nicky renzo Reputație: 51 Postat Ianuarie 28, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Ianuarie 28, 2014 Am fost eu aseara la domnisoara Roxana, vreau sa va spun ca e o teapa, in primul rand la telefon am intrebat: ,,Roxana?" si a zis ca da, numarul e cel din titlul topicului, dar tipa n-avea nicio legatura cu cea din poze, era una cu paru blond-roscat, o nuanta mai ciudata, nici cea mai mica treaba nu avea cu pozele. Locatia Nerva Traian, seriozitate din punct de vedere al programarii si al dirijiarii. In schimb, serviciile au fost mult sub pretul pretins, am optat pentru 1 finalizare la pretul 100 ron, tocmai in ideea de a vedea cum se desfasoara lucrurile, daca imi convine, prelungesc cu inca 100 ron pana la 1 ora, dar a fost mult sub asteptari, de-a dreptul dezamagitor. Oral obisnuit spre naspa, nimic deosebit, se supara daca ii puneai mana in par, exact genul de fast-fuck penal, te simti ca ai venit la piata si se grabeste cu tine.. trece din initiativa in doggy si chiar se supara ca iau pauze din pompat, spune ca fur din branza si ma grabeste, cica hai o data mai repede. Nu recomand nimanui, este clar ca nu e treaba serioasa, in primul rand era o alta persoana, in al doilea rand prestatia a fost mecanica-lamentabila, un total fiasco, daca ai 3-4 experiente d-astea, te lasi de sportul asta. Singurul aspect pozitiv: locatia foarte ok, curata, usor de ajuns. Acum voi acorda notele pe acest topic, desi , repet, nu era tipa din poza, dar e problema ei daca la numaru de telefon raspunde altcineva. Oral: 5 - absolut nimic special, totul mecanic, il face numai cat vrea, comenteaza daca ii pui mana pe cap - protejatNormal: 5 - efectiv este un teatru ordinar, si sa fii nefutut de 5 ani, te simti ca un morcov fiert, te grabeste sa termini ca doar deh.. ai ales la finalizareFata: 6 - destul de urata, daca o vezi pe strada, n-ai vrea sa ai o gagica ca ea, dimpotriva.Corp: 8 - fizic sta binisor, slabuta, multe alunite pe cord, dar o freza de papusa d-aia de copii mici trasa de par, cu par blond-roscat.Locatie: 9 - nerva traian, usor de ajuns, locuri de parcare in zona. Pret: 100 ron/finalizare. Eu nu doar ca nu recomand, dar la cat de revoltat am fost, v-as sfatui sa va orientati la optiuni mult mai bune la banii astia, efectiv e un fast-fuck de prost gust. 8
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Dem,thanks for your appreciation, also about my post regarding Andreea Marriott. But you didn't click on it! :, .Watch the first of the pics above, she has a piercing under the lower lip on the right side.Watch the last pic of the link I posted: a piercing under the lower lip on the right side. Watch whatever else well, you still think she's not the same girl? Mind you, I gave her one hour of my life! And the above post, Nicky must have met the same girl I met, and he was even more unsatisfied than me...Anyway, it doesn't make a big difference to me...
dem radulescu Reputație: 184 Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 @bj:-the pictures show a girl that has nothing to do with the "real" Roxana,as stated by Nicky above.So,I simply don't get it:-is she(the one in the picture) that answers the phone and offers the services,or not?Nicky says that "she has nothing to do with the pictures".I don't understand what you mean by "pressing on it"-sorry.I hate the (all over present) off topic,I only want(ed) to make a clear case on this topic where is not understandable if the girl uses fake photos or not.
