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Despre evelineroman

  • Dată Naștere 10.08.1994

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    Sex TOTAL, oral protejat/neprotejat, normal protejat,ANAL, masaj erotic, dominare activa soft,annilingus plus multe alte fantezii care ti le doresti CU EXCEPTIA FANTEZIILOR CARE IMPLICA AGRESIVITATE SAU LIMBAJ VULGAR

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  1. [email protected] Our goal is to create a list of quality friends from the past that we can see when we are in Bucharest and once we move back. Please use this email for now and we look forward to hearing from you. Eveline and Roman
  2. exactly, that's what we're discussing now and how do we fix it. It says we're 550% over and we only have a few messages which I'm about to delete
  3. Perfect! Can you access the email from our profile?
  4. Hey! Thanks! We are working on it now! Did you visit us!?
  5. With all due respect I am typing in English which is much better than my Romanian. We are only interested in meeting a few of our special friends and if you are one of them let us know. If not we will discuss in the future if we want to meet anyone new. Not sure what that has to do with a successful method or not. Roman
  6. We are in town tonight and we are looking for a friend to meet up with. We will also be able to go out on the 12th of July. Message us on the forum if you're interested in meeting us tonight in Bucharest.
  7. We are in town now. Roman.and Eveline
  8. Perfect! Can you just remind us who you were personally because do not remember names matching up with certain profiles. We look forward to hearing back from you!
  9. Buna dragilor, va multumim pentru mesajele frumoase! Puteti sa ne scrieti in privat. Am vrea sa luam legatura cu anumite persoane din trecut 🥰 abia asteptam!
  10. Mulțumim frumos!! Ne pare tare rău că nu am reușit să ne cunoaștem :*
  11. Sure, You can send us a message. The number is in the title of the thread :)
  12. După nu mai suntem disponibili :)
  13. Bună dragilor, mai suntem disponibili pentru o săptămână în București. Va așteptăm să ne vedem!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
  14. Aceasta este părerea ta, pe care nu a cerut-o nimeni. Consider că nu este de glumit cu astfel de lucruri:)
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