enco Reputație: 418 Postat Octombrie 1, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 1, 2012 Today I came back from Andrea. She is new in the field for 3 days. Location: In Floreasca, Apartment with 1 bedroom. Relative clean shower, sheets, towel and room (8/10). The girl: The girl is very young, she told me around 19 years old. Her face is cute. He body is very young, has long dark hair, and brown skin. She has a small belly, but I really looks still very good (7/10). She is very talkative, and wants to give you a complete GFE experience GFE (9/10). Normal: We started kissing a lot and then went to bed. Oral was very well taken care off, NEP, in all corners and angles (8/10). Normal was in several positions and she was quite active in propising new positions (8/10). Overal: If you like young ladies go for her. I can recommend for those who are into younger girls (8/10). PS: She is the friend of Raluca in Floreasca. --------- Azi m-am întors de la Andrea. Locul de amplasare: În Floreasca, Apartament cu 1 dormitor. Cabină de duș relativ curat, foi, prosop și o sală de (8/10). Fata este foarte tanara, ea mi-a spus în jurul valorii de 19 ani. Fața ei este drăguț. El organism este foarte tanar, are părul lung întuneric, și piele maro. Ea are o burta mica, dar chiar arata inca foarte bine (7/10). Ea este foarte vorbareata, si vrea să-ți dea un complet GFE experienta GFE (9/10). Normal: Am început saruta foarte mult și apoi a mers la culcare. Orală a fost foarte bine luate de îngrijire off, NEP, în toate colțurile și unghiurile (8/10). Normală a fost în mai multe poziții, iar ea a fost destul de activ în propising posturi noi (8/10). Overal: Dacă vă place doamnelor tinere du-te pentru ea. Eu pot recomanda pentru cei care sunt în fete tinere.(8/10) 2
tarabacea Reputație: -2 Postat Octombrie 17, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 17, 2012 Un pret pentru ce presteaza tinerica? 2
uglypete Reputație: 9 Postat Octombrie 26, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 26, 2012 100 / finalizarea. Asa spune la telefon cel putin. O incerc daca ajung si revin cu date.
stefan82 Reputație: 3 Postat Octombrie 27, 2012 Oras:Pe aici Oras:Pe aici Postat Octombrie 27, 2012 Salutare Domnita are cuibul undeva pe aproape de SpringTime Floreasca, mai exact undeva pe str Glinka aproape de o gradinita. Este in locatie cu Raluca, are si ea topic deschis aici. Sunat initial pentru Raluca si am ajuns la Andrea. Cateva detalii:Locatia - curataBaia curata, prosop curat dar mic (atentie la cap la dus),Domnidoara arata bine, fara mirosuri in zona intima. Prestatie.GFE: 8FK - nu am incercat nu stiu daca faceOral - 7Normal - 7Halatul- 100ron/finalizare, 150/ora. Fiind in graba, eu am ales variata cu o finalizare. 2
uglypete Reputație: 9 Postat Octombrie 29, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 29, 2012 Confirm si eu ce zice stefan82. Am fost vineri seara. Locatia e decenta si discreta. Eu am insistam sa o cunosc si pe Raluca. Nu e rea nici ea. Am luat cate un nr cu fiecare. Am inceput cu Andreea care a fost ok.La normal nu prea se misca cine stie ce dar mimeaza ca-i place. Oralul e de 7. E vorbareata si nu e respingatoare. Raluca insa are un GFE mai scazut. Pt nr. 2 e o alegere proasta, nu te incita deloc desi are un corp frumos cu sani fermi. Locatia in sine merita, mai ales pt raportul pret/calitate. 1
