753608772

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Va salut dragi colegi!

After reading mixed reviews about this girl i was curious to go visit her and see with my own eyes why some people say she is worth it and others say its a fast fuck with bad manners. The main reason behind that was the way she looked in her photos! 

I sent her a message at around 20:30 and we arranged a meeting for 23:30. I arrived at 23:40, the block is kind of tricky to find, but she didnt complain or nothing. The door opened and i was pleasantly surprised, a beautiful petit girl with a smile appeared, skinny (i like that) but with a nice butt and perfect breasts for my taste! Amazing eyes and lips too! I have arranged to stay for an hour so i proceeded to give her the corresponding amount and asked if i can take a shower! She replied "dus la mine este obligatoriu" all with a smile!

After taking a quick shower she wanted to put the condom on me and start with a BJ, i told her its a better idea to make me hard before she puts the condom on, she smiled and told me its fine we can play first, kisses on all her body (where she started moaning) and mine,  and in seconds i was ready. 

I have read that her blowjob is fast and not very good.... i dont know if we met the same girl guys... she was sucking deep (to the point of choking many times, with efforts of doing a DT) even if she didnt managed to do a DT,  seeing her beautiful eyes tear-up while choking on my tool was a sight i loved. Wet, deep and very very good with different speeds and looking you in the eyes! She actually asked me if i want her to continue or shall we proceed to sex and also if i want to have 2 finilizari sau 1 si masaj, i replied we will see how the time goes. She uses lubricant, which i dont mind at all if it makes her feel more comfortable, and anyway she was very tight! We changed 3 positions and she told me doggy is her favorite so we changed to that.... her turning her head to look at me in the eyes while i was doggy on her was a perfect view and thats when the first round ended! 

We had a smoking break and even though only 15-20 minutes remained from the hour (the first round was kind of long) she told me to try for the second time, she started with ON, but after wearing a condom and going inside her i could feel i would need more than another 30 minutes at least, to end the second round, and anyway we had like 10 minutes left and i also always want to take a shower before i leave, i decided to stop and just relax with her, having a nice conversation since she is a pleasant person to talk to and can hold a conversation, shower and got dressed to leave. D2D 1 hour exactly even though i have delayed 10 minutes.



Fata: Body: 8.5 skinny, short, petit natural body with lovely breasts / Face: 9 beautiful eyes and naturally beautiful face / Total 8.75 petit girls are my type so this is according to taste! 

Comportament: 9 smiley, joking together, not rushing, can hold a conversation offered me drinks (apa, suc, cooler) and after getting me the water asked if i smoke and want to take a smoking break!

GFE: 8 even without FK which in my opinion is a must when it comes to GFE, but she is a smiley person and makes you feel good and comfortable at her presence, she never rushed me once, on the contrary she wanted to use every minute of our meeting. Affectionate and passionate when it comes to sex, If she did FK i would probably give a 9.5.

ON: 9 if there was a DT i would give 10

NP: 8.5 she knows how to ride on top, tight feeling, moans a lot, kisses on my body and neck while riding me, looks like she likes what she does!

In conclusion i know many of you will disagree with me but what matters is my true personal experience! I dont know if i was lucky and i found her in a good moment or it all depends on how we treat her, but i would definitely recommend and meet this girl many times more! Treat her with respect, make her laugh and she will put a huge smile on your face!

Thank you dear, see you soon! 

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  • Telefon: 0753608772
  • Oras:Bucharest
  • Telefon: 0753608772
  • Oras:Bucharest
Acum 8 ore, opaliosinealios a spus:

Va salut dragi colegi!

After reading mixed reviews about this girl i was curious to go visit her and see with my own eyes why some people say she is worth it and others say its a fast fuck with bad manners. The main reason behind that was the way she looked in her photos! 

I sent her a message at around 20:30 and we arranged a meeting for 23:30. I arrived at 23:40, the block is kind of tricky to find, but she didnt complain or nothing. The door opened and i was pleasantly surprised, a beautiful petit girl with a smile appeared, skinny (i like that) but with a nice butt and perfect breasts for my taste! Amazing eyes and lips too! I have arranged to stay for an hour so i proceeded to give her the corresponding amount and asked if i can take a shower! She replied "dus la mine este obligatoriu" all with a smile!

After taking a quick shower she wanted to put the condom on me and start with a BJ, i told her its a better idea to make me hard before she puts the condom on, she smiled and told me its fine we can play first, kisses on all her body (where she started moaning) and mine,  and in seconds i was ready. 

I have read that her blowjob is fast and not very good.... i dont know if we met the same girl guys... she was sucking deep (to the point of choking many times, with efforts of doing a DT) even if she didnt managed to do a DT,  seeing her beautiful eyes tear-up while choking on my tool was a sight i loved. Wet, deep and very very good with different speeds and looking you in the eyes! She actually asked me if i want her to continue or shall we proceed to sex and also if i want to have 2 finilizari sau 1 si masaj, i replied we will see how the time goes. She uses lubricant, which i dont mind at all if it makes her feel more comfortable, and anyway she was very tight! We changed 3 positions and she told me doggy is her favorite so we changed to that.... her turning her head to look at me in the eyes while i was doggy on her was a perfect view and thats when the first round ended! 

We had a smoking break and even though only 15-20 minutes remained from the hour (the first round was kind of long) she told me to try for the second time, she started with ON, but after wearing a condom and going inside her i could feel i would need more than another 30 minutes at least, to end the second round, and anyway we had like 10 minutes left and i also always want to take a shower before i leave, i decided to stop and just relax with her, having a nice conversation since she is a pleasant person to talk to and can hold a conversation, shower and got dressed to leave. D2D 1 hour exactly even though i have delayed 10 minutes.



Fata: Body: 8.5 skinny, short, petit natural body with lovely breasts / Face: 9 beautiful eyes and naturally beautiful face / Total 8.75 petit girls are my type so this is according to taste! 

Comportament: 9 smiley, joking together, not rushing, can hold a conversation offered me drinks (apa, suc, cooler) and after getting me the water asked if i smoke and want to take a smoking break!

GFE: 8 even without FK which in my opinion is a must when it comes to GFE, but she is a smiley person and makes you feel good and comfortable at her presence, she never rushed me once, on the contrary she wanted to use every minute of our meeting. Affectionate and passionate when it comes to sex, If she did FK i would probably give a 9.5.

ON: 9 if there was a DT i would give 10

NP: 8.5 she knows how to ride on top, tight feeling, moans a lot, kisses on my body and neck while riding me, looks like she likes what she does!

In conclusion i know many of you will disagree with me but what matters is my true personal experience! I dont know if i was lucky and i found her in a good moment or it all depends on how we treat her, but i would definitely recommend and meet this girl many times more! Treat her with respect, make her laugh and she will put a huge smile on your face!

Thank you dear, see you soon! 

Thank You so much!😘

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