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*Poveste Reala* - Deepthroat in Taxi /-/ *Real Story* - Taxi Ride Deepthroat


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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

(Povestioara reala intamplata la Galati cu un taximetrist aleatoriu. Era tinerel, curat si parea deschis. Noi ca si cuplu traim lifestyle-ul si ne gandim sa facem un fel de jurnal cu experientele noastre. Drumetia a durat aproximativ 25-30 de minute, fiecare paragraf aproximativ 10 minute +-2 minute. La final aveti si cateva poze facute de el. Lectura placuta :D)

Am mers cu o treaba din Bucuresti pana la Galati. Ajunsi acolo, mai mult plictisit de cat obositi, am chemat taxiul (trebuia sa strabem cam tot orasul pana la destinatie). Eram imbracata cu o rochita din material textil, visinie si scurta. Nu se vedea nimic daca nu ma aplecam. Ofeream o priveliste din "greseala" scapand un lucru pe jos si aplecanduma dupa el. Lucru care il excita foarte tare tinandu-l cu pula sculata constant. Imi place sa il tachinez pana il fac sa ma futa cum trebuie ❤️. Eu in momentul respectiv aveam si dresuri pe mine  dar erau deja rupte si "pregatite" de acasa de catre iubitul meu. Pe drum, zgaltaiti amandoi (mersesem cu microbuzul, niciodata din nou, groaznic), a fost prins in treburile lui lucrand remote si nu am interactionat din punct de vedere sexual. A venit si taxiul, un Logan simplu dar curat. Ne-am urcat si in taxi, se pare ca el fiind plictisit, eu rezemata de geam, cu curul spre el, rochita fiind scurta aveam tot curul expus lui, eu chiar nu mi-am dat seama de lucrul acesta, fiind totusi un lucru destul de normal pentru noi sa ma imbrac asa. El a inceput sa se joace cu mine. Sa ma pipaie usor cu degetele pe cur, sa imi mangaie pizda, eu deja uda, incercam sa ma abtin, sa nu scot nici un sunet dar deja eram cu ochii inchisi. Eu acum am devenit deodata timida, nu faceam nimic dar ma lasam atinsa, catre stapanul meu. Cand a bagat degetul in pizda, eram deja uda in cat a intrat in mine fara nici o problema. A fost urmat de inca unul si inca unul si uite asa, eram pe bancheta din spate a unui taximetrist strain, in alt oras, rezemata de usa, uda toata cu 3 degete in pizda, tinandu-mi respiratia sa nu gem ca totusi, poate nu a observat taximetristul (speranta moare ultima). 


Ce s-a gandit iubitul meu, daca imi place asa mult, hai sa mergem pana la capat si a venit langa mai aproape dupa care pur si simplu, a bagat mainile cum a putut in rochita si mi-a scos sanii afara, lasanduma asa si mi-a spus sa zambesc pentru poza. Zis si facut. Nu puteam reactiona in nici un fel, in mintea mea era haos, excitare maxima, rusine, adrenalina, doream sa se opreasca dar in acelasi timp imi doream sa continue. Ce am putut sa fac a fost sa ma conformez ordinelor stapanului meu. In tot acest timp, taximetristul nu a zis absolut nimica dar categoric a observat si auzit destul. Ma udasem atat de tare incat si bancheta era uda, (daca te aflii pe aici, sorry :P). Ma simteam rusinata dar obraznica, ma captivasem in poveste, ma pierdusem in fantezie. In alte cuvinte, m-am lasat dusa cu situatia, cu valul de placere si extaz pe care il simteam. La un moment dat, al meu m-a provocat sa ma sui in fata sa ma joc. Asta am si facut. Cu sanii pe afara m-am aplecat printre scaune direct cu mana pe pula soferului (pe pantaloni) si l-am intrebat doar daca ma lasa sa continui joaca cu el. Daca imi permite mai mult.


A spus da fara nici o ezitare. cu un zambet larg pana la urechi. M-am strecurat in fata prin interiorul masinii pana pe scaunul pasagerului si am continuat sa ma joc cu mana pe pula pe deasupra, i-am tras usor in jos pantalonii de training pana i-am scos pula afara. Am fost chiar placut surprinsa de ce am gasit, o pula de aproximativ 19 cm - 20 cm, la grosime era normala, un pic mai subtire ca pula iubitului meu dar destul incat sa imi ofere si mie un zambet pervers pana la urechi. Nu am stat pe ganduri, deja am intrat in poveste, in rol si am zis daca tot se intampla, sa ma bucur la maxim si sa profit de moment, sa traiesc experienta asa ca m-am aplecat imediat si i-am luat usor capul in gura sa nu se entuziasmeze prea tare si sa facem accident pe acolo. Pe urma am inceput sa o iau din ce in ce mai adanc, pana am simtit-o pe toata in gat si ii atingeam coaele cu barbia mea. Fiind destul de maricica, ma inecam in ea un pic care ma facea sa ma ud si mai tare. Inundam masina aia. Am vrut sa ii fac o muie de neuitat. Incepusem sa ma pierd in actiune, ma intorsesem si mai tare pe scaun, farasa imi dau seama de eram cu curul in aer de se putea vedea pe geam de orice trecator. Eram aproape capra pe scaunul din fata cu pula lui in gat facundu-i un deepthroat destul de umed, se scurgea saliva pe barbie cand o scoteam sa iau o gura de aer. La un moment dat am ajuns la un sens giratoriu mai mare la o trecere de pietoni semaforizata, a trebuit sa ne oprim si iubitul meu mi-a spus pe urma ca se opreau barbati care mai observau ceva dubios (2-3 pers), incetineau si incercau sa traga cu ochiul, eu nu am observat nimic, eram ocupata. Restul drumului va dati seama, am stat cu ea in gura pana l-am terminat si mi-am luat o mare doza de proteine gustoase :D. Am inghitit fericita, am curatat la locul de munca bine bine cu gura si limba si am ramas in fata pentru restul drumului, cu picioarele un pic cracanate si ma jucam "subtil" cu pizda. El a bagato inapoi in pantaloni dar pana am ajuns la destinatie se vedea ca o are din nou sculata, probabil din cauza mea, dar de a doua parte, din pacate nu a mai avut parte, l-am lasat asa si am plecat in continuare in treaba noastra.


