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Denisa 0731472291


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Circus wanna-be.... Carry on, lads ! :ewpu :ewpu :ewpu

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Vezi ca ai uitat ceva boss. Te-a tepuit si e NOK, dar deja incepi sa o hartuiesti si iar e NOK. Hai Bafta


Reputație: 0

Anyways. This was fun.

Sorry to disappoint you, but this was like sad at least, not fun at all... Only my opinion !

Reputație: 0

Anyways. This was fun.

fun can be just for psihopatic people :))))
  • Minus 1
  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Yeah. She says i make this topic. She says i put the pictures here of her to work.

Whos crazy? I only want to expose the truth.

I know this is sad. And i didnt want this.

I am many things. But im not a liar.

And the people who wrote review here and visited her can confirm she worked as prostitute.

I tell you. If she want play games with me i play them. But she fucked with the wrong guy. Literally. You dont tread people like this. Its action reaction. You lie to me. You use me. You manipulate me and when i found out you just laugh with me.

I do not accept that.

She deserved a lesson.

If i would do nothing she would keep doing this with other people.

Reputație: 0

Are you a prostitute yourself mayb?


Sorry for what?

Lying. Manipulating.

If she has some small fraction of honesty left... then she knows this. Because we talked about this before.

You told me i didnt have to feel guilty.


I did not say that you shouldn't feel guilty, i said you were an idiot and now just as stupid.

I think you are drunk, again.

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

I dont even drink alcohol.

But you are right. I lowered myself to her level. Im as stupid as her.

Reputație: 0

I dont even drink alcohol.

But you are right. I lowered myself to her level. Im as stupid as her.


I didn't say she was stupid.

At list she left no comment.

You on the other hand talk about honesty, but after saying that you loved her and want your money back... later change your story 100%.

I don't care anyway, thought that after a conversation you would cool down, but you tell me that I might be a manipulating prostitute...

You are fucked, not by her, by nature!

Reputație: 0

Yeah. She says i make this topic. She says i put the pictures here of her to work.

Whos crazy? I only want to expose the truth.

I know this is sad. And i didnt want this.

I am many things. But im not a liar.

And the people who wrote review here and visited her can confirm she worked as prostitute.

I tell you. If she want play games with me i play them. But she fucked with the wrong guy. Literally. You dont tread people like this. Its action reaction. You lie to me. You use me. You manipulate me and when i found out you just laugh with me.

I do not accept that.

She deserved a lesson.

If i would do nothing she would keep doing this with other people.

Ypu should not accept from start !! Not now. The fact is already done and eith sure you lie too much now and you search for supporters because you feel “ofticat” - put someone translate this.

Every person is matur and take the own decisions what you make here is just a cheap “circ”

  • Minus 1
  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

I didn't say she was stupid.

At list she left no comment.

You on the other hand talk about honesty, but after saying that you loved her and want your money back... later change your story 100%.

I don't care anyway, thought that after a conversation you would cool down, but you tell me that I might be a manipulating prostitute...

You are fucked, not by her, by nature!



Where i change my story. I am as honest as i can be.

And you are a woman acvording to your profile. On a prostituteforum. So i assume you re a prostitute. Or mayb you are gay.

Reputație: 0



Where i change my story. I am as honest as i can be.

And you are a woman acvording to your profile. On a prostituteforum. So i assume you re a prostitute. Or mayb you are gay.

She is a female, not a gay. Also, even this is an escort services kind of forum, there are also many non-prostitues/escorts/sluts female-users 'round here. ;)

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

And let it be clear. I never lied. She did. Even now she keeps lying.she has her account on denisa. Ip adres linked to her phone. She made the topic on that account. And she tell people i made the topic.

Hello logic.


Btw inesses. Your englush is very bad. Didnt you work in london. I saw you on

And ofcourse you will support her because you did the same. Prostitutes have no conscience.

Im out.

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Reputație: 0



Where i change my story. I am as honest as i can be.

And you are a woman acvording to your profile. On a prostituteforum. So i assume you re a prostitute. Or mayb you are gay.


So? If I am a woman on this site, I must suck dicks for money, no?

You an idiot, a lying idiot.

You changed your story about 3 times just while talking to me. 

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Show me where i lied and changed. Show me.

And she told me she had girlfriend here on this forum with account. You must be her.

I speak the truth. I swear on my life and my family. If you dont believe me i dont care. I know is the truth. Pictures speak for themselves.

Have a good life.

Reputație: 0

And let it be clear. I never lied. She did. Even now she keeps lying.she has her account on denisa. Ip adres linked to her phone. She made the topic on that account. And she tell people i made the topic.

Hello logic.


Btw inesses. Your englush is very bad. Didnt you work in london. I saw you on

And ofcourse you will support her because you did the same. Prostitutes have no conscience.

Im out.

She was here earlier, still no comment.

She is not lying, just not talking.

You talk, when you should have just shut up after making a fool of your self!

Don't like prostitutes, jerk off, you jerk!



Show me where i lied and changed. Show me.

And she told me she had girlfriend here on this forum with account. You must be her.

I speak the truth. I swear on my life and my family. If you dont believe me i dont care. I know is the truth. Pictures speak for themselves.

Have a good life.


Paranoia! Sick bastard!

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Reputație: 0

Like I am going through all this pages to prove that you are lying.  :slap2

  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

Like I am going through all this pages to prove that you are lying. :slap2

Because im not.


You tell 3 times i lie but when i ask you cant answer.


Must suck for you to know shes a bad person.

But hey.

I wish you the best.

Reputație: 0

Because im not.


You tell 3 times i lie but when i ask you cant answer.


Must suck for you to know shes a bad person.

But hey.

I wish you the best.


I have no idea who she is, never spoke with her, but I see you.

What was the reason to insult Ines?

1. You talked about love - after you said it's not true,

2. Wanted your money back - same later,

3. Wished her father to die - same later,


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Reputație: 0

buna12, have you to borrow me 1000Euro? will return denisa all of them...


Pe bune ? cumva ai pus-o pe Docilia sa scrie ? :))))))))))))

  • Like 2
  • Oras:tg
  • Oras:tg

I have no idea who she is, never spoke with her, but I see you.

What was the reason to insult Ines?

1. You talked about love - after you said it's not true,

2. Wanted your money back - same later,

3. Wished her father to die - same later,


I think your english is not good enough to understand what i wrote.


1. I saud i was in love. But i was in love with something that doesnt exist. She faked and lied everything. You understand?


2. I dont want the money back. I gave her a chance to send me back. If not i would expose her. She told me i coukd expose her. I dont want back. Now is about the truth. To show who she is and what shes done.


3. Her father. I put a "?" After that sentence. So lets hope he dies?. Because she told me she doesnt care about him anymore. And only cared about herself.


So. Im straughtforward honest.

You know like i said before for me is simple. She thinks she can play the people. But when someone pkays back hes the bad guy. Never did i lie. I always was nice. She lied and manipulated me from the beginning. We had conversations about trust and she kept lying. She used me. Played me and when i found out she laughed in my face.

You can see the screenshots. They speak for themselve.

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