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Orice postat de import

  1. Come on, can't you guys google search images??
  2. A fost cineva? 250/ora cu anal inclus
  3. Не надо, наоборот ты выглядишь очень эффектно - белоснежка))
  5. Din pacate. Ea este din Bulgaria, crezi că poate lucra în București pentru o perioadă scurtă?
  6. Nu cred ca e reale. Eva sin la twitter?
  7. "The Girlfriend Experience is your run of the mill, vanilla sex. Think of this as the standard things you’d do with your partner, like hugging, kissing, licking, hand jobs, oral and penetration - all acts of intimacy that come with sharing an emotional bond." You're telling me if you had a boyfriend, you would abstain from kissing him or performing unprotected oral? This is the standard definition of GFE, which you don't offer, no matter "how you look at things."
  8. Ohh, now I get it. Through clothing, perfuming, and sublime acting she wants to create a unique atmosphere...and then trash it by not evening permitting FK. For 120 euros, you can't even offer a girlfriend experience. I look forward to reading a review about you, if there will ever be one.
  9. Of course mental and physical health should always be a priority, I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. My question for you remains though, what makes you better than other girls on this website that makes you think that offering less services and charging more is viable? What objective criteria did you use when you determined your "business model?"
  10. I don't understand the pricing, you have similar rates to tashared, brunetareala, ines, tanya, or maya but offer less. Why would anyone choose you over the competition? Ah yes, i want a handjob with oil for 120 euros lol
  12. Cred că imaginea anterioară a fost ștearsă de pe site
  13. Poze reale?
  15. De ce nu e banat? Contul său anterior a fost banat. "-Conturile multiple nu sunt permise." impariorthebrand
  16. 150e
  17. Stiti cine e? lol
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