Sper ca v-a placut :) si chiar suntem curiosi ce parere aveti, sa continuam, are farmec?

(povestioara scrisa impreuna, din perspectiva lu Ramo)


(The story happened in Galati with a random taxi driver. He was young and looked open.. We as a couple live the lifestyle and we think of making a kind of diary with our experiences. The trip lasted about 25-30 minutes, each paragraph about 10 minutes + -2 minutes. The photos are made by my boyfriend at that moment. We used google translate to speed up the translation)

I went with a business from Bucharest to Galati. Arriving there, more bored than tired, I called the taxi (we had to cross almost the whole city to the destination). I was dressed in a textile dress, cherry and short. Nothing could be seen if I didn't bend over. I was offering a "mistaken" view of dropping something on the floor and bending over it. Which excites him very much, keeping him with his cock constantly raised. I like to tease him until I make him fuck me properly ❤️. At that time I also had tights on me but they were already torn and "prepared" from home by my boyfriend. On the way, we were both shaken (I had taken the minibus, never again, terribly), he was caught working remotely and we did not interact sexually. The taxi also came, a simple but clean Logan. We got in the taxi, it seems that he was bored, I leaned against the window, with my ass towards him, the dress being short I had my whole ass exposed to him, I really didn't realize this, being still a thing quite normal for us to dress like that. He started playing with me. To touch me lightly with my fingers on my ass, to caress my pussy, I was already wet, I was trying to abstain, not to make any sound but I was already with my eyes closed. I suddenly became shy, I didn't do anything but I was touched, used ... by my master. When he put his finger in her pussy, I was already wet as he entered me without any problem. He was followed by another and another and look, I was in the back seat of a foreign taxi driver, in another city, leaning against the door, wet all with 3 fingers in my pussy, holding my breath not to moan like still, maybe the taxi driver did not notice (hope dies last).


What did my boyfriend think, if I like it so much, let's go all the way and he came closer and then he simply put his hands in his dress as best he could and took my breasts out, leaving me like that -said to smile for the picture. Said and done. I couldn't react in any way, there was chaos in my mind, maximum excitement, shame, adrenaline, I wanted it to stop but at the same time I wanted to continue. What I could do was obey my master's orders. All this time, the taxi driver said absolutely nothing but definitely noticed and heard enough. I was so wet that the bench was wet too (if you're here, sorry). I felt ashamed but naughty, I was captivated by the story, I was lost in fantasy. In other words, I was carried away by the situation, by the wave of pleasure and ecstasy I felt. At one point, mine challenged me to climb in front of me to play. That's what I did. With my breasts on the outside, I leaned between the seats with my hand directly on the driver's cock (on my pants) and only asked him if he would let me continue playing with him. If I may.


He said yes without hesitation. with a wide smile to his ears. I slipped forward through the inside of the car to the passenger seat and continued to play with my hand on my cock on top, I gently pulled his training pants down until I pulled his cock out. I was really pleasantly surprised by what I found, a cock of about 19 cm - 20 cm, the thickness was normal, a little thinner than my boyfriend's cock but enough to give me a perverse smile to the ears. I didn't stop to think, I already got into the story, in the role and I said if it still happens, to be happy and to take advantage of the moment, to live the experience so I bent down immediately and took his head lightly in his mouth not to get too excited and to have an accident there. Then I started to take it deeper and deeper, until I felt it all in my throat and I touched her balls with my chin. Being quite small, I was drowning in it a little which made me get even wetter. We're flooding that car. I wanted to give her an unforgettable blowjob. I had started to get lost in the action, I had turned even harder on the chair, the farce I realized I was with my ass in the air to be seen on the window by any passer-by. I was almost a goat in the front seat with his cock in his throat, making her a rather wet deepthroat, saliva was dripping down her chin when I took it out to take a breath. At one point I reached a larger roundabout at a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, we had to stop and my boyfriend then told me that men stopped and noticed something dubious (2-3 pers), slowed down and they were trying to catch my eye, I didn't notice anything, I was busy. The rest of the way you will notice, I sat with it in my mouth until I finished it and I took a large dose of tasty protein. I swallowed happily, I cleaned my mouth and tongue well at work and I stayed in front for the rest of the way, with my legs a little cracked and I was playing "subtly" with my pussy. He put it back in his pants but by the time I got to the destination it was clear that he had it up again, probably because of me, but on the other hand, unfortunately he didn't have it anymore, I left it like that and left. in our business.


I hope you liked it and we are really curious what do you think, let's continue, does it have charm?

