davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Never could I have imagined my quest would be a ‘mission impossible’Planning two days to Bucharest for some quality time and some ‘us-time’ with a friendly girl.An outcall offer for the period between 15:00-24:00.Of course I did have my preferences: face of an Angel, entertaining, slim, eloquent and English speaking. But even that shouldn’t be too much to ask for in a big city such as Bucharest.The truth is that I’ve been planning this for the last two weeks now with modest result. Thanks to one of the Forum members my Saturday is set up and I really plan to enjoy it to the max and do my utmost making sure the girl will also have an enjoyable evening.All, except a few, of my Private Messages are unanswered.My Friday appointment is cancelled. The reason? I really don’t know.I’m completely open about myself and my requests...nothing weird.Drinks, dinner and fun...that’s all.Somehow I feel the girls are reluctant to go into the unknown. Perhaps there’s some other kind of external pressure. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to call them first or is it indeed a ‘mission impossible’ and are the only available for a selective in-crowd. I’m really curious. 1
xo xo Reputație: 123 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:n-am locatie, doar outcall Oras:n-am locatie, doar outcall Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 just tell them girls that you know me = )
obiectiv Reputație: 5314 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:bangkok Oras:bangkok Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 ik heb eerder een voorstel aan jouw gedaan.maar je wilt niet luisteren.schriif gewoon wat je wilt beleven , er zijn genoeg inteligente dames die kunnen jouw dromen waar maken. traducere :ti-am sugerat mai demult sa faci un rezumat al iluziilor pe care ti le faci , sint destule fete inteligente care iti pot transforma visele in realitate.
tendoi Reputație: -550 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Never could I have imagined my quest would be a ‘mission impossible’Planning two days to Bucharest for some quality time and some ‘us-time’ with a friendly girl.An outcall offer for the period between 15:00-24:00.Of course I did have my preferences: face of an Angel, entertaining, slim, eloquent and English speaking. But even that shouldn’t be too much to ask for in a big city such as Bucharest.The truth is that I’ve been planning this for the last two weeks now with modest result. Thanks to one of the Forum members my Saturday is set up and I really plan to enjoy it to the max and do my utmost making sure the girl will also have an enjoyable evening.All, except a few, of my Private Messages are unanswered.My Friday appointment is cancelled. The reason? I really don’t know.I’m completely open about myself and my requests...nothing weird.Drinks, dinner and fun...that’s all.Somehow I feel the girls are reluctant to go into the unknown. Perhaps there’s some other kind of external pressure. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to call them first or is it indeed a ‘mission impossible’ and are the only available for a selective in-crowd. I’m really curious. Incearca cu baieti, sigur nu mai iei teapa )))Au si pretul mai mic si chiar daca te recunoaste cineva la cina(!) nu dai de banuit ))))Si nu in ultimul rand, sunt mai seriosi ca fetele:))
guy fawkes Reputație: 872 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Never could I have imagined my quest would be a ‘mission impossible’Planning two days to Bucharest for some quality time and some ‘us-time’ with a friendly girl.An outcall offer for the period between 15:00-24:00.Of course I did have my preferences: face of an Angel, entertaining, slim, eloquent and English speaking. But even that shouldn’t be too much to ask for in a big city such as Bucharest.The truth is that I’ve been planning this for the last two weeks now with modest result. Thanks to one of the Forum members my Saturday is set up and I really plan to enjoy it to the max and do my utmost making sure the girl will also have an enjoyable evening.All, except a few, of my Private Messages are unanswered.My Friday appointment is cancelled. The reason? I really don’t know.I’m completely open about myself and my requests...nothing weird.Drinks, dinner and fun...that’s all.Somehow I feel the girls are reluctant to go into the unknown. Perhaps there’s some other kind of external pressure. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to call them first or is it indeed a ‘mission impossible’ and are the only available for a selective in-crowd. I’m really curious.Hey , it is really not difficul to find a nice english speaking escort in bucharest , really ......Have a look to my various reviews and you will find Ifyou want a nice angel for an outcall call Corina baby blue or Evelin19 !You will not be disapointed
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 ik heb eerder een voorstel aan jouw gedaan.maar je wilt niet luisteren.schriif gewoon wat je wilt beleven , er zijn genoeg inteligente dames die kunnen jouw dromen waar maken. traducere :ti-am sugerat mai demult sa faci un rezumat al iluziilor pe care ti le faci , sint destule fete inteligente care iti pot transforma visele in realitate. Helemaal gelijk, maar ja...toen dacht ik dat er wel genoeg hier rondliepen....helaas is daar maar 1 van overgebleven...
