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Denisa 0731472291


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you are right, Adina fucks without condom and she has C be aware of for your life.

ti-am zis eu ca ai orbul gainilor....deci eu am postat analize si tu o tii langa

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ti-am zis eu ca ai orbul gainilor....deci eu am postat analize si tu o tii langa

 speak in english so your guess will understand .

PS: bre eu ti-am mai spus, cu foile alea prostesti prostimea. Rezultatele alea sunt reale precum procesul de deces al Lorenei din Germania ;)

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 speak in english so your guess will understand .

PS: bre eu ti-am mai spus, cu foile alea prostesti prostimea. Rezultatele alea sunt reale precum procesul de deces al Lorenei din Germania ;)

ce treaba am eu cu ti-am raspuns ma interseaza de acest labar jupuit care a stricat topicul unei fete doar pt ca si-a dat seama ca a fost taxat la de fapt asta e problema...banii

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ce treaba am eu cu ti-am raspuns ma interseaza de acest labar jupuit care a stricat topicul unei fete doar pt ca si-a dat seama ca a fost taxat la de fapt asta e problema...banii

Adina, banii sunt sursa tuturor rautatilor ! Consideri ca fatuca a dat teapa de clasa ocean 8/11 ?

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Adina, banii sunt sursa tuturor rautatilor ! Consideri ca fatuca a dat teapa de clasa ocean 8/11 ?

Nu consider ca fatuca asta a dat teapa. Din ce a scris el rezulta ca el stia cand a cunoscut-o ca este escorta. A cunoscut-o ca escorta. Care e teapa?..daca el i-a dat de buna voie niste bani..i-a furat ea din buzunar cumva ? atunci. Cine stie ce a fost intre ei..deocamdata a scris doar el..ea nu a aparut aici sa confirme sau sa infirme. Nu stii ca in asemenea situatii adevarul este pe la mijloc?

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does peste know anything about this ?

tu ce crezi ? avea cota 80% pentru pariurile din seara asta. Daca a pus pe Argentina a facut paguba.

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg


does peste know anything about this ?

I hope so.

I will see him soon enough.

If i die i die.

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I hope so.

I will see him soon enough.

If i die i die.

stai linistit ca ala e pitcanie, nici fata de bombardier nu are.

Reputație: 40328

Bai laso draq de treaba ! Radeam de betty, uite aici campioana le tepe :)))))))))

Apa de ploaie,Baby Blue e campioana cu o teapa de 50 mii euroi

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Give her a call.

You see anna.. this is what happens when i treat you with respect. Was better to just cum in your mouth also and treat you like a whore.

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Apa de ploaie,Baby Blue e campioana cu o teapa de 50 mii euroi

motanu nu vrea sa faca "Top Tepe" la descernarea premiilor oscar la sf. de ani. S-ar merita !

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Her peste is turkish btw. Mister Tunahan.

poti sa ii faci o recenzie lui Mister Tunahan cand il vezi. Are gaozul pregatit.

  • Administrator
  • Oras:La butoane
  • Oras:La butoane

Her peste is turkish btw. Mister Tunahan.


tell us the whole story and whats the message for rest of us..


Reputație: 40328

motanu nu vrea sa faca "Top Tepe" la descernarea premiilor oscar la sf. de ani. S-ar merita !

Motanul viseaza doar la tate mari,cat mai mari

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Give her a call. You see anna.. this is what happens when i treat you with respect. Was better to just cum in your mouth also and treat you like a whore.


<p> </p>

<p>Did you fucked her withought condome at least for 800 euro? </p>

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

tell us the whole story and whats the message for rest of us..

The whole story.. ok.. 1 last time.

I met her in januari here on the forum. I went see her. We talked. She told me she worked in london and now here. I was with other girl some time and had not contact. End may begin june i took up contact. Also here. Went see her in bucharest. We talked. She gave me her real number. Real name. We wrote everyday. I went home to my country. We kept writing. She told me she was going to stop as escort because it sucked and you were piggs.we talked more. We talkd about relation. She said she had problems. Her father needed operation. (Mayb lie as she says she dont care about her family). So i stayed week in romania. Gave money. Watched movies. Slept. Went to the parc. All that kind of shit. She was going to school to follow course to do nails. I went home. Kept writing. All the hearts and romantic shit. Yesterday i sent money to help. And 3 hours later i find out shes married. I confronted her. And she lied about everything. I asked her the money back i send yesterday. She was gonna give back. But this morning she said she earned that money cause she texted with me.. i said i would put this here. And i wrote her family about what happened. Am i proud on this? No. But i had to do something. She just laughed with me. Its action reaction. Simple as that. And im surprised. Because she knew i am like this. I warned her. And she knows i am a man of my word. So the peste is turkish. She put the accounts on private. But i saw enough

Its like the guy says here above. The peste had a nice car. She told me she hate gypsies. But i think mister tunahan her peste is gypsie.

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  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

And now i have to go to giurgiu. But is ok. I like adventure. I already went to calarasi for another vendetta. Im sure giurgiu is less of a shithole.

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sa ne zici te rog cand actionezi sa dau drumul la stirile pro tv ora 5 :). Nu acum pe bune, du-te la autoratile romane, politie si explica toata situatia asta jenanta...pentru ca altfel tu, pestele sau ea va avea de suferit (fizic). Va fi nevoita sa iti returneze banii altfel o se aleaga cu un proces.

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