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  1. Ce înțelegeți prin "telefon pentru regim ?"
  2. I was just checking publi24, I've messaged her and her message was : Did someone meet her already ? Link :
  3. Hello I'll write this topic in english and I'll try to write the next ones in Romanian Link : So I have already tried to reach her before 1week ago while I was in Iasi near Palas but she didn't answer after giving me the prices / services, tonight I was bored and tried to see if she was available, she told me yes and I said that I could be here in 20~30min and she answered me "Ok, come", once I arrived at the address I told her that I'm here, she read my message but didn't answered me, I waited 10~15min before leaving. Her prices / services : Before Oral, normal with anal 200/ 400 Now Oral, normal with anal 150 / 300 Location Strada Zimbrului nr 17. I hope I saved you some time / Sper că v-am economisit ceva timp
  4. Deja aici
  5. Eu nu sunt în Iași deocamdată, așa că nu voi putea să o văd pe Bianca 😅
  6. Nu mi se pare așa, am văzut câteva fete care știu că sunt reale, dar nu sunt prea multe fete pentru Paris pe site.
  7. Am scris-o de data asta Voi încerca data viitoare când se va întoarce la Iași, dar dacă nu reușesc să o întâlnesc atunci voi renunța. 😅
  8. Am încercat, dar nu am primit niciun răspuns, așa că poate că nu lucra sau nu era disponibilă.
  9. Am încercat să obțin o programare astăzi fără succes/răspuns, voi încerca din nou mâine! 🙂
  10. is the main site but there can be false comments especially if the girl pay some clients to write good reviews Is mostly for girls with high end prices like minimum 300€ and more for 1h or Russians girls and their agencies For a forum with more real reviews you can go on but it'll be in French so prepare to translate
  11. Dacă aveți vești despre întoarcerea ei, cu noul ei număr de telefon sau anunțuri, vă rugăm să le scrieți aici. Mulțumesc
  12. I've never seen one in Iasi, nor in Bucharest, from what I know they are more in countries like the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy.
  13. Well... I'll react on this because I've just seen the topic being updated but you will monstly see chineese near the Belleville subway station or around Avenue de Choisy starting from Porte de Choisy subway / tram station. For black women, it should be mostly at Bois de boulogne or Bois de Vincennes.
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