(the story is from Ramo's perspective but written together)


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15 minutes ago, ramo966 said:

(Povestioara reala intamplata la Galati cu un taximetrist aleatoriu. Era tinerel, curat si parea deschis. Noi ca si cuplu traim lifestyle-ul si ne gandim sa facem un fel de jurnal cu experientele noastre. Drumetia a durat aproximativ 25-30 de minute, fiecare paragraf aproximativ 10 minute +-2 minute. La final aveti si cateva poze facute de el. Lectura placuta :D)

Am mers cu o treaba din Bucuresti pana la Galati. Ajunsi acolo, mai mult plictisit de cat obositi, am chemat taxiul (trebuia sa strabem cam tot orasul pana la destinatie). Eram imbracata cu o rochita din material textil, visinie si scurta. Nu se vedea nimic daca nu ma aplecam. Ofeream o priveliste din "greseala" scapand un lucru pe jos si aplecanduma dupa el. Lucru care il excita foarte tare tinandu-l cu pula sculata constant. Imi place sa il tachinez pana il fac sa ma futa cum trebuie ❤️. Eu in momentul respectiv aveam si dresuri pe mine  dar erau deja rupte si "pregatite" de acasa de catre iubitul meu. Pe drum, zgaltaiti amandoi (mersesem cu microbuzul, niciodata din nou, groaznic), a fost prins in treburile lui lucrand remote si nu am interactionat din punct de vedere sexual. A venit si taxiul, un Logan simplu dar curat. Ne-am urcat si in taxi, se pare ca el fiind plictisit, eu rezemata de geam, cu curul spre el, rochita fiind scurta aveam tot curul expus lui, eu chiar nu mi-am dat seama de lucrul acesta, fiind totusi un lucru destul de normal pentru noi sa ma imbrac asa. El a inceput sa se joace cu mine. Sa ma pipaie usor cu degetele pe cur, sa imi mangaie pizda, eu deja uda, incercam sa ma abtin, sa nu scot nici un sunet dar deja eram cu ochii inchisi. Eu acum am devenit deodata timida, nu faceam nimic dar ma lasam atinsa, catre stapanul meu. Cand a bagat degetul in pizda, eram deja uda in cat a intrat in mine fara nici o problema. A fost urmat de inca unul si inca unul si uite asa, eram pe bancheta din spate a unui taximetrist strain, in alt oras, rezemata de usa, uda toata cu 3 degete in pizda, tinandu-mi respiratia sa nu gem ca totusi, poate nu a observat taximetristul (speranta moare ultima). 


Ce s-a gandit iubitul meu, daca imi place asa mult, hai sa mergem pana la capat si a venit langa mai aproape dupa care pur si simplu, a bagat mainile cum a putut in rochita si mi-a scos sanii afara, lasanduma asa si mi-a spus sa zambesc pentru poza. Zis si facut. Nu puteam reactiona in nici un fel, in mintea mea era haos, excitare maxima, rusine, adrenalina, doream sa se opreasca dar in acelasi timp imi doream sa continue. Ce am putut sa fac a fost sa ma conformez ordinelor stapanului meu. In tot acest timp, taximetristul nu a zis absolut nimica dar categoric a observat si auzit destul. Ma udasem atat de tare incat si bancheta era uda, (daca te aflii pe aici, sorry :P). Ma simteam rusinata dar obraznica, ma captivasem in poveste, ma pierdusem in fantezie. In alte cuvinte, m-am lasat dusa cu situatia, cu valul de placere si extaz pe care il simteam. La un moment dat, al meu m-a provocat sa ma sui in fata sa ma joc. Asta am si facut. Cu sanii pe afara m-am aplecat printre scaune direct cu mana pe pula soferului (pe pantaloni) si l-am intrebat doar daca ma lasa sa continui joaca cu el. Daca imi permite mai mult.


A spus da fara nici o ezitare. cu un zambet larg pana la urechi. M-am strecurat in fata prin interiorul masinii pana pe scaunul pasagerului si am continuat sa ma joc cu mana pe pula pe deasupra, i-am tras usor in jos pantalonii de training pana i-am scos pula afara. Am fost chiar placut surprinsa de ce am gasit, o pula de aproximativ 19 cm - 20 cm, la grosime era normala, un pic mai subtire ca pula iubitului meu dar destul incat sa imi ofere si mie un zambet pervers pana la urechi. Nu am stat pe ganduri, deja am intrat in poveste, in rol si am zis daca tot se intampla, sa ma bucur la maxim si sa profit de moment, sa traiesc experienta asa ca m-am aplecat imediat si i-am luat usor capul in gura sa nu se entuziasmeze prea tare si sa facem accident pe acolo. Pe urma am inceput sa o iau din ce in ce mai adanc, pana am simtit-o pe toata in gat si ii atingeam coaele cu barbia mea. Fiind destul de maricica, ma inecam in ea un pic care ma facea sa ma ud si mai tare. Inundam masina aia. Am vrut sa ii fac o muie de neuitat. Incepusem sa ma pierd in actiune, ma intorsesem si mai tare pe scaun, farasa imi dau seama de eram cu curul in aer de se putea vedea pe geam de orice trecator. Eram aproape capra pe scaunul din fata cu pula lui in gat facundu-i un deepthroat destul de umed, se scurgea saliva pe barbie cand o scoteam sa iau o gura de aer. La un moment dat am ajuns la un sens giratoriu mai mare la o trecere de pietoni semaforizata, a trebuit sa ne oprim si iubitul meu mi-a spus pe urma ca se opreau barbati care mai observau ceva dubios (2-3 pers), incetineau si incercau sa traga cu ochiul, eu nu am observat nimic, eram ocupata. Restul drumului va dati seama, am stat cu ea in gura pana l-am terminat si mi-am luat o mare doza de proteine gustoase :D. Am inghitit fericita, am curatat la locul de munca bine bine cu gura si limba si am ramas in fata pentru restul drumului, cu picioarele un pic cracanate si ma jucam "subtil" cu pizda. El a bagato inapoi in pantaloni dar pana am ajuns la destinatie se vedea ca o are din nou sculata, probabil din cauza mea, dar de a doua parte, din pacate nu a mai avut parte, l-am lasat asa si am plecat in continuare in treaba noastra.


