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Orice postat de visiting_iasi

  1. Hello everyone, is there any mistress (stapana) in Iasi?
  2. Elena = TOP!!! 100%
  3. Hello, sorry for the English i've been with the lovely Ellen 2 times, in my hotel, and she is amazing!!! Looks - 10 Oral - 10 Normal -10 Anal - 10++ the only problem is that she is expensive (>100Euro) but i think she worth every cent. i will shurly meet her again
  4. Sorry for the English, but i don't speak Romanian. indeed she is not slim, but very sexy and knows exactly what she is doing, if you like BDSM, she is the right person. i've met her a few times and i keep coming back she also has a facebook page "Stapana Miriam Iasi".
  5. "Stapana Miriam Iasi" - on Skype. she approved that i will post it here.
  6. "Stapana Miriam Iasi" - on Skype
  7. hi antonia, do you speak english?
  8. Hi Moni, do you speak English?
  9. anyone can help?
  10. visiting_iasi

    stapana Iasi

    FANTEZII, jocuri multe, un sex cu o ejaculare printr-un vagin de latex, ...... multe teme erotice , ofer sedinte la orice nivel de dominare, un altfel de sex...nou...inedit nu am concurenta. NU vei regreta venirea la MINE......CREDE-MA... 0755575397........PROGRAMARE.....09.30-22.00
  11. visiting_iasi

    stapana Iasi
  12. i am interested as well. if they speak English, even better Sunt interesat de asemenea. în cazul în care ei vorbesc engleza, chiar mai bine
  13. who is available now? ladies?
  14. thanks for the review
  15. Descriere Buna sunt Denisa o roscata de 1,83 sani mari fund bombat gata sati satisfaca placerile la mine sau la hotel sau pensiune
  16. 0752595349
  17. Anyone tried?
  18. no one? isn't there any lady here who speaks English?????????
  19. have anyone been to her?
  20. Sabrina is number 1!!! :-)
  21. Hi All I'm opening this topic in order to help English speaking people that are looking for company in Iasi. ladies, please respond to this topic if you are an English speaker.
  22. nice
  23. Delia, do you do outcalls?
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