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Orice postat de pidsadera

  1. Topicul: Domnisoara:
  2. " Blonda inalta si apetisanta te astept la mine pentru a ne cunoaste mai bine,nu rata ocazia de a ma cumoaste.pupici. " Anunt:
  3. " Iti doresti ceva mai pasional?atunci eu sunt ceea ce tu cauti,tandra si atenta la dorintele tale,vei reveni cu placere. " Anunt: PS: pozele apar pe un site de escorte din Danemarca
  4. " Buna,sunt aici pentru a-ti satisface fanteziile!!Te astept daca vrei sa petreci momente placute alaturi de mine!Stiu ce trebuie sa fac si imi place!Se poate si hotel! " Anunt:
  5. " Buna ma numesc Adelina, sunt noua in orașul tău draguta si atenta la detalii . nu exista metoda mai buna de relaxare decat sa petreci cateva clipe fierbinti alaturi de o femeie care stie ce are de facut. pot sa te fac sa te relaxezi complet si sa devii total dezinhibat. te invit alaturi de mine intr-un cadru intim si discret sa ne cunoastem. Te pupic ❤ " Anunt:
  6. " Unirii, la tine sau la mine, poze realeSunt Deea si vreau sa iti ofer cele mai frumoase clipe cu mine de neuitat, pozele mele sunt reale 100 %, blonda reala, selectiva, 19 de ani, ofer masaj de relaxare intr-un ambient de lux Detalii suplimentare Ma poti gasi la unirii , ZEPTER" Anunt: PS: primele 3 poze sunt imprumutate
  7. " Masaj la tine sau la hotelblonda 165 cu 50 d kg vin la tine pentru ati oferi un masaj deosebit; " Anunt:
  8. " Judet:Bucuresti Ilfov Oras:Bucuresti Locatie curenta:Sos.Nordului Zodiac:Gemeni Varsta:22 Fumatoare:Ocasional Tip corp:Suplu Marime sani:Medii Tip sani:Naturali Culoare par:Negru Culoare ochi:Caprui Inaltime:155 La Petreceri:Depinde Deplasari in alte orase:Depinde Deplasari in alte tari:Depinde Disponibila:La escorta si client " Anunt:
  9. " Judet:Bucuresti Ilfov Oras:Bucuresti Locatie curenta:Bucharest Zodiac:Rac Varsta:25 Fumatoare:Ocasional Tip corp:Suplu Marime sani:Medii Tip sani:Naturali Culoare par:Saten Culoare ochi:Caprui Inaltime:175 La Petreceri:Depinde Deplasari in alte orase:Depinde Deplasari in alte tari:Depinde Disponibila:La escorta si client " Anunt:
  10. si eu ce crezi ca ziceam ? esti greu de cap vecine, nu uita sa te milogesti de fete la finalizare !
  11. " Satena cu forme apetisante! poze 100 la 100 reala sunt noua in orasul sunt pe graba daca iti doresti o experienta noua si de neuitat in compania unei tinere dulce si cu experienta te astept la mine sa petrecem clipe fierbinti intr - un spatiu intim si discret " Anunt:
  12. " Buna,sunt o fata tanara,vesela,comunicativa,o fire calma, rabdatoare si iti ofer momente de relaxare,care ne pot face sa ne simtim bine amandoi.Pt detalii astept telefonul tau. " Anunt:
  13. e bun daca asta ai inteles, i rest my case :laugh2
  14. " buna sunt ana am 21 de ani te astept intr-o locatie de vis pentru a-ti satisface cele mai mari fantezii ......sunt o persoana sincera sociablia si sunt dornica sa ne cunoastem mai bine !!!!! pentr a ma descoperii suna ma si vei avea niste clipe de neuitat ..... POZE 100% reale " Anunt:
  15. Acelasi numar de telefona apare si pe anuntul; sa fie oare colega ? " Buna, sunt Carla, am 20 ani noua in orasul tau! Ofer servicii de calitate domnilor manierati si cu bun simt.Sunt sofisticata,draguta am sharm si atitudine,pielea fina slabuta cu forme apetisante.Pozele sunt reale si recente imi apartin in totalitate, sunt printre putinele escorte cu poze reale 100%.Nu fii timid si suna-ma pentru cele mai frumoase clipe din viata ta.Sunt discreta,curata,am bun simt si rabdatoare.Te astept la mine intro.o locatie moderna si curata, ma deplasez doar la hotel! I am professional and absolutely love my work.I offer the best service and I can promise to treat well every one of my gentlemen. Whatever it is you are looking for… a charming and passionate girlfriend for the evening, a quick and long encounter, I will be the perfect companion for a dinner date as well as in your or my bed. Come on guys, all this texting malarky, is too much lol most people who text me, dont get appointments anyway, so if you want to see me, then call me too time consuming texting all the time,i prefer calls..if 5 guys text you all one after the other, thats an hour of my day gone. If you cannot talk on the phone then no bookings will be given,any phone calls that exceed 60 secs on the phone will be classed as a wank call & after 60 sec I will hang up on you!!When you call me don't call me to