Sper ca v-a placut :) si chiar suntem curiosi ce parere aveti, sa continuam, are farmec?

(povestioara scrisa impreuna, din perspectiva lu Ramo)


(The story happened in Galati with a random taxi driver. He was young and looked open.. We as a couple live the lifestyle and we think of making a kind of diary with our experiences. The trip lasted about 25-30 minutes, each paragraph about 10 minutes + -2 minutes. The photos are made by my boyfriend at that moment. We used google translate to speed up the translation)

I went with a business from Bucharest to Galati. Arriving there, more bored than tired, I called the taxi (we had to cross almost the whole city to the destination). I was dressed in a textile dress, cherry and short. Nothing could be seen if I didn't bend over. I was offering a "mistaken" view of dropping something on the floor and bending over it. Which excites him very much, keeping him with his cock constantly raised. I like to tease him until I make him fuck me properly ❤️. At that time I also had tights on me but they were already torn and "prepared" from home by my boyfriend. On the way, we were both shaken (I had taken the minibus, never again, terribly), he was caught working remotely and we did not interact sexually. The taxi also came, a simple but clean Logan. We got in the taxi, it seems that he was bored, I leaned against the window, with my ass towards him, the dress being short I had my whole ass exposed to him, I really didn't realize this, being still a thing quite normal for us to dress like that. He started playing with me. To touch me lightly with my fingers on my ass, to caress my pussy, I was already wet, I was trying to abstain, not to make any sound but I was already with my eyes closed. I suddenly became shy, I didn't do anything but I was touched, used ... by my master. When he put his finger in her pussy, I was already wet as he entered me without any problem. He was followed by another and another and look, I was in the back seat of a foreign taxi driver, in another city, leaning against the door, wet all with 3 fingers in my pussy, holding my breath not to moan like still, maybe the taxi driver did not notice (hope dies last).


What did my boyfriend think, if I like it so much, let's go all the way and he came closer and then he simply put his hands in his dress as best he could and took my breasts out, leaving me like that -said to smile for the picture. Said and done. I couldn't react in any way, there was chaos in my mind, maximum excitement, shame, adrenaline, I wanted it to stop but at the same time I wanted to continue. What I could do was obey my master's orders. All this time, the taxi driver said absolutely nothing but definitely noticed and heard enough. I was so wet that the bench was wet too (if you're here, sorry). I felt ashamed but naughty, I was captivated by the story, I was lost in fantasy. In other words, I was carried away by the situation, by the wave of pleasure and ecstasy I felt. At one point, mine challenged me to climb in front of me to play. That's what I did. With my breasts on the outside, I leaned between the seats with my hand directly on the driver's cock (on my pants) and only asked him if he would let me continue playing with him. If I may.


He said yes without hesitation. with a wide smile to his ears. I slipped forward through the inside of the car to the passenger seat and continued to play with my hand on my cock on top, I gently pulled his training pants down until I pulled his cock out. I was really pleasantly surprised by what I found, a cock of about 19 cm - 20 cm, the thickness was normal, a little thinner than my boyfriend's cock but enough to give me a perverse smile to the ears. I didn't stop to think, I already got into the story, in the role and I said if it still happens, to be happy and to take advantage of the moment, to live the experience so I bent down immediately and took his head lightly in his mouth not to get too excited and to have an accident there. Then I started to take it deeper and deeper, until I felt it all in my throat and I touched her balls with my chin. Being quite small, I was drowning in it a little which made me get even wetter. We're flooding that car. I wanted to give her an unforgettable blowjob. I had started to get lost in the action, I had turned even harder on the chair, the farce I realized I was with my ass in the air to be seen on the window by any passer-by. I was almost a goat in the front seat with his cock in his throat, making her a rather wet deepthroat, saliva was dripping down her chin when I took it out to take a breath. At one point I reached a larger roundabout at a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, we had to stop and my boyfriend then told me that men stopped and noticed something dubious (2-3 pers), slowed down and they were trying to catch my eye, I didn't notice anything, I was busy. The rest of the way you will notice, I sat with it in my mouth until I finished it and I took a large dose of tasty protein. I swallowed happily, I cleaned my mouth and tongue well at work and I stayed in front for the rest of the way, with my legs a little cracked and I was playing "subtly" with my pussy. He put it back in his pants but by the time I got to the destination it was clear that he had it up again, probably because of me, but on the other hand, unfortunately he didn't have it anymore, I left it like that and left. in our business.


I hope you liked it and we are really curious what do you think, let's continue, does it have charm?

(the story is from Ramo's perspective but written together)


Posteaza si pe Discutii Generale Galati, Ramona ! 🙂

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
4 minutes ago, playmaker said:

Vai plm ce de cacat arati, cat de fleoscaita esti, pari mai degraba o baba de 60 ani. Majoritatea MILF-urilor arata de 100x mai bine ca tine. Chiar nu iti este rusine cu tatele alea stafidite?? 

Nope, absolut de loc <3. 


Sper ca nici tie sa nu iti e rusine de cum arata femeile din viata ta, in special cele care au dat viata unui om, precum tine :D.

Apropo, te-am "vazut" in reclama, esti barbatul perfect. M-am udat toata, mai ales cand impingeai carutul cu scutece dupa care te-a trimis nevasta ❤️ .

