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Denisa 0731472291


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Asta mica e si prostuta ca si-a dat detalii despre viata personala, necunoscutilor.  :slap2

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Isnt prostitution illegal there? I can go to police in giurgiu with everything?

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Isnt prostitution illegal there? I can go to police in giurgiu with everything?

in Romania, prostitution is ilegal, so yes !

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buna12 ai grija ca in giurgiu sunt numai tigani... si poate pleci batut de inca 800 de euro =)))

:)))))))) true

Reputație: 40328


I recover the money, we do half a half?
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  • Oras:Curacao
  • Oras:Curacao

The whole story.. ok.. 1 last time.

I met her in januari here on the forum. I went see her. We talked. She told me she worked in london and now here. I was with other girl some time and had not contact. End may begin june i took up contact. Also here. Went see her in bucharest. We talked. She gave me her real number. Real name. We wrote everyday. I went home to my country. We kept writing. She told me she was going to stop as escort because it sucked and you were piggs.we talked more. We talkd about relation. She said she had problems. Her father needed operation. (Mayb lie as she says she dont care about her family). So i stayed week in romania. Gave money. Watched movies. Slept. Went to the parc. All that kind of shit. She was going to school to follow course to do nails. I went home. Kept writing. All the hearts and romantic shit. Yesterday i sent money to help. And 3 hours later i find out shes married. I confronted her. And she lied about everything. I asked her the money back i send yesterday. She was gonna give back. But this morning she said she earned that money cause she texted with me.. i said i would put this here. And i wrote her family about what happened. Am i proud on this? No. But i had to do something. She just laughed with me. Its action reaction. Simple as that. And im surprised. Because she knew i am like this. I warned her. And she knows i am a man of my word. So the peste is turkish. She put the accounts on private. But i saw enough

Its like the guy says here above. The peste had a nice car. She told me she hate gypsies. But i think mister tunahan her peste is gypsie.

How much money did you send and spent whith her?

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Any public fb giurgi groups?

call 112

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  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Can you do me a favor pisicuts?

Can you block my profile and delete all my posts.

Kill them with kindness.

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In primul rand viata mea personala nu priveste pe nimeni , frustratii ma dezgusta dar si cei care nu stiu despre ce e vorba . Din moment ce numai activez pe cont de cateva saptamani bune probabil ca am ales sa mi fac o viata personala problema cu omul asta nu are rost sa o dezvolt si chiar nu ma detanjeaza ce concluzii se trag pe forumul asta , mie una mi s a luat sa i vad pe toti ca si dau cu parerea si sa nu aiba habar despre ce este vorba . Va urez o seara frumoasa si va dau liber la concluzii, multumesc celor care chiar au inteles situatia :*

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Si sa adaug ca nu ma numesc tepara daca nu am mai activat pe site :)))) cat am activat nu cred ca am dat teapa nimanui ;)

  • Oras:/
  • Oras:/

Denisa am fost la tine acum cateva luni si am avut o discutie despre femeile scoase la produs.
Sunt dezamagit sa vad acum ca esti pestita de un turc tigan

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da Denisa , era cu piua 20 :)))

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Google translate gives me this : First of all, my personal life does not look at anyone, frustrations disgust me but those who do not know what it is. Since I only work on account for a few good weeks I probably chose to make a personal life my problem with this man has no point to develop it and does not even dictate what conclusions I draw on this forum, I see all of them think and do not know what it is about. I wish you a nice evening and I will give you free conclusions, thanks to those who really understood the situation



You make me sound like the bad guy? I never asked you to write you. It was you who gave me your number and asked me a couple of times to write you. You took the first step. I can look in the mirror and the "gods" eyes and say i speak the truth about everything. Can you? I feel bad entire day. Didnt eat nothing. What did you do besides laughing with me with your peste? I am sorry it got to far i put this here. But you dont feel a fraction of guilt.your tatoo says i am the captain of my soul. Whats left of that soul? Its dead.

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

I changed my mind pisicuts. Leave it open. I go to giurgiu. Thanks.

I wanna go see the family in the eyes. I go to police there and ask. They are corrupt so money will work.

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Whats the situation then in your eyes anna banana? Come. Give your version.

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