rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Citatele sa fie memorabile indiferent daca filmul a fost ori nu unul remarcabil. Incep cu unul din filmele mele preferate Meet Joe BlackWilliam Parrish: Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart. And I'm not hearing any heart. Cause the truth is, honey, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived a life at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. 1
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 GiaGia Carangi: Dear book, this is another day in my life. A life is like a book. A book is like a box. A box has six sides. Inside and outside, so, how do you get to what's inside? How do you get what's inside, out? Once upon a time, there lived a very pretty girl, who lived in a beautiful box, and everybody loved her.
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Gia Carangi: [voice-over; narrating from beyond the grave] Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today, it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above. 1
no_body Reputație: 6681 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:outside Oras:outside Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 DĂTEN PULA MEA!Nu mai retin din ce film este. 1
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 DĂTEN PULA MEA!Nu mai retin din ce film este. era cu dedicaţie sau... ?
no_body Reputație: 6681 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:outside Oras:outside Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 era cu dedicaţie sau... ? Pentru publicul larg. 1
killbill13 Reputație: 8009 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:Lost in the wind Oras:Lost in the wind Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Citat meu preferat din True Blood, by Pam:Fucking morons ! 1
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Nu îmi este teamă că voi muri, îmi este teamă că nu am trăit suficient. La intrarea în fiecare școală ar trebui să scrie: “Viața este un loc de joacă sau nu este nimic“. – Mr. Nobody (2009) 2
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 dintr-o comedie si mi se potriveste 100 la 100The truth is... I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart... and I never really got it back. Sweet Home Alabamacu adaugirea personala ca orice fac, fac cu drag si nu pun decat rar toata inima, framanturile pe care le implic si investesc le consider mereu imprumutate sau daruite fara a le pierde
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 "The men I know, and I've known dozens of them, oh, they're so nice, so polished, so considerate. Most women like that type. I guess they're afraid of the other kind. I thought I was, too. But you're so strong. You don't give. You take. Oh, Tommy, I could love you to death."Public Enemy (1931)
ghost_and_haunted Reputație: 1705 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:Undeva in viitor Oras:Undeva in viitor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 " How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door. "Blow (2001) 2
rozkendra Reputație: 10772 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:worldwide Oras:worldwide Autor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 " How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door. "Blow (2001)Minunat citat, uitasem de el asta cu zambitul fortat functioneaza perfect. Fiind nativ optimista eu ma scufund greu, de fiecare data insa am un come back mai puternic decat am initial. Nu imediat, ci dupa o perioada. Ca sa reiau primul gand, cand zambesti fortat o perioada in care nu iti arde de zambit, devine mecanism si dupa o vreme devine un fenomen natural si pe care il simti cu adevarat. 1
azareth angelus Reputație: 3234 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Avalon Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Avalon Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Se potriveste tarii noastre, acum, la fel ca si atunci .... ascultati si luati aminte ... 1
ghost_and_haunted Reputație: 1705 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:Undeva in viitor Oras:Undeva in viitor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 ''John Preston: What's the point of your existence?Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.''Equilibrium (2002) 1
ghost_and_haunted Reputație: 1705 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:Undeva in viitor Oras:Undeva in viitor Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 "There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning, the only reason you suffer the shitty boss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. "Fear or revere me, but please think I'm special." We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The "hip, hip, hoo-fucking-rah." Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on, you crazy diamond. Cos we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others." " The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look. " Revolver (2005) 1
indubitabil Reputație: 2178 Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Oras:----------- Oras:----------- Postat Noiembrie 3, 2015 Every king has its reign, father! Prometheus 2012 I am your wife! There you are.....!
pamfil_007 Reputație: 2087 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Oras:belgravistan Oras:belgravistan Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 "Mâna întinsă care nu spune o poveste, nu primeşte pomană" 3 1
klm112 Reputație: 5026 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Oras:sud Oras:sud Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 "Mâna întinsă care nu spune o poveste, nu primeşte pomană"daaaa
harrypoker77 Reputație: -411 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 4 5
thecat Reputație: 10279 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Oras:all over (NU e o ironie...) Oras:all over (NU e o ironie...) Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 (mda, e cam lung... deh, in concordanta cu stilu' meu de-a scrie...) 4
harrypoker77 Reputație: -411 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 4 5
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 "Poporul asta rade, RADE, cu sau fara voia cuiva"... 5
harrypoker77 Reputație: -411 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Pentru ca ... ingineru' Pentru ca actorul se citeaza singur! 5 5
harrypoker77 Reputație: -411 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Telefon: harrypoker77 Oras:Lalaland Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 4 5
killbill13 Reputație: 8009 Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Oras:Lost in the wind Oras:Lost in the wind Postat Noiembrie 4, 2015 Citatele sa fie memorabile indiferent daca filmul a fost ori nu unul remarcabil. Incep cu unul din filmele mele preferate Meet Joe Black William Parrish: Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart. And I'm not hearing any heart. Cause the truth is, honey, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived a life at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.La asta astept feed-back de la Roza : 2
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