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Ingrid ESCORTÄ‚ DE LUX - 0720368267

Vizitator ingrid2017

Postări Recomandate

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Eu am inteles ca tie ti-a placut , si mie imi place de ea, dar eu ma amuz de altele , nu intru in detalii nici eu.

Din contra, esti doar un papitoi care minte mult si prost , crezand ca obtine torul cu banii sau cu santajul.

Daca erai asa corect cum te dai, lasai un coment si atat . Dar tu vrei sa imi distrugi imaginea si vazand ca nu reusesti, te tot chinui de 7-8 luni :)))))) iar eu ma amuz teribil cand vad cat esti de prost si toata lumea imi scrie in privat ca esti panicat pe mine :))))))) si ma intreaba ce ti-am facut de ai ractiile astea.

Tu esti un clovn iar tie trebuie sa ti se dea apa la moara ,sa fii fraierit ca te place lumea sa te lase sa iti faci talentul ca asa e la

Prosti si la fraieri. Trebuie sa spui ca ei . Uite ca eu nu sunt asa. Eu ma silesc imediat . Si ofer doar cui merita, nu oricui plateste. Ma doare -n pl de bani atata timp cat nu vin cu respect si nu suport nici idiotii astia ca tine care se cred buricul pamantului , nu prea am rabdare cu astfel de specimene :))))))))

Eu zic sa te duci in plm sa dormi ca esti mult prea expirat pe topicul asta iar de maine mai ai acces din pl :))) !!!

Doar eu o sa postez aici ,ce crezi.

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nu te mint ca iti faceam o recenzie buna, daca nu gaseam ce am zis anterior. ;)



muie de sobolanca chioara, cu ochii certati si fruntea lata de aterizeaza airbus-ul

silicoane puse mai mult subrat si deampulea

bazin osos inestetic si descentrat

cur besinos, lasat, plat si celulitic... fara nici o forma atragatoare sau macar putin sferic sa incante vizualului

coapse fara un contur prea futabil... 2 gloabe aruncate acolo intr-un bazin stramb

pisda zgarci si nu prea curata, luand in calcul ca ai ovule

servicii si atitudine de cacat de ala infect

proasta gramada :(


sumarul la ce gaseste lumea la tine. ;) problema e ca nu prea glumesc, desi pare exagerat. :(



si lasa motivele astea inventate ca ar fi fost din cauza mea, ca esti prea proasta sa poti sa pui la punct pe cineva... mai putin pe mine.

daca, presupunem, nu aveai chef de mine, la ce m-ai mai primit? e misto cand iei bani cu japca si nu faci nimic, nu? ale dracu rapandule. aveti noroc ca sunt prea domn si nu sunt vreun interlop, ca din palme mergeai tot drumul la Italia... coxata pulii.

  • Oras:Cluj
  • Oras:Cluj


I met Ingrid on 29 May when I was on a day visit to Bucharest. Having completed the day's work early, I was looking to spend some time with someone interesting. And from the very beginning Ingrid got my attention.

I got a prompt response from her on the phone and she sounds very relaxed and friendly and there seemed to be a connection immediately. I made the appointment starting in 1 hour and not being from Bucharest Ingrid helped with directions for the cab speaking with the driver directly.

Reaching her apartment was easy and the apartment itself was clean and modern. I started with a booking for 2 hours and jumped into the shower where I got a clean towel and all the shower amenities I needed. The connection with Ingrid was very strong from the moment we shook hands. She made me feel comfortable and we chatted like old friends for a while over a cigarette. After a quick shower we she started with an amazing BJ (protected) with attention all over and eye contact and everything. That's the way I like it and it was cool that I didn't have to tell her. We continued to the 69 position as I wanted to return the favour. She really has an amazing pussy and a fantastic ass. We moved from 69 to lots of other positions. The best thing about it all was that it was all spontaneous. She knows how to enjoy herself! And its a pleasure seeing the woman getting pleasure from the time we spend together.

After lots of positions, we took a break, had another cigarette, spoke about life, ghosts (!!), the universe and everything - followed by more BJs and 69s and mutual masturbation...another water break....and I was almost at the end of the 2 hours.

Since its rare for me to have such an intense connection, I stayed on for 2 more hours. We have wine (- another first for me! -), fucked each other more.... did things neither of us had done before (including looking for the TV remote together :D).

