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Roxana-Universitate 0762975554

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vreau sa va prezint o colega noua care tocmai si-a inceput activitatea in domeniu,se numeste Roxana,are 18 ani,168cm,50 kg.

Presteaza servici de sex oral neprotejat daca igiena permite si sex normal in toate pozitiile(atat cat poate fiind noua) 

Programul ei incepe cu ora 20 pana dimineata dar ocazional o gasiti si ziua,sunat si atasez si cateva poze

va asteptam





  • Like 3
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Cate fete sunteti in locatie?

vreau sa va prezint o colega noua care tocmai si-a inceput activitatea in domeniu,se numeste Roxana,are 18 ani,168cm,50 kg.

Presteaza servici de sex oral neprotejat daca igiena permite si sex normal in toate pozitiile(atat cat poate fiind noua) 

Programul ei incepe cu ora 20 pana dimineata dar ocazional o gasiti si ziua,sunat si atasez si cateva poze

va asteptam

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

D-ra este camy 20. din locatie


Am mai vazut un topic cu ea, mom .nu-l gasesc.......  daca nu ma inseala memoria o chema Madalina.

Revin ............



BRUNETA reala, te astept in compania mea pentru momente unice si greu de uitat domnilor manierati. Ofer companie intima Masaj de relaxare erotic. Garantez poze reale, nu am silicoane, kiss, 27 Nov 17:40







  • Like 2

D-ra este camy 20. din locatie


Am mai vazut un topic cu ea, mom .nu-l gasesc.......  daca nu ma inseala memoria o chema Madalina.

Revin ............



BRUNETA reala, te astept in compania mea pentru momente unice si greu de uitat domnilor manierati. Ofer companie intima Masaj de relaxare erotic. Garantez poze reale, nu am silicoane, kiss, 27 Nov 17:40

da eu sunt,dar nu mai lucrez sub numele de Madalina si de Camy :*

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


D-ra este camy 20. din locatie


Am mai vazut un topic cu ea, mom .nu-l gasesc.......  daca nu ma inseala memoria o chema Madalina.

Revin ............



BRUNETA reala, te astept in compania mea pentru momente unice si greu de uitat domnilor manierati. Ofer companie intima Masaj de relaxare erotic. Garantez poze reale, nu am silicoane, kiss, 27 Nov 17:40

da eu sunt,dar nu mai lucrez sub numele de Madalina si de Camy :*




si Roxana pe nr 0762975554


D-ra este camy 20. din locatie


Am mai vazut un topic cu ea, mom .nu-l gasesc.......  daca nu ma inseala memoria o chema Madalina.

Revin ............



BRUNETA reala, te astept in compania mea pentru momente unice si greu de uitat domnilor manierati. Ofer companie intima Masaj de relaxare erotic. Garantez poze reale, nu am silicoane, kiss, 27 Nov 17:40

da eu sunt,dar nu mai lucrez sub numele de Madalina si de Camy :*


 suntem 2 fete diferite,eu Camy pe nr 0729668378


Numele de camy este de scena iar madalina este numele meu real pe care il stiu doar cativa dintre voi....


 si Roxana pe nr 0762975554



D-ra este camy 20. din locatie


Am mai vazut un topic cu ea, mom .nu-l gasesc.......  daca nu ma inseala memoria o chema Madalina.

Revin ............



BRUNETA reala, te astept in compania mea pentru momente unice si greu de uitat domnilor manierati. Ofer companie intima Masaj de relaxare erotic. Garantez poze reale, nu am silicoane, kiss, 27 Nov 17:40

da eu sunt,dar nu mai lucrez sub numele de Madalina si de Camy :*

 suntem 2 fete diferite,eu Camy pe nr 0729668378
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

O vizita recenta la locatia de la Universitate mi-a readus pofta de distractie, am cunoscut-o si pe cami ,o prezenta incantatoare de altfel ,sper sa ramana asa ,pana acum toate bune si frumoase,momentan ma mai orientez cum se mai fac review-urile pe aici ,tot cu GFE mai e?:))

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

O vizita recenta la locatia de la Universitate mi-a readus pofta de distractie, am cunoscut-o si pe cami ,o prezenta incantatoare de altfel ,sper sa ramana asa ,pana acum toate bune si frumoase,momentan ma mai orientez cum se mai fac review-urile pe aici ,tot cu GFE mai e? :))



Sa inteleg ca ne poti face si o recenzie , normal asa ar fii !!!!!!!!!!

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

      Salutare comunitate!


