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La mine sau la tine Buna! Numele meu este Elisa. Ma declar a fi o escorta finuta,jucausa, prietenoasa, cu bun simt care pune accent pe ceea ce face si se dedica absolut pentru fanteziile tale ascunse. Te astept in locatia mea pentru a petrece clipe de neuitat! Fac si deplasari,Pentru mai multe detalii astept telefonul tau. Pupici 0734780519
Dragi confutaciosi,Vin cu o propunere hot, care va intra sigur in Top Escorte."DENISA, O BRUNETA SUPERBA cu chef nebun de joaca,te astept pt.a te innebuni cu un oral incitant,un normal in diferite pozitii si sfarsim in funduletul meu bombat si bronzat,poze reale garantat,Unirii, zepter0764.616.646 Pret 100L/LUX"Spun ca e ucenica Lorenei pentru ca sta in aceeasi locatie cu ea si... surpriza!... va face si show erotic in curand cu ea. :)Ca review: Pret: 100 ron finalizare, 150 ron ora (sex oral neprotejat, sex normal, sex anal, CIM) Locatie: Zepter, aceeasi locatie cu a Lorenei, destul de ok, posibil minus pentru ca avea doar o canapea. In curand vor schimba locatia si vor avea pat. Poze: reale 100%, activeaza de 4 luni din ce am inteles Note: Oral: 8 Normal: 8.5 Anal: N/A (nu am incercat) GFE: 9 (10 e pentru profesori) - face FK, e prima escorta cu care am putut discuta cate ceva, fiind foarte joviala si dezinvolta...deh, probabil si varsta Fizic: 9 - are in jur de 21 de ani, e mai micuta de statura dar are niste forme foarte frumoase (sani, fund, abdomen fara grasime, carne tare). Are niste labii foarte mari (aviz amatorilor) Prestatie: Am fost de 2 ori si am platit cate o ora dar am "reusit" performanta negativa de a rezista doar o finalizare de fiecare data. Ce e ciudat e ca nu imi pare rau de banii dati pe 2 finalizari, pentru ca a meritat fiecare banut prestatia si conversatia. Fiind micuta am putut incerca si niste pozitii mai "acrobatice", pe care nu le-as fi reusit cu niste escorte mai corpolente. Igiena: Fata e curata, a facut dus intre numere. Are un parfum placut, dar care ramane pe haine. Beware daca va intoarceti la radar acasa. Ca minusuri: are doar canapea, care la al 2-lea numar e destul de incomoda. Lucrul asta se va remedia in 2 saptamani cand se vor muta. Concluzie: O recomand tuturor celor care vor o experienta placuta cu o fata tanara, frumoasa si politicoasa.
Hey guys!!!! 2 days ago, I was in mood to have fun, I checked on anuntul. I hesitated between "call a nice escort that I already know" or "try something new"... and I saw this announcement: LA tine sau la hotel sexi pupacioasa ofer placeri de neuitat d-lor generosi oral umed si adanc normal in orice pozitie diferite fantezii 69 cunilingus masaj erotic de relaxare dus impreuna poze reale rog seriozitate I did not read any existing review on the forum about her so it was risky and indeed, it was a big mistake... At least, I was almost sure that the pics were not false because I recognized her flat, it's located on strada Hristo Botev (near Universitate) and I already saw a lot of escorts working there. She arrived in front of my bloc 45 min after I called her. She asked me to come downstairs and got out of the taxi. First impression: she was the girl from the pic, but once again (i'm very not lucky from this point of view), she did not smile 1 time during all our meeting. She seemed to be fearful, despite the fact that I tried to make some jokes... I'm surely not amusing... ) I gave her 200 RON as it was planed. She told me that it was only for 1 completion (oral + normal) and 1 completion was only 20 minutes. Hmmm, big misunderstanding because I was almost sure that at the phone, we dealt 200 RON for 1 hour. But she said that if I want 1 hour and a half, it was 400 RON. No thank you... I did not want anymore... She did not smoke, did not drink anything, did not want to speak... She asked me where was the bathroom and I heard that she was speaking on the phone... does not matter... People who have already read some of my reviews know that I like preliminaries and GFE more than everything. Tough luck!, she was not this kind of escort. She undressed, I noticed that she was not shaved since few days (weeks?) and she started directly to make a protected blowjob. It was more or less OK. After that, we started a missionary position. And I don't know why but it was a challenge to enter in her pussy. She was blocked and very tight. Once inside, she never got wet and I got bored very fast. I tried to kiss her (but she refused) and I finished into the condom in this position. Conclusion: Body + Face: 5 GFE: 0 Oral: 6 Normal: 4 Of course, I don't recommend !!!
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