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Am intrat si eu pe forum sa vad care e treaba cu fetele dupa ultima experienta mi-am cam luat teapa..

  • Oras:Germania
  • Oras:Germania


Bine v-am gasit,



Ma bucur sa fac si eu parte din membrii acestui forum ,pare extrem de interesant


Despre mine: 30 de ani, atletic si stare financiara excelenta; pasionat de calatorii,masini si sport exista drog mai tare decat sexul..

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Vizitator markerdell
Reputație: 0

Buna tuturor!

  • Oras:Timisoara
  • Oras:Timisoara

Salutare ,am intrat pe forum pentru mai multa siguranta ... asta dupa experienta neplacuta pe care am avuto cu o escorta din Arad

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

     Your luxury masseuse,


    Hello my dear, I''m Danielle-Vanessa, thank you for visit my profile. My location is near Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu and Piata Unirii, Bucharest, pharmacy hygiene, silent and luxurious confort, jazz chillout sounds, you are welcome!


    I receive you just like in the video and photos with the same smile  

    For you I have clean and whyte towels, disposable accesories, special room for the shower                 and table for the session massage, chillout jazz music, oils and various body creams, I offer relaxation massage slippery for 1 hour or 2 hours, oil massage on your cervical,       back and neck, I do delicious massage your feet soles reflex points, wet nuru massage with happy-end, your body with my body and you will feel unique sensations!


    Please you look my videos in google canal with Danielle Vanessa(Phone :0737707384


 and then if you're interested, call me.         Thank you              


    Appointment schedule for today and tomorrow non-stop. 


Iuliu Maniu ? cam pe unde?

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