Vizitator brian131 Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Are there any girls or salons who do this well? It is pretty amazing when it is done correctly. However some girls will say they do it but don't know how. Then it is not amazing. It is two people feeling very silly Perfect would be a girl who could do it at the same time with ON and CIM, but all suggestions are welcome.
econix Reputație: 185 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Oras:Ardeal Oras:Ardeal Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Dear Brian, my suggestion is to ask an open minded escort lady if she could do that for you (and after that you should come back with a review 'cause I'm interested too:) ). Suddenly the only one lady that slips through my mind which I know is openminded enough and could do such a treatment is Gina, our top escort lady.
bazdkiii Reputație: 497 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 Oras:Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvar Oras:Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvar Postat Ianuarie 22, 2013 you can ask gina, she is a very open minded escort lady,... when I was last time at Gina maybe she told me that she do same things...
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