Vizitator calin1984calin Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2013 Buna ziua, Imi cer scuze daca jignesc pe cineva incepand acest topic (avand in vedere ca nu am facut nici o recenzie pana acum). Am o fantezie care este si motivul pentru care am intrat pe acest site. Exista in Cluj escorte care sa foloseasca strapon, dar nu imi trebuie nimic sado sau de genul. Pur si simplu vreau sa incerc asa ceva si sotia nu e deschisa momentan pt chestiile astea M-am gandit sa trec pe la un salon totusi unde mi s-a confirmat ca pot sa includa jucarii in masaj folosite pe mine... ramane de vazut.Fantezia completa este sa am 2 dame, care sa accepte anal la ele si sa foloseasca strapon pe mine.Daca ma poate ajuta cineva, multumesc anticipat.Pana una alta cred ca o sa fac o vizita pe str. artarului pentru a putea face aici o recenzie ca sa nu arunce lumea cu pietre in mine (unii pur si simplu nu merg asa des la escorte )
talisker Reputație: -376 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2013 daca asta e fantezia ta asta e .... nu vad de ce ai jigni pe cineva cu asa ceva. Trecand la ceea ce vrei, cred ca sunt cateva impedimente. La saloane in general nu accepta contact sexual, deci sex anal cu fetele de acolo e exclus. Faptul ca vrei sa faci sex anal iti limiteaza nr de escorte din Cluj(cauta topic-urile cu fetele care spun ca accepta asa ceva). Urmatoarea problema e ca din fetele care fac anal, trebuie sa gasesti pe acele care nu lucreaza singure, care iar o sa iti limiteze nr de optiuni, apoi trebuie sa gasesti perechea care e dispusa sa faca tot ce vrei tu Sugestie: Ia-ti un strap-on propriu de la un sexshop si roaga fetele sa il foloseasca pe acela, avand in vedere ca porbabil ele nu o sa aiba Sugestie la sugestie: Din experienta mea cu fete pe care le-am convins sa incerce anal am descoperit ca e bine sa incepi cu un vibrator din ala mic, creion, sa folosesti mult lubrifiant(si asta va trebui sa il duci tu) si doar apoi sa treci la ceva mai mare gen strap-on(de aia am zis sa iti iei unul propriu dupa preferintele tale). Sugestia asta e pt tine nu pt fete, pt ca la ce ai zis tu si tu vei fi penetrat deci va trebui sa te pregatesti nu doar sufleteste. Aproape sigur fetele nu vor fi experte in asa geva Recomandare finala: Daca nu gasesti ce vrei in Cluj, incearca la vecinii nostri **spam editat**itari din vest, acolo sigur o sa gasesti asa ceva. daca gasesti in Cluj te rog sa ne povestesti si noua cum a decurs actiunea.
Vizitator calin1984calin Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Multumesc pt raspuns Am mai intrebat escorte pe messenger de asa ceva... o parte din ele nu prea stiau ce vreau exact. Si mai multe mi-au spus acelasi lucru... sa-mi aduc eu jucariile. Putin mai comlpicata varianta asta. M-am gandit ca fetele daca as gasi, nu sunt experte in asa ceva si trebuie sa am grija de fundul meu La Cleo au spus ca sunt dispusi sa foloseasca vibratoare pe mine, dar atat. Poate incep cu asa ceva si vad eu mai apoi daca chiar imi place si pot gasi o escorta.Fiti siguri ca o sa va relatez intamplarea daca gasesc asa ceva in Cluj.
palosulgros Reputație: 5985 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Telefon: viaducthr Oras:Cluj Telefon: viaducthr Oras:Cluj Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Am vazut accesoriu de genul la Red Lips (cand intri is puse la fereastra jucariile) dar nu stiu care dintre fete poate sa-l foloseasca...
