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Adelinna - Outcall - 0726575144

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Atitudinea asta de a te preface retardata e jalnica.

Daca esti atat de aeriana, iti dau 100 de lei, pt ca oricum nu stii sa deosebesti euro de lei :laugh2


Nu vezi ca nu ai cuvintele la tine ?! Totul la tine se rezuma la lei si euro, 100, prietena si nr de telefon. Esti patetic.

  • Oras:In papuris ca sa ma chis
  • Oras:In papuris ca sa ma chis

Ade, hai in Piata ! :)

credeam ca vrei sa intrebi cat e scorul ? :laugh2




ia-o d'aci ca pun cainii pe ea  :laugh2 :laugh2 :laugh2


Nu vezi ca nu ai cuvintele la tine ?! Totul la tine se rezuma la lei si euro, 100, prietena si nr de telefon. Esti patetic.


te simti incoltita... s-a aflat adevarul

stai linistita, se gasesc fraieri care sa-ti dea la muie in continuare, desi nu faci aproape nimic

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

te simti incoltita... s-a aflat adevarul

stai linistita, se gasesc fraieri care sa-ti dea la muie in continuare, desi nu faci aproape nimic


da , mai era si m***


da , mai era si m***


stiu ca esti nervoasa ca nu te-am chemat sa te fut dar nu meriti 100 de euro.


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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

stiu ca esti nervoasa ca nu te-am chemat sa te fut dar nu meriti 100 de euro.



ce sa zici si tu  :laugh2


I am quite new here, I visit Bucharest often. I was troubled whether I should book Adelina because of all the bad comments I read here. But I did and I did not regret. I had a very good time.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I am quite new here, I visit Bucharest often. I was troubled whether I should book Adelina because of all the bad comments I read here. But I did and I did not regret. I had a very good time.


If you've seen her, then help her out and the rest of us by making a review of your "date" on her topic

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Reputație: 0

e belgian  :laugh2


...din ferentari

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  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I know what high school means but i don't know in which country it ends at 16 yo , cuz in Romania it doesn't...only if you quit early.


U.S. university or college follows after high school, or secondary school.


A college in the U.S.A. is not a high school or secondary school.


College and university programs begin in the thirteenth year of school, when a student is 17 or 18 years old or older.


Liceu = College.


University is a more advanced college.


So... High school is still 16-17 maximum, thus my point, you're not a high school girl, at least, I very hope so.


In french "collège" means high school (which is  12-16)

I guess french "collège" is the same as romanian "colegiu", but not sure, either way, it's a common mistakes when learning english as a Latin language speaker, because "english's college", has nothing to do with "latin's college".

then Lycée(liceu) = english college.

  • Oras:In papuris ca sa ma chis
  • Oras:In papuris ca sa ma chis

No hai ca a  mai aparut un "american" . Asta este din US Army de la noi din port   :)


Da nu a zis in discursul sau daca vrea sa futa sau nu ...vorbeste doar de scoala :slap2

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  • Telefon: 0769999999
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pune poze dezbracata ca ai 18 ani, nu esti bunicuta

are gugoasha rupta-n 2

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  • Oras:In mintea ta
  • Oras:In mintea ta

U.S. university or college follows after high school, or secondary school.


A college in the U.S.A. is not a high school or secondary school.


College and university programs begin in the thirteenth year of school, when a student is 17 or 18 years old or older.


Liceu = College.


University is a more advanced college.


So... High school is still 16-17 maximum, thus my point, you're not a high school girl, at least, I very hope so.


In french "collège" means high school (which is  12-16)

I guess french "collège" is the same as romanian "colegiu", but not sure, either way, it's a common mistakes when learning english as a Latin language speaker, because "english's college", has nothing to do with "latin's college".

then Lycée(liceu) = english college.


janes romanes?

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Pai nu trebuia sa spun nimic, era vorba de altceva.


chiar de nu trebuia, o faceai din placere

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