            Am vizitat-o si eu pe titulara acestui topic, in spetza pe domnisoara Roxana citind recenzia unui alt membru al comunitatzii.Recenzia am citit-o in sectiunea de " orientare consiliere" cu titlul " ULTRACENTRAL", fiind o recenzie a domnisoarei de pe vremea cand activa intr-o alta locatzie fatza de cea unde activeaza acum.

            Asadar am sunat la numarul respectiv, mi-a raspuns o voce foarte placuta si amabila, si am facut programare pentru ora 9 parca ( intalnirea a avut loc saptamana trecuta).


            Locatzia este aproape de rondul de la alba ajuns foarte usor urmand indicatziile domnisoarei. Am urcat, am batut la usa si iata-ma fatza in fatza cu domnisoara...recunosc am fost dezamagit.. :s .si am sa va explic imediat si de ce. Ma asteptam sa ma intampine o domnisoara " FFFF frumoasa la fatza" dupa cum o descrisese colegul dinaintea mea...m-am gandit eu ca poate exagereaza putzin si o fi doar ff frumoasa cu toate ca citind mai atent recenzia lui isi intareste afirmatzia initiala, gratuland-o cu apelativul " extrem de frumoasa"...zic gata, angelina jolie e minciuna pe langa descoperirea lu asta, cand colo primu rand tipa este de etnie...asta clar si precis din capul locului.In ceea ce priveste chipul domnitzei se poate spune ca este placuta la fatza, poate chiar spui ca este mai mult decat atat inseamna ca fie nu ai o opinie realista, fie ai un anumit interes...tzinand cont de faptul ca pentru mine cel mai important aspect la o femeie este frumusetzea chipului imi intzelegetzi si voi frustrarea in cazul de fine asta este sa revenim....roxana este o fata nu foarte inalta, aproximez ca are cam 1,65 asa, subtirica,la corp arata bine...este slaba, abdomenul este plat, funduletzul arata si el foarte bine, sanii sunt micutzi si destul de lasatzi, are parul lung, negru, ochi negri,buze carnoase, nasul putzin cam mare dar nederanjant...repet este o fata de etnie, placuta la fatza, cu un corp ok. Acestea fiind spuse sa trecem si la descrierea actiunii la care nu o sa insist totusi foarte mult pt ca nu a fost nici ceva nasol ca sa fie punctat dar nici ceva extraordinar.


           Asadar, fata este de putzin timp in meserie, este si foarte tinerica avand vreo 21 de anisori. Din cauza acestor aspecte probabil mi s-a parut putzin timida, retzinuta si nu foarte vorbareatza...te lasa pe tine sa conduci discutzia. Este in schimb foarte de treaba, vorbeste foarte frumos si chiar este o prezenta placuta. Actiunea a debutat clasic cu mangaieri din partea ei, pupaturi pe corp, dupa care a coborat spre gogu...oralul a fost protejat( face si neprotejat pentru un extra de cascaval dar nu m-a interesat aspectul) destul de bun, chiar la un moment dat imi parea rau ca nu i-am dat in plus ca sa mi-o suga fara :laugh2 ...umed, se foloseste destul de mult de mana aviz celor carora nu le place...mie imi place :cool: .Normalul a fost chiar placut, este docila si sta cam in orice pozitzie o dat si cu lubrifiant la inceput dar s-a si umezit pe parcurs si parca chiar o simtzeam ca ii place in anumite pozitzii. La final mi-a scos ea prezervativul si m-a igienizat. Dus, 2-3 vorbe si plecat acasa.



                       Locatie- 10 -usor de gasit, locuri de parcare cate vrei, apartament f ok

                       Aspect escorta- 7 -

                  GFE- 9 - nu pun accent pe acest aspect asadar nu sunt deloc pretentzios, pt mine faptul ca este zambareatza, vorbeste frumos, si nu ma grabeste este destul :D

                       Oral- 8 -

                       Normal- 8 -

                  Anal- nu cred ca face

                  Halatul- 200 ron o ora

 Concluzia- O experienta ok, cu o fata ok dar niciodata nu ma mai duc la pomul laudat cu sacul mai ales daca lauda vine de la un membru necolorat. Am mai facut asta si in 90 la suta din cazuri mi s-a intamplat sunt prost ca nu ma invatz minte.Rog un moderator sa puna topicul la testate acolo unde ii este locul.

 Va salut cu respect!