kingbob Reputație: 42 Postat Octombrie 30, 2012 Oras:bucharest Oras:bucharest Postat Octombrie 30, 2012 I visited Andrea last night and have to say I was impressed. She is a very nice girl, talkative, friendly. Makes you feel very comfortable, felt like an old girlfriend so great GFE. I chose 1hr option at 150 Ron. Started with a shower, small damp towel was all that was available, only negative. Then to the bedroom. Action started with unprotected oral where I reciprocated in 69, good technique, not too deep though. Then went to normal which was very good, she is young and tight. Completed in condom. 2nd number started with very relaxed oral which was great then to normal, I was tired so did not complete the 2nd. Oral 8Normal 8Location 6 (because of shower and towel) GFE 10 clicked well and time spent was relaxing and enjoyableI definitely recommend. 1
mike65 Reputație: 9 Postat Noiembrie 1, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 1, 2012 Salutate, Dupa experienta neplacuta de a o astepta pe Ana Maria in zadar,ma gandesc sa ma duc la alta caprioara.Zis si facut. O sun, imi raspunde o voce foarte amabila, ma programez si ajung la ea.Confirm locatia, dar si pozele sunt reale.Imi deschide o tipa dragutica, nu foarte wow, ma invita in camera de nebunii, dupa care la un dus. Preciez ca nu exista gel de dus pentru barbati ceea ce este deja un minus pentru mine.Revin de la dus, incepe cu un oral nu foarte bun, deoarece se ajuta cu manutele, nu s-a atins de zonele adiacente.o rog sa puna prezervativul, sa stea deasupra, unde a avut o tentativa de miscari, de unduiri dar nereusite. Bun, o pun in pozitia mama iedului unde o priveliste nu prea frumoasa deoarece avea cosuri pe fund, finalizez in prezervativ dupa care ma dus la dus.Nu prea isi merita banii, desi incearca sa fie amabila, vorbareata.Note:Locatie: 8, curata dar fara gel de dus pentru barbati.Fata are cosuri pe fundOral: 7, nu a fost nimic spectaculosNormal 6,5GFE 7,5Halatul: 100 ron fin In concluzie nu o recomand. 2
salahorul Reputație: 43 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2012 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2012 Salut,Zilele trecute am punctat si eu la domnisoara Andreea din cuibul aflat aproape de Spring Floreasca, langa gradinita.Am vazut-o si pe Raluca, genul minion, ok pentru o data viitoare.Cateva detalii:Locatia - curata, patul din dormitor scartaie ingrozitor. 8Baia curata, dar plina de apa tocmai facuse un dus Raluca. prosop curat dar mic ,bun pentru sters pe fatza.Domnisoara arata bine, fara mirosuri in zona intima, genul gipsy, fata o strica putin.Prestatie.GFE: 8FK - faraOral - 6 - sare direct la obiect fara nici un preludiu.Normal - 7 - asteapta sa fie fututa si atat.Halatul- 100ron/finalizare, 150/ora. Fiind in graba, eu am ales variata cu o finalizareDe revenit pentru pretul de 100 Ron/finalizare. 2
alexpetrescu1981 Reputație: 60 Postat Noiembrie 29, 2012 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 29, 2012 Salut fiind in zona ( asta se intampla ieri) si avand telefonu fetelor am zis sa testez si eu fetele...Sun vorbim,ii explic ca sunt prin zona si daca sunt libere,imi confirma ca DA...imi explica locatia(un bloc cu 4 etaje)ultimul etaj,gasesc locatia si urc sus..2 fete una mai miniona(dar era pe stop) si una mai gipsy dar ok(doar ca pe state deasupra fundului are putin par.Am ales a doua fata,foarte sociabila,tot imi povestea despre prietenul ei ma rog etc etc. Trecem la actiune,un oral ok dar vorba lui Salahorul,parca prea repede sare la oral Sar peste oral obesevand ca nu are chef..si trecem la un normal(caprita)..pompez fetei niste injecti si termin.. Notele mele:::Oral 7( fara caciulita) Normal::7(prea falsa ) GFE 9 (nu e fitoasa,o pofta de socializare buna) Locatie::8 eu am avut gel de dusi pt barbati FK nu am incercat Nota de plata 100 ron fin. Sincer eu mai revin(vreau sa incerc si prima fata,era mai draguta) 1
lightman2 Reputație: 95 Postat Decembrie 4, 2012 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Decembrie 4, 2012 i went to her place today. i will make a review by tomorrow....Spoilers: she won't reach top escort section....
