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WELCOME TO FANTASY MASSAGE Fantasy Massage is far from your ordinary erotic massage parlour as we have created a stylish, intimate environment where you will be surrounded by our sensual and qualified masseuses. The city life can be very stressful, so entrust your body into our hands as we are ready to offer you an unique experience in erotic massage. We offer a wide range of services designed to meet your needs such as erotic massage with one or more girls, erotic massage for couples, tie and tease erotic massage or full body relaxation massage. Fantasy Massage este departe de a fi un simplu salon de masaj erotic. Este o poveste in care TU esti personajul principal. O oaza de liniste unde timpul se opreste in loc astfel ca tu sa te poti deconecta de stresul cotidian. Rasfata-te alaturi de maseuzele noastre senzuale intr-un decor intim, creat special pentru a-ti oferi un nivel maxim de confort. Stim ca discretia este foarte importanta pentru tine de aceea am ales o locatie usor accesibila si totusi ferita de ochii curiosi. Atmosfera prietenoasa, muzica relaxanta, lumina difuza si o maseuza plina de farmec te vor purta catre o lume in care iti vei putea implini cele mai indraznete fantezii. Prices/ Tarife: Erotic Massage(60 min) - 180 RONErotic Massage with 2 masseuses(60 min) - 280 RONTie and Tease Massage (60 min) - 200 RON'Ready to go' erotic massage(30 min) - 120 RON'Ready to go' erotic massage with two girls(30 min) - 200 RONRelaxation massage(45 min) - 100 RON For more details/Pentru mai multe detalii: 0731959382
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- erotic
- erotic massage
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Placerea ta este misiunea noastra. Suntem mereu preocupati sa sa iti oferim cele mai bune servicii, mereu atenti la nevoile tale si la sugestiile tale, suntem bucurosi sa primim atat recomandari cat si mai ales sfaturi si cel mai important, credem noi, suntem fericiti sa va vedem zambind. Zambetul dvs. este sursa noastra zilnica de vitamina C, ne face mai increzatori si mai energici in lupta nostra de a va intampina cu un serviciu de masaj erotic desavarsit! Cum se face?! Activitate continua, atat in programul de lucru, dupa cum stiti la noi progrmul in care puteti savura un delicios masaj este NON STOP, cat si pregatire, cercetare si inovare continua! Pregatire - Fiecare maseuza VIP Obsession este intr-o continua pregatire, atat din punct de vedere al masajului cat si al interactiunii cu clientii. Telul nostru este sa va oferim un masaj revitalizant si o experienta emotionala unica. Misiunea modelelelor VIP Obsession este sa va relaxeze, sa va inspire, sa va trateze la cel mai inalt nivel, pe masura respectabilului dvs. statut. Suntem perfect constienti de calitatea clientilor nostrii, persoane cu un statut social inalt, persoane importante, pregatite si educate, persoane cu cel mai inalt simt critic si care nu vor opta niciodata decat pentru servicii la cele mai inale standarde. Cercetare - Suntem intotdeauna atenti la nevoile dvs, la sugestiile pe care ni le faceti, le centralizam, le analizam, dezbatem idei si luam masuri in consecinta. O echipa de muzicieni se ocupa permanent pentru a va delecta auzul cu cel mai surprinzator ambient muzical. Experienta ne ofera posibilitatea de a folosi in timpul masajului un ulei preparat dupa o retata unica, uleiul de masaj fiind unul antialergic, cu arome afrodisiace, hidratant si foarte delicat cu pielea dvs. Inovare - La VIP Obsession Erotic Massage va intampinam cu o COLECTIE exclusivista de masaje, unica in Bucuresti ... si nu numai! Incitantele pachete de masaj: Arousing, Special, Double, WILD, Rebel, Dolce, Fresh si TANTRA le gasiti doar la noi! Suntem incantati sa avem de partea noastra respectul si aprecierea dumneavostra! Contact: 0744.141.868 / 0733.533.422 Enjoy your time in the most erotic way! PS: Asteptam recnziile dumneavoastra si va rugam sa fiti cat de critici pentru a putea tine serviciile la cel mai inalt standard si pentru a putea remedia eventualele inconveniente!
