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Despre kjostolf

  • Dată Naștere 21.05.1963

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    Ting og tang, her og der

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  1. Dear collegues. I assume that we all are counting the photos from the top and downwards. In that case, photo no 2, second from the top, is not Jessy but the Queen of Cleo Masaj, no other than miss Diana.
  2. Cleo, I have a question about Mihaela. Is she the same masseuse that I had the pleasure of meeting a few times back in August 2019?
  3. Ultima oară când secretarul menționează Oana ca una dintre masseurile zilei este pe 7 octombrie. Asta înseamnă că Oana a părăsit-o pe Cleo și nu vom mai putea să întâlnim din nou această frumoasă femeie blondă?
  4. Some days ago, I made a new visit to Fantasy Masaj. I wanted to have new meetings with my Fantasy Queen, Larisa. A few days before I came there, I sent an email to Ema where I told her that I wanted to meet with Larisa and on what time I wanted to be there. I wanted to be sure that Larisa would be at work at my arrival and that she would not be busy with another client. As usual, all communication with Ema was nice and easy. Time was set up and Ema ensured that Larisa was available when I arrived there. Larisa is about 24-25 years old has a young and natural body. Her body is natural and well proportioned, just what I like. Her boobs are nice and firm, C-size and no sagging. Her nipples are very sensitive so please be careful with them. Do not try to bite on them or pressure them with your fingers. If you want to make Larisa have a nice time, just use a very soft tongue and let it circle around them nipps. Her hips are round and nice and I just love holding around it. Larisa does spend a lot of time every day taking care of her body. Washing and hair removal of pussy is included in this activity. If you are, allowed to "come down there" you will find just soft and smooth skin. On the Tie and Tease massage, she order you to lie down on the bed. Then this Fantasy queen blindfolds you, put handcuffs on hands and feet. You are lying on your back in the bed, in her mercy. What she does with you while you are lying there helpless is something you should go and experience yourself if you have not already done it. This is Fantasy at its best.
  5. I will send my congratulations to Ema and all the girls at Fantasy Massage at the 2-year anniversary of the salon. I made my very first visit to the salon in august 2017. I stayed in Bucuresti a few days and I had the pleasure of meeting with Ela, Delia, Roxy and Larisa. My next visit to Bucuresti and Fantasy was in June this year. I had learned my lesson from the year before and had a meeting for 2 hours with wonderful Larisa. Some of the girls I was with on my first visit are no longer at the Fantasy. Looking thru the photos of the Fantasy web I did not take long time to decide to set up a meeting with the girl that had the most inviting photo on the Fantasy web; Eva. Larisa and Eva are very different persons, but both incredible clever in normal massage and maybe even better in the erotic part. I give both of them highest score. So far, my last visit to Bucuresti, and Fantasy was some days in August. I was on my to a 2 weeks’ vacation up in Transylvania, but I could not resist staying some days in Fantasy. So what girls did I meet? Larisa and Eva, naturally. Fantasy masaj and Tie & Tease with those girls are just magic. Eva’s Prostate Masaj is also something not to forget. A two hour Fantasy masaj with Larisa and a bottle of vine just before midnight….Fantasy’s come true!! At the very end of my Fantasy days, I also had nice meetings with Iulia and Laura. So all my congratulations to all the girls at Fantasy Masaj and to Ema especially on the 2-year anniversary of the salon next Friday!
