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Denisa 0731472291


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  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

6 juli your father had go to doctor no? You dont care about him you tell me. So if he dies is ok no?

You were going to work in switserland to pay the operation right? Or was another lie?

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  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

You dont care about him anymore. Your own words. So lets hope he dies. It will make you feel better no?

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  • Telefon: 0742146905
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: 0742146905
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Ganditi-va ca unii din asta traiesc, pentru ca nu stiu sa faca altceva. Inselatoriile si gainariile exista inca de la inceput, la fel si prostitutia. Totul are o legatura. Daca nu ar face chestii de genul, ar face foamea la Giurgiu si ar avea pamant sub unghii.

Asta,in viata ei nu o sa aibe o familie, un copil care sa ii spuna "mami". Nu o sa fie iubita cu adevarat si nu o sa simta viata asa cum este cu adevarat.

Ce traieste ea acum, este o minciuna, un abstract.....mi-e mila de ea.

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D-aia cerea circuit închis. 

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

You know. She has tatoo on hear wrist with crown and birthday of her peste... first she told me was her brothers. I had to know then. A girl who has tatoo like that for the rest of her life is marginal. Is funny. Last week we were talking about lies in relationship. And we said even if the lie is so fast the truth will catch it. It catched you pretty fast ana maria adelina tunahan.


You know. She has tatoo on hear wrist with crown and birthday of her peste... first she told me was her brothers. I had to know then. A girl who has tatoo like that for the rest of her life is marginal. Is funny. Last week we were talking about lies in relationship. And we said even if the lie is so fast the truth will catch it. It catched you pretty fast ana maria adelina tunahan.


haha she told me the same about that birthday

its peste's birthday

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

You see anna. They all fucked you. This is your life. *aplause* your "shit" life you told me. They all came in your mouth. Wauw. What a husband to support that. Some real love there.

And you tell me you go to heaven. Lol.

Your child will go to heaven. You will rot in hell alone. With ur peste. Never seeing your child again.

Anyways enough with this. Your family will see me.

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I changed my mind pisicuts. Leave it open. I go to giurgiu. Thanks.

I wanna go see the family in the eyes. I go to police there and ask. They are corrupt so money will work.

If you give the money like a present, you can’t ask for it back ! if u give something, u give without expeting nothing in reverse.

In rest, nu am stat sa citesc povestea .ce faci tu aici e de râs ,sincer.


If you give the money like a present, you can’t ask for it back ! if u give something, u give without expeting nothing in reverse.

In rest, nu am stat sa citesc povestea .ce faci tu aici e de râs ,sincer.


fa, sterge-te la gura da engleza

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Sa Ii dai bani sa faca cursuri si apoi ii ceri inapoi. Doamne fereste :))

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

If you give the money like a present, you can’t ask for it back ! if u give something, u give without expeting nothing in reverse.

In rest, nu am stat sa citesc povestea .ce faci tu aici e de râs ,sincer.

I dont want the money back.

I want justice. The truth. Nothing more. Nothing less. A liar.. a hypocrite confronted with her choices.

You dont treat a person like this. Simple.

Her whole person is a lie. How would you feel ines? Someone you cared. Loved. Betray you like this. How would you feel?

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fata mea, te bate engleza =)) banii era pt tasu ala bolnav

indiferent. Cand oferi , nu o faci cu intentia sa asteoti ceva la schimb. Mai bine nu mai oferi ! eu perversul in declar pe omul care da ceva , cu un interes ;) nu cel care cere.

Ori dai ori nu mai dai.

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I dont want the money back.

I want justice. The truth. Nothing more. Nothing less. A liar.. a hypocrite confronted with her choices.

You dont treat a person like this. Simple.

Her whole person is a lie. How would you feel ines? Someone you cared. Loved. Betray you like this. How would you feel?


The truth you have it already found it! but if u have caracter and you say is true love, why you would wantmake her bad? Is ok if u write on nimfomane , but if u revenge, that was no love ;)

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I don’t say is funny what happened to you, is comic how you reaction.


I dont want the money back.

I want justice. The truth. Nothing more. Nothing less. A liar.. a hypocrite confronted with her choices.

You dont treat a person like this. Simple.

Her whole person is a lie. How would you feel ines? Someone you cared. Loved. Betray you like this. How would you feel?


btw inesis is another bitch who used to pull this shit to a lot of guys until one of them fucked her up and now he is in jail =))

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btw inesis is another bitch who used to pull this shit to a lot of guys until one of them fucked her up and now he is in jail =))

Maxim :)))


hahahaha ce proasta e ines... traduce in engleza de balta din textele ei agramate in romana...

pai fa nebuno... cand criptezi, eroarea de propaga... mancamiai pula de flamanda cu kfc in stomac

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

The truth you have it already found it! but if u have caracter and you say is true love, why you would wantmake her bad? Is ok if u write on nimfomane , but if u revenge, that was no love ;)

Yeah thats where you are wrong. You expect me to just say hey anna wellplayed. You lied. You played me. But i love you so is ok.

No. I dont work like this. I love her. I wont lie about that. But it seems i was in love with a lie. A fake picture. So that changes everything. Then it becomes about the way a person has treated you.

But i have to say. It seems like all you prostitutes are the same. A selfrespecting woman would find another way to make money. I thought she was the first real prostitute that was good. I was wrong.

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