ingrid kiss Reputație: 23 Postat Martie 25, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Autor Postat Martie 25, 2014 Buna, multumesc pt review Il Pupparo. Nu obisnuiesc sa initiez conversatii daca mi se pare ca persoana cu care sunt nu are chef de vorba. Per total nu stiu de ce m-ai intrebat daca ne mai vedem in viitor avand in vedere ca inteleg ca nu prea ti-a placut de mine 1
gdeluxe Reputație: 24 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Sagiitarus review got me curious about Ingrid. She seemed to be an Escort that is out of the ordinary, in a good way, so I started to follow the procedure and contacted her on Yahoo messenger.I catched her several times online, but we needed a few weeks to agree on a date. She does not work every day, but with a bit of patience and some small talk, I finally met her this days.She arrived in time, dressed in casual clothes and without eye-catching makeup - which is a good thing when all your neigbors are old gossipy people and youre the only foreigner in the building...;-)Ingrid is a good looking girl, slim, pretty eyes, well-formed boobs and a tight butt. Just how I like it. If you like sporty and good looking girls, you wont be dissapointed with Ingrid. If you like bitches that are dressed up like a dog's dinner, you will not like her. (By the way, I like both, casual girls and sexpots - each at the right time...)We had a drink, we had a talk and we had amazing sex. Exactly in that order and it was like beeing with a girl that I just picked in a club - the only difference was, that I paid her. Some of you gentlemen will like this attitude of an escort, some might not like it because this girl needs a "warm up" and has to feel comfortable.Not every guy that pays for sex wants to "invest" in making an escort feel comfortable - but thats exactly what you have to do with that chick her. And dear gents, it pays out: After getting her into my bed and seduce her, she really went wild and I fucked the shit out of her. We changed positions, she sucked my dick, licked my balls - I got everything I asked for in the time we spend together. I had great sex, Ingrid is a very attentive and good lover.So, you need to be a bit more "pro active" with a girl like Ingrid than with an escort that follows the "standard program" like show up, take a shower, suck a dick, change 2-3 times the position and leave after you finished. Ingrids rate is 250 RON per hour incl. taxi.And here is my vote:- Location : my lovely apartment which is a 10/10 ;-) Ok, lets make it a 9/10 because it was messy- The girl: 5+5/10 She is smart and pretty - killer mix!- Oral: 8/10 Awsome blowjob, nasty attitude... I love DTs and Ingrid is good, but not that good. But I am sure, she is the kinda girl that improves...- Normal: 10/10 Good lover, very responsive girl! (Attention: If you're lame, I am sure, she is lame too...)- Anal: Nope. To bad, but like always: nothing that is on my must-have list- Hygiene: 10/10 clean, took a shower before, perfect taste, perfect smell ;-)- Extras: 10/10 for a positive attitude, the feeling to have sex with a friend and a (nearly) perfect EnglishI will call her again.I will higly recommend her to all of you gents who are willing to be nice and tempting towards an escort. To everybody who expects just a "service" rather not. 9
gdeluxe Reputație: 24 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Ups, I am a shithead. Can somebody edit the post? It was of course not 50 EUR for taxi. (That was a copy and paste mistake from another post of mine) I wanted to write: Ingrids rate is 250 RON per hour incl. taxi. She stood around 3h and charged me 2h. Fair deal for me! 1
Administrator pisicuts Reputație: 114483 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Oras:La butoane Oras:La butoane Administrator Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 congrats for review GD , i have edited your review, its all good now:wave 1
catalin201 Reputație: 3 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Am apel si eu la ea mia dat un pr nr ei si mia raspuns si mia inchis telefonu in nas nu recomand
ingrid kiss Reputație: 23 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Autor Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Catalin, nu stiu de ce spui asa ceva si ce interes ai sa minti. Pe mine nu m-a sunat nimeni in afara de cei carora le-am dat eu personal nr meu, pt ca nu este publicat. 1
