nicholas69 Reputație: 1 Postat Septembrie 14, 2016 Postat Septembrie 14, 2016 Hi - so happy to have found this board before my first trip to Bucharest. Is it common to find teenage escorts in Bucharest? If anybody has any tips or specific girls (18-20, legal obviously) that are in their teens, please let me know!! It would be for this weekend (Sep 18/19). Mulțumesc. 1
m mister Reputație: 109 Postat Septembrie 16, 2016 Oras:Here and there Oras:Here and there Postat Septembrie 16, 2016 Hey, Depending on your budget you could either search on: (in the above links you will find a couple of girls aged between 19 -20) or search directly on google. Another option would be to visit a few luxury clubs (but it is quite hard to find young girls that would do it for money - maybe for free ) )
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