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Do Romania escorts dont like dutch?

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Hi uhm im dutch

And realy horny, pissed off and sad at the same time

Im trying tot find a Nice girl to spend some time with in targoviste

But somehow they dont awnser telephone


Sometimes i think i get lucky

When i send a messages to Whatsapp


But before i can ask price or even where

They stop reading my messages


Its very annoying


So i ques its my dutch telephone number


But i dont understand why


Nope, I'm sorry! 


They are racist people!  

Return to your beautiful  Netherland   and forget the bad experience in this shithole country.  

Romania does not worth your attention. 


We too want to left this shithole country. 

We are pissed off beucause of  corrupt politicians, poverty and  stupidity. 

You will not find a good  escorts with quality services  here because they emigrated long ago from Romania. There's nothing left,  except the  cheap hookers and stupid whores  with bad pimps. 


You will not find a quality curve here because they emigrated long ago from Romania!

  • Like 1

Don't be so harsh

On Romania

Most girls from here, are in the Netherlands

Trust me i know😂

But romania is beautyful

I had a Romania girl for long time but like most she was after my wallet.

To bad i found out tolate


Im now looking for a new girl to spend my life with but im stil a man and have needs😂 Until i find my new wife

  • Like 1


On Romania

Most girls from here, are in the Netherlands

Trust me i know


Im now looking for a new girl to spend my life with but im stil a man and have needs Until i find my new wife



In our times, many sexy romanian   girls are materialist  and selfish.

In reality,  in all countries,   the sexy  girls you like  , in reality they  are not  beautiful!

Thei make up, wear silicones, botox, jewels and expensive clothes because they are desperate and feel the need for attention. They do not need loving husbands, but just  money, housing, travels  and fun.  If the partner does not offer them what they want, they will look for another.

These sexy womens are  like black widows. 


Especially, womens who grow in post-communist and poor country like Romania don't want love, they want a good life and a stupid husband to ensure this to them. 

Don't find love in a country like that.  


My advice? 

If you want a happy marriage, take a ugly , but educated and serious  girlfriend who know modesty, love, who know  to  appreciate friends  and human's qualities, who has a HOBBY like yours.  

Don't find love at escorts, whores, prostitutues, hoockers. You will find  misery, suffering, sneaky interest, treachery.  Escorts are good just for pleasure and sex, but not for love!  


I know because I was in love with 8-9 sexy girls from high school and with 10  escorts  and I was dissapointed each time. 






I had a Romania girl for long time but like most she was after my wallet.

To bad i found out tolate




And why you want to repeat this mistake? 




Don't be so harsh

But romania is beautyful




Yeah, geographically is  a beautiful country.  

But the  people and the leaders  are the worst because they ruined this country in last 100 years because of their stupidity. 





O And trust me the Netherlands is much more corrupt atm then here 



Lol  ,  if you knew....maybe you have some corrupt politicians,  but at least they still build something and develop your country. 


I would have liked to have been born in Amsterdam rather than in Bucharest. I envy your country!  



What is wrong with your pretty and colourful  capital  ?



And what is good with our gray  city?

who has experienced many in life


mrdecoder, on 21 May 2019 - 12:12 AM, said:snapback.png


On Romania
Most girls from here, are in the Netherlands
Trust me i know

Im now looking for a new girl to spend my life with but im stil a man and have needs Until i find my new wife



In our times, many sexy  girls are materialist  and selfish.

In reality,     the sexy  girls you wanted  are not  quite  beautiful!

They  make up, wear silicones, botox, expensive jewels and  clothes because they are desperate and feel the need for attention. They do not need love from  husbands,  they want just   money, luxury houses, travels, security  and fun.  If the partner does not offer them what they want, they will look for another.

These sexy womens are  like black widows. 


Especially, womens who grow in post-communist and poor country like Romania don't want love, they want a good life and a stupid husband to ensure this to them. 

Don't find love in a country like that.  


My advice? 

If you want a happy marriage, take a ugly , but educated and serious  girlfriend who know modesty, love, who know  to  appreciate friends  and human's qualities, with  a hobbies  like yours.  