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Dem, the pics show a girl different from the girl Nicky and I met, I don't know who answers the phone and their real or fake names; by "clicking on it" I mean that you wrote you wanted to give me a big LIKE for my post on Andreea Marriott, but you didn't vote it, which is you didn't click on the green arrow on the bottom of posts to gimme a point for the reputation. Nor that it matters that much, I mean, of course I don't ask for points, it's just a satisfaction, at least for me, since I've read in some thread people posting complaints about reputation points, there must be benefits I don't know or I don't understand, anyway being just a foreign traveller I probably couldn't benefit; I signalized I reckon that the Roxana in these pics is the same Roxana that I visited a couple of months ago and that seemed to have quit (read that thread). It could be that someone is using the pics of the Roxana I visited 2 months ago, I don't know if she is "involved", the only thing I know for sure is that the girl Nicky and I met is not the one of the above photos! I hope I was more clear and you understood 3
dem radulescu Reputație: 184 Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Ianuarie 29, 2014 Yess!!!Finally!Ok,so,whoever uses these pictures and the phone number should be warned for it.Users should be aware NOT to contact a girl if she uses fake pictures,deliberately,to misbenefit.About the points:I AM SORRY,I didn't know that I could give rep points:)))Honestly!But,I will remember,next time!Thanks for the clearage,now let's see what the wonderful Roxana has to say:) 1
zamfir88 Reputație: 17 Postat Ianuarie 30, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Ianuarie 30, 2014 Cred ca ar trebui mutat la sectiunea "de evitat" 1
roxana bruneta20 Reputație: 2 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2014 Oras:BD.UNIRII Oras:BD.UNIRII Postat Ianuarie 31, 2014 Buna!Imi pare sincer rau pentru cele intamplate...Domnisoara cu parul blond roscat este colega mea si activam impreuna in aceeasi locatie.Eu nu eram in locatie cand ai nu stiu cu exactitate ce s a intamplat.Colega mea mi a spus ca ti a specificat la telefon ca ROXANA nu este in locatie.... 1
dem radulescu Reputație: 184 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Ianuarie 31, 2014 Ok,perfect!!!!Mersi de precizari!!Deci pozele si telefonul la care raspunzi sunt ale tale?Membrii forumului vor sa vorbeasca si sa "viziteze" titulara topicului,a pozelor si a numarului de telefon.Nu vreau sa (mai) fac offtopic dar ai reusit sa ai 2 recenzii.Doar ca nu sunt...ale tale:) 1
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Februarie 1, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Februarie 1, 2014 Ehm... I wouldn't like to look too obstinate, and I'll try not to post anymore in this thread, we are not in a tribunal and I reckon that my statements are clear enough. Of course Roxana, or whoever else is writing, has the right to have her own say, and I know it's just my version against her version, but... I confirm what I wrote in my previous posts: the red haired girl introduced herself to me as Roxana, and also on the phone she had said she was Roxana. Since I always have with me a sheet with plenty of numbers to call, I don't write who is blonde, brunette, tall or not, etc, I just write prices and services to (try to) avoid being cheated. I say this to justify why I didn't understand that I was meeting somebody else. Also, as I wrote, in the afternoon the person answering the phone couldn't speak english, the girl who answered in the evening could, she was the girl I met. And in the ad in the beginning of this thread, I understand that Roxana should start working after 8pm, so she should have been on duty. But it's not a problem, we all know that these things happen, that girls can swap numbers, customers, names, etc., the problem was the service given, not the girl who provided it.Just to say the truth.
dem radulescu Reputație: 184 Postat Februarie 1, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Februarie 1, 2014 Bj:we all understood now,no worries!She admitted that the girl you have both visited answers her phones and give services,sometimes.Maybe when she is buisy.It's common(unfortunately).So,whoever wants to visit her just has to make sure,(to insist) that they will speak/meet with Roxana....Even though she says that the colleague told you that "roxana is not in",I do rather beleive that she is "using" Roxana's calls sometimes.If this is so,its her loss,so let's move on.
mesia777 Reputație: 471 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 24, 2014 Un anunt fierbinte : Atentie !!! In aceasta poza este o fata **spam editat** !!!!Si care este bolnava de candida !!! 24 Mar 12:03**spam editat**-si-care-este-bolnava-de_8831141.html Cred ca avem un bolnavior 3
camy20 Reputație: 129 Postat Martie 27, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:bucuresti Telefon: [email protected] Oras:bucuresti Autor Postat Martie 27, 2014 Un anunt fierbinte : Atentie !!! In aceasta poza este o fata **spam editat** !!!!Si care este bolnava de candida !!! 24 Mar 12:03**spam editat**-si-care-este-bolnava-de_8831141.html Cred ca avem un bolnavior
camy20 Reputație: 129 Postat Martie 27, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:bucuresti Telefon: [email protected] Oras:bucuresti Autor Postat Martie 27, 2014 Buna tuturor nustiu cine a facut chestia asta de mia pus poza cu anunt tin sa va anunt ca concurenta e mare,in primul rand nu am fost niciodata bolnava de candida si nu sunt **spam editat** stati si ganditi putin daca eream **spam editat** nu mai lucram in saloane de masaj erotic acum las la apreciera voastra vam pupat si care doriti va astept cu mare placere
johnqwer Reputație: 677 Postat Octombrie 6, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 6, 2014 Știe cineva pe unde mai activează camy20?
Feliciano Reputație: 216 Postat Octombrie 10, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 10, 2014 Cred ca asteapta sa devina majora ca sa poata arata buletinul celor care o banuiesc de **spam editat**..... mai are cateva luni bune si scapa de povara asta!
alexconnor96 Reputație: 2 Postat Noiembrie 1, 2017 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 1, 2017 Salutar,Am gasit astazi acest anunt Pare sa fie Roxana , ce stiti ?
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