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  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Uleiul esential absolut de smirna este obtinut din rasina arborelui Styrax tonkinensis, arbore care creste spontan in Vietnam, Laos si Thailanda. Rasina este recoltata prin incizarea trunchiului  arborelui care are cel putin varsta de 7 ani. Deoarece rasina de smirna nu poate fi distilata, uleiul esential este obtinut prin extractie absoluta.
Esenta pretioasa, alaturi de tamaie, mir si nard, smirna este unul din darurile pretioase oferite de cei trei magi pruncului Iisus. Folosita din cele mai vechi timpuri, in ritualurile religioase si impreuna cu tamaia si nardul in purificarea si armonizarea energiilor in temple sau pentru parfumarea somptuoaselor palate orientale, smirna este si astazi extrem de folosita in scopuri terapeutice, in cosmetica si parfumerie, in practicile de meditatie si elevare spirituala, pentru echilibrare psihoemotionala si stimulare mentala.
 In medicina traditionala, triburile indigene foloseau smirna ca un puternic antiseptic, antiinflamator si expectorant. O regasim astazi in numeroase balsamuri dermatologice si respiratorii.
Pe langa multiplele proprietati terapeutice si cosmetice uleiul esential de smirna este calmant si relaxant emotional, neurostimulant si protector la nivel energetic.
Parfumul sau complex cu note de varf dulci, zaharate si vanilate lasa apoi loc unor note mai calde si profunde de caramel, miere si cafea prajita, ceea ce face fara indoiala din uleiul esential de smirna cea mai intalnita esenta in parfumuri.
54,50 lei
Pret cu TVA
Ulei esential de Mir 5 ml
Pret: 79,50 lei
Uleiul esential de mir este obtinut din rasina aromatica a unui arbore care creste in zonele aride nord-africane si in Peninsula Arabica (Yemen si Oman), insa pentru inteleptii din vechime, mirul era un arbore de origine edenica si evoca starea si puritatea originala. Povestea mirului este la fel de veche ca cea a tamaiei.
Uleiul esential de mir este unul din ingredientele folosite in prepararea uleiului de mir, ulei folosit in ritualurile religioase inclusiv in zilele noastre. Egiptenii cunosc si folosesc uleiul esential de mir de peste 4.000 de ani, atat pentru prepararea parfumurilor si in special a parfumului solid Kyphi, dedicat zeului Ra,  cat si pentru numeroasele lui proprietati terapeutice.
Soldatii greci aveau intotdeauna o bucatica de mir pe care o foloseau pentru curatarea ranilor si prevenirea infectarii acestora si tot grecii parfumau vinul cu ulei esential de mir.
In Orient, medicina ayurvedica si cea traditionala chinezeasca utilizeaza uleiul de mir pentru tratarea a nenumarate afectiuni. In Vechiul Egipt, femeile de origine nobila foloseau uleiul esential de mir impreuna cu uleiul esential de tamaie in masti de intinerire a pielii.
Cu un parfum special, incarcat de erotism, uleiul esential de mir este folosit in parfumerie in special pentru crearea parfumurilor orientale in care potenteaza senzualitatea esentei de trandafir si imbogateste parfumul cu note fine, calde si lemnoase.
A NU SE CONFUNDA intre ele, uleiurile esentiale de tamaie, smirna si mir.
Sunt uleiuri esentiale distincte obtinute din rasinile unor arbori total diferiti:
TAMAIE - Denumire botanica:  Boswellia Carterii
SMIRNA - Denumire botanica: Styrax Benzoin sau Tonkinensis
MIR  AFRICAN (sau amar)-  Denumire botanica: Commimphora Myrrha sau Molmol
MIR INDIAN - Denumire botanica: Commimphora Mukul, sau Guggul
Ulei esential de mir botanic si biochimic definit, obtinut  prin distilarea completa* in vapori de apa, a rasinei  recoltata din zone salbatice
        100% pur - nediluat in ulei vegetal sau amestecat cu uleiuri cu proprietati asemanatoare
        100% natural - nedenaturat cu molecule de sinteza
        100% integral - nedecolorat, nedeterpenizat, nerectificat, nefractionat
Activi naturali ai plantei care pot provoca alergii:  niciunul (specificatie conform Amendamentului nr. 7 al Directivei Europene referitoare la produsele cosmetice/CE 15/2003)
Denumire: Commimphora myrrha, mir amar
Produs in : Somalia
Importat in UE: Franta
  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti


