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Canon rock - dar cine  interpreteaza ?

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Sa il reascultam  si pe  legendarul  Jeff  Beck.....intre  primii  10  chitaristi  solo  ai  lumii...

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O piesa  foarte  rar difuzata  a celor de la  Pink Floyd   -If

Din  albumul  '' Atom  heart  mother '' - 1970

Primul album de dupa plecarea  lui Syd  Barrett....

Versurile  si muzica  sunt de exceptie....versurile le  puteti  gasi pe .

De unde  titlul  albumului ?

In anii  respectivi , s-a intamplat  un fapt  medical de  exceptie.

O  femeie  gravida trebuia sa nasca.

Dar  inima era in pericol sa cedeze.

Nu se putea  apela  la  metodele  clasice de  resuscitare.

Atunci  medicii ( nu stiu de unde... ) au avut  ideea  revolutionara sa construiasca o minipila atomica care a fost  folosita cu succes  la  resuscitarea  inimii femeii.

Femeia a devenit mama si  copilul a venit  sanatos.

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Cine  i-a  influentat  major  pe  Jimi  Hendrix  si pe  Eddie  Van  Halen ?


Dick  Dale, promotor  al  ''surf  '' music, specialist  in  reverberatie  si distors.

Leo  Fender  a  construit  o chitara  pentru  Dick  Dale , cu  grif  normal, pentru  dreptaci.

Dick era  stangaci.

El descompunea  partitura  pentru un dreptaci in una  pentru  un stangaci ( rapid  in mintea lui )  si  apoi o  recompunea  la  chitara  pentru  un dreptaci.

Leo  Fender a fost  total  entuziasmat !

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Tocmai  din  1966 - tot  surf  music

Ventures - ''Wipeout ''


Piesa  originala.

Bun bateristul !

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Sweet  -Fox on the run - 1975

Reminescente  din era  glamour  rock....

Ultimul rocker din epoca  respectiva  ne-a  parasit  acum  doi ani....Dawid  Bowie...

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Del  Shannon  - Runaway  -1961

Prima  folosire  a  unui sintetizator  intr-o piesa.

Locul 1  in  Billboard  Hot 100

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Muzica  beat  din  1964 - Them  -'' Gloria ''


Au preluat-o  si  cei de la  The  Doors.

Dar  si  maestrul Hendrix, nu am gasit  interpretarea  lui  pe  iutubul  cu surprize.

Recomand  piesa ca una  dintre cele mai bune si psychedelice  piese  ale  maestrului  Hendrix.

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Albert  Hammond - Free  electric  band    - 1973

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Din  1971 - reprezentanti  de  seama  ai '' glamour  rock ''  -T. Rex  -Get it on


Leaderul  Marc  Bolan a  decedat  in  accident  auto in  1977.

Erau la  concurenta  cu  David  Bowie....

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  • Oras:Traind printre panarame si cretini fomisti fara pic de caracter.
  • Telefon: [email protected]
  • Oras:Traind printre panarame si cretini fomisti fara pic de caracter.
 Bine ca nu toate au visul maretz in viata de a se imbogati din belite branzite.

 @diverse ceva on topic ;)

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Is there a place deep within A place where you hide your darkest sins There's a strange kind of ambiance, it's surrounding you As a songstress you lure me, towards the truth Candles die down as you leave the room In my heart you leave no gloom As you lure me I know the truth You're a leprechaun, I see you through Is there a place deep within A place where you hide your darkest sins There's a strange kind of ambiance, it's surrounding you As a songstress you lure me, towards the truth

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  • Oras:Neverland
  • Oras:Neverland

Is there a place deep within A place where you hide your darkest sins There's a strange kind of ambiance, it's surrounding you As a songstress you lure me, towards the truth Candles die down as you leave the room In my heart you leave no gloom As you lure me I know the truth You're a leprechaun, I see you through Is there a place deep within A place where you hide your darkest sins There's a strange kind of ambiance, it's surrounding you As a songstress you lure me, towards the truth


I’ve been left out alone like a damn criminal
I’ve been praying for help cause I can’t take it all
I’m not done,
It’s not over.
Now I’m fighting this war since the day of the fall
And I’m desperately holding on to it all
But I’m lost
I’m so damn lost
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti





The darkness has come to the roses
The fire is reaching the air
The colors that I have created
Are suddenly flying away

I'm not fighting myself, will not follow
'Cause my choices are mine, it's my fate
And I'll never bow down from the sorrow
I'll face all that is coming my way

The lying, the devil, the silence
Embracing the world on the edge

Let us burn, let us burn
The night in the skies here tonight
Let us burn, let us burn
In this fire that makes us yearn
We're fighting our fear of the silence
We're running through walls where they stand
Let us burn, let us burn, let us burn

I'm searching no more for tomorrow
I reach for the skies while I can
The unknown will always be waiting
My last day I'll jump in its hands

I'm not fighting myself, will not follow
'Cause my choices are mine, it's my fate
And I'll never bow down from the sorrow
I'll face all that is coming my way

The lying, the devil, the silence
Embracing the world on the edge

Let us burn, let us burn
The night in the skies here tonight
Let us burn, let us burn
In this fire that makes us yearn
We're fighting our fear of the silence
We're running through walls where they stand
Let us burn, let us burn, let us burn

Why, why don't you let me burn?
Why don't you come down and break out and let me burn?

Oh, why, why don't you let me burn?
Why don't you let me burn?
Why don't you let me burn?

Oh, why? Chasing the demons in my mind
Oh, why me? Waiting for chains to throw me to the ground

The darkness has come to the roses
And the fire is reaching the air

Let us burn, let us burn
The night in the skies here tonight
Let us burn, let us burn
In this fire that makes us yearn
We're fighting our fear of the silence
We're running through walls where they stand
Let us burn, let us burn, let us burn


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  • Oras:Neverland
  • Oras:Neverland

Oh, why, why don't you let me burn?

Why don't you let me burn?

Why don't you let me burn?

Oh, why? Chasing the demons in my mind

Oh, why me? Waiting for chains to throw me to the ground

The darkness has come to the roses

And the fire is reaching the air

Let us burn, let us burn

The night in the skies here tonight

Let us burn, let us burn

In this fire that makes us yearn

We're fighting our fear of the silence

We're running through walls where they stand

Let us burn, let us burn, let us burn



Instead of wasted gifts around,
Instead of losing all we have,
Instead of dreaming to a man you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Instead of wasted gifts around,
Instead of losing all we have,
Instead of dreaming to a man you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...



Before the dawn, I hear you whisper In your sleep don't let the morning take him Outside the birds begin to call As if to summon up my leaving Its been a lifetime since I found someone Since I found someone who would stay Ive waited too long, and now you're leaving Oh please don't take it all away Its been a lifetime since I found someone Since I found someone who would stay Ive waited too long, and now you're leaving Oh please don't take it all away Before the dawn, I hear you whisper In your sleep don't let the morning take him

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