Vizitator brian131 Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 I agree with what was suggested. I had a similar problem. Buy your own equipment and then look for the right escort. Nikki is very adventurous, I bet she would love it. In countries where prostitution is legal, girls advertise all of their services on the web. I have noticed that most girls who have been in business for a long time start to add things like S&M to the menu at about age 35. Most girls will not have the equipment. The ones that do are usually S&M only, or extremely fat or ugly trying to offer something different. The S&M only girls can't be pleasant even if you ask. I hate being around them. I found a nice woman who offered kissing and S&M. Kissing because I wanted it to be nice, S&M because I needed a woman willing to try new things. If you are willing to go to Brno, Czech Republic I can put you in touch with her. She is a lovely older woman. Probably a luxury escort in her youth. I never did two girls, but her partner is beautiful 25 year old blonde. I believe she has the equipment and uses it mostly on other women. Kristin offered to bring her in if I ever wanted. The older one is a 10 GFE and still looks really good. She also is very skilled in bed and gives the best professional massage I have ever had after sex is over.
Vizitator calin1984calin Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 @pulosugrosAm verificat si pe site-ul lor si la masajul sado au in lista de fetish-uri si straponul. Multumesc pt sugestie. O sa citesc putin despre ei prima data si apoi o sa iau legatura sa vad daca au mai facut asa ceva. @brian131Thanks for your input. I don't have anything planned yet for Brno, but your description of the ladies sounds very appealing I was at some point in Belgium where I asked an escort to bring some toys when she visited me. But her strapons were too big and got scared So she used only some vibrators on me which felt very good, so I didn't go for the strapon that time. The problem was that she didn't know english very well and all the situation became awkward. She was indeed over 30, would say around 35, blonde with silicons, Tania was here name. She still does services for Brussels and I have a link also Overall it was a bad experience because GFE she was 0 because of not knowing english.Until I visit places like Brno or Brussels, I will try something here in Cluj and share the information with you guys.
Vizitator brian131 Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 In case you decide to go to Brno, here is everything you need to know. I would never tell anyone to go to Brno for sex (or holiday), but you have a fantasy I can tell you how to get it. I haven't done strapon much, but I know a lot because it took me a long time to find it. It's actually very easy if you know how. The tram system is great. If you are in the city center you won't have to change trams to get to any girl and I think all of the "privats" are very close to tram stops. The pictures are almost always real and very accurate. The price is already set very low by market competition. Don't ask a girl to take less, her price is already lower than she wants. She will be insulted. In any country, girls usually ignore foreign phone numbers. Always buy a SIM card. The girls are better than most about answering the phone and returning calls. To get the location, every escort in Europe understands "SMS address". SMS is very cheap in Czech Republic, so they are more likely to use SMS, but all of the girls prefer to hear your voice. Call, if they don't answer leave an SMS. If they don't speak English they will ignore you, the others will often respond. If you like big breasts, Brno is great. The girls don't work very late, call during the day. The hours are usually in their ad. Avoid any girl that says she is non-stop. If she is good she doesn't have to work with drunk men at 11PM, she has loyal customers during the day. Also remember that the escorts in Cluj work pretty hard. Most girls in other countries won't do two finishes in an hour. The rule is this: 30 minutes is a fast f@#k, 60 minutes is asking the girl to take her time and make it good. The girls will do 30 minutes, but they prefer to do quality work. They have pride in their work. For many girls, the time is over when you finish. They will sometimes stay and talk or lay next to you, but the action is done. CIM is not common. ON is usually 200-300 kroner extra, but every girl does it. Kissing is very common. I never asked if it was extra and they never asked for more money. I think GFE of at least 6 is required or the girl will have no customers. It's not the best place for paid sex, but it is very easy. Here is my girl Kristin in Brno. I see her for normal sex also. If you go to the bottom of the page you can see her colleague. I think some of Kristin's pictures are 10 years old (cameras are better now and the clothes don't look current). However, I think she looks better now. She does not speak English but she has good German. I have about 500 words in German and we don't have a problem. If you SMS her and explain the language problem, she will make appointments by SMS. the first time, I used Google translate to help. She is very, very patient trying to communicate with me. She also speaks Russian (because she is Russian), but she doesn't advertise this. If you ask for strapon she will assume you want it S&M style, so make your wishes clear. She does not have the equipment, but I think her colleague might. Kristin also does an incredible prostate