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Salutare, va rog sa ma indrumati si pe line unde gasesc o camera de hotel pentru 2-4 ore in Campulung sau imprejurimi. Multumesc
" Incita-ti imaginatia alaturi de o fata cu bun simt si bune maniere. Pune in practica cele mai ascunse fantezii renunta la inhibitii si retineri. Sunt absolut sigura ca timpul petrecut alaturi de mine iti va lasa amintiri placute si iti vei dori sa ma revezi din nou. Discretie si igiena maxima. Ofer si cer acelasi lucru. Daca esti in cautarea catorva momente de relaxare atunci nu ramane decat sa ma suni " Anunt: PS: unele din poze apar pe un site de escorte din UK ( )
- 43 răspunsuri
- 18
- 0720552441
- outcall
(și 1 alta)
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" Buna. Sunt o escorta cu simtul umorului si atenta la cerintele clientilor mei. Pozele sunt facute in locatie adica sunt reala. Vino sa petreci o ora in compania mea si iti garantez reintoarcerea. Pt detalii suna-ma " Anunt:
- 4 răspunsuri
- 5
- 0720301187
- sector 4
(și 2 altele)
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- 0768146425 La tine sau hotel kiss Bucuresti, Sector 4 Valabil din 08.09.2019 19:25:46 Descriere MatrimonialeBuna sunt elvira am 21 ani sunt bruneta 1;70 ochi negri paru lung ofer servici de calitate sunama si nu o sati para rau astept sa ma contactezi si sa ai parte de o companie placuta sunama nu fac comfirmare video nu raspund la privat Pozele apar pe mai multe site-uri
- poze furate
- 0768146425
(și 5 altele)
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Dragule te astept sa vi alaturi de mine pt a petrece momente frumoase si de extaz impreuna,suna-ma si nu vei regreta.Telefon escorta:0753343845
Domnisoara cu trup de gheisa, delicata si rabdatoare dar in acelasi timp extrem de perversa in dormitor te invit intr-o locatie discreta si moderna pt a-ti satisface fanteziile sexuale!Poze 100% reale si recente !Telefon escorta:0752981130
Salutare. Cred ca e util sa avem un topic pentru escortele care fac outcall, la hotel/pensiune si chiar domiciliu. Daca aveti experiente in domeniu, va rog sa le impartasiti!
Hey, I'm very new to the forum and hope I don't break any rules... but.. . I will be visiting Bucharest Tomorrow and Tuesday (Mon-Tue) and I'm looking for some English speaking company either Monday late night (after a client dinner) or Tuesday morning.. or both Preferences - well... young, skinny, on the shorter side, although young and skinny is more important. For the service - I'd say either a standard GFE, incl. FK etc. or... a bit more rough (including anal, deepthroat, light domination) - I'm open for suggestions as well. Outcall - I'll be in a hotel near Piata Victoriei. Please either post here or send me an email to mojaspamiarka at -would be good to see either profiles or photos and range of services. Hope to see (some of) you soon! And to other users - thank you for tips on who to contact!
Saluitare prieteni. Vin la cj, si tre sa fut ceva :)) Caut ceva bun bun de tot de data asta, outcall, blonda bruneta, maybe gfe si anal :) Ce imi recomandati ?
- 5 răspunsuri
- recomandare
- bun
(și 1 alta)
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ON TOUR - Italian High Class Transsexual, Gyulia, REAL PICS!
