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Vizitator j0hnny_legend
Reputație: 0
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  • Oras:Constanta
  • Oras:Constanta

Can you just stay through the night?

Let me breathe you in 'til gravity bends

And we fall through the hole in the light

Make this our kingdom

Somewhere where good love conquers and not divide !



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Vizitator j0hnny_legend
Reputație: 0
  • Like 3
  • Oras:Somewhere
  • Oras:Somewhere

Nu e chiar noiembrie dar...merge cu ploile de afara😠.

Plus ca e un ever ever ever HIT😈



  • Oras:Somewhere
  • Oras:Somewhere

Hai 'neatza...😎

Deci....cine se baga?😆😈



Vizitator j0hnny_legend
Reputație: 0

Mai pe clasic așa ca ma doare capul de la atâta zbantuiala


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