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Despre bjlover

  • Dată Naștere 29.02.1924

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  • Sex
  • Oras:
    anywhere there is paid sex

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  1. Thanks Alicia, thanks Laury! Funny to think that customers go to Alba Julia (some made phone calls!) to discuss my posts. You fulfilled my request of reading a post, very quickly, but not what I, and maybe other readers, wanted to read, none of my questions was answered, as usual. I was guessing the volunteer could be Laury, since he sent a pm to me 3 weeks ago just a few seconds after getting Alicia's friendship in this forum (moderators can check and see if I'm saying one of my many "lies", and maybe even say it openly, since I'm reputed a liar here). Also, he had never posted in this thread nor voted "Heroine"'s posts, so he was possibly beyond suspicion, now ha has voted all posts in her favour. Xoxo, you are the only one I can have some trust in, please go and visit her! If you are afraid of being infected, just pretend there is something wrong with you and leave after fingering her, probably even if you wear a glove you will feel the leftovers or maybe some new ones. And don't get corrupted by a discount or some minutes overtime for free! So, Laury, you even verified the toilet paper she posted. Assuming that they are real tests and no counterfeit, somebody else's or adjusted ones, now you should know her real name and age. As Afriq and Xoxo funnily discussed, surely she showed you an ID... Can you gimme any proof? I don't believe she showed you anything personal, how can you say those papers are true and her own? Did she show you the result of the HPV test as well, since it is what we discuss here but it wasn't posted among the other tests? By the way, the fact that a high percentage of people have HPV "naturally", doesn't mean that one can carelessly go with someone who has it active. Even a higher percentage of people has the herpes virus of the lips, but these viruses must be activated, which is why you don't kiss a person with a visible herpes by her mouth: you have it too in your body, but you would risk to activate it. So maybe you have one or more of the many HPVs in your body, but you must activate them, and you could still get one of those you don't have yet. For the rest, your recenzie seems nearly genuine, standard copy-and-paste 10-10-10 which is so common in this forum, one must only change the name of the girl and the post could be about nearly any bitch in Bucharest. Actually this is a bit undertone, no 11s, no fireworks, no 69, no DFK, one shot only, she didn't treat you well, you must be really unpresentable ;-) Not a word about stretchmarks nor the mole, inspite of fucking her from behind, ok, you noticed that her teeth are white, true, you contributed with your sperm to make them whiter and healthier, but you didn't notice the crooked canines? DID YOU FINGER HER CUNT? THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, ALL THE REST IS PURE BULLSHIT!!! WHY NOBODY CAN POST SOMETHING TRUE AND VALUABLE?
  2. ???????? My God, what have I done in posting about you!?! Are you desperate to the point of providing this pointless anonymous papers? Who gave you this useless advice, a brilliant devoted lawyer customer of yours? Also, it touches my heart to see how the members of this forum, maybe not even customers of yours, are supporting you! It is really moving, I feel really a guilty bastard, I feel so bad for troubling dumneavoastra world! I really don't know what to think, are they so ingenuous? What interest do they have in supporting and promoting you? If it was one or two, it would be easy to guess, but they are so many... Anyway, since Germany (where I keep on flying back and forth twice a month) is healing my scars, I find that this telenovela is becoming really comic, funny (before it was a pain), for the joy of webmasters: clicks have boosted up in this thread today The poor local angel, supported by all her customers as much as her brother supports Steaua Bucharest, vs the fucking bastard foreigner, hated by all for trying to spoil her image with lies and evil inventions . So, you are spending the thousands I gave you... for tests!?! Ok, are they really your tests? Apart from the possibility of being of any woman/women on earth, you didn't blurr perfectly the nume and prenume. I'd say that what is left doesn't look at all like your initials, none of the 2 prenume in none of 2 the sheets where they are visible, not your nume in the 3rd sheet. Actually sheet 1 initial of prenume seems different initial from sheet 4, and you changed 3 different clinics, why? And why you cancelled your age? From noon of april 9th you became 25... as everybody can see, so why cancel "varsta"? I'm not a doctor, I don't understand romanian, but I understand "inflamatie nespecificate cu modificare celulari reactive", which could be whatever, probably capable of giving prostatitis to someone fucking you bareback, or maybe some throatache to someone licking you down there. What I wonder is how could they make an ecografia transvaginala to a girl having mestruatie? Were these the same doctors who told you that negi are caused by tangas? In those days, if I'm not mistaken, you were not even advertising on AT... You know I could say more about your tests and health, but I must and want to respect your privacy, especially about matters that strangers don't need to know; differently from you, I have a conscience and a heart, even with little room for your initials I'm glad that you are negative to so many tests, it means you didn't gimme big bad stuff, but I don't see the HPV test... Did you forget you left me for "passing it to you" along with who knows "whatelse"? Why we didn't make any sex when I came back in november? Why suddenly you didn't want me anymore after spending entire days planning months of trips, excursions, cruises, etc.? Why you didn't work for so long? To at least 2 guys you said because of university, to a guy who pmed me you said because you were looking for a job, all bullshit I already dismantled. For the rest, it makes me laugh a lot to read that you thank your iubiti for encouraging you... to do what? To use condoms? Or to suck their dicks? To swallow their sperm? What an effort they made! I too "encouraged" you, even "heavily", to blow me when I came back and found you with negi, but you didn't do it nor thanked me... Nights and days with a "sister", not a girlfriend, not a prostitute, inspite of sucking just... my wallet! And without thanking! And they weren't 200 rons! Now you thank and pup them all. You forgot you didn't want to meet any of them out of Vogue, for no reason on earth, simply because they are romanians. Think what must feel a guy like SharkAttack in reading what you did, allowed and were planning with a fucking foreigner who suddenly landed by you by mistake and then was likely to disappear, maybe after infecting you with whatever, while you ignored and rejected all his attentions, cares, offers, etc. You forgot how much you despise your country and your folk because "they are poor": some of your customers (roughly your words) "maybe have to save or make sacrifices to be able to afford one hour with me, they have to work about one week for that much and then come to make love to me and pay for that, both things that are very good for me". You forgot your complaints about this economical condition that forces you to allow fucking foreigners to come there and hire such a superstar (?) for entire days for amounts that are cheap, when not ridiculous, for them and for what they would pay in other countries. Wherever we went, we left spare change and tips because "those poor people surely need any leu they can find", while you could afford whatever thanks to fishes like me covering you with cash, but also thanks to your local customers struggling to save 200 rons or maybe being rich, but rejectable for being romanians. I don't evaluate people judging on their race, origin, income, job, etc., I have respect even for curvas, which should be the lowest of any scale, as you know I treat like persons, human beings, not like objects. Even more funny, or really bad, somehow contraddicting, depending on the point of view, is that you trade for "services" what you offer: all iubiti, customers must feel well with you, etc., I wonder if with other girls customers pay to feel bad, but it's true that it is difficult to meet such a "service", especially in a private flat. Your services are actually what you need desperately: you have huge lacks of affection, again I don't want to say what you told me about your past, present and expected future, which could be some usual lies, but it shows clearly in this case that that's true. If you were rich you would pay pratically any (reasonably presentable, since it would be you paying you could choose) man to hug you, kiss you and fuck you! Because you need it, not because you offer a service, not because they pay you, they pay other girls that don't "offer" as much as you, they would pay you even if you didn't bareback or CIM, you do all that for your own choice and pleasure, not for duty! I have a question, not only for you, actually more for your customers: why nobody posts about meeting you? 3 forums, 4th one died, no posts. Why nobody admits (or denies) your stretchmarks, your mole, your crooked canines? In your facebook profile you put a nice photo (don't remove it, no need, I already saved it), with a nice smile but you don't show the teeth, your lips are closed. What a pity, but still you are pretty... Maybe tomorrow in your new pics you will show us your mole? Or you will put a photo of your back photoshopped? Most important, why nobody writes what they feel when they finger your pussy? Why nobody says whether there are visible scars or not in your outer right lips? (It is my curiosity, I don't know it since you made me keep lights off in january) Make a meeting (orgy?) with your supporters, "corrupt" someone to write something, I expect it, let me have some more laughters, please Anyway, there is a proverb saying "those who don't want you, don't deserve you". It applies to me, here. It must work also conversely, "those who want you, deserve you", it applies to you, honey, here. After all, apart from Xoxo and a platinum member who thanked me in private for what I posted, I didn't receive any appreciation, on the contrary, indifference or just critics and bad responses. The biggest satisfaction was that those supposed (and asked!) to ban me, moderators Afriq and Pisicuts, voted my last post. I sincerely wish fun, health and luck to you and your supporters, inspite of knowing that my wishes are probably not reciprocated. P.S. If you are really healthy and safe (which I will never believe since there's no cure for negi apart from burning them when they come out), at least after a looong time, I may take a deviation from Germany to Bucharest, of course by surprise, otherwise you and your supporters will prepare some surprise to me . Cu SINCER drag (I had even sent you an email wishing you happy easter), BJL
