I am really curious to what your goal is here. I understand the men here as it is a prostituteforum. Either you are gay. Or mayb you are one of those fat feminists craving attention wannabes. I feel sorry for you. You have 1000s posts here. Your life must be really boring to spend all your time here. And again you miss the point completely. I dont care that she is gone. I lost nothing. I lost a lie. I dont change nothing about my story. Is the truth. And the truth is out there. The pictures spoke for themselves. If this is who she wants to be. Then i wish her the best. Anger is always the first choice. But it was my mistake trusting someone whos not worth it. And she is talented. And i wish to believe that after all the fakeness there was still good. Is your fault if you cant see these 2 things differently. Anyways. I dont come checking back here. I dont bother what you say. The dancefloor is yours again. Get your fat ass on the dancefloor ;) After checking your previous posts. I realise im right about you. I feel even more sorry about you now. You reply in every prostituetopic. You should marry brett. I must feel really lonely. You crave the attention of all the prostitutes in their topics. Mayb you should install grindr on your phone. Is the gayversion of tinder.