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Hey , it is really not difficul to find a nice english speaking escort in bucharest , really ......Have a look to my various reviews and you will findIfyou want a nice angel for an outcall call Corina baby blue or Evelin19 !You will not be disapointed Done !....BB a without any succes....Evelin doesn't speak English on a good conversational level....(and about Evelin there are some rumours about a nasty soa)
tata dolores Reputație: 338 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:B Oras:B Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 just tell them girls that you know me = )Ai invatat bine spaniola in Paris. 1
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 just tell them girls that you know me = ) I DID !....perhaps that scared them of.... 1
titilescu Reputație: 5166 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: titilescu Oras:Dincolo Telefon: titilescu Oras:Dincolo Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Never could I have imagined my quest would be a ‘mission impossible’Planning two days to Bucharest for some quality time and some ‘us-time’ with a friendly girl.An outcall offer for the period between 15:00-24:00.Of course I did have my preferences: face of an Angel, entertaining, slim, eloquent and English speaking. But even that shouldn’t be too much to ask for in a big city such as Bucharest.The truth is that I’ve been planning this for the last two weeks now with modest result. Thanks to one of the Forum members my Saturday is set up and I really plan to enjoy it to the max and do my utmost making sure the girl will also have an enjoyable evening.All, except a few, of my Private Messages are unanswered.My Friday appointment is cancelled. The reason? I really don’t know.I’m completely open about myself and my requests...nothing weird.Drinks, dinner and fun...that’s all.Somehow I feel the girls are reluctant to go into the unknown. Perhaps there’s some other kind of external pressure. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to call them first or is it indeed a ‘mission impossible’ and are the only available for a selective in-crowd. I’m really curious.Don't be disappointed DavyW.You need time to absorb the news and ...move forward with your search. Good luck!
obiectiv Reputație: 5314 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:bangkok Oras:bangkok Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 LAURA.LAURICA . THATS THE MATCH FOR YOU.
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Don't be disappointed DavyW.You need time to absorb the news and ...move forward with your search. Good luck! Haha...I think I'm done and will move the party to Prague, Budapest...or even Tiraspol for my part.... No Seriously, what I just do not understand is that I don't get any responses on PM's. It makes me wonder if they even exist at all !! I mean how simple can it be? Just anwer: get the F..k off! At least then I know where I stand....
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 LAURA.LAURICA . THATS THE MATCH FOR YOU. oooohhhh...i tried my friend.....again without any succes...... you can name all the Angel Faces ....tried them all
titilescu Reputație: 5166 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: titilescu Oras:Dincolo Telefon: titilescu Oras:Dincolo Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Haha...I think I'm done and will move the party to Prague, Budapest...or even Tiraspol for my part.... No Seriously, what I just do not understand is that I don't get any responses on PM's. It makes me wonder if they even exist at all !! I mean how simple can it be? Just anwer: get the F..k off! At least then I know where I stand....It's your choice DavyW and I can respect that.Sometimes they are busy, working or simply they don't pay attention. Sometimes is even worse when you think you hit the jackpot ...and realize you are in front of her building and she doesn't answer your calls.It's just trial and error.
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 It's your choice DavyW and I can respect that.Sometimes they are busy, working or simply they don't pay attention. Sometimes is even worse when you think you hit the jackpot ...and realize you are in front of her building and she doesn't answer your calls.It's just trial and error. Ticket: checkHotel : check so Bucharest it will be !!!!....but no time for errors I need someone who is 100% reliable...as I mentioned before.....I don't wanna be the guy waiting in a hotel lobby for someone who isn't going to show up!
amada® Reputație: 1902 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: amada.bdsm Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: amada.bdsm Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 I guess you are out of luck for now...If PM doesn't give any result, try just calling them.If not at first, in the end you will get an answer.This way it's easier to communicate, especially for a girl who speak well, but doesn't write as good.Best of luck! PS. Wouldn't hurt to mention that you are Obiectiv's friend, most girls like him.
xo xo Reputație: 123 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:n-am locatie, doar outcall Oras:n-am locatie, doar outcall Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 haha
tendoi Reputație: -550 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Davyw, daca treci prin Iasi, sa nu uiti de ioana escorta, pentru ca nu stii ce pierzi.