massage. There is a tram stop about 30 meters from the apartment. The standard price for a young girl is 1500 kroner with 200-300 more for ON. Kristin charges 1200 and does ON for free. She also works 10 times as hard as a young girl. It is unfair, so I always pay her 1500. She doesn't want to lose me to a young girl. She makes sure that no other woman can please me. Her real treasure is her massage. Even if the hour is almost over she won't let me leave. She takes about 20 minutes to give me a massage. It is very, very hard and sometimes painful. If I complain she tells me it's good for me and to stop whining. I am so relaxed when I leave her that I can barely walk. 100% recommend you go to Kristin if you can get through the language barrier. She will try her very best to work with you on the language problem. Use a computer to translate what you want into German. Use very short sentences. Print it out and give it to her. If your English is good, write it in English and translate to German. The two languages are closer and the translation will be better. Her colleague may be easier to talk to, but she only lists Czech and Slovak languages. I have heard Sonia in the next room. She is a very noisy girl and sounds like *a lot* of fun I wish I could visit her, but Kristin would murder me. had it from this girl, she speaks good English and there are several girls there. She has a great body and kisses well. However she and her colleague Nella are a little distant. They aren't cold, but I'm pretty sure they smoke Mary Jane all day (it is legal there.) There is a tram stop very close to the apartment. If you see the building you might think it is a school, so I will tell you: it is a building across the street from the tram stop next to an old church. If you get off the tram and look for the big church, you will see the building in a few seconds. These girls are very good about answering the phone. If they don't answer send an SMS and they will usually get back to you in a few hours. The girls are skilled and happy to please you, but very quiet because they are stoned. If you like boobs, she is short with some perfect size 4 breasts. Her colleague Nella has natural size 6 breasts unaffected by gravity. Nella would join in for a game of three. If you ask her for strapon, you will laugh at how easily she smiles and says yes. They won't do anything they don't like, but for everything else they are completely relaxed. Again though, they are a little too relaxed. They aren't sad, drug addicted prostitutes. They are very healthy girls that just like to relax when they work. The locals either hate them or love them. There is no middle. If you like quiet, gentle sex they are great. Mischel speaks English and you can walk from the city center. English is not good and she won't respond to SMS if she doesn't know you. However, if you call her and have trouble talking she will tell you to SMS so she can read. I have never done strapon with her, but I have seen her equipment and it is not scary. It is not great quality though. Mischel is very friendly, but on my third visit I started to realize that she is not completely sane. Friendly girl and great sex. She is completely normal during sex, but before and after she is kind of strange. Don't even try this one. She is the Gina of Brno and also known for the best strapon. She was friendly about it, but she won't make an appointment if you can't speak Czech or Slovak. She has too many customers already. The Czech vocabulary is "pánský anál" ("man anal") , PA, "pánský análek s připínákem" ("man anal with strapon "). A large number (even the young girls) offer prostate massage and PA, but PA is usually just a vibrator. If she does PA she will do strapon, but you will have to bring the toy. The website I keep linking to lets you search girls by service. It is a little hard to find the search. Even the English version has a lot of Czech. On the left side under the map are two tabs. One is "Privaty" (the groups of girls) and that is the default. If you click the tab for girls (Divky), you can search by service. However when you click the Divky tab (or change the language to English) the site resets to searching all of Czech, Republic. Brno is in "Jihomoravsky kraj." The search box is very small at the top of the pictures of the girls. Click "rozšířené vyhledáván" which I assume means "advanced search." The girl's colleagues will be at the bottom of a girl's profile. Almost every girl has colleagues. They might not want to do lesby, but it won't be had to find a game of three. Probably any girl in Brno will do strapon for you. I would avoid the young beauty queens. They are paid for their looks. Strapon is hard work for the girl. A beauty queen might agree, but might not want exert herself. In general, the women over 30 in Czech Republic and Hungary are far better escorts. They try to offer the highest quality to compete with younger girls. Brno is smaller than Cluj, but that website forces girls to compete. That is why Cluj doesn't have as many great escorts as Brno. It's also why the girls in Brno put real pictures and return phone calls. For quality, avoid any girl from Privat Soho or Privat Gold Ladies. Those are big places popular with travelers. They are ok, but you can get better service for less money. Of course, Budapest is much closer and you can get anything there. The pictures there are almost all fake (even for honest girls) and it is difficult to see through the bullshit. I had good luck in Budapest, but I have heard horror stories. Cheers!