Unfortunately I had a flight to catch and I had to take myself away from Ingrid. I told her that its a good thing I don't live in Bucharest or I'd never get any work done!

I was an amazing 4 hours.

If you are looking for someone who is easy to connect with, knows what she likes, knows what YOU like, gives an amazing BJ, has a tight pussy, unbelievable ass and great tits; Ingrid is the one.

I know who I am going to be visiting every time I am in Bucharest now ;)



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fa ines dete draq da sclava da lux, pardon curva da lux

nu vrea fa nimeni sa faca ce scrii tu pe acolo, chiar ni se rupe pula da tine, daca maine te retragi o sa imi curga o lacrima.. din pula. si dupa gata imi trece

te uit in secunda 2

cat timp esti aici o sa iti dau teroare electronica pentru ca te iubesc in secret si nu vrei sa facem dragoste in gura =))

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Nu stii ce sa mai minti poate te crede si pe tine careva. Am recenzii de la membrii credibili peste tot .


In caz ca poate unii nu stiau =))))))) cam cum merge treaba cu fraierii vechi. Pardon , membrii vechi.


Parnasius e singurul serios si .....Regatron :), da ala face foamea doua luni daca vine la tine

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I met Ingrid on 29 May when I was on a day visit to Bucharest. Having completed the day's work early, I was looking to spend some time with someone interesting. And from the very beginning Ingrid got my attention.

I got a prompt response from her on the phone and she sounds very relaxed and friendly and there seemed to be a connection immediately. I made the appointment starting in 1 hour and not being from Bucharest Ingrid helped with directions for the cab speaking with the driver directly.

Reaching her apartment was easy and the apartment itself was clean and modern. I started with a booking for 2 hours and jumped into the shower where I got a clean towel and all the shower amenities I needed. The connection with Ingrid was very strong from the moment we shook hands. She made me feel comfortable and we chatted like old friends for a while over a cigarette. After a quick shower we she started with an amazing BJ (protected) with attention all over and eye contact and everything. That's the way I like it and it was cool that I didn't have to tell her. We continued to the 69 position as I wanted to return the favour. She really has an amazing pussy and a fantastic ass. We moved from 69 to lots of other positions. The best thing about it all was that it was all spontaneous. She knows how to enjoy herself! And its a pleasure seeing the woman getting pleasure from the time we spend together.

After lots of positions, we took a break, had another cigarette, spoke about life, ghosts (!!), the universe and everything - followed by more BJs and 69s and mutual masturbation...another water break....and I was almost at the end of the 2 hours.

Since its rare for me to have such an intense connection, I stayed on for 2 more hours. We have wine (- another first for me! -), fucked each other more.... did things neither of us had done before (including looking for the TV remote together :D).

Unfortunately I had a flight to catch and I had to take myself away from Ingrid. I told her that its a good thing I don't live in Bucharest or I'd never get any work done!

I was an amazing 4 hours.

If you are looking for someone who is easy to connect with, knows what she likes, knows what YOU like, gives an amazing BJ, has a tight pussy, unbelievable ass and great tits; Ingrid is the one.

I know who I am going to be visiting every time I am in Bucharest now ;)


Vizitator ingrid2017
Reputație: 0

Mai citeste o data review-ul Bret. Nu a fost vorba nici de una nici de alta din ce ai afirmat;) Keep calm bby boy!:)

  • Like 11
Vizitator ingrid2017
Reputație: 0

Thanks for review darling. Always a pleasure to meet you again!🤗

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Mai citeste o data review-ul Bret. Nu a fost vorba nici de una nici de alta din ce ai afirmat;) Keep calm bby boy! :)


Ti-a facut reclama, nu recenzie

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Ti-a facut reclama, nu recenzie

I-a facut recenzie. Dar daca ea e mult prea smechera, tu o vezi ca pe o reclama. ;)

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ce stii tu fa da smecherie ? esti vai da pizda ta

mars de aici pește imputit !
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I-a facut recenzie. Dar daca ea e mult prea smechera, tu o vezi ca pe o reclama. ;)


Ii rup pizda aia de smechera

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Ii rup pizda aia de smechera

S-ar putea sa -ti rupa ea elanul. =)))) o fi bine sa ai internet si sa stai pe nimfomane sa scrii numai povesti?

