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  1. pisicuts's post in DELICIU,COMPANIE,DOMINARE was marked as the answer   
  2. pisicuts's post in Regulament subforum Dominare was marked as the answer   
    -Acest subforum este destinat recenziilor,intrebarilor si recomandarilor despre dominare

    -Fiecare anunt/stapana poate sa aibe 1 singur topic cu recenzii. Nu deschide mai multe topice despre aceeasi stapana sau in caz contrar le vom sterge pe toate.

    -Topicele cu intrebari trebuie sa contina textul anuntului,numarul de telefon si pozele atasate pe topic. Intrebarile scrise doar cu link de la anuntul de pe Publi24 vor fii inchise sau sterse,dupa caz.

    -Este interzis publicarea de anunturi de tipul "vreau sa gasesc doamne su domnisoare din Bucuresti numai pentru cunnilingus" sau "vreau sa gasesc domnisoare pentru sex gratuit". Acest forum este destinat sexului platit, noi nu suntem agentie de matrimoniale in cautarea iubirii. Ca sa gasesti femei pentru sex sau dominare de pe forum trebuie sa platesti bani. Astfel de anunturi sunt sterse iar utilizatorii banati permanent.
    Multumim pentru intelegere
  3. pisicuts's post in De ce nu merge versiunea full? was marked as the answer   
    multumim pentru precizare!
    am reparat acum
  4. pisicuts's post in Ploaie de meteoriți was marked as the answer   
    il doare pe nasu ca a primit 1 stelutza cum a durut-o pe rozkendra cand a facut anal prima data: cand strangea ochii,lacrima si apuca cearceaful in pumni ghemotoc
  5. pisicuts's post in Breaking news - a turbat Rozkendra !!! was marked as the answer   
    rozkendra era deja turbata,adevarat
  6. pisicuts's post in RECOMAND ! ðŸ‘� was marked as the answer   
  7. pisicuts's post in Lista cu userii care sufera din cauza punctelor was marked as the answer   
  8. pisicuts's post in Poze amuzante was marked as the answer   
  9. pisicuts's post in Curva consuela alias siana - pensie pentru limita de varsta was marked as the answer   
    Siana a fost banata permanenta automat pentru ca adunase peste -400 de puncte.
  10. pisicuts's post in Cum opresc notificările??? was marked as the answer   
    de aici: http://nimfomane.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications
  11. pisicuts's post in Bombardierul aka Pelicanul was marked as the answer   
  12. pisicuts's post in Vladizinho si restul lumii! was marked as the answer   
    vladizinho seful lunii!
  13. pisicuts's post in Socant: Parerea inginerului despre Rozkendra vs Diamond Prince. Credeti ca vom scapa de trolli? was marked as the answer   
    stai departe de randunica
  14. pisicuts's post in radiatii antene was marked as the answer   
  15. pisicuts's post in Colorare rapida!? was marked as the answer   
    Astazi am dat peste ceva nou, o sa-ti placa:

  16. pisicuts's post in Sarbatori magice tuturor ! was marked as the answer   
    Sarbatori fericite tuturor
  17. pisicuts's post in Probleme cont premium was marked as the answer   
    acum ar trebui sa mearga
  18. pisicuts's post in Poze escorte was marked as the answer   
    Daca vei inceta cu astfel de murdarii esti binevenit pe forum cradlemin.
    A trebuit sa banez contul tau permanent , no hard feelings si un paste fericit
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