buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 I dont like doing this. But i had to. When i confront her she just laughs in my face.It always amazes me that the persons who talk about god turns out to be the greatest hypocrites. Congratulations anna. You did a good job. I believed every word you said.
mroriginal13 Reputație: 611 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Iunie 30, 2018 I dont like doing this. But i had to. When i confront her she just laughs in my face.It always amazes me that the persons who talk about god turns out to be the greatest hypocrites. Congratulations anna. You did a good job. I believed every word you said.Why do you think you had to do it? What did you acomplish by doing this?
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Why do you think you had to do it? What did you acomplish by doing this?I dont believe in god or in justice. Bad people deserve to be exposed.I trusted her with everything. And she betrayed me. How would you feel? Anywayz. Is closed chapter for me.
omu cu anaconda Reputație: 5 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 se poate un report va rog de la pisicuts ?ce report fa jegoaso... dupa ce ai facut ce ai facut? pai e frumos fa sa ai peste turcalete-tigan si sa te tina la produs ca pe ultima proasta si mai dai si teapa la straini?!? faci tara de ras. daca mai erau Ceausescu si Stalin, erai hranita doar cu paine si apa.
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Do you realize that proves how stupid you are?Yes. Trust no one. Anywayz. If she wants to be treated like escort like all the rest then i will. Girl : 9+. Shes really beautifull. Especially when she sleeps. She has a typical smile and laugh when she sees a funny movie or hear something funny.Ass very good. Nice breasts. Oral neprotejat 9+. Good with emotion.Fk : good. Normal : 9+. Good. Girlfriend : very good. Great actress. 10+ De revenit? Yeah not really. 1
tropical17 Reputație: 1305 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Cool down man, the money is gone, well inveated in nice 20 inch rims for lover s car. You are right pointing out escort behavior just to prevent things like that to perpetuate, but what the fuck when it is easy money to make they are loosing control.cheers mate, hope there will not be next time
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Cool down man, the money is gone, well inveated in nice 20 inch rims for lover s car. You are right pointing out escort behavior just to prevent things like that to perpetuate, but what the fuck when it is easy money to make they are loosing control.cheers mate, hope there will not be next timeTruth is im heartbroken and feel very bad. I cant eat or sleep.If i could i would delete the post and topic but i cant edit it.I dont understand how she could have done this.. with no regret... its like shes dead inside.And i dont care about the money. I care about trust honesty and respect. I did everything i could. I dont understand why i deserved this. And dont say about escort and work. I saw her outside her work. We talked on whatsapp. How do you think i get the number. She slipped and made a mistake with facebook. Thats how i found out. If i didnt found out yesterday. I would still be in the same situation. So anna. If you read this : is thus really the person you want to be? Same birthday same blood...
Administrator pisicuts Reputație: 114631 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:La butoane Oras:La butoane Administrator Postat Iunie 30, 2018 seems legit 1
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 You know anna.. is funny.. all this time you thought i was a fuckboi and you werent sure you could trust me.Look at you now...Its because of people like you good men become assholes. Give that lifelesson to your baby and peste.
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Truth is im heartbroken and feel very bad. I cant eat or sleep.If i could i would delete the post and topic but i cant edit it.I dont understand how she could have done this.. with no regret... its like shes dead inside.And i dont care about the money. I care about trust honesty and respect. I did everything i could. I dont understand why i deserved this. And dont say about escort and work. I saw her outside her work. We talked on whatsapp. How do you think i get the number. She slipped and made a mistake with facebook. Thats how i found out. If i didnt found out yesterday. I would still be in the same situation. So anna. If you read this : is thus really the person you want to be?Same birthday same blood... she is an escort..as u can read in the topic..this site is about escorts and their services. U fucked her? Did you like it? ..and do you want more?..but not from the position of a client of an escort...but other position seems not to be available. That.s it . The world is big ..u can fin other girls. Bravo fata...bravo tie..esti profesionista!. 3
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Bai laso draq de treaba ! Radeam de betty, uite aici campioana le tepe :))))))))) 2
curacao Reputație: 25 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:Curacao Oras:Curacao Postat Iunie 30, 2018 You know anna.. is funny.. all this time you thought i was a fuckboi and you werent sure you could trust me.Look at you now...Its because of people like you good men become assholes. Give that lifelesson to your baby and peste.What is your story man, are you her ex boyfriend or an costomer who fall for her? 1
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Did the bitch burned after that ? or is that on season finale ? :)))))
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 seems legitmotane se muta pe tepare ? intreb pentru un prieten