- 27 răspunsuri
- masaj erotic
- erotic massage
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Rebeka - 25 years - sexy brunette with slim toned body, round bottom, perfect medium size boobs, always with a nice attitude and a smile on my face. Independent masseuse in Bucharest, Romania - Relaxing, sensual and erotic massage Nothing can be compared with the tenderness of my sensual touches, my massage technique is an erotically charged experience, a genuine adventure of sensations, including a body slide to stimulate all of your senses leaving no part of your body untouched. There is magic into my touches, there is comfort, healing, connection, warmth and melting pleasure. Relax, receive and enjoy. MY PICTURES ARE REAL! Call me at (004) 0771744864 for bookings! Details:
- 5 răspunsuri
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- erotic massage
- hotel
(și 3 altele)
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Hello I am Roberta Are you looking for some sensual company to come and ease the stress of a long hard day? Feel like your missing something? Want to experience the time of your life? Stop dreaming about it and call or text me today. If you are looking for an escort girl to fulfill one of your dreams or just spend the night away, you can always contact me. Beauty, elegance, quality and discretion. Incall and outcall available. Rates 300 ron incall 450 ron outcall 100% REAL PICS,NO PHOTOSHOP!!! REAL PLEASURE, REAL SERVICES. NO EXTRA CHARGES! My phone number: +40722.358.068 I have also WhatsApp My e-mail adress: [email protected]
Incepand cu data de 08 ianuarie 2016, se va deschide salonul de masaj erotic "AS". Se afla in fosta locatie a saloanelor "LA DOS LUNAS", "QLADY" SI "GLORIA", si anume in strada Vulturilor nr 69 sector 3 Bucuresti. Tot la data de 8 ianuarie va fi online si situl, la adresa "" si "". Pentru inceput salonul va fi deschis intre orele 10.00-22.00 si va avea 3 trei maseuze, urmand ca in perioada urmatoare sa isi prelungeasca programul pana la ora 6.00 dimineata. si sa va puna la dispozitie un numar mult mai mare maseuze. Pentru detalii si programari nu ezitati sa ne contactati la tel nr: 0720.099.207 AS MASAJ
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- masaj erotic
- as masaj
- (și 7 altele)
Red Lips - Erotic Massage Parlor Cluj-Napoca - Incall&Outcall(hotel visits) Red Lips is the erotic massage parlor with the widest range of massages from Cluj-Napoca. Our masseuses, over 25, exciting and sensual, know how to offer the best erotic massage. They... are dedicated to your pleasure, through a game of physical closeness, intimate and sensual at the same time. With us, you will enjoy the experience of a truly erotic massage! Happy End Massage (1h - 130 lei between 8-20 and 150 lei between 20-8) Double Erotic Massage Sado Massage Erotic Massage with Lesbian Show Erotic Massage for Couple In-Hotel Erotic Massage Private Party The parlor is located in a residential area of Cluj-Napoca, easily accessible and discreet. It offers 6 rooms, it is new, elegant and intimate. A visit to Red Lips implies our discretion and confidentiality. You can visit us and you're the only one who will be aware of your visit to our parlor. Phone Orange: +40756521848 (Viber, WhatsApp) Phone Vodafone: +40726903049 47, Madach Imre Street, Cluj-Napoca Always Open Skype: redlipsmassageFacebook Salon Red Lips Erotic Massage ClujGoogle+ Red Lips Masaj Erotic Cluj Deplasari la HotelPinterest Salon RedLips Masaj Erotic Cluj Napoca Deplasari la hotel
- erotic massage
- erotic massage cluj
- (și 15 altele)
HelloSorry for the English. I’m visiting Bucharest for the 3rd time now. I had some bad experience at the past with massage saloons. I will like to ask if someone can help me and recommend me girl/s for erotic massage + something more outcall to HOTEL if possible.From saloons all the girls I try was offering ONLY massage and HJ. I read somewhere that there some saloons that the girls if you pay something "extra" you can get what you want. google translate AloNe pare rău pentru limba engleză. Sunt în vizită la București pentru ora treia acum.Am avut ceva experiență rău la saloane de masaj trecut cu. Eu va dori să întreb dacă cineva mă poate ajuta și de a recomanda-mi fata / s pentru masaj erotic + ceva mai mult la client la hotel, dacă este posibil.Din saloane toate fetele am încerca fost oferirea de masaj și numai HJ. Am citit undeva că există unele saloane de faptul că fetele, dacă plătiți ceva "extra", puteți obține ceea ce vrei.
hello forum members this is my first message and i am not from romanian and i hope its ok to write in english. In this case i decided to post a message in the erotic massage area because i think it should not be posted in the dominare section.i have some fantasies which are not very usual but i hope no one will critic me for this. i am looking for an openminded girl nice looking girl/girls in bucuresti who offers erotic massage and is willing to fulfill my fantasies by offering assplay, meaning to use lots of oil in my anus area and massage that area. this can be done with gloves and to also enter my ass with her fingers one by one to continue i am looking for a massage girl (type GFE, not ! a dominatrix type of person) that has a strap on as well or i can bring one and is completely ok with trying this on me slowly. maybe there are massage girls here that are ok with my fantasies or maybe members can tel me a link with a name of a girl who is openminded about this idea. the girl should really be nice normal looking and be a bit skinny.lets say below 55 kilogram and not be older than 30-32. the price i think i should pay be around 150 ron per max 45 minute -60 minute with one happy ending i want to tell that i dont look for sex at all with the girl and she only hasto take her top off. the only other thing the girl has to do is be open to my ideas and to offer a handjob finishing at the end while she uses the strapon on me. are there members here who can help me in the rigt direction? (or nice massage girls who can respond). my email is [email protected]
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- Erotic massage
- masaj erotic
- (și 3 altele)
- cate fete sunt.....a dat careva o fuga la salonul acesta ?
- natasha erotic massage
- natasha
- (și 4 altele)