  6. Hello brothers in massage. I am a Norwegian man that have developed a need for visiting Cluj ever now and then My very first visit to Cluj was back in 2006. In May 2013 I was out of town having a few beers with a good friend of mine. He told me about the possibilities of erotic massage in Cluj and we decided to go together to the Issis Massage studio On this first visit to Issis I had a pleasant meeting with a lesbian show from Deea and Tanya. After this first visit I have been back to Issis a few times before I started visiting Privilege Massage. That was when they were at Strada Meteor, before they moved to Calea Turzii 113. Hello brothers in massage. I am a Norwegian man that have developed a need for visiting Cluj ever now and then My very first visit to Cluj was back in 2006. In May 2013 I was out of town having a few beers with a good friend of mine. He told me about the possibilities of erotic massage in Cluj and we decided to go together to the Issis Massage studio On this first visit to Issis I had a pleasant meeting with a lesbian show from Deea and Tanya. After this first visit I have been back to Issis a few times before I started visiting Privilege Massage. That was when they were at Strada Meteor, before they moved to Calea Turzii 113. I have for a very long time been following the Massage topics at Nimfomane. It did not take long time before I learned that Cleo was a place to visit. My very first visit to Cleo at Strada Inau was in March 2015. The first girl I met there was Bianca. After this first visit I have had the pleasure of meeting with Oana, Lavina, Maya, Alina, Andra, Alica, Diana, Laura, Mira, Sofia and Ina. Some of them I have met just one time and some other several times. Some of the girls really stand out from the crowd. Here I will mention just a few of them. Alina was just special. One other girl that I would love to meet again was Maya. Just wish that she would come back to do more massage. I would love to meet Maya and Oana for a lesbian massage. Maya was a very special girl, a girl to fall in love with. Oana is also one of the special girls at Cleo Massage. (Sorry Oana that I did not meet with you for massage this summer, next year for sure.) The no one massage girl today is without any discussion Mrs. Diana. I had my first meeting with Diana in May this year. The reason I booked a meeting with Diana was all the good reviews she had here on Nimfomane and I was just overwhelmed about her skills on the very first meeting. Second meeting with Diana was in august. I do know that she has a lot of clients coming back to her all the time. But nothing feels better for a man when a beautiful and sexy woman tells you “welcome back” on your second meeting. The feelings you get when a woman like Diana remembers you and welcomes you back after several months is just amazing. The Meetings with Diana is getting better and better all the time. I had the pleasure of travelling in Romania for 3 weeks in August this year. During the 3 weeks I had two periods in Cluj. Beside a start where I had some quite an intensive massage days at Fantasy Massage in Bucuresti, I had the pleasure of visiting several girls at Cleo. I had 6 hours massage with Diana. On my very last visit to Cleo, one of the last very hot days in August, there was an overbooking at Cleo. Actually the problem was because of a client coming just knocking on the door, without making a phone call first. I had made my appointment with Diana on the phone the days before. At first I was told the wait a little bit at the room on the first floor. We ended up doing our 2 hour massage in the very hot living room on the first floor. I just loved the setting with a hot room. When u is with a hot woman for 2 hours in a hot room, everything gets hot. What did happen in this overheated room stays between me and Diana. I do not know when I will be back in Cluj. Hopefully I will be in Cluj in February or March. The first thing to do is to set up a meeting with Diana. Second thing will be to set up a meeting with Oana. I am sorry for writing this text in English, but I must admit that I do not know the Romanian language well enough to write in Romanian. Every time I make a phone call to Cleo massage I Introduce I as W, from Norway. I hope that Roxana and other receptionists will recognize me. Hopefully the massage girls also. te sarut. I have for a very long time been following the Massage topics at Nimfomane. It did not take long time before I learned that Cleo was a place to visit. My very first visit to Cleo at Strada Inau was in March 2015. The first girl I met there was Bianca. After this first visit I have had the pleasure of meeting with Oana, Lavina, Maya, Alina, Andra, Alica, Diana, Laura, Mira, Sofia and Ina. Some of them I have met just one time and some other several times. Some of the girls really stand out from the crowd. Here I will mention just a few of them. Alina was just special. One other girl that I would love to meet again was Maya. Just wish that she would come back to do more massage. I would love to meet Maya and Oana for a lesbian massage. Maya was a very special girl, a girl to fall in love with. Oana is also one of the special girls at Cleo Massage. (Sorry Oana that I did not meet with you for massage this summer, next year for sure.) The no one massage girl today is without any discussion Mrs. Diana. I had my first meeting with Diana in May this year. The reason I booked a meeting with Diana was all the good reviews she had here on Nimfomane and I was just overwhelmed about her skills on the very first meeting. Second meeting with Diana was in august. I do know that she has a lot of clients coming back to her all the time. But nothing feels better for a man when a beautiful and sexy woman tells you “welcome back” on your second meeting. The feelings you get when a