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
7 minutes ago, andreidin123 said:

O poveste de milioane, mi a placut maxim, se vede ca esti buna de tot, top as putea spune, numai cum vorbesti ma excita maxim, sper din suflet sa am ocazia sa te intalnesc

stapanul iti multumeste ❤️ 😁 si eu la fel 😍

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Deci pe langa faptul ca riscati viata pietonilor si altor participanti de trafic, constient, ai si supt pula unui taximetrist random, care era pe tura, asa fara sa ti cont de igiena pulii, in timp ce pe clienti ii trimiti la dus imediat cum intra pe usa probabil, poate chiar daca iti spun ca au venit de acasa dusati... frumos, dumblu standardele astea

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  • Oras:Cluj-napoca
  • Oras:Cluj-napoca
Acum 7 ore, playmaker a spus:

Vai plm ce de cacat arati, cat de fleoscaita esti, pari mai degraba o baba de 60 ani. Majoritatea MILF-urilor arata de 100x mai bine ca tine. Chiar nu iti este rusine cu tatele alea stafidite?? 

😂😂😂😂 Nu zici rău. La 700 ora

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  • Oras:Cluj-napoca
  • Oras:Cluj-napoca
Acum 8 ore, ramo966 a spus:

Am omis poza asta la postare. Sorry, emotiile :))



Frumoasa întâmplare, fericit taximetristul :) . Un turn off pentru mine, nu am treabă daca savarina este păroasă sau rasă ;dar parul asta semiscurt care se prelungește pe pulpa nu prea îmi place. Atâta tot.

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  • Oras:Timisoara, Alba Iulia
  • Oras:Timisoara, Alba Iulia
Acum 11 ore, ramo966 a spus:

(Povestioara reala intamplata la Galati cu un taximetrist aleatoriu. Era tinerel, curat si parea deschis. Noi ca si cuplu traim lifestyle-ul si ne gandim sa facem un fel de jurnal cu experientele noastre. Drumetia a durat aproximativ 25-30 de minute, fiecare paragraf aproximativ 10 minute +-2 minute. La final aveti si cateva poze facute de el. Lectura placuta :D)

Am mers cu o treaba din Bucuresti pana la Galati. Ajunsi acolo, mai mult plictisit de cat obositi, am chemat taxiul (trebuia sa strabem cam tot orasul pana la destinatie). Eram imbracata cu o rochita din material textil, visinie si scurta. Nu se vedea nimic daca nu ma aplecam. Ofeream o priveliste din "greseala" scapand un lucru pe jos si aplecanduma dupa el. Lucru care il excita foarte tare tinandu-l cu pula sculata constant. Imi place sa il tachinez pana il fac sa ma futa cum trebuie ❤️. Eu in momentul respectiv aveam si dresuri pe mine  dar erau deja rupte si "pregatite" de acasa de catre iubitul meu. Pe drum, zgaltaiti amandoi (mersesem cu microbuzul, niciodata din nou, groaznic), a fost prins in treburile lui lucrand remote si nu am interactionat din punct de vedere sexual. A venit si taxiul, un Logan simplu dar curat. Ne-am urcat si in taxi, se pare ca el fiind plictisit, eu rezemata de geam, cu curul spre el, rochita fiind scurta aveam tot curul expus lui, eu chiar nu mi-am dat seama de lucrul acesta, fiind totusi un lucru destul de normal pentru noi sa ma imbrac asa. El a inceput sa se joace cu mine. Sa ma pipaie usor cu degetele pe cur, sa imi mangaie pizda, eu deja uda, incercam sa ma abtin, sa nu scot nici un sunet dar deja eram cu ochii inchisi. Eu acum am devenit deodata timida, nu faceam nimic dar ma lasam atinsa, catre stapanul meu. Cand a bagat degetul in pizda, eram deja uda in cat a intrat in mine fara nici o problema. A fost urmat de inca unul si inca unul si uite asa, eram pe bancheta din spate a unui taximetrist strain, in alt oras, rezemata de usa, uda toata cu 3 degete in pizda, tinandu-mi respiratia sa nu gem ca totusi, poate nu a observat taximetristul (speranta moare ultima). 


Ce s-a gandit iubitul meu, daca imi place asa mult, hai sa mergem pana la capat si a venit langa mai aproape dupa care pur si simplu, a bagat mainile cum a putut in rochita si mi-a scos sanii afara, lasanduma asa si mi-a spus sa zambesc pentru poza. Zis si facut. Nu puteam reactiona in nici un fel, in mintea mea era haos, excitare maxima, rusine, adrenalina, doream sa se opreasca dar in acelasi timp imi doream sa continue. Ce am putut sa fac a fost sa ma conformez ordinelor stapanului meu. In tot acest timp, taximetristul nu a zis absolut nimica dar categoric a observat si auzit destul. Ma udasem atat de tare incat si bancheta era uda, (daca te aflii pe aici, sorry :P). Ma simteam rusinata dar obraznica, ma captivasem in poveste, ma pierdusem in fantezie. In alte cuvinte, m-am lasat dusa cu situatia, cu valul de placere si extaz pe care il simteam. La un moment dat, al meu m-a provocat sa ma sui in fata sa ma joc. Asta am si facut. Cu sanii pe afara m-am aplecat printre scaune direct cu mana pe pula soferului (pe pantaloni) si l-am intrebat doar daca ma lasa sa continui joaca cu el. Daca imi permite mai mult.