discuss my services. Everything you need to know is already found on my profile,i'm not interested in how great fucking your aunt is, or how you want to bang me hard!!lol If you mention anything other than the time /date you require your appointment, i will hang up,lol Either keep your callsprofessional, or get banned. I look exactly like on the pictures­ slim,tonned and tanned body,Nice D­cup breast, long legs, friendly smile, long dark hair.I'm always in a good mood, always smilling, full of positive energy, with quite unique sense of humour. Im fully independent and it's me answering the phone, so sometimes I may not answer your call when Im busy­just call me again in few minutes or drop me a message. Also, please don't text me sequences of random characters, like "hi bby were u 2 can I cum cu wot time u free m8" because it hurts my eyes (and my brain) when I'm trying to decode it, Let's speak proper English, I'm trying to do my best, so should you.All pictures are me unedited and non airbrushed pictures what you see is what you will get, tall sexy and super hot ?? I am an Elite High class independent escort, I offer an amazing GFE or if you fancy something naughtier I offer a Porn star experience.I m confident enough to make you feel comfortable with me at any place any time. I love men who appreciate good humour and conversation,I am very confident about what I can offer as your private companion and I can assure you that I am dedicated to deliver the best companionship experience you have ever had.bye "
  16. Pe sunt alte poze
  17. Acelasi numar de telefon se regaseste si pe acest anunt:
  19. ti-am zis ca nu iti dau peleul, nu insista boschetarule (zic strict pe unde iti desfasori activitatea)
  20. imi place prezentarea :))
  21. " Descriere MatrimonialeBruneta stilata, educata cu mult bun simt, am experienta si pun daruire in tot ce fac...ofer domnilor maturi si manierati momente unice pentru a iesi din monotonie si rutina zilnica. Daca simti ca ai nevoie de ceva diferit tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa apelezi nr meu de tel iar de restul ma ocup eu. Locatia mea se afla pozitionata central, locuri de parcare si toate mijloace de transport asigurate ptr ca tu sa poti ajunge cu usurinta la destinatia mea..sunt aici ptr tine si astept nerabdatoare sa te intalnesc! Poze reale! NOUA IN ORAS ! FAC IESIRI DOAR LA HOTEL! TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE! I SPECK ENGLISH I WORK ESCORT 4 YEARS IN UK ! I consider myself a HARDCORE DEEPTHROAT PRO! Am very experianced & not only do I LOVE DOING IT, I have mastered the technique so can take ALL SIZE COCKS DEEP INTO MY THROAT & let you fuck my face/throat as hard as you like of soft, whaI love giving pleasure so you can guess how much I'm loving my job!! wish I'd thought of doing it years ago so making up for loss time now & loving every second! I also am happy to do facials, hair pulling, spiclear, my prices are NOT negotiable, what ever time of night it is & even if u only want a BJ!! Makes no difference!tting, french kissing, spanking, role play,full girlfriend experience with horny naughty added extra's!! Have you ever experienced that passionate energy surging through your body just after looking at a girls seductive eyes, that feeling where you know when she looks at you she means business, she wants you so badly that she is going to be all over you, she will stop at no cost until she and you have run out of energy pleasing each other. This is exactly how you are going to feel when I open my doors to welcome you and when you see my eyes for the first time Once you enter my magical world what happens between us has endless boundaries, a word where we forget about everything else, a world where this young ROMANIAN brunette will make you her king. Kiss you so passionately; lock my tender lips with yours until we need more oxygen. Taste each other’s sweet tongues. Kiss each other infinitely. Smell that wonderful fragrance all over our bodies. COME AND VISIT ME WITH NO REGRETS GENTS,I WILL MAKE ALL YOUR WISHES AND FANTASY TRUE! " Anunt:
  22. pidsadera

    0728980583 " Buna brunetă reală azi venită în oraș te astept alături de mn într-o locație discretă si curata serviciile mele sunt totale pt mai multe detalii te astept cu un apel cer și ofer seriozitate si igienă nu răspund la nr privat si sms te pup "
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