woman like Diana remembers you and welcomes you back after several months is just amazing. The Meetings with Diana is getting better and better all the time. I had the pleasure of travelling in Romania for 3 weeks in August this year. During the 3 weeks I had two periods in Cluj. Beside a start where I had some quite an intensive massage days at Fantasy Massage in Bucuresti, I had the pleasure of visiting several girls at Cleo. I had 6 hours massage with Diana. On my very last visit to Cleo, one of the last very hot days in August, there was an overbooking at Cleo. Actually the problem was because of a client coming just knocking on the door, without making a phone call first. I had made my appointment with Diana on the phone the days before. At first I was told the wait a little bit at the room on the first floor. We ended up doing our 2 hour massage in the very hot living room on the first floor. I just loved the setting with a hot room. When u is with a hot woman for 2 hours in a hot room, everything gets hot. What did happen in this overheated room stays between me and Diana. I do not know when I will be back in Cluj. Hopefully I will be in Cluj in February or March. The first thing to do is to set up a meeting with Diana. Second thing will be to set up a meeting with Oana. I am sorry for writing this text in English, but I must admit that I do not know the Romanian language well enough to write in Romanian. Every time I make a phone call to Cleo massage I Introduce I as W, from Norway. I hope that Roxana and other receptionists will recognize me. Hopefully this massage girls also. te sarut. Google has made this translation of my message: Salut frati in masaj.Sunt un om norvegian care a dezvoltat nevoia de a vizita din când în când ClujulPrima mea vizită în Cluj a fost în 2006. În mai 2013, am fost în oraș, având câteva beri cu un bun prieten al meu. Mi-a povestit despre posibilitățile de masaj erotic la Cluj și am decis să mergem împreună la studioul de masaj IssisLa această primă vizită la Issis am avut o întâlnire plăcută cu un spectacol de lesbiene de la Deea și Tanya.După această primă vizită m-am întors la Issis de câteva ori înainte de a începe vizita la Privilege Massage. Atunci au fost la Strada Meteor, înainte să se mute la Calea Turzii 113. De foarte mult timp am urmat subiectele de masaj de la Nimfomane. Nu a durat mult timp înainte să aflu că Cleo era un loc de vizitat. Prima mea vizită la Cleo de la Strada Inau a fost în martie 2015. Prima fată pe care am întâlnit-o acolo a fost Bianca. După această primă vizită am avut plăcerea să mă întâlnesc cu Oana, Lavina, Maya, Alina, Andra, Alica, Diana, Laura, Mira, Sofia și Ina. Unii dintre ei am întâlnit doar o singură dată și alții de mai multe ori. Unele dintre fete se disting foarte mult de mulțime.Aici voi menționa doar câteva dintre ele. Alina a fost specială. O altă fată pe care mi-ar plăcea să o întâlnesc din nou era Maya. Doar doresc ca ea să se întoarcă să facă mai mult masaj. Mi-ar plăcea să întâlnesc Maya și Oana pentru un masaj lesbian.Maya a fost o fată foarte specială, o fată în care să se îndrăgostească. Oana este, de asemenea, una dintre fetele speciale de la Cleo Massage. (Îmi pare rău Oana că nu m-am întâlnit cu tine pentru masaj în această vară, anul viitor sigur.)Fata de masaj nimeni astăzi nu are nici o discuție doamnă Diana. Am avut prima întâlnire cu Diana în luna mai a acestui an. Motivul pentru care am rezervat o întâlnire cu Diana a fost toate recenziile bune pe care le-a avut aici pe Nimfomane și tocmai am fost copleșit de abilitățile ei la prima întâlnire. A doua întâlnire cu Diana a fost în luna august. Știu că are mulți clienți care se întorc la ea tot timpul. Dar nimic nu se simte mai bine pentru un bărbat când o femeie frumoasă și sexy vă spune "binevenită înapoi" la cea de-a doua întâlnire. Sentimentele pe care le primești atunci când o femeie ca Diana îți amintește și te întâmpină după câteva luni e doar uimitoare. Întâlnirile cu Diana devin din ce în ce mai bune și mai bune.Am avut plăcerea să călătoresc în România timp de 3 săptămâni în luna august a acestui an. În cele 3 săptămâni am avut două perioade în Cluj. Pe lângă un început în care am avut câteva zile de masaj destul de intens la Masaj Fantasy din București, am avut plăcerea de a vizita câteva fete la Cleo. Am avut un masaj de 6 ore cu Diana.În ultima mea vizită la Cleo, una dintre ultimele zile foarte calde din august, a fost o rezervare la Cleo. De fapt, problema a fost datorată faptului că un client care vine doar bate la ușă, fără să facă primul telefon. Îmi făcusem numirea cu Diana la telefon cu câteva zile înainte. La început mi sa spus să aștept puțin în camera de la primul etaj. Am ajuns să facem masajul de 2 ore în camera de zi foarte fierbinte de la primul etaj. Tocmai am iubit locul cu o cameră fierbinte. Când u este cu o femeie fierbinte timp de 2 ore într-o cameră fierbinte, totul se încălzește. Ce sa întâmplat în această cameră supraîncălzită rămâne între mine și Diana. Nu stiu cand ma voi intoarce la Cluj. Sper că voi fi la Cluj în februarie sau martie.Primul lucru pe care trebuie să-l faceți este să vă întâlniți cu Diana. Al doilea lucru va fi organizarea unei întâlniri cu Oana. Îmi pare rău că scriu acest text în limba engleză, dar trebuie să recunosc că nu cunosc bine limba română pentru a scrie în limba română. De fiecare dată când fac un apel la masajul Cleo, introduc eu ca W, din Norvegia.Sper că Roxana și alți recepționiști mă vor recunoaște. Sperăm că și aceste fete de masaj. te saruta.
  7. DELIA Ultima dată când cineva la menționat pe Delia într-o recenzie, a fost pe 13 octombrie. Pe site-ul, fotografiile Delias au fost eliminate. Asta înseamnă că Delia nu mai lucrează la Masajul Fantasy?
  8. Hello. What girls are working today?
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