Contracturile musculare, durerile
articulare [i oboseala dispar sub mi[c\rile
energice ale mâinilor pricepute care
înv\luie corpul într-o catifea neagr\:
n\molul sapropelic de Techirghiol.
Masaj Corporal
20 minute - 16 Euro

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

buna dimineata  :) NOU:masaj cu uleiuri esentiale pentru detox si cresterea imunitatii , si in curand,ca sa intam  in spiritul binecuvantat al sarbatorilor de iarna ,masaj cu uleiuri biblice:tamaie , smirna, mirt  :)

,,.......In Biblical times, gold, frankincense, and myrrh were considered as treasured gifts fit for the utmost of royalty. That’s why the Magi chose them for Christ.
The story runs far deeper than that, though.
These three items weren’t simply valued for their scarcity or expense (although they are still costly and difficult to find today).
Rather, they were highly sought after for their unrivaled ability to control one key process in the body-inflamation, which we know today to be the root cause behind nearly every ailment.
The Root Cause of ALL Disease - And How to Stop It
Remember the “one key process” tied to virtually every disease we mentioned a second ago?
That process is the body’s inflammation response.
See, a properly functioning inflammation system is actually a healthy thing. When you get injured, the area becomes inflamed and the body works to heal itself and restore balance.
When that balance is disturbed for a long period of time, it causes major problems. The scary part is it could be happening without you even knowing, and you might not realize the problem until it manifests as a serious chronic disease.
And, unfortunately, dozens of things we do every single day contribute to excess inflammation in the body. Things like:
Drinking from impure water sources with chlorine, fluoride, and other contaminants
Eating processed foods
Working in a sedentary job
Not getting enough sleep
Constantly dealing with stress
Absorbing environmental pollutants
And those pro-inflammatory factors can, in turn, evolve into chronic conditions like:
Heart disease 1
Cancer 2
Depression 3
Irritable or Inflammatory Bowel Disorder
Diabetes 4
External forces that upset the natural inflammation response are everywhere, and the task of avoiding them altogether is nearly impossible.
The Magi understood this fact well, and that’s part of the reason why they brought these “Three Kings of Inflammation Control” to Christ at his birth. And they knew…
How Controlling Inflammation Could Save Your Life
What Does It Take to Properly Control Inflammation?
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to reap the full benefits of these three incredible plant substances -- turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh -- by consuming them in their natural state. They must be refined into an extract to offer the potent medicinal power you’ve just learned about.
That’s why the Magi brought them in the form of gum and resin, not just raw plant material.
Considering the specific processing needed to maximize their medicinal value, as well as their scarcity, you’re probably starting to think there’s no way to take all three of these herbs together, extracted correctly, and without spending an arm and a leg.
Disarming Cancer’s #1 Weapon... Before It Even Has a Chance to Strike
Cancer claims the lives of millions every year, and modern medicine still struggles to treat it effectively. Conventional physicians can do nothing else but resort to the same old toxic and invasive treatments - chemo, radiation, and surgery.
But what if we found a way to fend off cancer before it has the chance to steal more innocent lives? If we could pinpoint the underlying culprit, it would give us priceless insight toward fighting cancer like we’ve never been able to before.
Amazingly, doctors seem to be doing just that, and their conclusions are raising a big red flag around the role of chronic inflammation in cancer.
Just read what one of MIT’s top researchers has to say on the topic:
“Chronic inflammation drives a lot of cancers, including pancreatic, esophageal, liver, and colon cancers,” says Engelward, who is also deputy director of the MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences.7
What would it mean to know one of cancer’s strongest underlying triggers, and then to have the ability to keep that trigger from being pulled?
According to Harvard, inflammation is the smoking gun behind a whole host of cardiovascular conditions:
“Chronic low-grade inflammation is intimately involved in all stages of atherosclerosis, the process that leads to cholesterol-clogged arteries. This means that inflammation sets the stage for heart attacks, most strokes, peripheral artery disease, and even vascular dementia, a common cause of memory loss.” 9
That means we’re now being forced to entirely re-examine how we think about heart disease and the things that cause it. While things like cholesterol and blood pressure may be important, new evidence is suggesting they could just be manifestations of a deeper problem in the body: chronic inflammation.
“...this latest study, published in the journal Brain and funded by the Medical Research Council and Alzheimer's Research UK, suggests that in fact targeting inflammation in the brain, caused by a build-up of immune cells called microglia, could halt progression of the disease.” 11
Next you have to see the ground-breaking research being done behind inflammation and depression. Then stop and consider what the culprit behind most, if not all, of our brain diseases really is.
Cleveland Clinic cites a 2015 study12 that shook the entire depression treatment paradigm:
“In one of the most conclusive findings yet, a study in JAMA Psychiatry determined that brain inflammation was 30 percent higher in clinically depressed patients. The research team pointed out that previous studies have looked at biomarkers of inflammation in the blood. But this is the first to find definitive evidence in the brain.” 13
Are There Any Diseases 
That AREN’T Tied to Inflammation?
As you can see, this field of research dealing with inflammation and its connection to chronic disease is brand new. Many of the most compelling studies are just a year or two old.
However, if you take the time to look, you can find evidence to support a connection between inflammation and practically every modern ailment known to man. And that shouldn’t surprise you.
The inflammation response is responsible for healing and maintaining every part of the body, and if it fails to function properly chronic illness is nearly certain.
The Inflammation-Balancing Secret 
Hiding Right Under Mainstream Doctors’ Noses
While researchers are beginning to understand the core role inflammation plays in modern disease, they’re looking in all the wrong places for a solution to it.
Now that the connection between inflammation and disease is established, they’ll spend millions of dollars trying to create anti-inflammatory drugs that will be expensive, hard-to-get, and riddled with side-effects.
Meanwhile, those who understand the gifts of the Magi will be thrilled to know that the most potent inflammation controlling agents exist already!