Don't find love at escorts, whores, prostitutues or   hoockers. You will find  misery, suffering, sneaky interest, treachery.  Escorts are good just for pleasure and sex, but not for love!  


I know because I was in love with 8-9 sexy girls from high school and with 10  escorts  and I was dissapointed each time. 








I had a Romania girl for long time but like most she was after my wallet.

To bad i found out tolate



And why you want to repeat this mistake? 





Don't be so harsh

But romania is beautyful




Yeah, geographically is  a beautiful country.  

But the  most  peoples and their   leaders  are the worst because they ruined this country in last 100 years because of their stupidity. 






O And trust me the Netherlands is much more corrupt atm then here 



Lol  ,  if you knew....maybe you have some corrupt politicians,  but at least they still build something and develop your country. 


I would have liked to have been born in Amsterdam rather than in Bucharest. I envy your country!  



What is wrong with your pretty and colourful  capital  ?



And what is good with our gray  city?


Hi uhm im dutch

And realy horny, pissed off and sad at the same time

Im trying tot find a Nice girl to spend some time with in targoviste

But somehow they dont awnser telephone


Sometimes i think i get lucky

When i send a messages to Whatsapp


But before i can ask price or even where

They stop reading my messages


Its very annoying


So i ques its my dutch telephone number


But i dont understand why


iati in mortii matii da sclav un numar de romania si o sa te vada ca pe un strain cu bani si prost

sa vezi dupa aia cum futi

  • Like 2
  • Minus 1
  • Oras:Neverland
  • Oras:Neverland

O And trust me the Netherlands is much more corrupt atm then here

If i give u my Iban, and u send me first, 500€ after u tell me ur adress from here and ill send u a girl. Is it ok? ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ€ðŸŒ ðŸŒ ðŸ™ˆðŸ€


Hi uhm im dutch

And realy horny, pissed off and sad at the same time

Im trying tot find a Nice girl to spend some time with in targoviste

But somehow they dont awnser telephone


Sometimes i think i get lucky

When i send a messages to Whatsapp


But before i can ask price or even where

They stop reading my messages


Its very annoying


So i ques its my dutch telephone number


But i dont understand why

Dutch people are well known for being stingy and nobody wants a stingy person, especially when it s about payment:-) Of course that it could be not true in your case:-) but people tend to you probably also generalize about escorts, putting them all in the same category, when in reality it deppends on each person.

Vizitator caproshu
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O And trust me the Netherlands is much more corrupt atm then here

I don t thing so !!! I was there and what you say it s fantasie story !!!

  • Administrator
Reputație: 114612
  • Oras:La butoane
  • Oras:La butoane

My free advice:-))

Get a romanian phone number, meet them and earn their trust by demolishing the mith about Dutch people:-))


Good luck!


best advice!


  • Oras:Ping 3 Ms
  • Oras:Ping 3 Ms

Ptr flăcăul pesimist şi depresiv cu poza din Amsterdam, Ion Zăpadă, să-ți explice nenea ce se vede acolo? În poză este ora 11:55 la ceasul din Munttoren, e dead end al străzii cu multe magazine de țoale şi papuci, Kalverstraat. Tramvaiul ăla alb-albastru, dacă merge spre dreapta , la prima stație se opreşte în vestita piață turistică Rembrandtplein, cu stive de coffeeshops, de nightbars şi mişcoteci, unde la 02:00 mişună pe stradă mai mulți oameni decât ziua la 14:00... Dacă tramvaiul merge spre stânga, este la 5 stații distanță de Gara Centrală (Centraal Station). Pe linia respectivă dai de tramvaiele 4, 9 şi 14. Dacă merge spre stânga, tocmai s-a unit cu linia pe care circulă tramvaiele 16, 24 şi 25 şi sub care au dat-o cu mucii-n fasole iscusiții ingineri constructori olandezi, exact sub linia tramvaielor ar trebui să fie şi linia N-S de metrou, care nici acum nu e gata, din cauza unor complicații subterane. Proiect ce trebuia finalizat în 2010 dacă nu mă înşel...