  3. Curiositate : numele unuia dintre acestea începe cu A și ea a luat o pauză lungă recent?
  4. Dear SharkAttack, The superstar didn't answer (invent) anything anymore, she couldn't even deny, seen the overwhelming evidence of all the details, smallest ones included. Some days have passed, between a DT and a doggie, before a mish or after a CIM, she had anyway the time to do it. She must have realized she already trespassed the ridicule well over the decency with the partial justification of Asidicman's post (and she didn't answer the rest about the night, etc.): nor she nor the colega could have asked him as first question if he wanted to meet her in his hotel if they had known she doesn't go out. Whoever asked that question, knew she would go out. I reckon that this option could be available only to foreigners (maybe not anymore, after me): I asked a romanian friend of mine to ring her for a hotel meeting and she refused double fee, so what you say is reasonably true. As you said, and I agreed, my "broadcasting mission" is over: If it is clear that she lies about our relationship and outside meetings, it is clear that she "maybe" lies also about the rest. Without forgetting that I don't need to convince anyone and no valid excuses justify her long break, she's dumneavoastra business, not mine (anymore). Furthermore, Doctor Kerosen has enlightened us about medical stuff and precautions, (ingenuously) relying on the fact that she will be aware of when she has recurrences (or of when the viruses just wake up, it's a sort of lottery, you have to catch the right moment) and that she will even stop working in that period I wonder if the leftovers I touched can be infectious as well, how much and for how long. If this can please you, so far I got no negi inspite of sadly fucking her covered twice for a few minutes, but without DATY, 69, BBBJ, etc. I don't know if I have the virus, and unfortunately I can't ask all girls I have been with whether they got negi or not, for a few reasons, first one being I'll never see or session with nearly any of them anymore. I just see repeatedly those where I live, who would surely tell me especially if they were the 2 "closest" to me, the only ones knowing the whole story. I appreciate that, in spite of being romanian and colleagues, they are even "too much" by my side, they are more upset against the "superstar" than you and other fans can be against me. I want to give you my solidarity since I understand your frustration and also your feelings: you are (you feel you are) her "guardian angel", I already knew it by reading this thread, and I was even surprised you didn't intervene before. You are so blinded (I'm saying it like if you were my best friend, since we had a common passion) by her that you can't admit or realize the truth, no matter how evident :wallbash You think she's so nice to you and you are so nice to her, maybe you are or should be special to her, if she doesn't do something with you she will not do it with anyone else Not even I ever thought that about myself, and, as you can read (but refuse to believe), I would have more reasons than you. Well, luckily for you, you have absolutely no chance: she doesn't want to see out of Vogue's flat anyone, especially romanians, living in Romania who met her in Alba Julia, no matter how many times you visited her. It doesn't matter how beautiful or ugly you are, and it is not a matter of money, you may have much more than me (which doesn't take that much anyway, I just have enough to satisfy all my needs and caprices, you are right in not being impressed), you may fork out much more, but, as you know, she would refuse, because you are romanian. Also, alone and out of Vogue she doesn't feel safe. All the false names she gives around are to escape possible "accidents": if you met her in a market, maybe with her aunt, and greeted her, she would tell you "Alicia? Who's that? I'm xxx (yyy if she was with a neighbour, maybe even zzz if she was with somebody else). In her favour, I must say she's not that greedy, bear in mind that she does this job for passion, as a mission, not really for money. As I already wrote she could have got muuuch more off me, with some (easy after I had fallen into the trap) better cheating, more malice, so I must even be thankful. I don't know if she didn't take more advantage of me because she finally wanted to be honest, because she saw I was a good detective and feared me or because she simply didn't care, I already explained how disinterested she is in everything (which I hate in a person), even if that could involve her. Probably all the 3 things. Basically 3 things from me scared her, in ascending order: 1) that I wouldn't do anymore to her those things that she liked so much and other customers allegedly couldn't provide (to "justify" you, guys, I may consider she wouldn't let you do certain things even if you asked or offered); you should have seen her face and heard her dying voice when I was saying that I wouldn't anymore, it was so funny! I still wonder how the hell she could believe that! I would have spent a fortune on such a toy, she should be patented and copied. 2) that I discovered personal things about her; the day I informed her on skype that I had found her facebook profile by myself she panicked and nearly fainted. She had given me a false name, about herself and for emails and skype, but when I'm reasoning with my head and not with other parts of my body, I can be very clever. While talking to me she frantically changed the settings to make them private, but it was too late, I had already copied and pasted the previous day. She said that only some 50 out of 155 were good to her, but what was the difference to me? When I looked at them I couldn't help laughing. When I came back and took her ID, I could see that the facebook name was the right one, but she was still denying! Both!!! By the way, she had instructed me to correctly pronounce "buna zile" and go away in case we met neighbours by her building, I was her cousin. In the little market close to her studio, we could speak english but not hold hands, I was a colega of work, officially she works for a big company. I didn't protest because we both knew that the matter of the negi had aborted our adventure before starting, it would have taken a miracle to keep it alive, but until we were together... Also, she was never clever enough to switch off her mobile, but I never touched it, nor I took advantage of her leaving her laptop in my hands. Funny, I had nothing to hide to anyone and would switch everything off, she was afraid of anything and left them on, so careless. She wanted to explore mine ones and found girls' names and messages, which she used to argue a bit more. WTF, I could read on internet what she had been doing with other men but I couldn't read a simple sms by another (my favourite) curva at home! 3) that I would spread any of her personal matters to whomever: forums, friends, family, etc. Well, I think I really did the minimum damage possible, she should really be grateful, there have been moments I wanted to do the "maximum", it would have been easy, quick and very efficient. How much time and effort it would take to spread a couple of links, ads with pics? How long would it take to someone knowing her to recognize her or try to ring her to check? I like writing posts, but I would like them to be understood and appreciated. The "other option" surely would gimme better results and satisfaction than readers of this forum, even if I would probably never have any "feedback". Time ago I opened a false romanian profile on facebook, "my curvas" here would give me any necessary help (not being the traslation of a book, LOL!), but it lays unused. I reasoned that she hadn't behaved well, but she hadn't changed my life (we were hopeless in any case, she could only have worsened my life if she "stayed" with me), so I wouldn't have needed nor had the right to change hers. Such an overreaction would have also meant that she had been extremely important to me, while it was just a stupid costly unnecessary infatuation for a great slut. As a person, she's an insipid vegetable, she only sleeps and fucks, doesn't mind anything else, she only opens her mouth for eating, kissing and sucking dicks. Even arguing was not easy, she wouldn't speak too much, probably knowing she was wrong and guilty she had little to say. On skype she could speak fairly easily, but that was the time of the hopes, projects, dealings, when I came back the fucking negi obviously spoilt everything for both sides. And what person is one who lies to family, friends, colleagues, boyfriends, customers, doctors, neighbours, etc., maybe even to herself in the mirror? Since I wouldn't dare to do anything anymore in bed with her, at least of what we were used to, there was actually no reason to insist, even if I admit I wasn't keen on surrendering. Probably it was a matter of principle and pride, I was the one who should have dumped her, not the contrary. Furthermore, I wasn't planning anymore to stay in Bucharest for long time, basically due to changes at work. But still I was regretting losing such a superslut. So, not wishing to read on her facebook page that she asks mr Mark Zuckerberg to ban me, I'll be satisfied with just informing in this forum customers and potential lovers, especially foreigners, who are more at risk, about the dangers of meeting her. For the rest, SharkAttack, I don't know why you say I keep on going around falling in love (you are sure you have no feelings for her? who among her customers hasn't?), actually it's the thing I fear more and absolutely try to avoid, that's why I nearly always change girls, no matter how beautiful and good they are. Going with so many, and normally quiet desirable, it could happen, surely I wasn't considering Bucharest a risky place from that point of view, since, with a few exceptions (from what I could see in 5 visits who piled up over 2 months plus what I read in all forums), only leftovers are left. I only "fell" 2-2,5 times out of well over 1000 curvas, not too bad, before her. This girl was really special, I sniffed the talent and... I was right. Experience, unfortunately, "paid". What a pity such a bad end. Unluckily I met her in Bucharest, in a FKK I wouldn't even have looked at her, and anyway, as I said, now they wouldn't let her work anymore for medical reasons. By the way, I couldn't finish the post where I was, girls hunt you anywhere and keep on slamming their pussies on your face Airport lounges are better. As to barebacking, I guess you are not religious and want to go to hell, sinners use condoms, believers don't! You should know that many girls in Bucharest offer it, even without surcharge, I've read some 10 even advertise in this site, so why you are referring just to me for "compensation" and as a danger? BBBJ, DFK, DATY, CIM, swallowing, 69, they all can trasmit diseases too, even bad and deadly ones. You can get negi and herpeses even with condoms, so? The only safe sex is masturbation. If you BB and you catch something, at least it was with satisfaction, no? (just joking) . The prostatitis she gave me was worth what I did with her, but one thing is to take a risk against unknown, one thing is to take a risk when you know a girl is sick And look on AT if you want more BB girls, without counting those who do it but don't advertise it, like the discussed girl. I don't use my money to "corrupt" anyone, at least not for that I don't "try" anything, I don't need it, if I want BB I perfectly know where to go. I could even get it where I live. Generally speaking, it's rare to have it offered if it's not advertised, as happened in my old Bucharest trips, where I refused. With your beloved bunny it was agreed spontaneously, following the overwhelming passion. If you are "ambitious" towards her, maybe after reading I said you are hopeless, she'll give you better chances. You should thank me anyway, if not else I opened your eyes and explained things you didn't know, couldn't understand, imagine nor believe. So this could be the end, what all of us have been desiring so much. I've respected her privacy, her choices and her rights to do and say what she wants. I'm sure you won't be sorry for not being "intrigued" anymore, "war on her" should be over, your curiosity should be satisfied, you worried we would never come to an end, since she'll never admit any truth. I don't have much to add, we could just discuss philosophically or for fun at this point. Also, if I keep on writing I may fall into the trap of being traded for an obsessed guy looking for revenge, which I could have so easily and effortlessly, as I explained, if I wanted, but probably most of people just look at the length of a post without reading or understanding. In this forum all that readers want to read (and that most writers seem capable of only posting) is just a copy-pasted form: "Locatie 10; Igiena 10; Aspect 10; Oral 10; Normal 10; O recumend cu caldura si eu voi revine cu siguranta". Such a post, without a word more, is likely to get more than 10 points. Purpose of forums should be to exchange useful valuable info, not to glorify any girl regardless of any physical defects and misbehaviours she might have. I would like to read recenzie answering my questions about what you guys touch when fingering her pussy on the direction of the anus, and I will not consider reliable recenzie who don't mention mole, teeth and stretchmarks, I'm even surprised nobody denies them. Carry on writing 9, 10, 11 and all the things we already know, but please write about what I mentioned. And be honest! I know the truth, and I'm not the only one. I know none of you would ever write "I caught this", because of fear, shyness, shame, even only not to gimme satisfaction, but at least admitting noticing a mole on her back, that can be done. P.S. And now we only lack some strategists come up writing that I'm her pimp and we set up all this just to advertize her more, since I never missed the occasion to commend her qualities in bed, LOL!!!
  5. I'm writing this post from a nice FKK club in Germany, I have too many really beautiful naked girls going around me, I took my notebook with me to get distraction and don't go crazy, LOL!!! What could be nicer and more distracting, between sessions (already had a great 3some), than writing in this thread from a peaceful corner of paradise? I can't think of how sad were my days in Bucharest, and how happy they are in Germany! Guys, with all the respect, I find unbelievable that I've written half of a book, very clearly, but many things seem not to be understood or not clear, I don't know if it is a problem of language, superficiality, little attention, bad faith or whatever else. Since I can't and I don't want to repeat everything eternally, I would ask those who don't understand properly to read again all I wrote. Each and every phrase and word are well chosen to avoid misunderstanding. For your info, I maniacally write daily on a diary my day: what I do, what happens, my expenses, etc. That's why I can perfectly tell you each and everything. So, for instance, I can tell you that surely nobody could meet her on tuesday 26/11: we slept together the night before, by me, as usual, and the following one(s), in her studio, we never parted. We had lunch in Manuk, Unirii, 150 lei including 13 tip. We bought the mentioned underpants in magazina unirii, 126 ron + 4 donation (!?!), then we went to her home by metro, she used her abonamentul, I got something free from her, a trip hardly worth 2 rons! She cooked our dinner. We watched a movie on her laptop, she fell asleep in my arms, I followed her in the world of dreams later. @JackBlack I didn't buy a GFE, I didn't want (nor mean) to buy her love, we agreed "being together", even if it was quite problematic and volatile, too many cons and no ground for building up. Of course I can't (nor I mean to) force anyone to love me, I have no right. I wasn't paying her to say "I love you", I wasn't paying her to stay on skype, she was asking me to! And it was ok for me. But you surely agree that if I fly for you, with all the things that implies, and I give you good money, call it support or payment, I expect you to stay with me, possibly giving me good time. When she had asked me if she could come to visit me in my country, how would she have reacted if I had left her alone, whether for a few hours or for 24? What would have she felt like? And she wouldn't have had to make any particular sacrifice or effort, just put her taunted pussy on an airplane, since I guess I would have had to take care of organization and expenses. Back to skype, a few times she asked me to connect at Bucharest 4-5 AM and wake her up, once we finished at 9,30am! Can you imagine what it means to stay a few days more than 10 hours daily on skype, even if normally it wasn't more than 5-6 hours a day? Can you imagine how many things you say and discuss? I liked her sincerely, she seemed to reciprocate, but we just knew each other for mattress purposes, we didn't know anything out of bed, we didn't know if and how we could get along out of bed. I can tell you out of anything, but it was clear to both since the beginning when I came back, even without considering her sicknesses, that we are too different, definitely not made for each other, apart from bed purposes, where definitely we are twin souls, complementary. She used to say that I was teasing her, I used to go with too many girls all the time (she was a poor lonely virgin, a stone not liking men), maybe I was doing the same bullshit to many of them. You reckon possible that I fly anywhere all the time to visit and sponsor several tens of girls as a boyfriend? No, but you know that "ea nu are clienti, are iubiti", so I was the one who should have complained and doubted about her good faith and "liking" towards me. By the way, if she becomes your girlfriend, the