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Despre toejam
- Dată Naștere 19.12.1967
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toejam's Achievements
ieri am sunat la numarul asta, m am prgramat , locatia e undeva la zepter,langa banca bcr ,la etajul 9. am ajuns , mi a deschis diana , o tipa bruneta care mai are o colega blonda. ma invitat in baie sa facem dus,dar odata ajunsi in baie , mi a spus sa fac singur ,iar ea sa intors in camera. am inceput cu oral protejat.protejat , pentru ca are niste pete dubioase pe piele. am inceput si normal, in timp ce ea scria mesaje pe telefon. la un moment dat , imi zice ca trebuie sa plec repede pentru ca vine maicasa. m am imbracat repede si am iesit din casa. totusi m am uitat in portofel dupa ce am iesit din casa, pentru ca povestea cu maicasa ma facut sa ma gandesc ca e ceva in neregula. mi am dat seama, uitandu ma in portofel ca imi lipsesc 200 lei si m am intors sa i cer explicatii. dupa ce am batut vreo 15 minute la usa, mi au deschis doi tipi care m au intrebat ce vreau si ca nimeni din casa aia nu mi a furat banii. pana la urma am plecat. a doua zi ,au schimbat casa, de la zepter la kaufland,mihai bravu.
Era il minimo che potessi fare, anzi avrei voluto cancellare quello che scrissi 2 anni fa ma non si può, purtroppo! Comunque sei sempre la migliore di tutte
Hi guys, I have to say sorry to Lucia for what I wrote above two years ago. I want to do it publicly as I Wished and tried to erase it but it s not tecnically possible as I see. So the only thing I can do is apologizing cause I had the chance of knowing better Lucia and can say just good things about her. So, Guys, please don' t take care of what I wrote above. I was just angry with her then. Lucia is still the best girl I ' ve ever met in Bucarest in this field !
Venerdì 8 sono a Bucarest...tu ci sei ? Un grosso bacio, M.
Ciao Lucia, avrei voluto venire a Bucarest a fine Maggio ma non sono riuscito. Spero di venire questa estate. Spero tu stia bene, abbi cura di te. Mi manchi tanto. Ciao a presto. M.
Esti si saptmana viitoara de la 23/5 ?
Dear Lucia, don' t take care about what they say...who really knows you enough is pretty aware of your high class level features...what is important is to be appreciated by the majority of us...dond mind about the rest ! Stay as you are, don t change ! P.S. Tomorrow I' ll get in town and look forward to meet you as soon as possible !
Rispondo nella mia lingua, visto che credo tu sia italiano come me... Conosco la fanciulla in questione da ormai quasi 3 anni e quando vengo a Bucarest la prima che contatto è sempre lei. Fisicamente è una delle più belle ragazze che abbia mai incontrato, molto fine nei modi ed educata. Sa metterti a tuo agio senza mai guardare l' orologio e non risponde mai al telefono mentre è con te per non parlare dell 'igiene che ti offre con tanto di doccia e asciugamano pulito. Molto piacevole anche il social time in quanto puoi parlare con lei un po' di tutto. Insomma, posso dire solo bene di Lucia. L' unica precauzione è che crea dipendenza
Da din pacat am intrat in gaura ta dar era prea larga
EU trebuie sa fiu sincer, cu ea m am simtit bine imediat la prima intalnirea. Eu sunt putin timid dar ea a vorbit cu mine si s a deschis ca o floaere din orice puncte de vedere. M a oferit si prietenia ei dar eu am gresit cu ea si am pierdut tot. Pt asta imi pare rau. Lucia este o fata deosebita oricum. O multumesc pt tot si pt cum m am simptit bine cu ea .
I was very lucky indeed, but at the end I was not able to keep her friendship just beacause of some incredible misunderstandings between us. Yes, it was a great chance and a special experience ...oh yes it has already happened to me such experience with other escorts...but not so beautiful like our Lucia By the way I want to apologize publicly with her and ask for being forgiven : I was wrong with you , Lucia...forgive me please!
No, dear colleague punter, I didn' t fall in love with Lucia, But you can understand me why I have been so often with her. The problem is that we understood each other at first sight, initial alchemy was very good, but what can we do (humans) when such a girl accepts to go out for a walk and spends some hours with you at the restaurant speaking about everything just like old friends and in 3 languages just to understand one another the best? moreover, she speaks Italian and English so good...! Can you imagine how good I felt the following date with her after that strange, forbidden, magic randez-vous in town? What to say about her incredible F. kisses, so light and shy at first but deeper and deeper by the time ? She was like a drogue those days...a miracle drogue! How lucky you are, dear colleagues, with such beautiful girls in your beautiful country !
Sorry but we can say everything about Lucia but not she ins' t a beautiful girl. It' s not my task here to defend her, maybe she' s got a difficult character (I quarrelled with her unfortunately, and it was my mistake) or it s not so easy to get in empathy with her, but I have to say she is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever been with. So, why : aspect fata 2 ??? Here i dont understand you. Cu respect !
Hi guys, I prefer to write in English cause I want to be as clear as possible talking about this girl. Lucia. I wrote 2 threads about her in this forum: the first about my very first date with her, and the last one. But I have been 5 times with her and now I want to talk about the other dates with Lucia: (2/3/4) Why? cause I want to be as objective as possible. On the other hand, you can imagine that if in just 10 days i have been so often with her something means. The second date was surely the most important cause on that occasion I met the real Lucia from every points of wiew and I m going to talk about just this now: the place was the same, it was about 5 pm and I looked forward to see her again. As she opened the door I was upset again by her beauty and realised, once more, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever been with in my life. I liked everything of her and her elegance of gestures too. In that occasion we talked in Romanian, Italian, English...very amusing even this. As we entered the room we understood each other immediately and started to make love, not sex (at least, as far as I was concerned). Everything was so natural, spontaneous, real, easy as if we knew each other for a long time...she is not the girl who takes the initiative first, but if you are gentle she follows you greatly. Technically she is not perfect ( as I wrote in my other threads), her bbj is not perfect or so deep but I forgot she is new in this field and surely has the potential to improve everything. Anyway I appreciated most her attitude and partecipation to action. I even had the impression that she was envolved not only with her body but with her mind too and this was great! Everything was so beautiful but unrepeatable in the same time, and probably it s because of this that the following dates were a little bit disappointing compared with this. I feel better now, cause I m giving the right impression about Lucia, just now that I m back home in Italy and my mind can look things from a better point of view. Anyway I' m glad for meeting this beautiful girl. Ciao Lucia !
MIHAELA 21 de ani round alba julia
toejam a răspuns la topic lui toejam în Escorte Testate Bucuresti