  • Like 12
  • Oras:rond alba iulia
  • Oras:rond alba iulia
  • Oras:anywhere there is paid sex
  • Oras:anywhere there is paid sex

Since beauty is subjective, I will abstain from giving votes to the face and the general look of the girls, or maybe just a slight hint, I will focus more on the rest. Through the lines of this incipit, you may read and understand that I don't want to "offend" the girls discussed nor the fellow posters who may have different tastes (or glasses) from me. week, after spending all day (and all week) calling hopelessly the various Monica Moldoveanca, Catalina Unirii, Melania, Andra 0721788676 and Andra 0764218518, Ella, Andreea 0736.052.063, etc., I managed to rebook an excellent girl I had visited the day before, Andreea BCR, who doesn't speak english and had answered my call on Catalina's number, so, the previous day I thought I was going to meet Catalina. After leaving me one hour in front of her building (inspite of us recognizing each other and greeting warmly in the street) in the cold of the evening without answering sms, calls and interphone, she sent me a sms saying she apologized she couldn't meet me. WTF! Then I called Adela, 0731283548, she is really great, in my first round of posts I didn't indulge too much describing how much she would deserve a visit, she was maybe my second or third post, I didn't know and understand how it worked here, I wasn't too interested, eventually I started enjoying this forum. Anyway she said she would have an appointment in less than 30 mins, so my last option was this phone number.

A strange thing: in the afternoon I had asked a romanian friend of mine to make the phone calls for me, since many girls don't speak english and often bang down the conversation. He got the appointment for me with Andreea BCR that evening on her phone number, and when he had called this number in the afternoon he had been answered by a girl who didn't speak english. The girl who answered my desperate call could speak decent english, but she wanted me to pass her a taxi driver, I got stolen 10 rons for a ride of 2 minutes. The location should have been in Alba Julia, which is why I had taken this number, in case of "emergency", instead it was somewhere by Nerva Traian, a few metres from Anca's location, I posted about her yesterday.

The girl who opened the door had short red hair, she said her name was Roxana, was dressed with shorts and a t-shirt, looked ok. We agreed 100rons 1 finalizare, if I wanted CIM 50 rons more. When she undressed I could see her body wasn't that great, mainly because of her tummy. Anyway she started a good blowing, I was thinking to arrive to the end, then I opted for fucking. The mattress was so "soft" that I thought we couldn't go any lower because we were already touching the floor! She was already expecting me to finish after the 5 mins of oral, and got impatient while fucking, she wanted to change positions every minute, hoping I would finish, but of course it doesn't work like that. I will never understand why a woman, especially a bloody curva, doesn't realize that putting pressure on a man will not help in finishing earlier, on the contrary it can only delay, if not prevent, that!

So I told her just to suck me until the end, I was surprised she didn't make me pay at once the extra, maybe she worried we could waste 20 seconds if I had gone for my wallet. Now the blowing was much less enjoyable, rushed, and she wouldn't listen to my requests and suggestions to stop the race. Anyway we arrived to the end. To my surprise, she took my load until the very last drop and even carried on a little more, I was expecting she would abandon me after the first jizz or anyway as soon as possible.

In the overall, a girl you can try, especially if you finalize in 5-10 minutes, or maybe, if you take her for 1 hour, she will not be in a rush, but for sure not a first choice, probably not even a second choice, less than all for 150 rons for 1 finalizare, she wouldn't be very competitive for 100! The blowing is good, she's fuckable, but you don't miss anything if you don't meet her, you wouldn't recommend her to your friends, you won't think back of her, you won't make comparisons, you won't remember anything special, you won't be impressed, the only thing you can remember is the tangible sensation of pressure to finish.

I welcome "explainations" and considerations by Camy or whoever else works in that flat

  • Like 12
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Roxana...uite ce spune bjlover:

"The girl who opened the door had short red hair, she said her name was Roxana, "


Ne explici si noua?Ms!!!

  • Oras:anywhere there is paid sex
  • Oras:anywhere there is paid sex

I'm not sure, maybe someone can verify, but this Roxana looks like, I posted about her when she was by Alba Julia.

Also, it was already evening when I visited the red headed "Roxana", but I'm 99% sure that the flat I visited is not the one of these pics. Lights were off and doors closed, but the flat was small, I mean small areas, small entrance, small bedroom, in these pics there are wide areas. And the pic by the window, reminded me a lot the pic of the window overlooking Alba Julia, even if it is in the opposite direction and some details are different. However I think I remember well enough the building location, somewhere close to Marron cafe, in a side street of Nerva Traian, to be able to say that it is impossible to have that sight from any window, because there are many tall buildings attached one to the other. 

I would dare to say that there is something wrong...

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

@bj:this Roxana is quite "unforgettable"...:)So, you might have visited a different Roxana!

Feeling sorry,u got the "wrong" Roxana??:))))

I would!!!

Nevermind!She will enlighten us,both!!

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