motto changes into "ea nu are iubiti, are clienti" ​ She would complain I had told her since Alba Julia's days that in Bucharest I was supposed to meet a girl I had met in a FKK, who was supposed to be on vacation in those days, and that I had said that girl was worth a flight to the moon (I'll meet her next month in Germany ) while she was worth just a flight to Bucharest. Everyone likes to see some sort of jealousy in the "partner". Anyway the flight to Romania had been booked months before meeting the "alien", but of course she wouldn't listen to that, inspite of me showing her the bookings. We became "girlfriend and boyfriend" after fighting 2 days on skype because I had said, while writing down with her the supposed days of her mestruatie of 2014, that if I had happened to be in Bucharest in "wrong days", I could always have gone with other girls for a couple of hours, LOL! @ xoxo "thanks for believing" and supporting me, but I never posted exactly how much I gave her nor, much worse, how much she cost me in the overall, and I could tell you until the exact last leu, actually banu. Anyway, it wasn't money that made her fuck bareback with me. My first visit had lasted one hour, plus a good unplugging 20 mins she allows to anyone, she being as sticky as an octopus while you fuck her, va se ataseaza cu ventuze and you need time to get free. Think that I had asked if we could make only 30 mins when I entered, but she had said minimum 1 hour! On the following day we did it, together just 3 hours (fully paid, plus 30 mins unplugging time, free of charge, like for anyone), BB after about 1 hour, so I extended another 2. At that stage she couldn't know if and how much I could afford. She did it because she liked what I was doing to her, that's why I wrote I think she didn't fuck BB only with me, in the same way I think that you can have her anus (obviously prepared, being unbelievably always clean, much cleaner than her pussy) too, if your dick is small enough. We all know how much she genuinely participates, actually undergoes, since she'so passive in bed, and not only there. Many times I thought she's pratically incapable of discernment, with her general disinterest and carelessness in anything. You remember the comparison with a 4-legged bitch? She too sleeps, eats, protects her territory (privacy, more than a secret agent) and couples (not for reproduction, the only sincere thing she must have told me must have been she takes contraceptives, not surprising for a barebacker), then little or nothing else: as long as she is hugged, kissed and fucked, she would lay with a monkey, better if orangutan, she would feel more protected. @ Iznotme You are not the first one reporting that sometimes she smiles or laughs without any apparent reason. It's just the happyness for what you just did/are going to do. I'm looking forward to reading your post, please gimme satisfaction
  6. Codered, the herpes was a **spam editat** thing, and it was on her upper lip, which means of the mouth, that's why I also complained she didn't even want to blow me after healing. Don't forget my suggestion: finger her cunt! I still touched what was left after the treatment. Sharkattack, thanks for writing in english. Many things you say are agreeable, and I understard your points of view, also given what you know and what you don't. Now I will give you some more details that will help you. Also, I would have appreciated a confirmation about her mole, teeth and stretchmarks. Anyway, I'M NOT FOND ANYMORE of this girl, I feel I have been teased, but I don't have that much anger (anymore), my INDUCED "obession" faded. Too many problems, from bigger ones (diseases) to smaller ones: for instance, it was quite embarrassing to hold her hand in the street and wondering why a guy smiled at her or greeted her, especially knowing that what she can do better is (trying) to lie. But it's becoming a personal matter, of "reputation", I don't want to be considered a liar. A stupid gullible little boy is ok, I thoroughly deserve it (and I paid a lot for that) but a liar no. I don't know if she meets customers outside, maybe she did it with me because I was her boyfriend, but here she's writing I was always only a customer, who even "misunderstood"! Honey! You are still alive! Good, I was even worried! Unfortunately I don't understand all you wrote, however now I recognize you by your inventions, the explaination of Asidicman's post is surely stuff of yours, simply great and funny. You explained about the hotel, but what about the rest, like staying the night together? Where did you offer, your studio? I admire your instinct of lying, equal to your sexual instincts, uncontrollable, but here you can't win, you will convince only your supporters blinded by your service, as you were convincing me of the truthfulness of all your absurd evident lies when I was fond of you. I admire also your courage, you dare to challenge and provoke me, lie after lie, but you can do it because you know I'm a good hearted guy and I will not give you bigger problems, it's ok, I don't hate you that much, it was my fault to trust you, and you have the right to defend yourself. I know you are recklessly selfish and you don't have a conscience, you just like to be hugged, kissed and fucked, and don't even care too much about the money, you would be happy with a free offer like in churches. But how would you feel if tomorrow, next month, in 6 months, somebody told you: "I got negi!" or "my woman got negi!"? I remember you didn't care about me, my swollen dick and my prostatitis, but at that time I had just left and you thought you wouldn't have seen me anymore... Your romanian customers live there, maybe not all of them are a gentleman like me or don't have any feeling for you apart from using you for what you are, a cheap hot empty shell, or at least that's what you trade yourself for. About the investigations, many were carried out when we were having daily contacts, in quality of "lovers" (your definition), not customer-escort (which we ceased to be in a couple of days, also considering performances and discounts), not boyfriend-girlfriend. Contacts which eventually culminated in more than 10 hours a day on Skype!!! From your mestruation in november until the beginning of december, I was your boyfriend, you said you wouldn't work anymore until my return and started accepting support, even if we sometimes called it "refund for missed customers". You forgot the plans we made, following your suggestions, to go around the country, to Dracula's castle, to Constanta, to come to visit me in my country, even a cruise! You forgot when we wrote down together the expected days of your period in 2014 for me to plan the pratically monthly flights? About your honesty in our relationship "customer-bitch", I admit having been more than stupid, ignoring the evidence and trusting your words. You remember, when I wasn't trapped yet, in the end of october, the day you wrote me at 6 o'clock in the morning that you couldn't sleep becasue you felt lonely and sad, you were missing me and needing my hugs, and hours later I read the post of Gogu P saying he met you at 8am?!?! That was why you were up so early, not because you were thinking of me! You even wrote now his words, "ea nu are clienti, are iubiti", because I stuck those words in your head that day, I was still far from your trap but so disappointed for the teasing. You were close to lose the fish, but you managed to deny, as you usually do with everything, you managed to convince me (as you are trying to do now with your supporters, who are even volunteering to believe you) and kept on dragging me into your trap. The latest investigations were to check if you were saying the truth ( ) after we met last time. I was stubbornly stupid in giving second, third, fourth etc. chances, I admit insisting, but the memory of our sessions, even being aware that we couldn't have had them anymore due to your viruses, were still making me will to keep the door slightly open. So, for the judges, I challenge your lies one by one, from what I can understand you wrote from google translator. The rent. Somehow, it's true you didn't ask or force me to pay it. You just showed me the sms of your landlady, of some 2 days before, and said you didn't have the money. How could you guess I would "volunteer"? What could I have done in that situation? If you are clever enough to keep receipts of important payments, look for the money transfer you made at around 3 pm on monday 25th of november in Ion Campineanu BCR branch. If you don't find it, I must think you just put the money into your own account, I saw the cashier taking some euros, I don't know if you put some in your pockets. And you never met me out of Alba Julia? You met me 3-6 hours a day? Maybe in the very first days. You mean you never slept with me? Nor in my place nor in yours? We never stayed together 24 hours a day, even for consecutive days? As you just said, you counted that as work! And got money for that! In november you had said it was your choice to stay with me, even out of charge, we had discussed a lot about money, whether we call it support or payment, you knew you were going to cash in anyway. You did it in total secret: when Irina and Monica were calling you, you were inventing excuses with them, keeping the door open for returning in Alba Julia when you would have felt fuckable. I was calling the money I was giving you donation, support, sponsoring, since it was money for my "girlfriend", also, nothing sexual was going on, so I wasn't paying an escort, also because with you in those conditions our days were really shit, I should have kicked you out also in quality of girlfriend, imagine if you had been an escort, if I had had to pay you by contract for your time with me. As you know, taxi drivers by my flat recognized you, my landlord saw you too. And, if you gimme permission, I can post your address with a detailed description of your studio, so that everybody can come and see if I invented! If in the meantime you moved somewhere else, as you said you would, surely not all your ex-neighbours did, therefore it would be proven I was there. I guess that, if not in Manuk by Unirii, in the trattoria close to your studio they remember us: an usual "respectable" customer like you, with such a fucking foreigner with a swollen wallet who left only a 6 rons tip! By the way, they were all men, did you normally pay cash or "by nature" in fractions of 200rons/ 60 minutes multiplied x times to reach the amount of the bill? What tip would you leave? Swallowing (not talking about their food )? Why I liked you so much, inspite of your defects? Soon or later someone hopefully will confirm them, but all those who visited (or will visit) you, can't help having noticed them, whatever they did with you, probably even Che Guevara and Bimbobimbo noticed your teeth. Or I must think that now you went to beauty centers and dentists? Come on! And don't touch the mole, it could be dangerous, you already have enough problems. And don't go back for it to the doctors and hospitals who told you that your negi were due to tangas, I wouldn't trust them, I already answered why I liked you so much, maybe you didn't read it, since you didn't deny anything. You know I can be a dirty maniac, and with such a dirty sewer as you are, we were a great couple, c'mon, we had great unforgettable time, I even miss it and regret I'll never see you anymore, I hope to find a girl similar (in bed) to you somewhere someday. You remember how many times you told me nobody made you feel what I did? You remember your goosebumps? You wanted me, especially in bed, and a lot, nearly as much as I wanted you! You were so worried when, joking, I was telling you I wouldn't perform anymore certain things on you. Gosh, how could you doubt? I wanted you for that! I would have bought you, not hired you! By the way, I posted many times how fantastically fun-tasty-c you are in bed, so why you say I try to spoil your image? If you are perfectly healthy, or anyway people believe that you are, I'm giving you great advertisement, you should thank me and gimme commissions. When arguing, many times you said you would gimme my money back, including airplanes, rentals, etc., Now you work again, so feel free to! The difference between me and the other customers, probably, more than what we were doing in bed, was the fact that I didn't live there and that my financial power could probably be bigger than your average customers' ones, reasons that could justify you targeting foreigners, like me and Asidicman, since the very first meeting. I was a great candidate: reasonably young, handsome, nice, with a decent wallet and a job that kept me away from Romania the most of time but gave me the chance to visit you quiet often. About me willing to have a sort of relationship with you, thing that you pumped, induced and worked for, you should have been honoured that such a nice guy, with a house, a car, a future, a reputation, a position, a dignity (all words unknown to you and out of your reach), in a word: a life, wanted to help you, furthermore in the conditions I found you when I came back, in spite of you being an old (24? ) hopeless futureless disgraced worn out sick bitch who can't do nor hope in anything better than spreading legs and uncorking dicks for as much as 200 rons/hour, proudly vowing to be a "top"(? in what? in cheating?), by the way, now not anymore. About your health, you just wrote you wouldn't work if you were sick. In fact your pussy couldn't be used after treatment, and you took a long break. Since negi may not give symptoms, you didn't even know you had them because you don't check nor properly wash your pussy. And you worked, inspite of our agreement, at least with Krang and Falcao Valy from another forum, and you would have "worked" with me if I hadn't noticed the negi. When you felt good enough, able to use your pussy again , you went back to Alba Julia. I think that the leftovers I touched when I met you in january should still be there, I don't think cock-friction can erase them. Or maybe you already have plantations inside or they are to come out, which could happen in any moment of your life, whenever the virus feels like, but what you don't feel you don't worry about, do you? About your care for sanatate: you fucked with me, a perfect stranger going with prostitutes, without condom, starting from my second visit, for entire days for many days, and I must be glad you didn't get pregnant. What would you do if you didn't care? At least I admit taking my risks... I said I sincerely hope that you are / will be fine, but it is quite unlikely. I'm not wishing you or your customers or supporters anything bad, actually all the best. You already got enough problems, I'm not revealing some things you told me, of course for your privacy, a bit also because, as usual, they could be false. To be honest, you even live well your situation. I'm sorry for disturbing your little world, but you pulled me into your net, I was on my own, I really hope not to post anymore here, but if I get solicited I will have to defend my points. What can I say, let the jurors have a look and finger your cunt, that's a good starting point, then time will prove. Keep in Alba Julia the papers you never showed me. Personally, knowing you, I wouldn't believe them anyway, but I'm the only witness writing about your negi, if you falsify tests or corrupt a doctor by using your "means", you will be believed and gain credibility. As you can see, I had the spine to admit the truth. Money is not the most important thing in life, worry about your health, take precautions for you and the customers who are gonna visit you anyway, as you had told me you would have done, (even if basically only abstinence is a precaution against negi) and try to plan a better future before you get too old or bigger troubles. Get a "normal" man, not a customer (you told me you cheated plenty of guys you met in the street and frequented them without telling your job), next time that your negi come out... tell him he passed them to you, you did it already with me, so you know the role to play. If he loves you he may believe you and even feel guilty. In spite of everything, I don't hate you, I'm not going to hurt you in no way, facebook included, so also SharkAttack can stay tranquil You know, while writing this post, I thought you must have been nearly desperate to come out of your shell, I felt guilty. For a second I thought to say I invented everything, but that wouldn't have been right: I didn't do anything wrong (apart maybe from not posting the truth at once), you did it to me by cheating and you are doing it to your unaware customers by exposing them to your infection(s). What can I tell you? Make an insurance on your pussy, like porn actresses, like football players do with their legs, if you are who you claim to be, for you it should be cheaper. If prostitution is so important for you and you don't care of anyone and of anything, change nickname, city and pics, your face is not shown, so you can start "afresh" anywhere out of Bucharest. Now that you had your say, I replied, we don't need to carry on with our arguments, we gave our versions and people are free to think what they like. As to me, you are a closed chapter, you don't exist anymore, I'm back to my normal life and currently I don't think to come back to Bucharest for a looong time, if ever. As "usual", I hope not to write anything anymore about you, my posts are so long because I want to try to avoid having to answer objections or questions by explaining widely. I sincerely wish you good luck. Cu drag BJL. Pupici P.S. You asked the moderator to ban me. I don't know well rules here, I've seen Radu81 got banned for posting about a girl supposedly sick, and today another guy posted about a girl having something. Maybe I wasn't banned because what I write is believable?
