Sari la conținut
  • We are committed to working to ensure our community remains safe, inclusive, diverse, and free from harmful content. As part of our commitment, it is important that our community members have an easy way to alert us to content that infringes our Terms of Service.
    By using our reporting feature, community members can easily alert our staff to potentially harmful content. Reporting content this way is easy, confidential, and serves to alert our team of human moderators to review the identified content or comment.

    Report a Comment, Topic, Video or Photo

    You may not like everything you see on our website. For example, you may see something rude, vulgar, or offensive. That doesn't mean the content is illegal or violates our Terms of Service. If you see something on our platform however that you believe goes against our policies, the “reporting” feature can be used to alert us about this content so that we can review it.

    In order to use this "Report Content" feature, follow these simple steps:
    -Sign in to your Nimfomane account
    -Go to the topic, video, photo, or gif that you'd like to report
    -Select the reason for reporting.









    All users can report content confidentially. When you report something, your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared.
    When you report a piece of content that you think infringes our Terms of Service, you are helping protect the Nimfomane community as well as the integrity of our platform.
    All reported content is reviewed to determine if it complies with our Terms of Service. Reporting something does not mean that it gets automatically removed. If, upon our review, the content is deemed to violate our Terms of Service, the content will be removed and the associated accounts may get disabled permanently.

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