A spus da fara nici o ezitare. cu un zambet larg pana la urechi. M-am strecurat in fata prin interiorul masinii pana pe scaunul pasagerului si am continuat sa ma joc cu mana pe pula pe deasupra, i-am tras usor in jos pantalonii de training pana i-am scos pula afara. Am fost chiar placut surprinsa de ce am gasit, o pula de aproximativ 19 cm - 20 cm, la grosime era normala, un pic mai subtire ca pula iubitului meu dar destul incat sa imi ofere si mie un zambet pervers pana la urechi. Nu am stat pe ganduri, deja am intrat in poveste, in rol si am zis daca tot se intampla, sa ma bucur la maxim si sa profit de moment, sa traiesc experienta asa ca m-am aplecat imediat si i-am luat usor capul in gura sa nu se entuziasmeze prea tare si sa facem accident pe acolo. Pe urma am inceput sa o iau din ce in ce mai adanc, pana am simtit-o pe toata in gat si ii atingeam coaele cu barbia mea. Fiind destul de maricica, ma inecam in ea un pic care ma facea sa ma ud si mai tare. Inundam masina aia. Am vrut sa ii fac o muie de neuitat. Incepusem sa ma pierd in actiune, ma intorsesem si mai tare pe scaun, farasa imi dau seama de eram cu curul in aer de se putea vedea pe geam de orice trecator. Eram aproape capra pe scaunul din fata cu pula lui in gat facundu-i un deepthroat destul de umed, se scurgea saliva pe barbie cand o scoteam sa iau o gura de aer. La un moment dat am ajuns la un sens giratoriu mai mare la o trecere de pietoni semaforizata, a trebuit sa ne oprim si iubitul meu mi-a spus pe urma ca se opreau barbati care mai observau ceva dubios (2-3 pers), incetineau si incercau sa traga cu ochiul, eu nu am observat nimic, eram ocupata. Restul drumului va dati seama, am stat cu ea in gura pana l-am terminat si mi-am luat o mare doza de proteine gustoase :D. Am inghitit fericita, am curatat la locul de munca bine bine cu gura si limba si am ramas in fata pentru restul drumului, cu picioarele un pic cracanate si ma jucam "subtil" cu pizda. El a bagato inapoi in pantaloni dar pana am ajuns la destinatie se vedea ca o are din nou sculata, probabil din cauza mea, dar de a doua parte, din pacate nu a mai avut parte, l-am lasat asa si am plecat in continuare in treaba noastra.


Sper ca v-a placut :) si chiar suntem curiosi ce parere aveti, sa continuam, are farmec?

(povestioara scrisa impreuna, din perspectiva lu Ramo)


(The story happened in Galati with a random taxi driver. He was young and looked open.. We as a couple live the lifestyle and we think of making a kind of diary with our experiences. The trip lasted about 25-30 minutes, each paragraph about 10 minutes + -2 minutes. The photos are made by my boyfriend at that moment. We used google translate to speed up the translation)

I went with a business from Bucharest to Galati. Arriving there, more bored than tired, I called the taxi (we had to cross almost the whole city to the destination). I was dressed in a textile dress, cherry and short. Nothing could be seen if I didn't bend over. I was offering a "mistaken" view of dropping something on the floor and bending over it. Which excites him very much, keeping him with his cock constantly raised. I like to tease him until I make him fuck me properly ❤️. At that time I also had tights on me but they were already torn and "prepared" from home by my boyfriend. On the way, we were both shaken (I had taken the minibus, never again, terribly), he was caught working remotely and we did not interact sexually. The taxi also came, a simple but clean Logan. We got in the taxi, it seems that he was bored, I leaned against the window, with my ass towards him, the dress being short I had my whole ass exposed to him, I really didn't realize this, being still a thing quite normal for us to dress like that. He started playing with me. To touch me lightly with my fingers on my ass, to caress my pussy, I was already wet, I was trying to abstain, not to make any sound but I was already with my eyes closed. I suddenly became shy, I didn't do anything but I was touched, used ... by my master. When he put his finger in her pussy, I was already wet as he entered me without any problem. He was followed by another and another and look, I was in the back seat of a foreign taxi driver, in another city, leaning against the door, wet all with 3 fingers in my pussy, holding my breath not to moan like still, maybe the taxi driver did not notice (hope dies last).


What did my boyfriend think, if I like it so much, let's go all the way and he came closer and then he simply put his hands in his dress as best he could and took my breasts out, leaving me like that -said to smile for the picture. Said and done. I couldn't react in any way, there was chaos in my mind, maximum excitement, shame, adrenaline, I wanted it to stop but at the same time I wanted to continue. What I could do was obey my master's orders. All this time, the taxi driver said absolutely nothing but definitely noticed and heard enough. I was so wet that the bench was wet too (if you're here, sorry). I felt ashamed but naughty, I was captivated by the story, I was lost in fantasy. In other words, I was carried away by the situation, by the wave of pleasure and ecstasy I felt. At one point, mine challenged me to climb in front of me to play. That's what I did. With my breasts on the outside, I leaned between the seats with my hand directly on the driver's cock (on my pants) and only asked him if he would let me continue playing with him. If I may.