Vizitator brian131 Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 23, 2013 For Budapest, here is your girl:NymphoRona I've been with this one. Her English is excellent. The pictures are her but they are very, very good pictures. The girl is a 6 for appearance when you meet her, but an 8 after 30 minutes. She is cheap and good. I highly recommend. I didn't do strapon with her, but I would bet 100 Euro she has done it and loves doing it. The girl is dedicated to sex and power. She likes your money and she loves the power she has over men. Her quotes to me: "I can talk to any man for 30 seconds and become everything he has ever wanted. *Any man*." (I can say this is very true, almost frightening)"Women who don't give blowjobs are the *stupidest* women ever. I love blowjobs. It is the easiest way to control a man. If you give a man the best blowjob of his life he will do anything to get it again. *Anything*." For me she was a sweet, cultured, highly intelligent GFE girl. She can be anything she wants and you will believe it. She was the nicest girl in the world for me, but she can also be the dirtiest girl in the world. From her ad: Favourite sexual position: 7 ways of deep hard mouth fuckingSex with more than one man: i like, when there's a dick in every of my holes ) I can't say for certain if she will do strapon, but it sounds like something she probably does. I'm sure her personality and ad draw men who want things like that. If you have a fantasy, she will see it as a way to own your soul. She wants you to never forget her. I almost stopped in Budapest on the way to Cluj to see her. After 6 months I still think about her.
econix Reputație: 185 Postat Ianuarie 24, 2013 Oras:Ardeal Oras:Ardeal Postat Ianuarie 24, 2013 Dear Brian, I think it might be a good idea to post theese informations regarding escorts abroad in the section reserved for them: Escorte din alte tari (Escorts from other countries) I think a Ctrl+copy and Ctrl+paste might be enough. Czech Republic is Cehia and Hungary is Ungaria in romanian.
Private Girls masage Reputație: 3 Postat Februarie 11, 2013 Oras:Cluj Napoca Oras:Cluj Napoca Postat Februarie 11, 2013 Private Girls Massage are strapon si nu se sfieste sa-l foloseasca
Vizitator calin1984calin Reputație: 0 Postat Februarie 11, 2013 Postat Februarie 11, 2013 @Private Girls masageO sa iau in considerare aceasta informatie Poate ne spuneti si care dintre fete (ca sa putem verifica pe site cum arata) sunt deschise la treaba asta si daca aveti de mai multe dimensiuni Va multumesc.
catalin43 Reputație: 150 Postat Februarie 12, 2013 Oras:baia mare Oras:baia mare Postat Februarie 12, 2013 exista acum niste ani o escorta ff slaba ,mihaella parca o chema ( venea ea din bistrita la cluj) si ea avea tot felul de jucarii respectiv bile anale ,strapon etc si chiar ii facea placere sa te lucreze in aceea incercat o data dar nu a fost pe placul meu....din pacate nu mai am tel. ei....poate altcineva i-si aduce aminte de ea...
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