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Evelin Outcall Contact 0737194274 YMess : evelinmaria55

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  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Buna Tuturor sunt Evelin Escorta vin la tine sau la hotel am 19 ani, 160-165 m, 48 kg fund bombat sani nr 3.5


Si ofer ca servici (Sex oral se poate si neprotejat in functie de igiena), sex normal, 69, cunnilingus,ani,




Tarif: 200 RON ora + Taxi


Nr Contact 0737194274



Nu ma deplasez in orice zona





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bine ai venit Evelin . 

noi suntem un cuplu , te intalnesti cu noi ? Venim astazi in Bucuresti si stam la hotel. si daca da ,care ar fi pretul?

  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

daca puteti sa imi dati add pe mess ar fi ok si vb acolo toate amanuntele

  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

din pacate nu cunosc pe acea fata

Vizitator taki
Reputație: 0

din pacate nu cunosc pe acea fata


Unghii sunt la fel, maini sunt la fel, sanii sunt la fel cu diferenta ca "tu" ai sfacuri mai mari (modificari datorita sarcina)... piercing la buric i la fel, forma de fundul i la fel, par i la fel... stil de a scote poze i la fel, stil de a scrie anunturile i la fel, inaltime i la fel, pret i la fel...


Com on, daca esti tu nu i nimic rau, dar sa il spui, sa nu te bati joc de noi...

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Am avut placerea de a ma intalni cu Evelin, ea este in poze iar serviciile ei sunt impecabile. :hug1 Escorta de nota 10

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  • Telefon: xulescu11
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  • Telefon: xulescu11
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Inscris astazi, singura postare e la fim seriosi cat de prosti ne crezi?

De ce are topic aici si nu la Orientare daca inca nu a fost testata?




  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

@taki, ea este, da ne crede prosti.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Si eu cred ca este tot Ana, are aceleasi obiceiuri. Am vb cu ea pt o programare si a zis ca nu vine decat daca ma duc sa o iau. Bineintekes ca am zis pas.

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Vizitator detomaso
Reputație: 0


este cu siguranta Ana, am vorbit cu ea pe mess, mi-a spus ca a nascut acum 2 luni si ca daca vreau sa ne intalnim sa vin sa o iau cu masina din zona Morarilor/Costin Georgian.

Asa ca ne cam ia de fraieri!



Am avut plăcerea să ma întâlnesc cu Evelin acum câteva zile. M-a rugat să o iau de acasă, cum nu era departe, am zis ca nu am ce pierde. E fata din poze 100%. Acțiunea a decurs intr-un mod placut.


Locație: 8, era garsoniera unui prieten ce este plecat și ducea lipsa de episoade, căldură...

Aspect fata: 9, slim , drăguță

Oral: 9

Normal: 8, acceptă orice pozitie, dar cică eram prea mare

GFE: 9, comunicativă

Halatul: 200 ron/h

Per total o experiență plăcută.


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  • Telefon: ev
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  • Telefon: ev
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  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Hi guys,


I met Evelin tonight.


Discussion on yahoo, and, like the others, I went to pick her.


Back home, shower together, drink and smoke, and action, like usual I don't give too much details about this.


- Body : 10 because it's exactly what I like, skinny but with no slim, nice forms

- Fata : 10, 8 before action started 10 because she has such a least it was for me

- OWO : 9.5 on of the best I got, slow, DT, and taking care of all parts

- Normal : 8 but it's my fault, I didn't changed position, only missionary because I wanted to see her :D

- Hygien : 10 shower together

- Anal : not applicable

- GFE : 8 talking nicely, nice during action, FK missing, otherwise would be 10


200 Ron + 2 taxis ( to take care and when she left)


Conclusion : 8.5+  I give a lot of importance to GFE, I felt extremely well with her except the FK part missing, I don't now if it was alchemy or something else. If she had full services, she would be near perfection for me.


The same with anal and FK and I found the perfect outcall :)

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  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti


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  • Oras:Bucuresti

Am apelat si eu la Evelina aseara, fiind singur am zis sa ma mai incalzesc un pic de sanii cuiva. :console

Am contactat'o pe mess, mi-a zis de locatia de unde sa o iau iar in jumate de ora eram la locatie. Mai exact un pic mai sus de statia de metrou Costin Georgian.

Am servit niste suc si o tigara, am mai schimbat 2-3 vorbe dupa care a inceput actiunea.

Vreau sa spun ca este o fata foarte slim si a facut un oral de nota zece, se vede ca are experienta. Am mai schimbat cateva pozitii dupa care a venit si eliberarea soldateilor.


-Corp: 10, O fata slim pe care poti sa o pui in orice pozitie vrei, are vreo 43 de kg.

-Fata: 9.

-OWO: 10. Cu deep si un pic porno, e perfect.

-Normal: nu am incercat.

-Igiena: 10.

-Anal: n/a.

-FK: cel putin cu mine nu a facut nici un pupic.

-GFE: 9, este degaja dupa ce te cunoaste mai bine.


Halatul: 250 cu tot tu taxi.

  • Like 7
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

va rog , nu sunati decat dupa data de 30.04.2014 . multumesc pt intelegere . pup

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  • Telefon: ev
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  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

buna . am revenit . acum ma puteti suna . pupici

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti



    Am incercat sa te contactez pe id ul de mess..

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

While searching for some company for the evening I saw her anunt in the "Anunturi" section of the forum and I called her.
She speaks a very basic english, just the necessary to understand each other (she also speaks some spanish).
After an hour she arrived. I had to go down in the street to pay the taxi, probably because she wanted to see me before coming inside the apartment, prudence is necessary in those cases.

Pret: 200 lei/h + 50 lei for taxi, total 250 lei (I gave 50 lei to her down the street for the taxi, she paid the taxi and give me back the change, after I gave her 200 lei + the change).

Aspect: 8. She's a very young girl with cute face and slim body.

GFE: 8,5. Everything perfect, except no FK.

Curatenie: 9. She took a shower before coming to my place, she told me she doesn't like other people's bathrooms. She smokes, but it's not noticeable.

Oral: 9. Deep uncovered BJ, with attentions to nearby zones.

Normal: n/a. She had only one condom so I told her that it was not a problem, the first round I could cum with a BJ (but CIM only with an extra charge), so we can use the condom for the second round. But before starting the second round she told me that the rate is only for one round (second round possible with an extra charge, but I ran out of money). Probably we didn't understand each other well before, and she's so sweet that I have not protested. At least we continued to play for the remaining time.

Anal: n/a.

Conclusion: very good experience overall, despite the language problems that caused some misunderstanding.

  • Like 6

  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: ev
  • Oras:Bucuresti

thank you very much. kiss :wink2

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