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ion zapada

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Despre ion zapada

  • Dată Naștere 18.08.1995

Informatii Personale

  • Sex
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ion zapada's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. nu stiu cum unii din voi aveti ghinion de genul, eu am fost client fidel al Danei si nu am avut vreodata vreo problema cu ea.
  2. Rar sa faca asa. Ai avut putin ghinion dar ideea e ca daca si-a cerut scuze si s-a purtat frumos sa te duci. Nu e tepara.
  3. This is the first time I'm writing a review for someone so please bare with me since I might not be the best at this. I decided to write this after I've been visited by her 8 times already, although my intention was to do it sooner. I would never write my experience based on a shorter amount of time because you don't get to see much of the person. So, from the very beginning, from when I messaged her the 1st time, I got a swift answer back and managed to set up a meeting. I was surprised to find out that she's usually booking outcalls 1 day in advance at least since she is quite busy from what I heard. Anyway, we set up a meeting in one faithful evening and to my surprised she was at my place 10 minutes earlier which is a big plus to her attitude. In all of our 8 "encounters" there was no single time in which she didn't show up on time which I appreciate very much. The first thing that I noted about Dana is that she's very free spirited with nothing to hold her back and that she is very, and I mean very talkative. Not a minus in my opinion since I love to have a good chat. It gives you the chance to find more about the person, especially if you're there to fuck. Anyway... She comes in my house, takes a seat on the couch, lights up a cigarette and starts speaking freely with me like I would've been a good friend of hers which she didn't see in a long while, while I was sitting in a more defensive position to her on the opposite side in the armchair. My fault for being a bit reluctant when I meet new people but I cannot help it. After like half an hour of talking she goes to take a shower and comes out in a towel that I gave her, asks me nicely if she can smoke one more cigarette and go do out duties after. Now to the fun part: Dana is a small girl, both in age and height. I do not remember her height but she is under 50 kilograms ( 47 or somewhere around there and she is 21 of age ). Everything starts with a massage to relax my body since I had a horrible back pain and she tried to help, she's quite small compared to me but she tried her best and I appreciate it nonetheless so I'll give her and 8 for the effort. The best part of the first meeting comes here. Oral sex. I've absolutely never had better in my life. No joke and I went to a few escorts and had a few sex crazed girlfriends to know the difference between good, bad and mediocre. She puts everything she has into it, although I cannot finish on oral even if you suck me for 5 hours straight ( I cannot explain why but that's just me ). I will easily give her a 9 for the first times but as we met more and more it became a 10 since she found out what I like. For normal sex all I can say is that I'm a sick fuck and I like a quick fuck, and Dana was prepared for that. Truth to be told is that she fucked me, not the other way around. She went on top and she has such a lively energy that you will not last long inside her. That combined with the fact that she is tight as hell so 10+ for her riding skills. And the best part of her being on top is that she knows a few positions so it will never get boring. In all my 8 times of being with her I always had her on top and 6 out of 8 times I finished with her riding me. The sensations she gives you is amazing, and she will not stop even if she gets tired. She'll ride until you cum. What's not to appreciate about that ? The GFE started in our 3rd or 4th time in which we say each other and for me it was a clear 10. I clicked with her and I felt like I was with my ex, no joke. FK is on point, the slightly bitchy( in a nice way ) and kinky attitude were right on, and her behaviour all together made it a simple 10 for me. But note again, we started the GFE after a few times in which we got to know one another. Her body ? Since I care more about her face and the fact that she is slim I'll give her a 9. I am not bothered by the issues with her boobs. And later on I started giving her shirts of mine to wear when we fuck so she was mostly dressed since she is wearing an XL shirt and she's so small. Attitude ? Pro client. Not rushed, kind, pleasant to be around, funny and kinky. And always on time. 10/10 Anal - Did not try it. Cannot say anything there. PSE - She had more of it in the first 3 meetings and I cannot say I don't like it but it's not my type. But not bad at all. Good to try it out. 9/10. The best thing out of all of this was that after she left after the first time I slept like a fucking child. 12 hours, unbothered, and woke up like a new man. So the feeling was amazing. I would like to point out as well that she always stood in outcall with me for 3 or more hours. Price for outcall 400/hr. My honest opinion about her, go with no fear. She won't fake anything, won't try to steal from you, won't be nasty to you or have a bad attitude. She is nice, kind and fun. And if you give her a cold RedBull and a few nice words in a chat before sex, she will fuck you like no other. One more detail that I forgot to mention is that she orgasms easily and they are genuine. Even if you go down on her and do a decent oral to her she will start shaking in a few minutes and you'll see a big smile on her face. So yeah she's easy to please which is nice if you like that kind of thing. Ca sa fac si o mica recapitulare in Lb. Romana din moment ce pot scire "compuneri" numai in engleza, treaba sta in felul urmator: Dana este o fata extraordinara. 8 vizite la activ si nu regret prea multe. Oral - Primele 2 sau 3 dati a fost pe la un 9 dar dupa ce ne-am tot vazut a ajuns la 10. Anal - Nu am facut. GFE - 10+ Clar. Nu pot comenta. Dar inca odata punctez faptul ca m-am vazut des cu ea si am ajuns sa stim ce ne place si ce nu. PSE - Nu sunt mare fan dar potential este clar. 9 Corp - Pe mine nu ma deranjeaza atat de tare problema ei plus ca am ajuns sa o imbrac in tricourile mele in momentula actelor. Mie imi place faptul ca este mica de statura si foarte fit. 9 Atitudine - 10. Fara comentarii. Normal - Pot da mai mult de 10 ? Nu cred. ( +bonus: isi da drumul usor ) Pret - 400/hr. Fiecare outcall a avut mai mult de 3hr ( sunt destul de sigur ), dar nu am fort vreodata in locatia ei. Sper sa fie okay recenzia. Este prima pe care o fac. Ideea in sine este ca puteti sa mergeti cu incredere. Merita fiecare banut.
  4. Corina poti folosi macar whatsapp-ul pana te vei intoarce la "birou" ?
  5. Lory FK faci ?
  6. Accepti persoane fara experienta (tanar,20) ?
  7. Priza aia face toti banii
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