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  1. Buna Vă rog să știți că aceasta este prima mea recenzie și a fost tradusă în limba română de Google Translate. Vă rugăm să scuzați eventualele erori. Am avut plăcerea să o văd pe Denisa astăzi. Este o femeie minionă, cu o față drăguță, păr frumos, buze gigantice de parcă ar fi fost înțepate de o albină și un fund uimitor. Are și o mulțime de tatuaje fierbinți, care îmi plac. A existat o barieră lingvistică destul de puternică între noi, dar ne-am înțeles de minune. Are o atitudine de serviciu și de plăcere. Are o colega cu ea pe nume Marisa pe care am gasit-o pe publi dar nu pe aici si sunt in directia Turzii. După ce a făcut duș și a întâlnit-o în dormitor, a intrat direct în ON și a fost cu adevărat grozav. Nu a fost „profund” în sensul tradițional (și oricum nu-mi place prea mult sunetul călugăresc.) Puteți merge doar pentru ON și să fiți foarte mulțumit. Am vrut să încetinesc lucrurile, așa că i-am frecat spatele pentru a reseta ritmul, apoi am răsturnat-o pentru a-i face plăcere oral. Pe lângă resetarea ritmului, acest lucru ne-a permis să fim mai conectați (în ciuda barierei lingvistice). Îi plăcea foarte mult să fie îngrijită. Am trecut la NP în mish, cățeluș, câine leneș și o poziție de linguriță. Am probleme să termin cu protectorul, așa că am revenit la oral pentru un finisaj exploziv în gură. Speram că vor exista FK și GFE, dar nu au existat. Chiar și fără asta, am simțit că am construit o relație frumoasă. Ca o notă secundară, au existat câteva comentarii aici despre unul dintre tatuajele ei și alte lucruri mici. Sunt mândru că se apără în aceste cazuri. Dar sper că nu va trebui să facă atât de mult. Ea mi-a perceput taxa unică de finisare, dar am dat un bacșiș frumos. M-am distrat de minune și o recomand pe Denisa.
  2. Whoops - I found the page numbers now... Sorry for the dumb question.
  3. Thanks for your help! On the "Top" list I am only seeing 4 escorts. Is this right?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm planning my 3rd trip to Cluj (last one was in 2018). Like many people I have a software team in Cluj. I have a lot of questions and appreciate any guidance. Location: In my past visits I found that the Iulius Mall location was best. My team's office is in the western part of downtown (Old Town). I'm thinking of saying that I'd like to stay near the mall so I can walk there after the work day. Do you have any recommendations? Is there any location close to my office where I could find incall visits? Covid - I was hoping to come in late November but it seems COVID is bad in Cluj at this time. I don't want to come if I can't meet my team and can't meet escorts. What do you think? Forum vs Advertising? - It seems that this site is the "authority of the experts" but I'm having trouble finding the contacts and ads of the providers here. Do you read the forum and then Google the phone number. Publi vs. RoEscort: It seems that all the ads on Publi24 are autoposting and hard to tell what's real. I found a site RoEscort that looks good, but is this a good site? How would you search? I know I'm asking so much without contributing, but I appreciate your help! Thanks for your kindness!
  5. Hi - I'm looking forward to coming back to Romania (specifically Cluj) when the restrictions are lifted. Note that I believe that visitors should work hard to do research and should be thankful to the local contributors to the forums. I have found great information on this site and I offer thanks to all of you! But I'm struggling to do my research. I'm looking for advice. Here's what I'm seeing: In the Top Escorts, there's great information, but hard to find the contact information for the escort. It seems that a typical experience is to open to page 48 of 65 pages, then go back to page 1 and there's no info there then go to page 65 and there's no information. Maybe this is obvious and I'm not seeing it because I don't speak Romanian. Is there a way to find the advertisement from the forum? The Gallery page seems to have the same listings as two years ago? Then when you go to the actual forum, again it's hard to find the contact information. Also, how is this sorted On a related topic, the site seems to have a lot of fake ads. Is there a way to correlate the Puli ads with the forum here? Thanks so much!
  6. Thanks to Adrian and Estrogen for helpful replies. I look forward to more success on my next visit to Cluj.
  7. Last time I came in Cluj I was unlucky with escorts. I did research on this forum but most of the top rated women were not available late at night. Also I felt uncomfortable inviting escorts to my hotel because it was a fancy one in the center of the city and I was afraid that it would be too conspicuous. Can you recommend a good place to stay that is close to where a lot of the incalls are? I noticed that a good number of the incalls were near the Lulius mall. Would you recommend staying near there? Note that my office is on the western side of Cluj. Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. Thank you for the welcome. I'm visiting Cluj (from the US) and appreciate your help so that I can have a nice visit.
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