În planul îndepărtat se vede o apă. Dincolo de ea este celebrul Waterlooplein, un fel de bazar de antichități şi curiosa, biciclete etc. Moare câte unul şi foarte multe din lucrurile ce le avea prin casă ajung la vânzare. Aşa încât găseşti de toate, de la jucării vechi şi goblenuri, până la obiecte de mobilier Biedermeier şi căciuli de lână din Peru. Am cumpărat anul trecut 3 pedale de chitară electrică de la o păpuşică habarnistă, i-am dat pe ele 15 euro. O oră mai târziu le-am şi vândut cu 280 de euro pe Marktplaats. M-am întors după câteva zile şi i-am dat încă 15 euro fătucii. M-a mustrat efectiv conştiința :)))



PS. O să-i scriu în olandeză individului aterizat în Târgovişte de mai apare, deşi am mari dubii că nu e troll. Engleza lui e de baltă, chestie foarte nespecifică ptr olandezi, ei de mici servesc germană şi engleză pe pită. Sau e vreun blegovan băşit ce-şi face de cacao satul de unde se trage, afirmându-se în plen cât e de prost, caz în care nu-mi pierd timpul cu el, chiar dacă îi vorbesc limba.

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I go sa ma pis on every izmanar from p-acilea.

Ia si un gat de vodka , asa merge mai bine pestele din Norvegia ☺

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  • Administrator
Reputație: 114612
  • Oras:La butoane
  • Oras:La butoane

E clona lui jonsnow, uita-te la ortografie, la expresii, se vede de la distanta. Iar jonsnow e depresivul...


il mai lasam 2 zile sa mai scris

si la sfarsit ii stergem toate postarile


  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Eram satula de plangaciosi romani, acum puteti sa va simtiti bine ca aveti confrati si in alte tari. :)

Buhuuuuu, nu-i raspunde la mesaje! :slap2

Vrei sa futi, suna si du-te!

  • Oras:Ping 3 Ms
  • Oras:Ping 3 Ms

E clona lui jonsnow, uita-te la ortografie, la expresii, se vede de la distanta. Iar jonsnow e depresivul...


Habar n-am cine e Depresivul, probabil vreun caracter celebru de dinainte să fi aparut io p'acilea. Olandezul frustrat și futăcios e tot el, zici? Dacă e așa, atunci mi-e clar "for whom the bell tolls". Se înșeală amarnic și mă confundă (poate) cu Ernest H. Eu n-am vânat animale nevinovate prin Africa și nici n-o s-o fac vreodată, nici acolo și nici în altă parte!
Din câte am remarcat sunt mai mulți cu n conturi...  Cei cu IQ 30 se cam dau de gol singuri, indiferent de pe ce clonă postează, după îngustimea minții și limbajul obscen în mereu același spectru, focalizați pe ură de clasă, invidie, gelozie, interese obscure etc. Trollywood ieftin, aceeași hârjoneală tâmpă și demnă de milă, se învârt grupându-și forțele în jurul acelorași focare de infecție, ca muștele în jurul rahatului.  Dar ficiorul ăsta de Ion Zăpadă pare diferit. Emite gânduri coerente, fraze și idei ce-l frământă cât se poate de realistic, are mare-mare dreptate în cam tot ce spune, și le zice bine în românește despre soțietatea românească unde nu mai există prințipii, la fel ca bro V-Marinel și încă 2-3 ce au curaj să-și exprime gustul amar despre nimicnicia mizerabilă ce se numește țară-mumă, a la Epigonii lui Eminovici, și ptr care toate scenariile sunt sumbre, macabre şi lugubre în  Ro, "Toate-s praf, lumea-i cum este... și ca dânsa suntem noi"... 
PS. Preacucernit și evlavios din fire cum sunt, m-am atașat din prima zi de Preafericitul Părinte al forumului. Aura Lui mi-a trezit din prima zi pamfletul ce-l aveam latent în sânge (uitat), m-a trezit la viață !
"God, please give us the surpise gift of laughter" !


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