Called tonight. Maybe too late (11:45 pm) and I did apologize for that. Asked if we can meet up. She replied that we can at around one. I confirmed the location and rate. Then took off as I did not quiet know where exactly the place is, plus I live kind of far away. While driving there I was burning from inside and was looking forward to meet her as I wasn't satisfied for a while now. Moreover I had known that she is Russian. I used to study Russian before, so I thought, maybe, I could finally meet a person in Bucharest who I could talk on Russian for some time. From reviews it was clear that the girl is worth visiting. So I wished to meet her even more. But it did not happen. When I drove up to Alba Lulia at around 00:35, called her. She never picked up. I texted her as well reminding about the meeting and hoping that she may be busy with her personal stuff, but will call back soon. I did not want to drive back as it was a long way and it took me a while to find that place. waited for another 15 minutes, called again. No response. In total I have called her around 8 times. She never responded. Well, frankly, that sucks! Never mind. I hope next time she will at least text me a reason. I still look forward to meeting her but, I guess, it totally depends on her willingness. If you remember me, Ms. Lyuba, my number ends with 9's. I will try to reach you this week. Or if you have time available, please text me. Thank you!