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Yeah. Is my last post here. On the girl that says shes an escort. I met her on the forum in januari. I met her in a month ago again. She gave me her number. Her name. We talked on whatsapp. She stopped her work as escort. I went back to romania 2 weeks ago. She spend week with me. I fell for the im in trouble and need money story. So i gave her. We talk about future. She said she wanted relationship. I went back to my country. We wrote blabla. All the hearts all the love all the shit. Yesterday i send money agai and later i found out. Am i stupud? Yes.Why do i put here? Because she is known here and people wont make same mistake.Shes a hypocrit. So if she want to be like this. Ok.But then people can know who she is and what she did. And is really funny that a person like that kept telling me i had to believe in god. I dont care if you agree or not.Im out. 1
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Yeah. Is my last post here. On the girl that says shes an escort. I met her on the forum in januari. I met her in a month ago again. She gave me her number. Her name. We talked on whatsapp. She stopped her work as escort. I went back to romania 2 weeks ago. She spend week with me. I fell for the im in trouble and need money story. So i gave her. We talk about future. She said she wanted relationship. I went back to my country. We wrote blabla. All the hearts all the love all the shit. Yesterday i send money agai and later i found out. Am i stupud? Yes.Why do i put here? Because she is known here and people wont make same mistake.Shes a hypocrit.So if she want to be like this. Ok.But then people can know who she is and what she did. And is really funny that a person like that kept telling me i had to believe in god.I dont care if you agree or not.Im out. Man, just forget about the all bad experience. It's the best thing to do for you and your mental health.Peace.
laury Reputație: 24072 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:Los Angeles Oras:Los Angeles Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Yeah. Is my last post here. On the girl that says shes an escort. I met her on the forum in januari. I met her in a month ago again. She gave me her number. Her name. We talked on whatsapp. She stopped her work as escort. I went back to romania 2 weeks ago. She spend week with me. I fell for the im in trouble and need money story. So i gave her. We talk about future. She said she wanted relationship. I went back to my country. We wrote blabla. All the hearts all the love all the shit. Yesterday i send money agai and later i found out. Am i stupud? Yes.Why do i put here? Because she is known here and people wont make same mistake.Shes a hypocrit. So if she want to be like this. Ok.But then people can know who she is and what she did. And is really funny that a person like that kept telling me i had to believe in god. I dont care if you agree or not.Im out.Cine te-a pus sa te indragostesti mah de o escorta? 😊 Ce nationalitate esti? 8
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Yeah. Is my last post here. On the girl that says shes an escort. I met her on the forum in januari. I met her in a month ago again. She gave me her number. Her name. We talked on whatsapp. She stopped her work as escort. I went back to romania 2 weeks ago. She spend week with me. I fell for the im in trouble and need money story. So i gave her. We talk about future. She said she wanted relationship. I went back to my country. We wrote blabla. All the hearts all the love all the shit. Yesterday i send money agai and later i found out. Am i stupud? Yes.Why do i put here? Because she is known here and people wont make same mistake.Shes a hypocrit.So if she want to be like this. Ok.But then people can know who she is and what she did. And is really funny that a person like that kept telling me i had to believe in god.I dont care if you agree or not.Im out.If u met her as an escort she did not lied to u..so yes..u are stupid.
omu cu anaconda Reputație: 5 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Truth is im heartbroken and feel very bad. I cant eat or sleep.If i could i would delete the post and topic but i cant edit it.I dont understand how she could have done this.. with no regret... its like shes dead inside.And i dont care about the money. I care about trust honesty and respect. I did everything i could. I dont understand why i deserved this. And dont say about escort and work. I saw her outside her work. We talked on whatsapp. How do you think i get the number. She slipped and made a mistake with facebook. Thats how i found out. If i didnt found out yesterday. I would still be in the same situation. So anna. If you read this : is thus really the person you want to be?Same birthday same blood...bo$$, giv me 1000 of paundz (Lira in romana, ca am vazut ca stii) and I'll recommend you an escorts that will stick your heart with a very good quality superglu'.
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 If u met her as an escort she did not lied to u..so yes..u are stupid.Can you read?Arent you the escort that fucks without condom? So i dont need lessons from you toots.
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Anywayz i have time. I have the proof. If i want i can strike again.Now im really out.
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Can you read?Arent you the escort that fucks without condom?So i dont need lessons from you toots.life is the biggest teacher that teach u all the lessons..
buna12 Reputație: 28 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Oras:tg Oras:tg Postat Iunie 30, 2018 I made up my mind. I go to giurgiu with all the proof. 1
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Postat Iunie 30, 2018 Can you read?Arent you the escort that fucks without condom?So i dont need lessons from you toots.you are right, Adina fucks without condom and she has C hepatitis....so be aware of that....run for your life.
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