  7. Neacostica, I apologize for the telenovela, but other people may be interested, anyone has the right to have their own say, "culprits" included, and there is a golden rule: ignore what you don't like! The post above is a ridiculous fake. Amazing, considering she didn't have pimps and I don't think she got any now, so it must just be a fan. I was writing a post answering point by point, plus other things, but... I'm fed up, I don't care anymore, since long time, about this girl, and I wrote clearly what you need to know from a clinical point of view, and also as a woman in case you get hooked up, whether on your initiative or on her own, much more likely to happen if you are a foreigner not living there. Those who believe me, which I can humanly thank for, like Xoxo and unexpectdedly Kerosen, are not doing a favour to me, in the same way as those who don't believe me are not giving me any sorrow: to me nothing changes if you visit this girl or not, I don't earn and I don't lose. Back to "her" post, whoever knowing nothing about us could write such an empty, undetailed, unchallenging post, so absurd and pointless to be unbelievable. If it's really you, and you wrote this bullshit... what did you want readers to think? That you are so innocent and unaware? It seems you didn't read what I wrote, nor you understood the most. I'm nearly writing a book about you, with dates, numbers, details, etc., that make it difficult to imagine I invented everything, and you come out like you hardly know I exist? You never wanted me??? Just escort and customer??? You only met me in Alba Julia??? You don't meet customers outside??? Aproape zilnic??? You make tests and care for your and your customer's health?!?!My dear affectionate customer of this girl, in her profile you even put she is still 24, birthday in august! Even ignoring what I wrote, you didn't see my link, she was 24 in september 2012? You didn't notice in page 1 of this thread she was 24 in march 2013? There is nearly nothing true and credible (ooops, maybe it is really you...). At least give us a proof it is you... How did I get to airport the last day we met in Alba Julia? By the way, this is more or less the part of the post Pisicuts didn't fix, written by another member of this forum in page 1, he met you last year, and there a few things in common with me. Also, it contraddicts some of your statements So, you wanted to meet him in his hotel, when he was leaving you were sad and if he wanted he could stay the night with you, you didn't bother money and time. And you kept his heart with your behaviour, with me you had to work much more and much harder, only when you realized I wasn't that easy to cheat, because I investigate everything, you started pulling back, and there was the matter of your negi, which I was "responsible for"
  8. Sorry, I made confusion with photos of negi by dicks, mouths, anuses and pussies I wanted to post. Anyway you can find them by yourselves. In the previous post I wasn't able to post them, then I found the way but I don't know how to cancel this post which originally contained the photo above. I also just noticed that the parts of posts of Codered. Cipsex and of the other english writer that I quoted are not into the blue box anymore... Uff... At least those who don't want to understand will have another excuse. Pisicuts, please do something for that part in english I quoted from the other guy's post to be clearly separated from what I wrote, which is this: "Try again with Alicia... - Hallo! - Hallo! I found your number from nimfomane... - Yes - Can you speak english? - Yes - Are you working today? - Yes, where, at your hotel or...? - Ahhhh... I will come to you.. - Ok, I will be available after 1 hour... She did not ask about the money.... I told her that, it is usually that I have to put the money first on the table... she was a little surprised... Then we laid down the bed, kissed as much as we can. and everything is go as it has to go... For the first time during my over 10 years having thing done with escort, I kissed her pussy (thought just a little.. ) And my feeling was that she was my girl friend when I were in the university... After finishing, she still kissed me, softly touched me everywhere... I just laid down and relaxed. We laid down together and having very warm hugs... She did not ask me about the time. Just laid down and relax... After then I decide to leave, as it is late... I had a shower, when I came back to the room, I saw that her eyes were very sad. My heart feels a little hurt... I asked her that why she looked so sad.. she said that because I am leaving... and if I want, I can stay with her this night... It is said that, we should never believe in whatever the escort tell us. But it is also said that, the girl can hide everything from you, except her eyes... If you want to know about the girl, just look into her eyes.... But I have to go... I have to decide... For this I don't have points to set for her.... In general, I don't recommend her for you, my fellows, 'cause I dropped my heart there when leaving... and I have to come again to take it back... :P" AND THEN CANCEL ALL THIS POST. THANK YOU!
  9. I had asked a couple of those romanian curvas I frequent at home, who pushed me to post the truth, to take care of the translation of my report, but when they saw how long it was they preferred... to just take care of my dick So, maybe I've never met this girl, maybe I've never been in Bucharest, I invented or dreamt everything. But when I check my bank account of those periods, I see I must have been somewhere spending much more than usual... but maybe it wasn't Bucharest, more likely it was Montecarlo. Before I too get convinced that I invented everything, could at least one punter who visited her (not ten, just one!) confirm she has crooked upper canine teeth? At least the big mole in her back? Or the unmissable countless stretchmarks by her bum? At least the 4-5 stretchmarks inside her right leg, by the groin (sorry I don't remember how many on the left thigh)? Ah, for those who want to have a look at them, check quickly, she had told me she asked some beauty centers, and with only 1500 euros they would clear her stretchmarks by using some lasers (she has already gained experience with that kind of devices...), therefore you could well say that I'm a liar if she does it before you check, but I don't think she will spend that much on her own, maybe she was expecting me to do it I would like to remind you that I'm not posting against her but in favour of you. If I wanted to heavily damage her, I would just need to open facebook instead of ninfomane, and it would be a disaster, that would really change her life, not my posts, that plenty of punters will not read or believe. But, I'm not going to do it. Pupparo, you 69ed her, could you tell me if you noticed some kind of scars by the right lips of her pussy? This question is not rhetoric, is sincere, as I said she never showed me her pussy anymore after being treated, and negi were also outside, I'm curious to know if visible traces are left. By the way, I must have read in internet that also syphilis can cause negi. To Bodo and the other "simple" advocates (I knew she had no pimps, but I'm not updated): each and every word I posted has been chosen with attention, which is also why my post was so long. If you don't understand well english, you should at least understand the numbers: you say you visited her many times last year. But I'm quite sure you did not meet after the 24th of november, unless she just used her mouth, so what are you trying to prove? Or you fucked her bareback too but didn't get prostatitis? If you did, was your dick inside of her several hours a day for many days? I don't mean to make any kind of unpleasant comparisons, but even if you visit her one hour a week you will need years to pile up the hours I spent with her, not to talk about cash. About her being back to university, it's true if that is in Alba Julia and facultate is dickology, perhaps with specialization in infectious diseases. Did you expect her to tell you the truth? "Oh, yes, I got HPV, HSV, H etc., do you mind ?" She lies even to her neighbours about her name: the old lady next door and other people living in her building call her by one more name she invented! As far as I know, one of the very few persons (not even colegas in Alba Julia!) in Bucharest knowing her real name is her landlady: she showed me a sms ("Dear xxx", received before my arrival!!!) reminding her to pay the rent (she would never show anything which wasn't money-related at my expenses), which I promptly did, as already written. But when she wants she can be a real lady: wherever we went, whatever we (I) bought, tips and spare change would always be left to "those poor people", how she respectfully likes to call whomever has a simple, humble, regular, honest, respectable job which doesn't provide as much big easy money as prostitution. What a good hearted generous girl! We even left the change to the cashier, who wasn't believing it, when I bought her bloody cotton underpants in magazina unirii. She said she wouldn't go anymore in a restaurant she knew and took me to because my tip had been 1 ron less than due (?), bill was 74, I left only 80 without asking her advice. It's nice and easy to be a lady with other people's money. :clapp Anyway, I don't believe a single word she told me, and you'd better do the same. All I could verify was false, the only credible thing is that she will not allow customers to finger her, because they might notice something wrong. : When I wasn't trapped yet, we discussed the posts of Che Guevara and Bimbobimbo, she said she had rejected them for some reasons and they posted bad (?) stuff for revenge, pretending they were the ones rejecting her. My fantasy is bigger and I posted worse? About my obsession, well, I was stupid enough to fall into her trap, also I met her in a moment when, for many different reasons, I was considering staying in Bucharest for some 6 months a year and eventually settle there, and she was so extraordinary... I couldn't help considering her a great "plus" and tried to keep her even after finding her sick, she could still have been a good foothold, but I never cheated her nor I thought to, nor I ever thought about taking any advantage (?) from her, I was sincere. Now we are both back to our normal previous lives, better like that. However, she seems to have a predilection for foreigners, who know$$$ why. Try again with Alicia... - Hallo! - Hallo! I found your number from nimfomane... - Yes - Can you speak english? - Yes - Are you working today? - Yes, where, at your hotel or...? - Ahhhh... I will come to you.. - Ok, I will be available after 1 hour... She did not ask about the money.... I told her that, it is usually that I have to put the money first on the table... she was a little surprised... Then we laid down the bed, kissed as much as we can. and everything is go as it has to go... For the first time during my over 10 years having thing done with escort, I kissed her pussy (thought just a little.. ) And my feeling was that she was my girl friend when I were in the university... After finishing, she still kissed me, softly touched me everywhere... I just laid down and relaxed. We laid down together and having very warm hugs... She did not ask me about the time. Just laid down and relax... After then I decide to leave, as it is late... I had a shower, when I came back to the room, I saw that her eyes were very sad. My heart feels a little hurt... I asked her that why she looked so sad.. she said that because I am leaving... and if I want, I can stay with her this night... It is said that, we should never believe in whatever the escort tell us. But it is also said that, the girl can hide everything from you, except her eyes... If you want to know about the girl, just look into her eyes.... But I have to go... I have to decide... For this I don't have points to set for her.... In general, I don't recommend her for you, my fellows, 'cause I dropped my heart there when leaving... and I have to come again to take it back... Don't feel underestimated or sorry, it's better for you, local guys. You had, and still have, the chance to enjoy her great service hassle-free (maybe now a bit less...) for as little as 200/h, without any stupid sentimental and/or economical involvement. About her hygiene and cleanliness, also fellows Codered and Cipsex 806 reported smelling unpleasant mirosuri, maybe she had run out of cream in those couple of days. And putting soap into a pussy twice a month, even without considering her job, is uncommentable, in my humble opinion, from all points of view, of course starting from hygiene. Once again, why I got prostatitis? ...era umeda in mod natural,dar parca am simtit un usor miros mai ciudat si am evitat cunilingus. Repet..un miros foarte usor,nu ceva care sa-ti taie elanul Vazand pasa asa epilata si curata ii zic sa incercam un 69 , unde surpriza am simtit un miros mai ciudat ce mi-a cam taiat cheful.Ca sa nu fiu nesimtit dau sa o pup pe langa si sa ma joc cu clitorisul ei dar cu degetul. O experienta placuta desi treaba cu mirosul m-a pus pe ganduri pentru ca probabil are o problema de sanatate Normal: 7 (pasa stramta,epilata, dar cu un miros ciudat-ceea ce implica un control ginecologic-daca citeste ce se scrie) Per concluzie eu o sa ma gandesc daca am sa mai revin din cauza