sexygirls a postat un topic în Transexuale si TV
Gyulia - Italian Transsexual Escort ON TOUR NOW Phone number: (004) 0768350923 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE (24 CM REAL) Details: 9 răspunsuri
- transsexualshemaletransexual
- italian transsexual
- (și 9 altele)
0729592639 - Camy blonda matura (36 ani dar cred ca are cel putin 40), la hotel, masaj + sex
Vizitator a postat un topic în Escorte Testate Bucuresti
Presteaza de cel putin 4/5 ani, daca nu mai mult, si pana acuma nu am vazut topic pe aic... ofera masaj + sex dar nu da prea multi detalii pe anunt. cineva a fost cu ea? -
Hanna - Escort Bucharest Phone number: (004) 0748857975 Age: 26 Years Zodiac sign: Pisces Hair color: Blonde Eyes color: Blue Breasts: Medium-Natural Height: 178 Cm Body type: Fit Smoker: No Languages: English, French Go to parties: Yes Other cities: Yes Other countries: Yes Available: Incall, Outcall Schedule: 12-24 Location: BUCHAREST Area: Alba Iulia Square REAL PICTURES !!!
- 14 răspunsuri
- hannaescort bucharesttall
- blue eyes
- (și 16 altele)
Dear Gentlemen, My name is Katya, I'm an attractive, charming, educated but down to earth young lady who enjoys sensual adventures and can provide you a relaxing time where the focus is entirely on having fun together. I would love nothing more than to pamper you and enjoy the mutual pleasure that comes from a combination of intellectual, visual and erotic stimulation. I love good company with flirtatious fun and quality time spent enjoying getting to know one another. If you are a man who wants a quality companion, a man who knows how let go and receive pleasure, a man who embraces life and loves nothing more than a fun loving, sensual young woman to spend pleasant time with exploring the many possibilities, than please feel free to contact me I can assure you that my pictures are accurate and I’m 100% real, with silky dark hair, sparkling brown eyes, charming smile and well-toned body with curves in all the right places. I take very good care of myself and I am in great shape so you will surely not be disappointed meeting me. I welcome short encounters of one hour but I also enjoy multiple hour or overnight rendezvous where we can take our time getting to know each other over dinner and a glass of wine. I’m available for outcall escort service in Bucharest so feel free to call me whenever you want me to visit you. Sweet kisses, Katya My phone number: (004) 0721935886 More details and pictures:
- 4 răspunsuri
- katya
- escort bucharest
(și 6 altele)
Setat cu taguri:
Bianca, outcall - 0721110446 - 0721.110.446 - 0720621425 - 0720.621.425
Vizitator a postat un topic în Escorte Testate Bucuresti Fata are poze diferite si 2 telefoane diferit, dar fata i acelasi, alunite acelasi pe sanii. -
ON TOUR - LuanaXL - Brazilian Transsexual, REAL PHOTOS
sexygirls a postat un topic în Escorte Brasov si imprejurimi
LUANA XL - BRAZILIAN REAL SHEMALE ON TOUR NOW! Phone number: (004) 0764895420 Age: 27 Years Zodiac sign: Taurus Hair color: Black Eyes color: Black Implants: Big Genitals: Big: 17-21cm. (6.7-8.3inch) Height: 179 Cm Body type: Average Smoker: No Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian Available: Incall, Outcall 4 răspunsuri
- brazilianshemale
- transexual
(și 6 altele)
Setat cu taguri:
Anunt pe Publi24: Photos are real. She said 250 lei/h at the telephone, and become 300 when she arrived for 1 finish. We contracted 400 lei for 2 finish and 1h30min. Then she went to the bathroom and lost 15-20 minutes there. When she returned she wanted the lights off and the air conditioner turned off. No french kiss, I started licking her and did a 69 she wasn't happy about it. She put the condom on, and started "sucking" (only the tip of the dick in her mouth, for 1 minute), after I begin the missionary position, with her that stops me every 30 seconds for some pain she feels. After I finished, she said that she had to leave, because the 69 and the lights on (I switched on a little desk lamp) must be considered as extra, reaching already the 400 lei I payed. I said her to turn me back 100 lei if she want to go away, but she didn't want. I insisted, saying she was doing a wrong thing but she was ok this way. What could I do in cases like this? Obviously I couldn't beat her, nor force her to have sex. A user here suggested me to read the book "No more mr. nice guy". I have it now but still I didn't find the time (and the will) to read it. Girl: 8 I like a lot her body, slim with big tits. Her face is not so beautiful but ok. Hygiene: 6 Lost 15 minutes in the bathrooom and her pussy was not so fresh and perfumed as I think. Not shaved GFE: 0 Oral: 0,5 At least she tried to put the tip in her mouth, protected. Normal: 3 A piece of meat. At least she moved a bit when I was finishing. Totally avoid her.
