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Orice postat de baseba

  1. Cred ca a fost o avalansa pe telefoane azi, si eu am sunat + trimis mesaj pe 565
  2. Mare curaj ai.. Si eu mai trec prin zona (grivita - Iulia Hasdeu) si recunosc ca m-au mai fugit ochii dupa una-alta - dar nu am curaj, se aprind becuri rosu 'focar focar' in capul meu.
  3. Stiu. Tocmai din motiv asta am relatat ce mi-a povestit fata.
  4. Salutari, Am trecut si eu prag la domnisoara. Locatie in bloc in zona pizza Napoli, Crangasi, blvd constructorilor, sunat, nimerit din prima, ajuns acolo in 20 de minute, intrat. Sta singura in apartament, cred ca doar fumeaza si butoneaza la telefoane acolo, apartament e cam goala. Locul de vicii e o canapea cam dura fara perne, mai e un sifonier in camera si un TV, si cam ata, un loc pustiu, cel putin cu impresie asta am ramas. Doar eu am facut dus pregatiror (baia modesta, uscat prosop curat, no papuci), ea sper ca era dusuita. Sa trecem la fata. Relaxata, tanarica, dar nu foarte. E in trecere intre tanara si supla spre nu mai asa tanara si nu mai asa supla (are un pic de burtica). Nu e sportiva. Sanii mici, corp bronzat de la solar mai putin sub chiloti. Nu e sclipitoare la minte, dar nu pentru asta mergem acolo. Pielea relativ fina. Intradevar a raspuns si la telefoane in timpul dusului (s-a certat cu un 'pervers', ca nu il poate ajuta, cine de aici a fost?? :-) ) servicii, cam de toate, aviz ca a zis ca face si anal fara preze(!) dupa ce s-a laudat ca face in fiecare 3 luni analize relevante in meserie. Note. Locatie - 7. Aspect - 7 GFE - 7 Oral - 7, fara deep si alte lucruri care iti fac viata mai frumoasa Normal - 8, am facut doar cu ea on-top Si cam atat am facut. Cadou 150ron/ora. Cum a zis rrdu, buna daca esti in zona si vrei sa rezolvi repede o treaba. Ce m-a deranjat e ca face anal fara protectie.
  5. Love is like a fart - if you have to force it, it's probably shit.

  6. O fi chiar barbati care plac lame de ras Bic cu strip lubrifiant cu aloe vera?

    1. cassy


      eu personal recomand Wilkinson, tot cu strip aloe vera :D

    2. baseba


      Si nu ti se lipeste de ... fata, eram sa zic :))