acelui miros desi este o fata frumusica. Anyway, as I already wrote, you are free to think what you like. If you don't believe me, no problem, she's there waiting for you: open arms, open legs, open mouth. But please, don't write the usual boring useless empty list of 9, 10, 11, etc. Don't stick to normal stuff, DFK, CIM, normal, etc. It would be a waste, she can give you much more, she's such a toy, such a slave, make the most of it: let me read that you fucked her in the ass, possibly with a bareback CIA (I'm sure she does anal, with me she was always postponing saying I was too big, but honestly I don't think I am). Write of how you both came simultaneously 69ing and kissed mixing and swapping juices. Report how much you made her moan and drip when you sweetly "tortured" her after tying her hands or using handcuffs. (I put this emoticoane but I never whipped her) Beat our performances, it's not a matter of money, she just can't say "no", if she pretends a little resistance, a couple of well placed bites will make her crush down, it's like in porn movies when guys are to rape a girl who doesn't want to do anything and then will do whatever. And don't be afraid to post "hard stuff", I posted easily about barebacking and whatever else, I wouldn't have problems in posting about negi if I got them, I wrote about the prostatitis she gave me and about the bubbles in my mouth. If I hadn't found her with all those negi on my second trip, I would have liked to try to simulate a sort of snuff, of course without hurting nor killing her I can't help laughing remembering how scared she was to come to visit me in my flat, inspite of the agreed €€€€ and supposed reciprocal likings (not to say more), she even informed someone (not colegas) and made agreements for controls, she knew what sexaddicted maniac I am and she was scared, LOL! I invite all the daring heroes to go and enjoy what she can offer you, so different from normal plain boring set menus you normally come across. She's a great investment also economically, you don't have to fly as far as Thailand or Philippines! You don't have to go to Germany and pay more expensive costs of living, you just stay home! Last but not the least, Kerosen, Shark, I said I'm not a doctor, but if you like this kind of stuff and wish to get it, you know where to go to have better chance to improve your sexual life. Since 50%-75% of people have that in their body, maybe it could work as a further vaccine to strengthen your antibodies As far as I can guess, I don't have it and I surely don't want it. Then you can always repeat to yourself, your wife or girlfriend, present or future, what you posted here in the forum, that everybody has that. You just need a spark to light it up. And in case you get it, please be honest enough to post about. If nobody reports getting anything or infecting any other girl after being with her, I may consider that some day I may look again for her, it would mean she was safe and healthy, which is my hope and my wish, even if it may seem the contrary. The problem is that I don't trust what I read here, I'm still hoping someone will admit noticing her unmissable "distinguishing marks". Once again, I wrote clearly, I tried to reply to the expected (because in this forum there is such a "goodism", sometimes "naive", sometimes "interested", sometimes "incomprehensible" to say the least) rightful objections, even if less than I was expecting. I wouldn't like to post anymore about this girl, everything is over and there is nothing to be discussed anymore, at least for me, I've written even too much, much more than needed. This would have been enough, especially for non english readers: EA A AVUT NEGI și ceva care mi-a dat prostatita (google translated) Now I have better things to do: the bubbles I had in my mouth when I posted my long report had gone and I could enjoy my recent trip at maximum levels, girls were not as responsive as she is (I'm afraid she's nearly unbeatable for that), but I was really fucking happy, I still have a big smile on my face and I'm flying back very soon, so think and do what you like, I warned you and I don't need to convince anyone. All the best to all of you
  10. I thought my post would have got plenty of comments and replies, instead it got pratically nothing. It was meant to discourage customers from going to her, I slightly adjusted a couple of little meaningless details, but I didn't invent anything, it's all true, even if incomplete, now I'm going to post more and more clearly. Where I normally post, mainly international sites with hundreds of thousands of members, I get plenty of comments, also by pm. With such a post I would have been submerged of comments and questions. Here I understand I'm a foreigner and you are a little family, nothing wrong with that, it's meant to be a forum of locals for locals. Also, reputation points are given to posts with skyrocketing votes, all the rest doesn't matter. I disagree, but I don't post hoping to get votes, even if, of course, being appreciated is a reward and incentive to write reports. I post because I think it's my duty to contribute and reciprocate the infos obtained. I've written hundreds of posts, the most are recenzie, many times I was very destructive, in this site I was always very very generous, finding positive aspects even when it was really difficult, just to try to keep a bit "at level" with other posters, unbelievably generous, seeming as united and aligned as a trust, a cartel. It's going to be the first time I write about a girl with health problems. Recently I came across a foreign forum with a thread "is romanian site reliable?". To read those posts I had to subscribe (I'm member of so many forums, sometimes I make confusion with nicknames!), but I didn't put my answer, I rather withholding than lying. I've read in other forums complaints that pratically nomore "valid" girls are left in Romania, because they all, including ugly ones, went to sell themselves abroad, and I must admit that it's true, especially from the point of view of beauty, unbelievably overrated in romanian forums. How much should a simple Scarlet Johansson be rated, if local top (?) escorts are already 10s? Only in Poland I remember finding such low quality among curvas. German and spanish clubs are overflowing with romanian absolute stunners, but even on the roads of France and Italy you can find much more beautiful girls than what seems to be left "at home" at the moment. Andreea BCR, by far the best one I met, without being extraordinary, was working in Munchen and I couldn't understand why she came back. One more observation against overrating, this time for hygiene: how can one give 9, 10, 11 to a woman, especially a curva, with loong nails? How can she wash her pussy? By vaginal irrigator? Ok, is it going to tell her if she got cuts, bubbles, warts, "leftovers", flies, rats or whatever else inside her pussy? And no mirosuri? Gosh, the lubricant she puts when going for the shower (for customers to find her cunt already wet and feel more excited) can cover them. Why was I taking my showers with her? For the fun, sure, but also because twice I let her go alone, she didn't put the cream (because with me she didn't need it, actually she needed a towel to dry up her pussy) and came back carrying onions. Since I knew I was going to put my fingers, my tongue and, most important, my bare dick inside of her, I wanted to give her pussy and asshole a good cleaning. Sometimes she would tell me not to use soap or just a little, but after hearing that she uses vaginal irrigator with proper soap 2 times per month not to compromise the bacterial flora of her pussy (a girl getting fingered, licked and fucked by several men per week!) I couldn't help abounding with soap! If I'm not going to do such intimate things I'm not too fussy, usually I just go for plain BBBJ and fuck, nothing else, flat professional sessions just meant to unload. I pay for my pleasure, not girls' pleasure (if they can feel any), and odds must be by my side, so no kissing, no daty, etc., also I'm quite selfish and even more squeamish. I know these things don't make too much sense when one dares to fuck bareback certain kinds of girls, but still that's what I normally do. I have been fighting with my conscience and got some "pressures" to post things... I had defined not postable. I would like to clarify that what I'm posting is not against her, is in favour of fellow punters, even more of their women, of everyone else. Just for you not to misjudge me, if I wanted to really damage her, I could inform about her real job her neighbours, her friends, her family, I have plenty of facebook contacts. I took so long to "confess" because it was about her, if that had been about another girl I would have posted on the same day of the "discover". Whomever I spoke to about her, including 3 doctors (one said: "so she had to quit, her career is over", I answered that she's back at work, his facial expression said it all) and even a few romanian street curvas where I live, told me that I'm morally obliged to post clearly the truth, not the soft stuff I already posted, intentionally vague and open to interpretations. After all, that's what forums are meant to be for, share useful valuable info. She's old enough to try to settle down properly. If it's too difficult to get a job (and a "reasonable" salary which would be uncomparable to what a curva is used to earn) for a girl who can only spread her legs and empty testicles by sucking, maybe she could find a man to support her, she said that many customers made offers to her. If one really loves her, he will probably be able to overcome her profession, her past and her health problems. Or maybe she will change name, phone number and location or city, to start "afresh". My objection to "pushers" was that I would ruin her, which I honestly wouldn't like in spite of her behaviour, but they say that not everybody reads this forum, some readers will not believe me, some affectionate customers will go to her anyway, etc. In brief, she will still get customers, and anyway I will "save" plenty of people. I had been thinking to mind my business, but I wouldn't like to come back to Bucharest someday and find an epidemic! This post from Deeana Studenta gave me the strongest push, started breaking the wall of my conscience and made me decide to post something: Postat 10 februari 2014 - 11:19 "Rugamintile mele sunt: - daca va stiti cu probleme medicale in zona intima (negi, pustule - alias BUBE!-, pseudo-"alunite" sau orice alte "minuni", NU MA MAI CONTACTATI!). Prefer sa evit sa va irosesc timpul pe drum, pe care il veti parcurge degeaba, pentru ca nu accept niciun fel de activitate (nici protejat, nici telepatic, nici... NIMIC!) cand intalnesc astfel de situatii." Then I've read this recent post from Radu81, about Mely. "Mai are cineva simptomele de chlamydia, dupa ce a fost la ea?" I got convinced that public health and safety come before any other consideration, all the things put together made me decide to post openly. Eventually I saw he's been banned, I think I understood he couldn't prove what he was saying, but still the point stands. My thought about "leaving the door a little open", for a meeting in a future, maybe later this year or next year, crushed also against this question: what for? Even if I still felt like looking for her and she agreed to meet me, what would we do? The magic has gone: of course because of health issues, but also mood, trust, everything else has fucked up hopelessly, and just fears and reproaches are left, as it was obvious and proved on my last trip. I know I may sound stupid. I know she gives great service to anyone, basically because she really likes and heartily needs what she does, and you might think I perceived her treatment in a wrong way, misunderstanding or exhaggerating the GFE she provides, but honestly I still think I got much more than the other customers, who are rightly delighted with much less. When she met me she had won a little lottery, not just for the few banii I can afford to splash, that comes last in my ranking, I can give a lot more in other terms. During our skype videocalls her eyes seemed dodgy slot machines with an only combination always appearing: € € € € €! During one of these contacts, at a stage when I was not "involved" yet, she spoke about the possibility to fly to me for a holiday, I froze and told her that it would have been a problem. But she seemed genuinely glad to deal with me and propose excursions, trips, things to do when I would be back, etc. We ended up spending daily more hours on skype than the hours we shared when we were in Alba Julia! I don't know, I don't (want to) think that she "trapped" me intentionally, but I didn't fall all by myself, I was trying and hoping to keep distances after I left the first time, but she "hunted" me, "provoked" me a lot and a little spark was lit. Probably a foreign gullible traveller is a better prey than a normal local customer, for easy to guess reasons. Just to give you a couple of examples more of her character: on our second appointment the condom fucked up, eventually she said she had realized it but she didn't care, she was enjoying "the moment", so it didn't matter and she let it go. Then we agreed that what had been done once could have been done again and we carried on entire days unprotected. Eventually she said she would work only with me