sagiitarus Reputație: 198 Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Telefon: legolas2511 Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: legolas2511 Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 1, 2014 Sagiitarus review got me curious about Ingrid. She seemed to be an Escort that is out of the ordinary, in a good way, so I started to follow the procedure and contacted her on Yahoo messenger. I catched her several times online, but we needed a few weeks to agree on a date. She does not work every day, but with a bit of patience and some small talk, I finally met her this days. She arrived in time, dressed in casual clothes and without eye-catching makeup - which is a good thing when all your neigbors are old gossipy people and youre the only foreigner in the building...;-) Ingrid is a good looking girl, slim, pretty eyes, well-formed boobs and a tight butt. Just how I like it. If you like sporty and good looking girls, you wont be dissapointed with Ingrid. If you like bitches that are dressed up like a dog's dinner, you will not like her. (By the way, I like both, casual girls and sexpots - each at the right time...) We had a drink, we had a talk and we had amazing sex. Exactly in that order and it was like beeing with a girl that I just picked in a club - the only difference was, that I paid her. Some of you gentlemen will like this attitude of an escort, some might not like it because this girl needs a "warm up" and has to feel comfortable. Not every guy that pays for sex wants to "invest" in making an escort feel comfortable - but thats exactly what you have to do with that chick her. And dear gents, it pays out: After getting her into my bed and seduce her, she really went wild and I fucked the shit out of her. We changed positions, she sucked my dick, licked my balls - I got everything I asked for in the time we spend together. I had great sex, Ingrid is a very attentive and good lover. So, you need to be a bit more "pro active" with a girl like Ingrid than with an escort that follows the "standard program" like show up, take a shower, suck a dick, change 2-3 times the position and leave after you finished. Ingrids rate is 250 RON per hour incl. taxi. And here is my vote: - Location : my lovely apartment which is a 10/10 ;-) Ok, lets make it a 9/10 because it was messy - The girl: 5+5/10 She is smart and pretty - killer mix! - Oral: 8/10 Awsome blowjob, nasty attitude... I love DTs and Ingrid is good, but not that good. But I am sure, she is the kinda girl that improves... - Normal: 10/10 Good lover, very responsive girl! (Attention: If you're lame, I am sure, she is lame too...) - Anal: Nope. To bad, but like always: nothing that is on my must-have list - Hygiene: 10/10 clean, took a shower before, perfect taste, perfect smell ;-) - Extras: 10/10 for a positive attitude, the feeling to have sex with a friend and a (nearly) perfect English I will call her again. I will higly recommend her to all of you gents who are willing to be nice and tempting towards an escort. To everybody who expects just a "service" rather not. Great review, and I fully agree with you. 1
evelin19 Reputație: 329 Postat Aprilie 2, 2014 Telefon: ev Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: ev Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 2, 2014 FARSA DE 1 APRILIE !!!!!!!!!!!! NU VATI PRINS
evelin19 Reputație: 329 Postat Aprilie 2, 2014 Telefon: ev Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: ev Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 2, 2014 CE nebun cum sa faca asa ceva
superh Reputație: 165 Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Salut. De mai mult timp pusesem ochii pe Ingrid. Ma atrageau misterul care o inconjoara, faptul ca aceasta activitate este part-time si GFE-ul la cote ridicate. Asta am cautat si asta am si gasit... la cote ridicate . Cu o cafea in fata si cu laptopul in poala incerc acum sa sintetizez experienta. Detaliie vi le dau mai jos. Acum cateva saptamani i-am scris folosind un PM. Mi-a raspuns si am incercat sa ma programez. Jobul meu insa mi-a pus bete in roate si intalnirea s-a materializat abia ieri. Am stabilit detaliile si s-a prezentat la mine cu precizie elvetianta. Ingrid: Constitutie slim, inaltime aprox 1.60 - 1.70 ...bine proportionata. Ingrid este o fata energica, cu care poti vorbi si cu care te simti bine - vesela si comunicativa. Se vede ca activitatea de escort nu este full time si asta se traduce prin tandrete, naturalete si o prezenta care este foarte tonica in multimea de " profesioniste" . Actiunea: Am inceput intalnirea cu o discutie in care am descoperit cu placere pasiuni si gusturi comune.. Atras de discutie aproape am uitat de ce venise . Dupa aceasta discutie am facut un dus impreuna in care mai mult ne-am sarutat si explorat... Incalziti astfel am mers in dormitor unde am trecut la oral. Oral: Neprotejat... tandru... si cu deep... cu atentie la zonele adiacente... am prestat 69 ( aici am remarcat curatenia si epilarea excelenta ). Nu se grabeste si pune pasiune in asta iar rezultatul