  7. I am still not sure if I should be writing this review, I am not at all experienced, maybe my expectations are wrong, and I also have mixed feelings about today's visit. But well, other members of this forum indicated that is a kind duty to leave a review, so here we go. (in English because it easier to make some kind of a coherent story that way for me) So I managed to get hold of Mihalea in the end, and today I found myself at Alba Iulia, looking for Trafic. Didn't find it, there are lots of trees on that side, but I was lucky enough to spot Puerto Cafe, and from there it was quite simple to find the address, me being guided by Mihaela over the phone. She picked me up in front of the block, and once inside the apartment she pointed me to a chair in the opposite corner of the room (so we can look each other in the eyes) and she explained me her services: massage and normal sex (no anal, wasn't looking for that anyway), 150RON for 1h30. She is very nice looking, not too tall, not too small, nice body, nice curves, a sexy appearance. That being said, I got a towel and to the shower I went. 3 types of shower gel, better than at home The apartment is quite nice, clean, could not be any better. Probably I was the first client of that day - the shower was dry. Once clean & ready I was invited in bed where Mihaela started a good massage after she protected my aura. While working on me, we talked about all kind of things, conversation was nice. At some point she answered the phone and confirmed an appointment at 13.00. I entered at 11:30, and I got a sense of rush - there was no pause at all between me and the next guy. After the massage, Mihaela left to wash up a bit and then we started with the main course. First oral, very good. I tried to invite her to a 69, but she refused. She also took my hands off her breasts, twice, I think. After that I resumed to just do what she invited me to do (slap her ass ) ). I had a feeling of regret, I like her and I would have enjoyed to make love instead of having sex, so to say. After asking me if we should move to the next level, she put on the rubber and got on top of me. I really like that position, but then the phone rang twice, and when it rang the second time, Mihaela answered. After a short conversation we continued our business, moved to missionary position and thinking about the time I finished quickly. Took a second shower, assisted by Mihaela this time, and then I left (after putting my clothes on). I got outside exactly in due time. And now the cold numbers, trying not to take in to consideration the phone calls and the (subjective?) time pressure: Locatie/apartament/baia - 10 Aspect/higiena - 9, my kind of woman / MILF GFE - 7.5 , La discutie interactioneaza, am gasit ce sa povestim, m-a ghidat bine prin proceduriile casei, dar nu e 'lipicioasa', cel putin azi cu mine nu a fost. Poate nu place de mine, nu stiu. Spre final a fost mai bine, a intrat si in dus cu mine. Masaj - 8.5 , nota dat de cineva care nu se pricepe, dar mi-a placut si m-am mai relaxat musculatura, din cauza job sunt foarte incordat. Oral - 7 , oral in sine e bun dar am scazut puncte pentru nu am avut parte de 69 si pentru ca m-a limitat la atingeri. Normal - 8 cat am apucat a fost bun, daca doar as fi avut timp..Cadou: 150ron 1h30 I suspect that there was so much more potential here, maybe next time I will request more time, perhaps am a bit of a diesel with a slow start. If something is missing in the review, ask and i will complete.
  8. I almost cut my hair

  9. Imi cer scuze. Am nevoie de un telefon cu un ecran mai mare, mi-a scapat postarea respectiva din vedere.
  10. Salutari! Doamna mai are numar de telefon din titlu? De vreo 3 saptamani inerc s-o sun, dar e inchis mai tot timpul Sau o fi asa ocupata?
  11. baseba


    Am da si eu peste anunt si tare sunt tentat.. A fost cineva la ea pana la urma?
  12. Si eu m-am uitat la anuntul lor cu interes. A aparut si o asresa de email: [email protected] In poze arat foarte bine. As vrea sa am o experienta cu un cuplu
  13. Ma gandeam sa combin placutul cu placutul
  14. Aveti dreptate, poate m-am lasat purtat pe val de topicuri gen 'mers la mare', despre care vad ca iesit scandal. Dar putem mergem pe motoare la futut, ca sa fie cat de cat on-topic
  15. Stiu ca subiect nu prea are legatura cu forum.. dar ma gandeam daca cineva de aici practica hobby-ul asta, poate iesiem la cat o plimbare in timpul liber De exemplu, in weekend asta, ca s-au anulat planuri cu o alta gasca. Am loc si pentru o pasagera )
  16. Salut, ma anunt si eu Ma bucur ca am descoperit forum asta. E foarte interesant! Sper sa pot sa fac o contributie buna )
  17. Am fost la ea. Decizie de moment, prima mea vizita la o escorta. Sunat, stabilit un loc la telefon, aventura a inceput la piata Gorjului. Am venit pe jos pana acolo, pentru ca stau in zona. Am sunat-o iar, si de acolo a inceput o plimbare frumoasa de seara prin cartier, ca sa ajung, cele din urma, la un bloc vizavi de sectie de politia care sa afla la cale ferate undeva dupa strada Barsanesti. Pozele nu sunt reale, domnisoara are 1m50 - 1m55, brunet, piele usor bronzata. E un pic grasuta (colacel), sanii nu foarte mari. Varsta poate in jur de 25 de ani. E sociabila. Nu eram foarte sigur de ce vroiam sa fac, pana la urma am facut un masaj si oral protejat. Au sunat telefoane tot timpul, m-am simtit cam grabit, si dupa 35 de minute eram deja afara. Tarif 100RON/ora 2 fin. Probabil daca as fi venit cu niste cerinte, ar fi fost altfel, insa eu ma astepteam si de la ceva initiative din partea ei. Note nu pot sa dau, pentru ca nu am referinte.
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