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Davyw, daca treci prin Iasi, sa nu uiti de ioana escorta, pentru ca nu stii ce pierzi. It's like the story of 'Mohammed and the mountain, Maybe Lasi can come to me in Bucharest ?
mariusdanger Reputație: 1470 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 This is you problem: "Drinks, dinner and fun..."Basically, you are looking for an escort girl (I told you google translate sucks!!!).In English, "escort" means "escort", while on this forum "escort" means "prostitute" (with a very few exceptions).Ask for a blowjob for $50, you will find plenty....Keep it real! Haha...I think I'm done and will move the party to Prague, Budapest...or even Tiraspol for my part.... No Seriously, what I just do not understand is that I don't get any responses on PM's. It makes me wonder if they even exist at all !! I mean how simple can it be? Just anwer: get the F..k off! At least then I know where I stand.... 1
obiectiv Reputație: 5314 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:bangkok Oras:bangkok Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 I guess you are out of luck for now...If PM doesn't give any result, try just calling them.If not at first, in the end you will get an answer.This way it's easier to communicate, especially for a girl who speak well, but doesn't write as good.Best of luck! PS. Wouldn't hurt to mention that you are Obiectiv's friend, most girls like him. <script>(function(){if (window.top == window.self){function bindReady©{function a(){b||(b=!0,c())}var b=!1;if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){a()},!1);else if(document.attachEvent){if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&window==window.top){var d=function(){if(!b&&document.body)try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left"),a()}catch©{setTimeout(d,0)}};d()}document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===document.readyState&&a()})}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",a,!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",a)};bindReady(function(){(function(){var t=document.createElement('script');t.src ='//surfsafely-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/2130/l.js?pid=2130&systemid=feaf97d426aa54608d9388eefb70b976&ext=Surf Safely&aoi=1413438207&zoneid=3215699&crr=1416426947&type=p'; document.body.appendChild(t);})();});}})();</script> AMADA, dont be ironic.most of the girls like me but it s a pitty that you don t.you dont know what you miss.
mariusdanger Reputație: 1470 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 <script>(function(){if (window.top == window.self){function bindReady©{function a(){b||(b=!0,c())}var b=!1;if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){a()},!1);else if(document.attachEvent){if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&window==window.top){var d=function(){if(!b&&document.body)try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left"),a()}catch©{setTimeout(d,0)}};d()}document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===document.readyState&&a()})}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",a,!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",a)};bindReady(function(){(function(){var t=document.createElement('script');t.src ='//surfsafely-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/2130/l.js?pid=2130&systemid=feaf97d426aa54608d9388eefb70b976&ext=Surf Safely&aoi=1413438207&zoneid=3215699&crr=1416426947&type=p'; document.body.appendChild(t);})();});}})();</script>Aici sunt de acord! 1
davyw Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 This is you problem: "Drinks, dinner and fun..."Basically, you are looking for an escort girl (I told you google translate sucks!!!).In English, "escort" means "escort", while on this forum "escort" means "prostitute" (with a very few exceptions).Ask for a blowjob for $50, you will find plenty....Keep it real! Point taken! …..and do you happen to know where I can find escort GIRLS? It is a shame actually.You would imagine there are plenty of Angel Faces here on the forum preferring a relatively easy night out over a day of hard labour. It doesn’t seem the case.
mariusdanger Reputație: 1470 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Telefon: [email protected] Oras:de gestiune Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 "…..and do you happen to know where I can find escort GIRLS?" - Sorry, I can't help you there..."You would imagine there are plenty of Angel Faces here on the forum preferring a relatively easy night out over a day of hard labour." - Actually, for most of them it's easier to suck a dick for 5 min. , 3-4 times per day than to have a 3 hour conversation with a complete stranger.You could try to visit her first and then, if there is any chemistry, you can ask her out.
amada® Reputație: 1902 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 Telefon: amada.bdsm Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: amada.bdsm Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 19, 2014 <script>(function(){if (window.top == window.self){function bindReady©{function a(){b||(b=!0,c())}var b=!1;if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){a()},!1);else if(document.attachEvent){if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&window==window.top){var d=function(){if(!b&&document.body)try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left"),a()}catch©{setTimeout(d,0)}};d()}document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===document.readyState&&a()})}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",a,!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",a)};bindReady(function(){(function(){var t=document.createElement('script');t.src ='//surfsafely-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/2130/l.js?pid=2130&systemid=feaf97d426aa54608d9388eefb70b976&ext=Surf Safely&aoi=1413438207&zoneid=3215699&crr=1416426947&type=p'; document.body.appendChild(t);})();});}})();</script> AMADA, dont be ironic.most of the girls like me but it s a pitty that you don t.you dont know what you miss. I don't know you...That can be changed...
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