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hire a friend 0758609361

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
  • Oras:Bucuresti
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If you want a girlfriend for:

you can visit the city, drink a coffee, spend a nice time, have dinner, go to a restaurant, karaoke, etc.

If you are a visitor to Bucharest and you don't have a friendly guide to spend time with....

hire a friend.

I am a pleasant, adorable, funny, friendly company, I speak English quite well and I can be with you on your trip or on vacation.

I am not an escort, I do not offer intimate company, but if everything goes as it should and if there is chemistry, we can eventually enjoy an erotic massage session.

The minimum amount of time for my services can be booked is for 3h. one hour is veru expensive i am expensive to🫠😘


For discussions, please write to me on whatsapp 0758609361 so that we can determine together what exactly you would like.


Kisses for you :)

Scosei poza ca iesira criticeala. cu mutra nu pun poza ca nu ma vreau chiar asa cu totul pe forum🤣😅


I will give you picture in private when you write me. 

E bine asa?

Na ca am functie de edit, sa moara dusmanii de ciuda!

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  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
Acum 1 oră, randunica a spus:


If you want a girlfriend for:

you can visit the city, drink a coffee, spend a nice time, have dinner, go to a restaurant, karaoke, etc.

If you are a visitor to Bucharest and you don't have a friendly guide to spend time with....

hire a friend.

I am a pleasant, adorable, funny, friendly company, I speak English quite well and I can be with you on your trip or on vacation.

I am not an escort, I do not offer intimate company, but if everything goes as it should and if there is chemistry, we can eventually enjoy an erotic massage session.

For discussions, please write to me on whatsapp 07586093611 so that we can determine together what exactly you would like.

My departure time is at least 3 hours.

For walks the cost is 50 euro/h and for erotic massage and small erotic fantasies 100 euro/h.

Kisses for you :)


Ai pus o cifră in plus la numărul de telefon in corpul anunțului...🤔🤗

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
  • Oras:Bucuresti
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Acum 6 minute, derwall a spus:

Ai pus o cifră in plus la numărul de telefon in corpul anunțului...🤔🤗


0758609361 este nr corect

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Hi randunica, i am writing this in English because you did the same.

Hope you don't take this as critique. It is just a suggestion based on personal experience.

I have quite a few meetings, outside of RO with the type of services that you want to offer. I will put myself in my shoes and tell you why i wouldn't book your services based on your add.

 I expect the girl to have impecable English skills and be able to articulate from the start her precise offering. I am not looking for a girl that speaks her native language in English. She should be able to form the thoughts se wants to express in English, not in her native language and translate. Case in point:

My departure time is at least 3 hours.  - that means just one thing. Ora mea de plecare e cel putin 3 ore. That is gibberish in English. You wanted to say that The minimum amount of time your services can be booked is for 3h.

...there are more, that show just an average control of the English language, but this is not an English lesson.


Another important thing is your portfolio. You have just one image, and that image says Sex Worker, not Escort(for company). You need a model like portofio but a bit more casual. Definetly not an Erotic Massage portfolio. Pictures should be of you, in the scenarios that you offer. At the Karaoke bar, on the street, in a museum, at a dinner party, in an evening gown.

And last but not least, you should not be confusing about your ratea. If it is 100/h for company why is it 50/h for walking? Isn't that the same thing?

What i always find reassuring is when tge girl posta her 1-2 days-1week rates.

What i find off putting. ESPECIALLY with Romanian girls in Romania, no one else does this outside, is the math: 1h=x 24h=24x. I repeat, no one except out girls.

There is more to talk about, but i hope this gets you on the right track with what you want to do. Good luck!

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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Mersi mersi. Editez acus si ma fac desteapta tare,scoț toata inteligenta din mine datorita tie. Ce m-as face fara voi  fereasca Sfantul😀😃🫠😁😆

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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Ma faci naiba de vorba aia,mi-a mai ramas niste engleza pe la bot. 

Puteai scrie romaneste daca tot...

Si eu daca doream sa ma adresez romaneste scriam in alta rubrica,mi s-a parut ca asta e strict pt strainezi.

Poze cu mutra pe forum nu mi-as pune ca vorba aia, dincolo de masaje si alte excursii unii mai avem familii,copii, dastea,stii ce zic. Daca vrea careva intradevar un astfel de serviciu nu il impiedica nimic sa scrie in privat si sa primeasca poze. Restul deja sunt balarii, ai vrut si tu sa pari interesant. Hai ca ai fost.

Sa nu te puna al cu coarne sa ma cauti ca nu ies cu tine nici la cafea😂🤣😅

'M-as in engleza ma-sii.

Hai bwy, ce naiba! Stai de vorba cu Randunica,nu cu oricine. Eu si fara engleza stiu sa ma descurc. Dau din maini, desenez, gasesc eu o cale. O dau pe alfabetul surdomutilor. Daca il scot pe om la karaoke nu ii mai trebuie conversatii dupa. Daca nu ma crezi intreaba-i pe vechii forumului cu care rupeam serile de joi. Sa vezi si serile alea la foc de tabara cu prietenii mei cand rupem chitarile si microfoanele in gradina din spatele casei.

Si ma rog, ar fi mai multe,dar nu ai tu treaba cu asta, noi mai de mult pe aici😂🤣

Si sa nu imi spui ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesc. Ca te injur😂🤣😂

Nici nu te pup! Pa🤪

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
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Acum 2 ore, toxiq a spus:

PPC si Yelow🙂

Oo daa pisici pe creier si apoi yellow. Cine stie,cunoasteee

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Intentia mea era sa te ajut.Cat despre idee, chiar o sustin.Daca nu o credeam buna nu comentam. In general nu prea contribui la topice din afara zonei mele de actiune.

Oricum, nu ne cunoastem, nu stiu cine e Randunica( dar am sesizat ca se scrie cu R mare 😅) si nici macar nu stiu ce si cum era inainte la karaoke cu utilizatorii vechi in noptile de joi. Eu is mai nou si "de la tara".

Daca am deranjat business-ul @cleopatra01 fi buna si sterge-mi postarea nepotrivita de pe topicul Randunicii.

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  • Telefon: 0758609361
  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Telefon: 0758609361
  • Oras:Bucuresti
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Acum 8 ore, josephseed a spus:

Intentia mea era sa te ajut.Cat despre idee, chiar o sustin.Daca nu o credeam buna nu comentam. In general nu prea contribui la topice din afara zonei mele de actiune.

Oricum, nu ne cunoastem, nu stiu cine e Randunica( dar am sesizat ca se scrie cu R mare 😅) si nici macar nu stiu ce si cum era inainte la karaoke cu utilizatorii vechi in noptile de joi. Eu is mai nou si "de la tara".

Daca am deranjat business-ul @cleopatra01 fi buna si sterge-mi postarea nepotrivita de pe topicul Randunicii.

Cu R am vrut si eu sa scriu dar nu merge. Toti au idul cu litera mica. Pt asta faci plangere la admin,ca am facut si eu acum cativa ani. Poate pe a ta o ia in calcul.

Postarea...Las o acolo ca nu deranjeaza pe nimeni. Am destule cohones cat sa fac fata.  

Nu-i bai ca nu stii de serile de joi si de alte aventuri mai vechi. Suntem noi prea batrani😂🤣. A trecut ceva vreme. Nu sunt ranchiunoasa de fel. Daca nu ar raspunde mai multi eu cu cine as vorbi, singura? 😂🤣

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