stimati confrati este unul din cele mai bune oraluri primite de mine.. Normal: Am facut dragoste cu o fata tandra si care are in plus de asta si o pasarica demna de o virgina... stie sa lucreze cu muschii vaginali foarte bine.. iar rezultatul este foarte placut... se implica foarte mult.. se umezeste natural. Am schimbat mai multe pozitii si ne-am sarutat in continuu. Doar mintea mea plina de griji ( viata personala & job ) m-a facut sa nu capitulez in timp record... Ingrid a simtit asta si a incercat sa ma faca sa uit si sa ma simt cat mai bine.. a fost rabdatoare si s-a comportat exemplar pana la capat.. orientarea catre partener este la cote foarte bune. Note:Aspect fizic: 9Curatenie: 10+Oral:10Normal:10Atitudine: 10+ Concluzie: De recomandat celor care vor sa fie cu o iubita si nu cu o " profesionista "... o fata zambareata cu atitudine foarte buna...Retineti insa ca daca sunteti atenti la preludiu si discutia de dinaintea actiunii rezultatele vor fi maxime.. sunteti reci oricine va fi la fel cu voi.Partea materiala: 500 de lei ptr 3 ore. 11
inflexi Reputație: 140 Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Oras:Bucales Oras:Bucales Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Am dat +1 pt recenzie. Totusi sunt curios cum ai dat PM avand in vedere ca Evelin inca nu are cont de escorta si (cel putin asa era odata) nu are posibilitatea de mesagerie privata
cassy Reputație: 16361 Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV) Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV) Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Nu e topicul lui Ingrid cu cont verde?
superh Reputație: 165 Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 @inflexi.. man e topicul lui ingrid ea si-a cumparat cont cu pm. Aymway ms.
inflexi Reputație: 140 Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Oras:Bucales Oras:Bucales Postat Aprilie 9, 2014 Right, my bad
ioncristoiu Reputație: 27 Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 CE nebun cum sa faca asa ceva FARSA DE 1 APRILIE !!!!!!!!!!!! NU VATI PRINS huh? n-am inteles postarile tale... despre ce/cine vorbesti?
cassy Reputație: 16361 Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV) Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV) Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 Am apel si eu la ea mia dat un pr nr ei si mia raspuns si mia inchis telefonu in nas nu recomandVorbea despre postarea din citat, aceeasi minciuna a fost postatsi pe topicul ei
ingrid kiss Reputație: 23 Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Autor Postat Aprilie 10, 2014 Pe al ei nu. Doar pe al meu si al lui Nicole. Ce este offtopic se poate sterge?
alexandru1054 Reputație: 0 Postat Aprilie 12, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Aprilie 12, 2014 buna ingrid,as dori sa te cunosc sa ne vedem
alexandru1054 Reputație: 0 Postat Aprilie 12, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Aprilie 12, 2014 buna ingrid,as dori sa te cunosc sa ne vedemcand ne putea vedea?
ingrid kiss Reputație: 23 Postat Aprilie 13, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Autor Postat Aprilie 13, 2014 Buna, modul de contact este trecut in anunt. 1
acles Reputație: 0 Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Oras:buc Oras:buc Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Buna, As dori sa oferi si o adresa de mail pe care sa poti fi contactata.Eu nu pot folosi PM-ul, Yahoo-ul mai greu, drept pentru care nu am cum sa iau legatura cu tine, chestie care ma enerveaza, pentru ca imi doresc mult o intalnire cu tine. Multumesc,A
ingrid kiss Reputație: 23 Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Autor Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Buna, rog pe toti cei interesati sa tina cont de rugamintea mea cu privire la modul de contact. Exceptiile pe care le-as face inseamna bani pierduti de mine cu deplasarea (daca e vorba de glume) sau posibile experiente urate/violente. Mod de contact: PM. 1
acles Reputație: 0 Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Oras:buc Oras:buc Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Cu toata dragostea, modalitatea ta de contact imi pare cam restrictiva - daca nu este nimic de facut, imi pare rau. A
jan01 Reputație: 105 Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Nici eu nu pot scrie PM in seara aceasta
superh Reputație: 165 Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 14, 2014 Domnilor, Sa nu facem offtopic cu carul.... Este acelasi mod de lucru ca la Corina - babyblue... Fata incearca sa isi poarte de grija astfel... Calitatea conteaza in acest caz nu cantitatea... Imi cer scuze fata de Ingrid ptr offtopic. O seara buna! 3
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