Hello. No I didn't forgot because you didn't let us get your apartmen 2 person and I've said him to go back. At the same time ( it starts from here I've written) I asked how much is it and you said 400. If you want I can write from begining. I've searched from website, I saw you. I I've saved your phone number. I've go out ect ect. ect. .. anyway sorry I didn't now that I can't come with my friend. You should say something else instead of higher price because my friend could go somewhere else if it was problem. We were talking about it between us and he said "ok I'm going back" Also I could come later again alone. But you said 400ron. Also its truth you can choose your client. If you don't want you can say him(me) I don't want you, thats all.. but asking higher price.. its cheating I think, And I'm really sorry for the minute ( maybe 2 minutes) you spent to talk with me.