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  1. tk2xxx's postare in Afectiuni pentru care se recomanda sexul regulat was marked as the answer   
    A prospective cohort study of participants in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study utilizing self-reported data on average monthly ejaculation frequency. The study includes 31925 men who answered questions on ejaculation frequency on a 1992 questionnaire and followed through to 2010. The average monthly ejaculation frequency was assessed at three time points: age 20-29 yr, age 40-49 yr, and the year before questionnaire distribution.
    OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS:Incidence of total PCa and clinically relevant disease subgroups. Cox models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
    RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS:During 480831 person-years, 3839 men were diagnosed with PCa. Ejaculation frequency at age 40-49 yr was positively associated with age-standardized body mass index, physical activity, divorce, history of sexually transmitted infections, and consumption of total calories and alcohol. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test utilization by 2008, number of PSA tests, and frequency of prostate biopsy were similar across frequency categories. In multivariable analyses, the hazard ratio for PCa incidence for ≥21 compared to 4-7 ejaculations per month was 0.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72-0.92; p<0.0001 for trend) for frequency at age 20-29 yr and 0.78 (95% CI 0.69-0.89; p<0.0001 for trend) for frequency at age 40-49 yr. Associations were driven by low-risk disease, were similar when restricted to a PSA-screened cohort, and were unlikely to be explained by competing causes of death.
    CONCLUSIONS:These findings provide additional evidence of a beneficial role of more frequent ejaculation throughout adult life in the etiology of PCa, particularly for low-risk disease.

  2. tk2xxx's postare in pentru cei care locuiesc in germania si si au facut pasaport was marked as the answer   
    Ok Raspuns oficial de la Ministerul Afacerilor externe :
    GERMANIA -  Documente necesare pentru obţinerea unui paşaport C.R.D.S:
    1. Documente eliberate de autorităţile statului de domiciliu din care să rezulte dreptul legal de şedere pe teritoriul statului german.
    Nu este necesară traducerea cărții de identitate sau a pașaportului german (pașaport electronic, pașaport temporar).
    Adeverința privind domiciliul permanent/reședința și adeverința privind dreptul la liberă circulație în UE, respectiv permisul de muncă trebuie însoțite de traducerea în limba română.
    Permisul de şedere pe durată determinată (AUFENTHALTSTITEL / AUFENTHALTSERLAUBNIS)  nu necesită traducere.
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    Permisiunea de şedere permanentă EU (BESCHEINIGUNG DES DAUERAUFENTHALTS)  nu necesită traducere. 
    Cetăţenii români care au obţinut şi cetăţenia germană pot face dovada faptului că domiciliază în Germania cu certificatul de încetăţenire  însoţit de traducere.
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    4. sentinţa de divorţ rămasă definitivă şi irevocabilă, în original (pentru cei divorţaţi);
    5. certificatul deces romanesc al soţului/soţiei, in original (pentru cei văduvi);
    6. paşaportul vechi, în original;
    7. buletinele sau cărţile de identitate româneşti, în original (în cazul în care se solicită pentru prima dată acest tip de pașaport);
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    84032 Altdorf/Landshut
    WILLERT  Johann
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    ZABULICA  Angela
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    72070 Tübingen
    [email protected]
    ZIEGLER  Karlheinz
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    ZÖLDE Norbert, Dipl.Ing.
    Rennweg 69 d
    84034 Landshut
    Tel.: 0871-79080
  3. tk2xxx's postare in pt ca colectiv was marked as the answer   
    @inspire/justlove4/mirciasex  mai bine ardeai tu acolo prostalău ce esti
  4. tk2xxx's postare in e-cigs was marked as the answer   
    Din cate vad eu tb incercate catva modele pana cand gasesti ceva care ti place. Se poate customiza foarte mult
    -filtrul ( materialul din care e facut , Nichel , Kantal , etc)
    Intradevar o tigara normala duce la o conc de nicotina mai repede in sange decat un e cig , dar e-cigul ajunge f aproape de tigara daca folosesti atomizer sub Ohm (ex 0.5)
    Eu il incerc acum si intradevar e f. puternic , fata de cel de 1 Ohm de la Ego one, asta de 0.5 de la Kanger Subox Mini e mult mai puternic si daca tragi tare simti buzul de nicotina
    Eu sunt multumit de modelul care l am acum pt ca pot  sa reglez puterea si implicit cat de puternic vreau sa fie hitul (umed , si slab 15 watts , sau concentrat si cu gust foarte puternic 23+ watts)
    Singurul inconvenient este dry hits, dar daca vrei sa la elimini complete iti construiesti propriile atomizatoare (care dureaza + 2 saptamani fata de 5-7 zile astea gata cumparate)
    Sarma Kantal
    Japanese cotton
    Daca nu le cumperi gata facute (producatorul are un serial nr pe fiecare pachet si se poate verifica daca s autentice

    Lumea pare multumita
    I have been using kangertech products since they first started and these coils are great!! They last a couple weeks and there inexpensive, and Soo easy to use. If you are new to vaping you may want to get the 1.2 or 1.5 coils to start out. I personally love the .5 coil, I get better vapor which makes my juice taste better too. Just make sure to get a mod that is at least 20 watts. The breakdown of the different ohms is: 1.5 use 10-15 watts. 1.2 use 10-20 watts and the .5 ohm use 10-30 watts. If you follow this it will help your coil to last longer and you won't get any dry or burnt hits. I hope this helps y'all out some.
    First off i wish these coils were a bit cheaper but they are the best deal ive found yet. Second they fire magnificently! A few minutes of priming and they hit smooth.
    Sadly keep in mind that they are mass produced and chances are 1 of the 5 coils will be a dud. Thats happened to me twice now but they do last 2 weeks to a month each so i suppose that's a small price to pay.
    Legit product checked via Kanger site (I ordered from Mr. Burns Smoke Shop seller/storefront). There seems to be a lot of fakes making the rounds, but thankfully this shop sent the real deal. I couldn't believe the price, and I love these coils. I've tried the DIY coil that came with my subbox mini and never gotten it to taste or function as well as these pre-made ones do. For this price, and w/ local vape shops asking 5 bucks a piece, the savings is substantial. Great product. My Sub-Mini is literally saving my life from years of smoking, and these things make CLOUDS.
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