Get a life , darling!

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Ines.... Offf!

N-ai inteles nimic din ce zice OSHO!


Nu-i frumos sa tot comenteZi pe topicele altor fete...


Ai grija de al tau :)

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Ines.... Offf!

N-ai inteles nimic din ce zice OSHO!

Nu-i frumos sa tot comenteZi pe topicele altor fete...

Ai grija de al tau :)

nu imi duce grija. Ca am autorizatie ;)
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Pentru cei care m-au contactat zilele acestea, am locatie noua, asadar ma gasiti in Bucuresti in perioada 07-10 iunie. Nu lucrez la finalizare, doar sesiuni de minimum 1h.

Mai multe detalii gasiti in semnatura :* programarile le fac incepand din seara aceasta si rog sa ma contactati voi imca o data, eu nu trimit mesaj inapoi decat daca se specifica acest detaliu. Pupici

Anuntul meu este adresat doar domnilor cu varsta peste 35 de ani , manierati si cuminti .

bunul simt ma caracterizeaza si doresc sa intru in contact doar cu persoane de acelasi gen . Nu doresc sa am clienti pe banda rulanta, timpul este respectat in totalitate , conditiile sunt de lux , iar locatia are toate dotarile necesare.

Postez acest anunt pe pagina prietenei mele, apoi il. Sterg , doar ma folosesc de moderare , ma simt nevoita sa curat acest topic. nu doresc recenzii aici, doar imi expun oferta ! :* pupici

Nu stau mult timp in Bucureri, doar 4 zile !! Programarile se fac din timp si le voi respecta, indiferent de circumstante.



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De asemenea , mi-am creat o pagina draguta, usor de vizualizat , aici veti putea citi informatiile de baza la adresa mea. Servicii , tarife, cateva poze profesionale. :* outcall fac doar la hotel si doar cu confirmare, sa evit o eventuala țeapă. Nu doresc sa imi irosesc timpul degeaba pentru neseriosi sau copii . La mine totul e strict si totul tine de respectul reciproc.


Maine ajung in Bucuresti si voi posta si poze noi din locatia actuala,. Pana atunci , postez cateva selfie.



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  • Oras:.



I met Ingrid on 29 May when I was on a day visit to Bucharest. Having completed the day's work early, I was looking to spend some time with someone interesting. And from the very beginning Ingrid got my attention.


I got a prompt response from her on the phone and she sounds very relaxed and friendly and there seemed to be a connection immediately. I made the appointment starting in 1 hour and not being from Bucharest Ingrid helped with directions for the cab speaking with the driver directly.


Reaching her apartment was easy and the apartment itself was clean and modern. I started with a booking for 2 hours and jumped into the shower where I got a clean towel and all the shower amenities I needed. The connection with Ingrid was very strong from the moment we shook hands. She made me feel comfortable and we chatted like old friends for a while over a cigarette. After a quick shower we she started with an amazing BJ (protected) with attention all over and eye contact and everything. That's the way I like it and it was cool that I didn't have to tell her. We continued to the 69 position as I wanted to return the favour. She really has an amazing pussy and a fantastic ass. We moved from 69 to lots of other positions. The best thing about it all was that it was all spontaneous. She knows how to enjoy herself! And its a pleasure seeing the woman getting pleasure from the time we spend together.


After lots of positions, we took a break, had another cigarette, spoke about life, ghosts (!!), the universe and everything - followed by more BJs and 69s and mutual masturbation...another water break....and I was almost at the end of the 2 hours.


Since its rare for me to have such an intense connection, I stayed on for 2 more hours. We have wine (- another first for me! -), fucked each other more.... did things neither of us had done before (including looking for the TV remote together :D).


Unfortunately I had a flight to catch and I had to take myself away from Ingrid. I told her that its a good thing I don't live in Bucharest or I'd never get any work done!


I was an amazing 4 hours.


If you are looking for someone who is easy to connect with, knows what she likes, knows what YOU like, gives an amazing BJ, has a tight pussy, unbelievable ass and great tits; Ingrid is the one.


I know who I am going to be visiting every time I am in Bucharest now ;)







how much for.. 4 hours ? 

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