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ivann turbinca

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Despre ivann turbinca

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  • Sex
  • Oras:
    In mintea pisharcosului care se crede popa

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Newbie (1/14)




Community Answers

  1. Sincer prefer o femeie care se supraevalueaza si are maxim 2 programari pe zi,si care clar,se va purta mult mai bine cu mine ca si client,decat una cu un pret mic,care ia pe banda rulanta,caci cele care se subevalueaza sunt obligate sa lucreze industrial ca sa ramana cu niste bani dupa ce isi scad cheltuielile. Cele din ultima categorie sunt msi rutinate,mai plictisite sau mai suctirite chiar,sictir pe care nici macar nu se mai chinuie sa-l ascunda.
  2. Toti vreti sa sugeti ca lipitorile de la escorte Unii fac calculul banilor ce ii pot incasa teoretic escortele. Zic ei pai 2 milioane ori 5 prosti ori 30 de zile "maaama asta e femeie de 300 de milioane pe luna". Socotelile evident sunt gresite. Imvidia pe care o au unii ca unele pizde castiga mai mult decat ei este emanata orin toti porii si transpare in ensoe mii de postari de pe forum.
  3. Nu sunt femeie,imi pare rau pt.tine.
  4. Injuri si te oftici de parca plusurile astea ar fi un soi de plata la curve.
  5. Pt suma corespunzatoare probabil ca si gasi. Altfel doar niste fomiste sau pestite pot lucra fix de revelion. Orice om cu scaun la cap are pe cineva cu care sa-si petreaca un astfel de moment.
  6. A si inca ceva: cu femeia asta ce ai? Poate sa aiba si 200 de kile. Sunt barbati pe masura ei carora li se scoala pula sa futa ceva de marimea lor. Daca tie iti plac femeile cu alura de copile la pubertate e fix treaba ta. Cine esti tu sa te caci in gusturile altora?
  7. Ce treaba are Negoita cu faptul ca unele inchiriaza(poate chiar cu contract de inchiriere legal) un spatiu in care fac ce vrea pasarica lor-chiar si sex pe bani. Ai vrut tu man sa zici ceva,dar crede-ma ca esti pe langa subiect. Nu baga toata lumea in aceeasi oala,ca gresesti.
  8. Cat era euro acum 3 ani?
  9. Ai zis bine escorte. A nu se confunda cu centuristele. Escorte nu-si permite toata lumea;centuriste da,sunt a accesibile oricui.
  10. I-ai dat cu fruntea de buric,asa e nu pot sa te contrazic.
  11. Raspuns gresit. Mai incearca.
  12. Spitalul de nebuni online.:)
  13. Asa e ca unii "barbati" barfesc mai rau ca femeile. Daca n-ati fi troli as crede ca vorbiti despre cineva despre care stiti ceva. Dar habar n-aveti.
  14. Over the past decade, I have posted one after the other of articles concerning 'trolls', 'safety on the internet', etc. The warning 'Don't Feed the Trolls' has been around for as long as social media. But, the attitude that 'anything goes' on the internet has become increasingly acceptable where trolls have actually become accepted and even, glamorized for their outrageous and manipulative behavior. I have always been aware that folks have difficulty recognizing who are trolls and who are not. For instance, research suggests that internet trolls were found to exhibit three major 'dark' psychological traits: Erin E. Buckelsa, , , Paul D. Trapnellb, Delroy L. Paulhusc wrote: Sadism: A personality disorder in which an individual derives pleasure from the suffering of others. Narcissism: Involves an obsessive interest in your own appearance, extreme selfishness and a craving to be admired by others. Psychopathy: A complex spectrum disorder which typically includes a lack of empathy or remorse as well as antisocial behaviour. Accordingly, these are people with severe psychological disorders and a need to feel in control of others. And, they have literally taken over the internet - as I have watched it happen. They run forums/fb groups/blogs, have loyal followers, and blame everyone else who gets in their way of being a 'troll'. They create chaos wherever they go - and, people seem addicted to the drama that they cause. How does one avoid getting 'involved' with or 'carried away' with trolls - feeding them for decades now? This question brings me back to the linkedin article that I read. It seems that people are so tired of dealing with them that the 'victims' of their antics are now being held responsible for their own behavior. As we all know, employers and other folks are reading social media as a way to determine our ability to work positively with others. And, social media sites are beginning to make comments that we post public. Anonymous or not, what you post can never be 'removed' from the internet. So, if you decide to fall into drama thinking that there are no consequences for 'your' behavior, begin to think again. You may believe that you are a victim, but you have 'chosen' to fall under the spell of some psychopath that you don't even know rather than walk away. This is a clear indication that you are not able to hold any position where you can control your own impulses to follow into gossip, drama, and possibly even become a troll yourself. There are no excuses for behaving negatively on the internet. These rules will keep you safe from ruining your reputation on the internet - and, steer clear from trolls' who are out to manipulate you: Simple Rules To Follow; No attacking other people for their personal beliefs. No attacking other people for their political beliefs. No insults (NONE). No offensive images. No crude or vulgar language. Stop telling people how to live their lives. It’s really simple don’t feed the trolls here on LinkedIn or any other social media site. Ignore them and if it is your post or update, delete them. Unfollow them and move on, they are really not worth it. Be the bigger person and choose kindness. Find the good and comment on that. Choose to make today a blessing not a curse.
  15. Poti doar sa presupui...dar n-ai de unde sti de fapt al cui e axest cont. Crezi ce vrei. E bine ca esti pe langa si habar n-ai de fapt cine sunt.
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