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  • Oras:Brugge
  • Oras:Brugge

Hi do you speak English , can I contact you with whatsapp or other chat program because sms is expensive here in Belgium


  • Oras:Brugge
  • Oras:Brugge

Hi do you speak English , can I contact you with whatsapp or other chat program because sms is expensive here in Belgium


salut Raluca, vorbesti engleza

  • Oras:bruxelle
  • Oras:bruxelle

I asked her the same question by MP AND SMS. she did not answer. So, she does not speak English

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Hi do you speak English , can I contact you with whatsapp or other chat program because sms is expensive here in Belgium


Don t have money to spend on text messagiging, but want to visit whores? WTF?
  • Oras:Brugge
  • Oras:Brugge

Don t have money to spend on text messagiging, but want to visit whores? WTF?

Sending 10 messges to Romania costs about 100 lei , so what would you do 😊

Vizitator cocsat
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Ba ! Sa ii dea cineva lu asta treijdalei sa își ia o cartela lyca sa dea și omu mesaje mai ieftin:)) imi e mila de el...

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  • Oras:Outcall
  • Oras:Outcall

Sending 10 messges to Romania costs about 100 lei , so what would you do


She doesn't make appointments over SMS or chat. Just call her. Belgium is in EU so you should have the same cost as calling locally.

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Sending 10 messges to Romania costs about 100 lei , so what would you do

already some good samaritan gave you a hint...just make a phone call, you may hear her voice either

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Am mers pe varianta 150 lei, Raluca este intradevar o "bucatica", e un gran pezzo di figa.....tanara, piele intinsa si fina, pasa, yammmy, dupa aspect, negustata, stramta cat sa creeze o stare de confort maxim celui mic. Se vede super fundul rotund al Ralucai si spatele cambrat. Sanii mici si frumos sculptati, per ansamblu bine proportionata iar incaltata cu pantofii de scena ...priceless. de asemenea trasaturi frumoase la fata . apartamentul zona centrala , nu mi aduc aminte sa fi avut un sentiment de racoare, am cam nadusit luptand cu tanara....deci lipsa aer rest amabila dar un pic distanta, nu este genul pisicos, atribut care ar propulsa o la ""best money can buy"". depunctez de asemenea pt ca fumeaza in camera de primit oaspetii, chiar daca cu geamul deschis, dar pt mine ca nefumator s a simtit.vb ceea ...prea multe pretentii, take it or leave it

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Esti foarte buna. Astept cu nerabdare sa ajung la tine

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