because she was afraid I could have given her some diseases and she didn't want to pass them to her customers! LOL! What was she doing in Alba Julia before our appointments, normally at about 4pm? She used to say that she was just answering the calls for her colleagues... or also her own calls? This affectionate turkish customer writes about a great meeting in a day she was (supposed to be) only mine: It didn't matter to me in that moment, nor did eventually. She said more than once, until our last meeting, that from our agreement of neprotejat onwards, she was working only with me for the days of my stay, something I never believed of course. When I entered the flat, I (theoretically) would be the last customer of the day, pratically no finishing time would be set or it would have been theoretical. Banknotes were falling on her like snowflakes in winter nights, she must have been very happy in those days, and so was I. A couple of Bucharestian friends of mine were heavily complaining with me for what I was doing. They also made me notice that every day I was pratically splashing about a monthly romanian salary for a few hours with a fucking curva, my answer was that my pleasure and happiness were worth more than that, I should have directly "bought" her, which probably would have made me save money. They have been following all daily updates when I was there (plus few contacts from home), a total of 5 weeks out of 14. They tried to warn me before I fell, and always kept telling me: "she's a bitch, what do (later it become "did") you expect?". I would stay in Alba Julia until late evening or split for less than a couple of hours for dinner, who knows if someone else was being received in the meantime, it didn't matter to me, especially in that moment. On the last evening of my first trip we finished at 2,45 AM and set appointment for 10 o'clock of the following morning until my late afternoon flight. The poor "guardian" in the kitchen (she doesn't want to stay alone in the flat with customers, only once her colleagues abandoned us alone, I don't know if for "desperation" or because they had to go) hugely complained to her because "officially" we had declared until 23,30. She asked why the fuck she couldn't sleep with me and make things easy for everyone. When I came back from my first trip my dick was swollen like a dinghy, I even showed her. She never said a word about it, never asked me how was it, how could that be, what doctors said, nothing at all, no emotions, no comments! I was wondering if she was expecting that. Eventually I understood she's just like that, not curious, not interested in anything even if that could involve her somehow. She never bothered to ask me, nor wanted to hear from me, my real name, where I live, how I get my money, nothing personal, nothing at all, I had to insist for her to listen to some infos, which she never bothered to investigate. Not just because she didn't care that much about me, if she had been more clever or willing to cheat me to some extents, she could have shown a bit of interest, she could have played me better, instead of showing such little interest for details. Really, out of bed, where she is even too enthusiastic of anything, no matter how risky, how dirty, how humiliating, (probably she's been recovering all the sex she hasn't had before starting the noble profession) she's so quiet, on her own, a sort of cold fish or vegetable. Even "careless" about the precious money: in Alba Julia I would always pay before leaving. What if I hadn't paid, maybe after many consecutive hours? Also, I wasn't handing her the cash, I would put it in a draw or under a pillow after counting it not in front of her, she would collect it after I had left, a bit late to call me back if the amount had not been correct. Anyway my dick in 3-4 days went back to normal, doctors said it just had been rubbing too much. Actually on my last day, as last game after hours of "normal" tender savage lustful exercises, we had played also a "rape": I tried to put my dick inside with her cunt totally dry. I did nothing for her to get wet, actually the "contrary", it had to be "realistic", nor the idea of such a thing got her wet, you can't imagine what a struggle it was, I can't imagine how that can happen in reality, we had to quit and go back to "normal", a few effusions and her pussy was overflowing soaked again. What an endless source of inspirations and fantasies she was, other than "doctor and patient": as submissive as a south east asian girl, as hot as a south american girl, as lost in pleasure as a german milf, she was an extraordinary compendium of what I could desire! She couldn't be perfect, as I said she had plenty of physical and mental defects, but it didn't matter to me. So different, so far from the normal average sessions you can get with other girls, no matter how beautiful, how intelligent, how expensive, how participative, how in love with you, how whatever else! She would have been a great porn actress, she wouldn't have had to act or pretend anything, just to be herself. Many actresses show disgust for cum and try to avoid it, she could have been a bukkake queen; gangbangs, sado, extreme, anything would have suited her effortlessly. We had agreed to make and show tests to each other: I made all blood, sperm and urine tests possible and showed her. Everything perfect, even pointless cholesterol, no germs, no viruses, not a single thing out of parameters, a miracle (my prostatitis was already gone)! I'm still waiting to see her ones, even when I was in her studio she invented excuses for not showing me: she couldn't find them, they were by her aunt, etc. She generically told me that actually there was something wrong, but I've never known what, inspite of my protests for identifying what could have caused my prostatitis. She only showed me a HIV test, negative. I hope it wasn't counterfeit, since she told me her immune system is quite weak and because she is capable of denying whatever: her name (I was in front of her with her ID in my hands!!!) as well as the colour of my eyes! In our last meeting she said she would make other tests and check-ups in a few days and would send them to me to prove she is perfectly safe. Needless to say, I received nothing. About her "break", I'd say she had stopped working around the 12th of november, because of mestruatie. Then we agreed that, once over, I would pay her for "keeping fresh" for my return on the 24th, her enticement on skype was giving fruits. That's why, much later, I asked (unanswered as usual) Krang if he really had met her in that week, he posted on 22nd of november. With all the respect to him, it was said he was writing fake posts, and in my opinion there were a couple of things he couldn't help noticing. But then I found a post of the previous day of F.V. from another romanian forum, he has rivisited her recently. Since nobody ever noticed nor reported about her unmissable crooked canine teeth and countless stretchmarks, I must seriously consider that also the "new defects" could avoid being noticed, and the big one honestly can go unobserved if you don't finger and/or daty. On top of those 2 posts, I recently discovered that on the 20th she managed to make this: http://escorte.**spam editat**.com/index.php?/category/180/posted-monthly-list Well, not bad if you consider that from the 19th until the 23rd she was supposed to be out of Bucharest, by her family, without a computer. Inexplicably in day time she couldn't manage to answer my phone calls because... the battery collapsed, she forgot the mobile in a bag in a wardrobe, she was busy with her nephew, the signal was weak, etc. She always denied those posts. She denied many other posts: depending on the speech, she never kissed, she never allowed CIMs, bla bla bla. She never understood why people posted all those lies about her, etc., even if 5 minutes later, in another discussion, she was capable of saying that with the customers she likes (I would say all or nearly all) she can do anything, and I'm the living proof, I can witness for sure, maybe other guys are afraid of posting about barebacking, etc. Before I came back for my second trip, she had informed me that we wouldn't have fucked bareback anymore, I wasn't pleased, but I thought that the matter could be dealt with on the spot, or better, in "the moment", when she doesn't even know where she is, lost in her moanings. So, on the 24th I came back and finally received her in the flat I rented... to find her with herpes in the center of the superior lip and with unwatchable negi on her right pussy lips plus plenty of desert dunes, like rollercoasters, by the entrance of her pussy and inside it: condilomas! She said she didn't know she had all that mess "downstairs", she didn't even want to give a look, not even in the mirror, she couldn't insert her fingers (due to nail-length) but could touch and feel the aliens outside. For a second I wondered if that was the reason why she had stopped working (but I'm sure she didn't) and she had said we would have to use condoms, which may not be a great help in that case. The following day she went alone for treatment and came back after several hours, after going to her home, with pains and bleedings that carried on for a few days. She never showed me anymore her pussy, what had been done, nor any papers she obviously must have been given: diagnosis, prognosis, treatments, prescriptions, etc. She even went to hospitals at least twice in the following 10 days. She told me she didn't tell doctors about her job!!! And that their diagnosis was inflammation due to tangas!!! Tangas don't get inside a pussy for about 7-8 centimeters! We even went to magazina unirii to buy some "normal" underpants. I contacted my doctors at home, they shouted at me to keep miles away, but I had flown back for her, spent lots of money, WTF, instead of kicking her out (and ask a refund for all my expenses, maybe with moral damages, LOL) I booked the third (and last) trip in front of her for the following month. I wasn't fully aware of the characteristics of HPV or whatever else causes condilomas, I wasn't believing the diagnosis of my doctors and I was stupidly listening to her fairy tales, even if doubting about the medical knowledges of romanian doctors. I couldn't imagine that SHE, a sick disgraced cheating bitch (I'm not insulting her, it may sound bad but that's what she is, if you call bitch a normal girl of course you are offending her, but here we are not talking of a normal girl), moreover in those conditions, NOT ME, a respectable, honest, nice guy, would dump the other "sweet half". To make it short, she even refused blowing me after herpes had (quickly) healed, and very soon wanted to get rid of me, which she did in a few days. She hadn't wanted, as soon as we met as promised, the money agreed for the days she "hadn't worked" while waiting for me (guilty conscience?), nor the "little fortune" agreed for staying with me during my permanence, but of course I wouldn't have forked out that much, since we couldn't do "anything", but still she got hundreds of euros for... nothing, actually for giving me shit time or no good time at all the whole time she spent with me. I was nursing and taking care of her, not funny and not what I had travelled for. She's childish, stubborn, passive, not very talkative, let's say quite "insipid", of course she might have been like that intentionally, but she was always saying, at my precise question, that she wasn't behaving like that on purpose, she was just like that. The prototype of girl to use, in her case "abuse", in bed and drop when you finish, but I couldn't even touch her in those days, nor would she do anything to me! Remarkably, on the afternoon following the medical treatment, which was pratically my first day back, she felt well enough to accompany me to a bank to "help" her to pay the rent of her studio for a couple of months. We fairly subdivided the tasks: I pulled out the money, she went to the cashier. The day I posted in Krang's thread, in january, I had just come back from being left outside her building, outside the flat I had paid for her to stay and heal peacefully, living on my money. She was always unbelievably moneyless, on my second trip I even had to wait (often for long time) for her arrivals in the street to pay the taxi, including tips that she (not the drivers) considered small. Maybe the night she dumped me, she sucked the driver's dick for some 4 minutes (no traffic at that time) plus 1 for tip. Homework for pupils: knowing her fare, how much was roughly the cost of the ride? Can you roughly tell the distance between her place and mine? Back to the "crime scene", I stupidly said to myself, since I was again in Bucharest and some time without any contact had passed (including Christmas and all festivities), to have a try to go to see her by her studio, by surprise, she wouldn't dare to leave me out, she knew I was there, I had booked in front of her to see her again. Well, she did leave me out in the freezing cold, hopelessly trying to negociate on the phone in the middle of the street for a lot of time. In the predictable case that something could go wrong and not for being too romantic, but more to prevent neighbours from calling police thinking I was a dangerous person hanging around in the dark of the evening, I had bought flowers, which sadly met their destiny and withered in a nearby