He said yes without hesitation. with a wide smile to his ears. I slipped forward through the inside of the car to the passenger seat and continued to play with my hand on my cock on top, I gently pulled his training pants down until I pulled his cock out. I was really pleasantly surprised by what I found, a cock of about 19 cm - 20 cm, the thickness was normal, a little thinner than my boyfriend's cock but enough to give me a perverse smile to the ears. I didn't stop to think, I already got into the story, in the role and I said if it still happens, to be happy and to take advantage of the moment, to live the experience so I bent down immediately and took his head lightly in his mouth not to get too excited and to have an accident there. Then I started to take it deeper and deeper, until I felt it all in my throat and I touched her balls with my chin. Being quite small, I was drowning in it a little which made me get even wetter. We're flooding that car. I wanted to give her an unforgettable blowjob. I had started to get lost in the action, I had turned even harder on the chair, the farce I realized I was with my ass in the air to be seen on the window by any passer-by. I was almost a goat in the front seat with his cock in his throat, making her a rather wet deepthroat, saliva was dripping down her chin when I took it out to take a breath. At one point I reached a larger roundabout at a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, we had to stop and my boyfriend then told me that men stopped and noticed something dubious (2-3 pers), slowed down and they were trying to catch my eye, I didn't notice anything, I was busy. The rest of the way you will notice, I sat with it in my mouth until I finished it and I took a large dose of tasty protein. I swallowed happily, I cleaned my mouth and tongue well at work and I stayed in front for the rest of the way, with my legs a little cracked and I was playing "subtly" with my pussy. He put it back in his pants but by the time I got to the destination it was clear that he had it up again, probably because of me, but on the other hand, unfortunately he didn't have it anymore, I left it like that and left. in our business.


I hope you liked it and we are really curious what do you think, let's continue, does it have charm?

(the story is from Ramo's perspective but written together)


Mi s-a sculat un pic pula la povestea voastră. Daca ii dadeai si un pic de pizda la final era si mai incitantă situatia. Sincer te-asi incerca si eu o data pe cardan numai pacat ca esti cam departe. Da cine stie poate faceti un turneu prin tara.

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
5 hours ago, alexazerty said:

Deci pe langa faptul ca riscati viata pietonilor si altor participanti de trafic, constient, ai si supt pula unui taximetrist random, care era pe tura, asa fara sa ti cont de igiena pulii, in timp ce pe clienti ii trimiti la dus imediat cum intra pe usa probabil, poate chiar daca iti spun ca au venit de acasa dusati... frumos, dumblu standardele astea

Daca ai fost la noi si te-am trimis la dus inseamna ca iti trebuia unul indiferent de cat de curat te credeai :D (apropo, daca s-ar fi intamplat, ai fi fost singurul deci nah...ajungi singur la concluzie). Sa inteleg de asemenea daca tu de exemplu esti la munca, consideri ca esti jegos la pula cand iti castigi existenta si ar trebui sa descriminez? Daca o fata se ofera sa faca sex cu tine, ii suni seful mai intai sa vezi cum sunt turele de munca nu? :)) Sau daca eram in club sau poate la birou cu "sefu" sau eram eu "secretara" cum au multi fantezia, atunci mai era o problema? Conteaza meseria, omul, etc?

"cum intra pe usa probabil," - macar de citeai o recenzie... dezamagitor

@gabi_jo 700 ora ce anume? De regula ma epilez zilnic ca imi creste repede (a doua zi arata ca in poza). Nah, asa e viata, nu putem fi chiar tot timpul 100% sexy :P 

2 hours ago, crocodilul dvd said:

Mi s-a sculat un pic pula la povestea voastră. Daca ii dadeai si un pic de pizda la final era si mai incitantă situatia. Sincer te-asi incerca si eu o data pe cardan numai pacat ca esti cam departe. Da cine stie poate faceti un turneu prin tara.

eh, trebuia sa prindem si deschis sa ne putem rezolva treaba :)) s-a mai intamplat o data cu un baiat la Uber, imi placea de el doar ca i-am explicat relatia care o aveam si daca vrea sa urce si el in casa cu noi, a facut un dus, etc... atunci nu s-a intamplat nimic mai "deochiat" sau interesant si o data pe un drum lung cu BlaBla Car am avut o joaca cu unul dar tot asa fara sex. 

1 hour ago, Trojan37 said:

Imaginatie bogata cu vrăjeală 😆😆😆😆👍

da, ca si pozele, filmuletele, testimonialele, amenda cand construiau stadionul in Bucuresti, parcasem acolo si am facut sex :P. Poate pe barca cand faceam gratar in marea Mediteraniana, in club sub masa o laba, in baie cu al meu, la therme, etc... Intra pe topic la mine sau pe Only si documenteazate :D 

2 hours ago, crocodilul dvd said:

Mi s-a sculat un pic pula la povestea voastră. Daca ii dadeai si un pic de pizda la final era si mai incitantă situatia. Sincer te-asi incerca si eu o data pe cardan numai pacat ca esti cam departe. Da cine stie poate faceti un turneu prin tara.

Am vrut sa facem si ne-am ars banii aiurea de 2 ori. Dupa cum vezi si din comentarii, degeaba vrei sa fii sincer sau sa oferi ceva frumos, chiar si cu poze si video (cred ca asteptau sa imi dau si CNP-ul, cu locatia, data + sa fie sedinta foto profi si identitatea soferului cu tot cu recenzia acestuia) tot nu cred unii si cauta un nod in papura. :)) 

P.S. Traim acest lifestyle de D/s - M/s din placere, o facem pentru ca suntem genul de oameni care nu ne este frica sa ne iubim pe noi insine, sa experimentam si acesta e kinky-ul nostru. Vulpea care nu ajunge la struguri spune ca sunt acri :D.

