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  1. That's not true. The salons here are terrible. The exception is that at let's say Fantasy masaj, you pay 250 lei and you'll get a similar massage as a "luxurious one" but the massage itself isn't that good.
  2. you can tell she enjoys what she's doing*
  3. Along with all these other "luxury salons" it's more like a "luxurious rip off" Carla - looks good, I'll give her that. Massage was rushed, barely any body to body, and you're basically thrown out like a bag of thrash after 30-40 min Anastasia- same experience, and she looked tired as if she were hungover. Sara - I'll admit she's pretty damn good. The massage lasted one hour. She uses her whole body, rubs her ass, breasts and pussy all over you. She's very sexy, slim and fit. She probably has the sweetest ass I've seen. Unlike the other girls, you can tell she enjoys what she's Sara is worth the money. She's a gem, but it gets problematic when you want to book her, and then you arrive and get told that you have to wait half an hour or try another girl. To me, it's a bit rude, and not what a "luxurious" salon should do. Since I'm not going to gamble and try another girl and then end up with a terrible experience. Hopefully, she'll end up in the massage section as an independent one day.
  4. This girl is worth the money. I had given up on erotic massages in this city after so many mediocre and terrible experiences both from salons and even some of the girls in the massage section. It was the best erotic massage I've had in this city. An hour was respect. She uses her whole body, so it's not just a lazy paw combined with a lazy back-hug. She slides her body all over you from different angles and positions. In other words, it's a proper erotic and sensual massage, which she knows really well. The girl is naturally pretty, slim and healthy looking. She doesn't smoke, so there's nasty tobacco smell at her place. She's lovely to talk to even if you aren't the most social person. She's very polite and well-raised. There's nothing bad to say about her or her massage. 400 lei astronomical prices? That must be the funniest thing I've read on this forum. You're paid what you're worth.
  5. Nu am idee unde mergi, dar dacă te îndrepți spre vest, ține minte că aceste țări sunt pline de arabi și africani care nu au o părere favorabilă despre femei, iar dacă ai un buget redus, cel mai probabil vei ajunge într-un ghetou de migranți. Sunt un străin care a văzut cum propria țară a fost distrusă de ei, deci știu despre ce vorbesc. Este doar un sfat prietenesc, deoarece am avut o experiență plăcută cu tine înainte să îți faci injecția cu buze. Îți doresc tot binele. Ai grijă de tine și de frumoasa ta țară.
  6. I haven't had any luck in any of these salons but decided to give this a go after reading the review above. Then when I check the ratings on google, I remembered why I avoided it to begin with. Well, the correspondence on whatsapp was unprofessional, redirecting me to the website instead of answering my questions directly. So I get there and I'm greeted by an old lady and a salon that looks far from clean. Then I get introduced to three girls with no eye contact and who look bored out of their minds. Also, they were in a rough shape. I have seen street workers on drugs who look similar to them, no exaggeration. There was not a single hint of femininity. And I'm not even picky with looks as long they look healthy, I don't care if the breasts are small or if she isn't wearing any makeup. I can't stand dark circles around the eyes, sick looking faces and covered in tattoos etc. So, I bailed. Even if the other salons in this city have been terrible in terms of service, they still have decent looking girls, and if you can't even get that one right, there's no chance the massage will be any good.
  7. În primul rând, învață să accepți criticile. Nu este singurul care a menționat mirosul. În al doilea rând, majoritatea clienților lasă recenzii la săptămâni sau luni după aceea, din motive evidente.
  8. Cheuvseski

    Mon Amour

    Went there and chose a girl with very big breasts, but the eye-candy sure fooled me. I paid 500 lei for an hour massage, which in reality lasted 40 minutes. She did a super lazy job, lazy pawing, 5 minutes of body to body and a bad handjob as well. And she looked bored out of her mind. This salon is a hard pass. There's absolutely nothing that justifies 500 lei for a shitty massage when you can go to a spa, pay half the price, get a way better massag, and then just pay an escort 200 lei to empty your ballsack instead. I'm at loss how these salons are operating.
  9. Was there recently. Paid for their "VIP" massage, which was supposed to be body to body (the only reason why I like erotic massages) the entire massage with two HE. I chose some blonde girl with a tan and medium-sized breasts, not to be mistaken for a gypsy, she was definitely of European decent, but not that it matters since I have nothing positive to write. Instead of being all body to body, it was more 10 minute lazy paw + nonstop talking, even if I tried to politely tell her that I'm not here to find a wife or a girlfriend, I'm here for the massage, followed by a 10 minute lazy body to body with little to no sliding and no oil either followed by a crappy handjob. After the shower, it was just the same thing all over again. + She expected a tip on top of it. I laughed and left. Fucking hell the massage salons here sucks balls.
  10. Wow that’s some ridiculous prices. Not even in Prague have I come across such rates. And they don’t even deliver on top of it.
  11. 650 lei in total?
  12. Pipera, Baneasa, Voluntari, Lacul tei
  13. I visited her twice, and it was well spent money. I was greeted by kisses on both cheeks. Despite some language barrier, she was really friendly, and has a playful and caring attitude. She's easy to talk to as well, nothing was forced. She sucks really well, deepthroats without issue while her saliva runs down the shaft. During sex, she's really active, claws at my chest and deliver body kisses all over me. She does reverse cowboy better than any other girl I've been with. Also, a big bonus, she doesn't do any of that ridiculous fake moaning, which I can't stand. Her pussy is pink like cotton candy. It's absolutely stunning. I'm not sure why she doesn't post any photos of it. I also want to mention the first time I was with her, I didn't feel to go twice because of some stress earlier, so I asked if she could just give me a massage. I wasn't expecting much, but it was really good, even better than some of the salons I've visited which have all been bad. Well spent 500 lei. I entered with a smile and left with a bigger smile both times. I think she shoots herself in the foot with the low price, but that's her choice.
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