bin. However on my third trip I managed to be visited by her twice, I even had to pay her taxi and her restricted "service", she says that even one minute counts for 1 hour (worse than satellite phones) and that it doesn't matter what she does, anyway I ended up paying less for those twice couple of hours and something, not that 50 or 100 rons were my main concern in that spot. At least, I finally got informed that: 1) she had got rid of me because she had realized (?) that I had passed her the disease(s) she got (!); 2) she despised me for going with too many girls! She said I was more prostitute then her!; 3) I was a customer to avoid because I had confessed I got blown without condom 3 times in Bucharest on my first trip when she wasn't available! I explain also this: a friend of mine had given me her number, she was the first girl of the first trip. If she hadn't gone away for 4 days in the beginning of my stay, I wouldn't have gone with Lorena ex Zepter, Marina Brailita and another girl I didn't take notes of and couldn't post about, Ana, a "de evitat" somewhere by Militari. She was the one who eventually spoke, falsely as I linked paragraphs above, about "exclusivity", not me. On the 4th day of her absence, having been quite unsatisfied, due to comparisons with her more than to lacks of the other girls, I even decided to "rest"! A sex tourist machine resting one day during a trip! Remembering the about 40 girls of my previous 2 trips in Bucharest in the year before, I thought that in the overall I couldn't find much better. Eventually, as I said, I quickly realized she was outstanding (in the overall, surely not for beauty, character or honesty) the well over 1000 girls I had been with. If things had gone "differently" (don't get me wrong, I don't want to get married with anyone), I wouldn't have written a single post here, I probably wouldn't have visited other girls: each of the 2 times I booked the following trip she was always the only reason. So, good for the forum and for the community, at least you got some recenzie, neutral, disinterested and honest. I wrote vaguely about our last 2 meetings, now I can say they were sad, short, of course I didn't unload. She even arrived with her own towels, very good in such a condition, but horrible from other points of view. That's the right word: horrible! Even if in the first meeting we had some decent moments, also in the very few minutes in bed, while in the second one, when she even came full of dandruff (she can't wash too much her hair to avoid spoiling), we hardly did a couple of minutes, because she wasn't wet and was feeling pain. We were scared (I was frightened) of each other, funny if it hadn't been tragic. In total, just a few minutes surgeon-to-surgeon, I had decided I wouldn't have done it anymore. But I saw and touched again her goosebumps, my biggest satisfaction and only joy of those meetings! Who knows if it was just my "technique" (but I'm not so presumptuous) causing them or if there was really something else, deeper, even if minimal, from her. Actually I think she's just extremely sensible to all kind of stimulations anywhere, that's why I had had so much fun, perhaps the time of my life in bed with a girl, with her. That's why I was shocked she couldn't get wet on the second meeting. She wanted to "make sex" pratically in the dark, with very low light from another room, she didn't want me to have a look at the taunted goods, also no preliminaries, no foreplay, but she let me finger her cunt to show me that negi where gone. But who told her? Her nails were always too long... Maybe doctors told her she was ok, but she misunderstood, otherwise she wouldn't have let me check so proudly. She said I would be the only one who would finger her in her new year, her new deal. What an exclusive! Aren't you envious, guys? Also, she told me I had been her last customer of 2013, I would add "unfortunately just from the point of view of paying", and the first one of 2014, again from the same point of view above with little more. My last day of happiness was 24/10, then some "neutral" days, then only shit. What a reward for a guy who spent for her in a short while more than many of her customers put together... In these 2 meetings I guess she just used me to see if she could be fucked again, I was a tester, anyway she wasn't that ready yet, and the most of time was spent for reproaches and quarrelling. Everything supercovered (I would have used surgery gloves too), which should have been her new "service" to customers, even old ones, to prevent her from getting other infections and, I told her, to prevent them from receiving hers. From what I read, 4 posts in 3 forums, nothing has changed, only her ad on (which should mark her "official" return to action, if that wasn't already on 27/1), that worked only for me, the infectious one. However, no more developed negi, but I still could touch the roots of the plantations that were flourishing before... and that are likely to reblossom, their main characteristic being recurrences, lack of symptoms, high infectivity, in pussy, anus, dick, mouth, all mucosas and surrounding areas, possible even in absence of outer signs and possible to be trasmitted even by using condoms. It is possible, especially for men, to be just carriers and don't show out, but can be passed to women, anyway all of you can make your searches and watch some chilling pics of what can be obtained, I'm not a doctor and I may say wrong things. I don't know if the probable assaults she has undergone since going back to work have "polished" those "traces", I had touched them 2 months after the burning, now it is more than 3 and a half... if you go, have a try and let us know, it takes a couple of seconds before she rejects you, if she does, if she realizes, and in the meantime you can feel what lurks inside, if something is growing again or there are still only leftovers. Another clarification: I found the ad I posted first in my previous post, the one of the 27/1, with the old services on offer, when she had already cut contacts with me. Another lie: she said she would have kept looking for a job (but what was the point since the salary would not have been enough for her?) for another 20 days before going back to Alba Julia and changing her services. I used that ad to "justify" my meetings with her in january in my previous post, actually I had left on the 23rd, a little lie for which I apologize, I had to make a few "adjustments", not that would change that much. Of course I was able to reach her anyway, anyhow, anywhere without needing to look for ads. Now maybe she will change everything, if she hasn't yet, to make sure I can't reach her anymore, but, already well before my first post and furthermore after this one, there is no need, I really don't want to see nor to have any contact with her anymore. What else can I say? I could have written a book, I tried to be short but still came out with a very long post, sorry. I tried to focus only in things that could be of interest to customers from a clinical and "professional" point of view, she being an "escort", with a few "off topics" in case of possible "derailments" of the GFE, wether desired or not, induced or not, avoiding too personal things, I mean, you don't need, nor probably want, to know wether she's a good cook or not. Maybe it looks more of an outburst, a let out of steam, than a post, but I was caught in a vise: feel guilty towards her for writing about her HPV or feeling guilty towards the healthy people who might get infected. Then I thought about adding my little adventure with some details, since it could happen also to other customers, with other girls, I reckoned it could be useful and did it. I included some "evidences", and suggested how you can verify the only thing that probably is of interest to all of you, even if fingering a smooth cunt is not enough to think to be safe, the virus could still be there. I could have just written a telegram: "she's a cheat and she's sick, got negi for sure plus I'm not sure if and what else", but I thought it was better to be more exhaustive, also because I wouldn't want to open this page anymore, I reckon I had been very clear this time. Now you know what kind of person she is, and what she can give you, from many points of view. Now my conscience is clean, but I don't feel that good anyway. Feel free to think what you like, for me the chapter is closed and I must look ahead. Other adventures, other countries, other girls, even other forums await me. I don't know if and when I'll come back to Bucharest, nor if I will write other posts here, but I want you to know that I liked this forum, I wish I could have participated more, not only with recenzie but also with discutii generali and other threads, but language was a big barrier, probably from both sides, since I wasn't getting any comments, any replies nor answers to my questions. I thank those who read, appreciated and voted my posts and I particularly wish to thank Pisicuts for my promotions and for congratulating once with me in open forum for a post I had written. Goodbye, at least for now P.S. I'm currently in good health, at least apparently, I got just some little bubbles in my mouth, which could be whatever. I can't take daily tests and visits, especially if nothing remarkable shows up evidently, I think HPV is not easy to detect on men if they don't have negi (my doctors told me not to bother, it wouldn't help). I regret that when I met her again, I forced a few FKs, forgetting to avoid direct contacts with her fluids and mucosas, but what is done is done, as long as my dick is ok and capable of "operating", I don't mind too much the rest. However, if those bubbles don't go away before my next imminent trip, I will not use my mouth on girls, something I normally wouldn't do anyway. Since condilomas, like other diseases, could take up to 6 months to come out, and in the meantime I will have been with many other girls, I will never be able to know who gave me what, in case I got something. But if I get condilomas I will have a suspect... I'm heading to Germany, the only place where I have good chances to find girls, surely more beautiful, giving a treatment that can cope with her (memories). In FKKs, where girls are checked on a regular 1-2 weeks basis (once in a club I saw a doctor coming in and calling a few girls one by one), they wouldn't have let her work anymore, also because being aware of having a disease and "risking" to spread it, is a criminal offense in Germany, and clubs may risk to be shut down. It is commonly thought that sometimes girls take "holidays" to actually try to heal from something. And if they come back and change their services, the guessing will probably have been right. I ADD THIS BECAUSE I'VE READ ABOUT RADU81. WHAT I WRITE IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGES, NOT MUCH I CAN PROVE, YOU GO AND ASK AND/OR FINGER HER. IF YOU THINK THAT PLENTY OF NEGIS EVEN QUITE A FEW CENTIMETRES INSIDE A PUSSY CAN BE CAUSED BY TANGAS, OR MAYBE CHOCOLATE, IGNORE WHAT I WROTE, THINK WHAT YOU LIKE AND FEEL FREE TO LAUGH AFTER ME FOR INVENTING SUCH A STORY OR TRYING TO CHEAT EVERYBODY. I SAW AND TOUCHED THEM, WHAT ELSE COULD THEY BE IF NOT CONDILOMAS? CAUSED BY WHAT, IF NOT HPV? I'M SORRY SHE DIDN'T LET ME TAKE PHOTOS OF THOSE OUTSIDE, I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO SHOW THEM TO MY DOCTORS. IF YOU REALLY THINK SHE DIDN'T WORK FOR SO LONG BECAUSE SHE WAS HAVING PROBLEMS AT UNIVERSITY (WHICH ONE? AT HER AGE? SHE'S ALREADY FINISHED LONG AGO), BECAUSE OF ME (I DON'T LIVE THERE AND, AS I POSTED, SHE WORKED EVEN WHEN NOT SUPPOSED TO, WHILE I WAS AWAY AND PAYING HER NOT TO) OR BECAUSE SHE WAS LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB (CURVAS DON'T HAVE SPARE TIME TO SEND CVS OR GO FOR INTERVIEWS?), ALSO HAVING ME HEAVILY SPONSORING HER, THEN I APOLOGIZE FOR POSTING AND WARMLY RECOMMEND HER, AS YOU CAN READ FROM MY RECENZIE, FOR ME SHE WAS FANTASTIC AND SHE IS A GREAT LOSS, BUT WE ARE SO SCARED OF EACH OTHER, EACH ONE THINKING THE OTHER ONE GOT SOMETHING WRONG, WITH THE DIFFERENCE THAT WE SAW THE NEGI ON HER, NOT ON ME, JUST TO STICK ON THAT, THE ONLY SURE THING, AND NOT POSSIBLE OTHER THINGS (WHY I GOT PROSTATITIS?). ANYWAY, BETTER FOR EVERYONE IF THERE IS ANOTHER ANSWER AND NOW SHE'S AND SHE WILL BE PERFECTLY HEALTHY. I JUST GOT CONVINCED I HAD TO WRITE ABOUT THAT. AND FOR ME PERSONALLY NOTHING WOULD CHANGE IF AND WHATEVER SHE HAS GOT OR NOT, I WON'T SEE HER ANYMORE ANYWAY. FEEL FREE TO GIMME THE PULITZER PRIZE OR TO BAN ME, I WROTE WHAT I HAD TO SAY.
  11. I read this thread by mistake, but also in some other threads I've read things which are not totally correct about "colegas" working in Germany, prices and performances. Give a look to these sites, 90% of girls working in these clubs are from Romania, 9% from Bulgaria:;; If you want some more, it's easy, there are plenty of clubs (without counting girls working in flats, like you) like these ones in NRW, one close to Frankfurt, few others scattered around. I don't think I'm allowed to post links to other forums, but if you go on and put something like AO clubs, bareback clubs in Germany etc., you will come out with billions of phone numbers of clubs and flats. And plenty of dedicated forums... If you think you offer too much or charge too little or that some colegas in Bucharest allow too much,... Enjoy the shock !