lightman2 Reputație: 95 Postat Decembrie 4, 2012 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Decembrie 4, 2012 Hello again! So, how was Andrea's meeting... I texted her once, then sent a second one to show that i am seriously interested in (some girls did tell me that when they only receive one message, they dont pay attention.She answered in English, with an other phone (her colleague, probably) to tell me that i just have to call, she can talk in english. So a first good point for the lady: she makes efforts to be reachable. LOCATION:Pretty clear explanations in english to find it, the appartement was clean, even if i only saw the bed room and the bathroom. The bathroom is getting a little bit old, but is correct. I was given an A3 format towel for my shower, and i am not A3 size...No slippers provided...Well, you can't hit some plazza servicies' quality every day! INTRODUCTION:So Andrea opened the door wearing a large T shirt, and an orange panties under that. No make up either on her face, and a very casual way to salute me. If i haven'y taken an appointement first, i could have sworn that she is on a day off! About her face, i didn't find her very attractive, nor ugly, just average. After all, i didn't saw her prepared for the prom, maybe she has a beautifull smile too, but i will never know.Not very talkative, she straight go to speak about business. I know we are not here to discuss about the weather, but, 3 mins of chat doesnt hurt, to my opinion... Well the subject of my visit is an interesting topic to me, so, no problem. I check the prices, all according to the one i saw here, i ask about the services, equally too, and then i ask if she turned to the dark side... (just to know if there has been updates on her skills.) Nope, still not anal. I go to she shower with my tiny towel, and when i come back in the room. the large tshirt was gone, and i could see her nice body.I can tell you that her photos are 100% real, i think she did took one kilo id say, but it's in mainly in the boobs! horray for that.we didnt exange much more i paid, and we went to the main event. COMPLETION : We started with an oral without condom, and the beginning was good. good little work with hands, some tongue work... and the begining started to loop. worse, more hand job, less mouth job... so i asked to go on normal. we began with her on top. She is tight, her breast are firm, and the beginning is promissing... but she is not really motivated. she moves, without energy, not mechanichally either, but just like a girl friend when she is "not in the mood". I ask to be on top, and to take command of the situation. i take her doggy style, and she starts to moan, a lot. Not very trustfully. I mean, the moaning were good, but she uses it too much. She makes too many noises. really, she can't have more fun than me judging by the beginning, and i was not so amuzed.As i was getting bored a little, i asked her to turn around, what she did without any objection, and i rushed a little on missionary position.No kisses from the girl, no fk, no caresses. I got dressed, then leftReview:LOCATION: 7 average a minus for the towelASPECT: 7 great body, but no effort to spice it up(FACE: 6 Body: 8,5)ORAL : 6,5 good basis, but need to be more involved.NORMAL : 6 no defaults, but nothing extra.ANAL : not providedGFE : 4 not a smile, a kiss, or something nice. A working girl. serious, but not too concerned.Price : 100 ron for 40 minutes. compared to what you can have on this site, this is quite expensive. Recommand? well, she really has the potential. Maybe i was not her type, or it was a bad day for her. But i won't try again. 4
Jhony83 Reputație: 25 Postat Iulie 8, 2021 Oras:București Oras:București Postat Iulie 8, 2021 Știe cineva dacă mai activează fetele? Mulțumesc
bogdan9921 Reputație: 215 Postat Iulie 8, 2021 Oras:bucuresti Disponibila Oras:bucuresti Disponibila Postat Iulie 8, 2021 La 08.07.2021 la 18:58, Jhony83 a spus: Știe cineva dacă mai activează fetele? Mulțumesc Extinde După 20 de ani 😉
bastos01 Reputație: 451 Postat Iulie 9, 2021 Oras:p`aici Oras:p`aici Postat Iulie 9, 2021 La 08.07.2021 la 18:58, Jhony83 a spus: Știe cineva dacă mai activează fetele? Mulțumesc Extinde s-au angajat la Lidl
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