Rebeka - 25 years - sexy brunette with slim toned body, round bottom, perfect medium size boobs, always with a nice attitude and a smile on my face. Independent masseuse in Bucharest, Romania - Relaxing, sensual and erotic massage Nothing can be compared with the tenderness of my sensual touches, my massage technique is an erotically charged experience, a genuine adventure of sensations, including a body slide to stimulate all of your senses leaving no part of your body untouched. There is magic into my touches, there is comfort, healing, connection, warmth and melting pleasure. Relax, receive and enjoy. MY PICTURES ARE REAL! Call me at (004) 0771744864 for bookings! Details:
- 5 răspunsuri
- 1
- erotic massage
- hotel
(și 3 altele)
Setat cu taguri:
Nume de ”scenă” Mădălina Anunțul ei sună așa am locatie ma deplasez la tine sau la hotel... Serviciile mele sunt: Oral p\n in functie de igiena Normal protejat Finalizarea 100 lei Ora: 200 lei Telefon 0747665468 Anunțul este preluat de aici
Sexy, with a gorgeous smile, I’m a combination of beauty, sophistication and sexuality. Naturally optimistic, charismatic and emotionally intelligent, I always make those around me feel instantly comfortable. Share your fantasies with me, allow me to discover your intimate desires… for when you surrender yourself to me, the true pleasure begins. I consider chemistry to be of absolute importance, always inviting uncensored, uninhibited sexual expression in my pornographic and/or girlfriend-style bedroom sessions. I possess an insatiable appetite to please, worship and tease. Well-mannered, open-minded, impeccably styled, and wickedly imaginative, I will captivate you with my charisma, poise and charm. I’m a woman who adores men... and this will be easily seen when you’ll meet me. I am available outcall - at hotel. If I do not answer it means I cannot speak at that moment so please leave a message and I will answer you soon if you ask so. *****For additional information do not hesitate to call me***** My phone number: (004) 0732951918 I speak: English, Spanish, Romanian. More details, pictures, services:
- 1 răspuns
- damedeluxescorta de lux
- bruneta
(și 7 altele)
Setat cu taguri:
Sharon, outcall escort in Bucharest, (004) 0734284260
sexygirls a postat un topic în Romania Sex Guide
If you need a top companion young lady, here I am... an independent callgirl, available for gentlemen who can afford the best, require the highest standards and crave companionship of a fine down to earth lady! Looking for adventure, do you need a hot young lady, enough experienced to bring the pure passion into your life? To guide you to the true pleasures? Yes, it can become reality and not just a fantasy... I'm just a phone call away... so why not right now? Im available for outcall meetings - at hotel. You can call me anytime, if I don't answer it means I'm not available at that time so you can call me later or leave me an sms. I speak: English, Italian, Spanish My pictures are all natural, taken with my cellphone so you can get a clear idea about my looks. Kiss Sharon - Independent Escort in Bucharest Phone number: +40734284260 More details at: 2 răspunsuri
- sharonblonde
- blue eyes
(și 5 altele)
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Recomandari pentru fete care fac deplasari ?
Where to pick escort lady up from bar or hotel?
hebeletto1907 a postat un topic în Romania Sex Guide
I will have two night in Bucharest on Monday and on Tuesday. On some sites, it writes that there are some bars at hotels or bars in streets where escort ladies look for customers up. Do you know any hotel bar or street bar around Balcescu Nicolae Boulevard or Old Town (around Strada Lipscani)? *Most advertisement seems fake and I do not want to waste my time. Looking for some young and attractive ladies. Many thanks.