  12. I had already written this post a couple of days ago but it went lost and had to do it again Worth noticing that she has plenty of ads in many internet sites but she doesn’t like very much customers to post about her (even if it's a line of 10s) or to send friends to her, she doesn't want publicity(!). That's just one of her many contraddictions, like the 2 ads above, but the second one is the latest and the "official" one. She has a strange concept of privacy. I tried to explain to her that what she does is not really the best thing that one can do to protect their own privacy, but of course I was unsuccessful. I know this post will probably go against "public opinion" and conformists, but I will make my honest review like I did with Loredana, reporting what happened and what I felt, sincerely. As we all know, not everything can be openly posted, for various reasons, but one thing is to lie and one thing is to withhold. I met Alicia repeatedly last year, and twice recently. She understands english well and speaks it decently. Clearly gypsy, about 1,65 tall, not beautiful but not ugly, I'd say a bit above average, let’s say nothing special, with a genuine captivating infantile smile. Her declared age of 24 must be a sort of mid between her physical age and her mental age, something like 32 and 16. By the way, she's been 24 at least since september 2012: http://escorte.**spam editat**.com/index.php?/category/180/created-monthly-list She has countless stretchmarks by her bum and some by her thighs, even in the inside (!), traces of cellulitis, a strange sort of double chin, and her upper canine teeth are crooked, for the rest her teeth are ok, perfectly white, gurgling with litres of sperm has been better than any toothpaste . Pics are obviously and evidently photoshopped, but it’s unbelievable that no punters reported these evident unmissable defects, and it's not the first time that I "discover" unmissable valuable details that are not reported. I don't understand the reason, also because it seems that there is an agreement among posters not to write about certain things, but how could that be possible? The most particular thing I have read of "descriptions" of her, among vacuous lists of 9s, 10s, 11s, etc. (if I'm not mistaken and considering that I use google translator), is about her "alunita pe frunte", not a word even about a quite big unmissable mole she has on her back, which must be why there are no pics, among the many many available online, showing her back... bare (a calembour that fits), maybe moles are more expensive to photoshop. Alicia has the voice and the naivety of a young girl. Not too clever, not too curious, not paying attention even to things that could concern, affect or apply to her. She didn't even check herself properly nor took too much care about her health and/or customers' health, something that has slightly been debated recently in Diana Studenta thread. Doing such a job, those things should have been advisable to say the least, now she is finally doing it, in the break she took to look for an alternative job (and/or whatever else she did) at least she learnt something useful and that could preserve her health (and customers'). Good for her, less (from a certain point of view) for customers. But before, by her own admission, she was DFKing, getting licked and fingered, sucking and getting sprayed in her mouth (sometimes swallowing) by whomever (or almost) entered her flat, WTF! And I wouldn't swear that was all... And I hope no customers went to her with their dog . She's not a great company, not too interesting, a bit boring out of the mere action in bed, not too many topics you can discuss with her. She has little sense of humour, she doesn't understand when you are joking, you have to explain to her (and it's not a matter of language), and hope that she will understand. You wouldn't hire her for 24 hours, nor for dinners, events, meetings, etc. Cerebrally speaking, she's miles away from a Diana Studenta, just to mention another girl who can provide a good GFE (but planets away from Alicia's GFE... OF LAST YEAR!), and universes away from the personality and character of an Andreea Marriott. Once, in a general speech, I mentioned the word "curva". She got offended and said that noone in her "honoured career" had ever called her like that. I tried to explain, I repeated the word and she said "again", getting more offended! But, even if I had referred to her, what did she think she was? What is she? A nan in a convent? A volunteer of a NGO? A Discalced Carmelite? :wallbash Ok, somehow she was a sort of charity foundation, she made a lot of beneficence to hundreds of needy men, but she did it for money, not for free! Regarding the action in bed, I define her quite passive about initiative, but always willing to participate to the matter, regardless of anything, without pulling back. Her oral was not that good either, she looked like a college girl who saw a porno movie and tried to put it into practice. In general, her initiatives were limited to an initial 1-2 minutes body to body massage, very nice by the way, and she found it difficult to follow my instructions or satisfy my requests (if she could, it was for a few seconds), that were nothing extraordinary, "can you kiss my neck like this? The way I'm doing it to you? Can you make a kissmark?" She took showers before and after every session. Once or twice for some reasons which I don't remember, I let her go alone for it (later I will explain better) and something strange happened: she came back and her pussy tasted a bit like onions. I moved to suck her nipples and they tasted a bit like onions! This is something that had happened to me only with black african girls, with the difference that with some of them wherever I sucked the flavour was the same, with or without showers, with or without soap or deodorant. However you must have understood that I'm not racist: if a girl makes me tick, it doesn't matter if she's white, black, yellow, gypsy or whatever else. So, what I found good? She was a real slut! A great drain! A guinea pig! A laboratory rat! A moaning doll lost in pleasure, caught away by passion! She was a real bitch, also in the literal meaning of the word: you know the dogs laying on their back waiting for you to caress them by tummy and chest? Of course in her case it would be much more than that She would let me do pratically literally anything, and I really mean it, participating enthusiastically to all experiments and tests. I vivisected her to her highest enjoyment, using all the instruments at my disposal: tongue, fingers, lips, dick, teeth, from top to toes, always more than one instrument per time on one or more parts. I must have gone through each and every square inch of her body (outside and even inside, for what I could ). I was working and worrying much more for her pleasure than for my own, she should have paid me! And a lot! But seeing and feeling her trembling and shaking, getting wetter and wetter and melting, holding her when she was relentlessly moaning in sincere extasy, watching and touching her goosebumps (I'll never forget them, nor I think will she: over her arms, her buttocks and thighs!!!) was my reward, and I could never have enough. Already on my second visit we broke down all scruples, removed all moral and physical barriers and limits and recklessly took off towards the unknown, the unlimited, the "never done before" - supposedly or at least so declared by her. I was wondering what she could do with her regular customers if she was doing that much with a foreign traveller on his second visit, so easily and so quickly. There wasn't that much left, basically I could think only of anal intercourse, protected or not. Those bloody always creaking beds have endured memorable fantastic endless sessions, who knows if and when to be done again, especially with that enthusiasm, participation, committment, devotion, intensity, shared pleasure and reciprocal and reciprocated satisfaction. Whatever "natural and normal" you can think of (no toys, uro, scat, sadomaso), we must have done it in all ways and positions possible: fucking while DFKing with fingers in her anus, scratching her clit, 69 with fingers everywhere, whatever! And even when it was time to leave, she still wouldn't unplug, embracing me and kissing me while dressing up, trying to go to the bathroom, to the door, etc. Of course that didn't annoy me , the time from "finishing" to get to the lift would normally be 20-30 minutes, and free. Memorable were also the showers we were taking: I used to dig simultaneously both her channels up to... the lungs, I think . I couldn't find her heart because she doesn't have one, she told me she never said "I love you" to any man in her life, not even to those she was supposed to marry. She would have liked to make love in the bath tab, but bloody colleagues (even envious with her for finding such a customer) might have needed it, so we never did. She used to promise me she would gimme her virgin (?) ass on my next visit, but never happened. In this case, I don't think she said that as a lie to keep me going to her, there was no need, but you can't trust her: she is not good at all at keeping her word and her promises, sometimes she doesn't even remember if and what she told you (proverb: don't lie if you can't remember what you say!), but she is very good and stubborn at denying evidence, inventing excuses and fairy tales, changing her statements and versions even 3 times in 10 minutes! A good actress in the overall, and she expects to be believed! Power of (and faith in) pussy... Back to her anus, I must say it was always unbelievably clean, no traces of "deposits", no smell at all, I could enter, come out and switch to any hole or anywhere else without needing to clean or change my fingers. I'm not expert in anal, but maybe some of you have read my post about a pro providing anal, therefore theoretically preparing and cleaning the "track": bad smell inspite of no material traces. In Alicia's case, long lasting daily repeated drillings and excavations always resulted in "nothing to declare" to custom, maybe she was lying to me about her service? Cleaning beforehand? The first time she couldn't know I would violate her second channel... Or she didn't eat? Who knows what's the truth, with her you'll never know or she'll never admit it anyway. By the way, her asshole was the third, maximum fourth one I fingered in my life and the first one I licked, by right she got a place in my personal Olympus, Hall of Fame, call it as you like. She was better (muuuch better) than some girlfriends I have had, and with her I did things I normally don’t do, in spite of availability, nor with pros nor with girlfriends, because I just don't feel like doing them, they don't come out spontaneous and impetuous like it used to happen with her... I don't know if I have ever felt such a "turbointercooler-push" towards another girl, even if more beautiful, more intelligent or whatever else, normally I'm quite squeamish. I have read in this forum (in other 2-3 romanian forums there is little about her) that nearly everybody has been quite happy with her, I wonder if other punters have gone to those skyrocketing heights with her, or maybe they omitted certain details (not only the physical defects). However, for once, I can agree evaluations on GFE and attitude, 10+ was even little (at least... 69! ), but not on the rest (beauty, aspect, oral, etc., more honest would be respectively 6+, 6+, 5-). For a laughter, I can say I would have recommended her especially to maniacs and to, let me joke also about this, would-be pedophiles. To me she was worth the several thousands of rons it would have cost to meet her, considering her remuneration (in spite of discount), flights, flat rentals, medical tests, etc. (eventually I got a bit of prostatitis, not necessarily imputable to her, even if quite probable, but anyway she could have given me worse stuff, so it's ok, I was happy anyway and came out with nothing too bad, at least so far). But all this was last year, now, as I said before, she has become wary about diseases and restricted a lot her service. Everything covered, no fingering, no kissing, no licking, nothing. Her moans (the only thing left of last year) not as genuine, as felt and as strong as before, don’t justify a visit, much more and much better can be found, at less money. I don’t know if she will make exceptions with her regular customers, of course I speak for myself, with me she didn't, apart from a forced rushed unfelt few FKs, not even deep. On our second meeting of this year, my last attempt (of "desperation"), she couldn’t even get wet, had no lubrificant and we had to quit the action! I couldn’t believe it! With me she had always been dripping naturally like a broken tap, I remember her going to dry up her pussy because no "friction" could be had, my dick was swimming in a pool. Sheets would be more wet of her juices than of our sweat. I can say this because we used to shower together, she was not putting cream inside her pussy like she used to do with other customers, who felt happy and proud to find her wet thanks to "their stimulation". That's one of the “secret tricks” of smart dodgy pros, normally curvas (less smart also) put cream in front of the customer, even on his covered dick, before penetration. That's something I find quite annoying because not only interrupts the action and its naturalness, already disturbed by putting the condom, but also it makes me realize that we are making a mechanical thing, that the girl feels nothing and her moans will be stupidly fake. In this she's very clever and probably fools easily many customers, especially the ones in "good faith" or with less experience. I know she wanted to try to quit, she must have found nothing that could suit her, and she went back to "work", but I reckon her offer now can be accepted basically by affectionate customers, whether they receive "old" treatment, part of it or none at all. For less or for the same money it is possible to get more beautiful girls who will offer more and better options, even if I'm noticing she is not the first one changing her offer, for instance now also Marina Brailita blows covered. I obviously had a "strong weakness" for her, but I don't think I'll see her again: too big, astronomical to say the least, the difference between what I got before and what I can get now, I rather keep my (unforgettable) memories, with goosebumps and showers on top, and go and get more somewhere else. And she will not be happy to read this post, she will know who I am (hopefully, , otherwise it means she didn't do anything special with me), and she is not the first one who can identify me. Writing in english in this forum "penalizes" me a lot, and that annoys me. If reviews are good, it will not be a problem, but if I point out defects, it's not that nice to be identified, especially if I'd like to go back. I’m a good hearted man, also easy to take advantage of, I don't mean to hurt nor to offend anyone: in all my posts, no matter how negative, there is always something positive, unless something really appalling or bad happened, but truth is truth, WTF, where is the point of posting fake things or lies? In Alicia's case, I know she does this job for need of care, affection, attention, sex and money (a mixture of loneliness, lack of alternatives, desperation and struggle to survive), so I will withhold the rest, I wrote enough. Good luck to her and to those who go with her
  13. Ehm... I wouldn't like to look too obstinate, and I'll try not to post anymore in this thread, we are not in a tribunal and I reckon that my statements are clear enough. Of course Roxana, or whoever else is writing, has the right to have her own say, and I know it's just my version against her version, but... I confirm what I wrote in my previous posts: the red haired girl introduced herself to me as Roxana, and also on the phone she had said she was Roxana. Since I always have with me a sheet with plenty of numbers to call, I don't write who is blonde, brunette, tall or not, etc, I just write prices and services to (try to) avoid being cheated. I say this to justify why I didn't understand that I was meeting somebody else. Also, as I wrote, in the afternoon the person answering the phone couldn't speak english, the girl who answered in the evening could, she was the girl I met. And in the ad in the beginning of this thread, I understand that Roxana should start working after 8pm, so she should have been on duty. But it's not a problem, we all know that these things happen, that girls can swap numbers, customers, names, etc., the problem was the service given, not the girl who provided it. Just to say the truth.
  14. I was undecided about posting this meeting or not, since it is "posthumous", because they left. I write shortly about, just for the record. I met Denisa, pretty young blonde with lovely perfect boobs, I would have liked to "unscrew" them and take away, a great anti-stress . Agreed 1 hour, 150 rons. She said she quitted the kissing some 3 months ago, anyway she had a cold too, if I remember well. She took a bit of time to join me in the room, but it wasn't counted. Good blowing, good sex. After I unloaded, she left me alone for nearly 10 minutes to go and smoke a cigarette! She had come back after 1 minute with an ashtray, I thought she wanted to smoke in the room with me, instead she put it down and left! When she came back, we had the second session. As good as the first one. Note of merit, she made me release twice. Probably I was her last or second last customer in Bucharest. Just for the record
  15. Dem, the pics show a girl different from the girl Nicky and I met, I don't know who answers the phone and their real or fake names; by "clicking on it" I mean that you wrote you wanted to give me a big LIKE for my post on Andreea Marriott, but you didn't vote it, which is you didn't click on the green arrow on the bottom of posts to gimme a point for the reputation. Nor that it matters that much, I mean, of course I don't ask for points, it's just a satisfaction, at least for me, since I've read in some thread people posting complaints about reputation points, there must be benefits I don't know or I don't understand, anyway being just a foreign traveller I probably couldn't benefit; I signalized I reckon that the Roxana in these pics is the same Roxana that I visited a couple of months ago and that seemed to have quit (read that thread). It could be that someone is using the pics of the Roxana I visited 2 months ago, I don't know if she is "involved", the only thing I know for sure is that the girl Nicky and I met is not the one of the above photos! I hope I was more clear and you understood
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