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  • Oras:Timisoara, Alba Iulia
  • Oras:Timisoara, Alba Iulia
Acum 14 minute, ramo966 a spus:

Daca ai fost la noi si te-am trimis la dus inseamna ca iti trebuia unul indiferent de cat de curat te credeai :D (apropo, daca s-ar fi intamplat, ai fi fost singurul deci nah...ajungi singur la concluzie). Sa inteleg de asemenea daca tu de exemplu esti la munca, consideri ca esti jegos la pula cand iti castigi existenta si ar trebui sa descriminez? Daca o fata se ofera sa faca sex cu tine, ii suni seful mai intai sa vezi cum sunt turele de munca nu? :)) Sau daca eram in club sau poate la birou cu "sefu" sau eram eu "secretara" cum au multi fantezia, atunci mai era o problema? Conteaza meseria, omul, etc?

"cum intra pe usa probabil," - macar de citeai o recenzie... dezamagitor

@gabi_jo 700 ora ce anume? De regula ma epilez zilnic ca imi creste repede (a doua zi arata ca in poza). Nah, asa e viata, nu putem fi chiar tot timpul 100% sexy :P 

eh, trebuia sa prindem si deschis sa ne putem rezolva treaba :)) s-a mai intamplat o data cu un baiat la Uber, imi placea de el doar ca i-am explicat relatia care o aveam si daca vrea sa urce si el in casa cu noi, a facut un dus, etc... atunci nu s-a intamplat nimic mai "deochiat" sau interesant si o data pe un drum lung cu BlaBla Car am avut o joaca cu unul dar tot asa fara sex. 

da, ca si pozele, filmuletele, testimonialele, amenda cand construiau stadionul in Bucuresti, parcasem acolo si am facut sex :P. Poate pe barca cand faceam gratar in marea Mediteraniana, in club sub masa o laba, in baie cu al meu, la therme, etc... Intra pe topic la mine sau pe Only si documenteazate :D 

Am vrut sa facem si ne-am ars banii aiurea de 2 ori. Dupa cum vezi si din comentarii, degeaba vrei sa fii sincer sau sa oferi ceva frumos, chiar si cu poze si video (cred ca asteptau sa imi dau si CNP-ul, cu locatia, data + sa fie sedinta foto profi si identitatea soferului cu tot cu recenzia acestuia) tot nu cred unii si cauta un nod in papura. :)) 

P.S. Traim acest lifestyle de D/s - M/s din placere, o facem pentru ca suntem genul de oameni care nu ne este frica sa ne iubim pe noi insine, sa experimentam si acesta e kinky-ul nostru. Vulpea care nu ajunge la struguri spune ca sunt acri :D.

Bah ce noroc au unii. Ma apuc de Uber😁

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Ma bag si eu ca nea Ion.

Pe langa alte gogomanii spuse in aceasta " poveste reala", am si eu un comentariu. Daca tu ai loc sa treci printre scaune, de pe locul din spate, pe locul din fata, la Logan, ..imi tai pula si o dau la rațe. Mai taie din ele...zic. 😀

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
5 minutes ago, tendoi said:

Ma bag si eu ca nea Ion.

Pe langa alte gogomanii spuse in aceasta " poveste reala", am si eu un comentariu. Daca tu ai loc sa treci printre scaune, de pe locul din spate, pe locul din fata, la Logan, ..imi tai pula si o dau la rațe. Mai taie din ele...zic. 😀

Pai trage scaunul soferului in spate (cum stau taximetristii smecherasi de regula) si ala din dreapta mai in fata un pic, tinut normal sa zicem, masina nu se deplasa (oprita la semafor), uitate la pozele mele la flexibilitate ca ma pot face mingiuta daca trebuie. Plus ca nu sunt asa grasa :))


7 minutes ago, crocodilul dvd said:

Bah ce noroc au unii. Ma apuc de Uber😁

la noi au fost aceste 2 intamplari + cea de la BlaBla car in care noi ofeream cursa de cand facem asta (aproape 6 ani de relatie, 3 de hotwife si in ultimul an am avansat la D/s - M/s.

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
14 minutes ago, tendoi said:

Ma bag si eu ca nea Ion.

Pe langa alte gogomanii spuse in aceasta " poveste reala", am si eu un comentariu. Daca tu ai loc sa treci printre scaune, de pe locul din spate, pe locul din fata, la Logan, ..imi tai pula si o dau la rațe. Mai taie din ele...zic. 😀

daca vrei poti veni cu un logan, filmam live pe Only ca sa nu zica lumea ca mintim si facem pariul :D Eu ma bag, in schimb, daca nu pot ma poti fute 2 ore cum vrei tu, ce zici? 

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15 minutes ago, amcuce_sefa said:

Multumesc de lectura, a fost interesanta din punct de vedere fetishtic dar nu cred ca boaba :)))); ar fi fost frumos sa ti se intample (nu conteaza meseria, majoritatea pulelor nu functioneaza cand e si alta pula langa, da' pai una necunoscuta).

Bre, eu am mai auzit povesti dintr-astea de pe la taximetristii de pe la noi din Galati, asa ca nu cred ca e inventie ! ;)

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Numai eu nimeresc doar taximetriști d-ăștia naspeti sau bătrâni :)), dar oricum nu cred ca as avea tupeul sa i sug pula lu’ ala chiar de ar fi Frumusețea pământului. :)) 

interesanta povestioara oricum. :D 

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350 ora 

whatsapp: 0721556435

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@ramo966.. nu trebuie sa te tot explici la toti “toma necredinciosii”… povestea a fost interesanta si in acelasi timp palpitanta..bravo voua si la cat mai multe pe viitor. 
mai asteptam povesti de genul, nu trebuie sa fiti dezamagiti de cate unu care comenteaza aiurea pe aici, asa-i romanul, despica firul in 4 la orice poveste.. un om normal la cap, pasionat de aventuri de genul sunt convins ca citeste cu mare interes povestirile voastre. Bafta pe mai departe! 👍

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