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

pe  scurt, uleiurile esentiale sunt antiimflamatorii puternice, sunt mistice ,si medical recunoscute ca eficienta.

asta o sa ajute pe cei care au nevoie sa inteleaga ceva din ce am postat mai sus

mai fac si alte combinatii ,pentru detoxifiere , cu ulei de coriandru-scoate metale grele , care vin din apa, alimente, deodorante  ,dar mai ales din cer -vezi mai multe aici



  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

dap, omului ii este frica de moarte :slap2

Motiv pentru care nu vine la tine.

Framanti bine.

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

program normal de astazi, ganduri bune tuturor pentru 2017  :)

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Buna seara doamna,

Executati si dvs acest tip de masaj ? De cand am vazut filmuletul numai la asta ma gandesc :)

Daca da, cred ca va voi face foarte curand o vizita :)

da,la 100 lei 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Intradevar, am incercat sa dau si eu de tine astazi, insa telefonul era inchis.

Iti recomand, ca dimineata la cafea, sa te obisnuiesti sa intri pe forum si sa iti anunti disponibilitatea, pt ca lumea urmareste forumul.


  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

buna dimineata, astazi sunt disponibila de la ora 10, pana la ora 20

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Masaj de relaxare soft  cu uleiuri esentiale pentru detox, imunitate, antistress și Best Cock Massage- 1,5 h - 150 lei

Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros si cu ventuza (pot sa lucrez 1 ora doar pe spate,cand sunt blocaje mari)-1 ora-150-lei si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15-30 min)

Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros 2 ore 200 lei   si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15-30 min)

Masajele zonei genitale, doar unul sau in combinatii :Best cock massage / prostatic / therapeutic genital Karsai  35 min-100 lei

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti
Oferta actualizata :


-Masaj de relaxare soft  cu uleiuri esentiale pentru detox, imunitate, antistress și Best Cock -Massage- 1,5 h - 150 lei

-Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros si cu ventuza (pot sa lucrez 1 ora doar pe spate,cand sunt blocaje mari)-1 ora-150-lei si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15-30 min)

-Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros 2 ore 200 lei   si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15-30 min)

-Masajele zonei genitale, doar unul sau in combinatii :Best cock massage / prostatic / therapeutic genital Karsai  35 min-100 lei



Buna diminieata stimata doamna as dori si eu sa fac o programare pentru astazi la ora 12 pentru 2 ore . Este posibil? O sa va sun in jurul orei 10 sa imi confirmati... voi mentiona user mipa29

Va multumesc si astept cu nerabdare sa va cunosc.

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Buna diminieata stimata doamna as dori si eu sa fac o programare pentru astazi la ora 12 pentru 2 ore . Este posibil? O sa va sun in jurul orei 10 sa imi confirmati... voi mentiona user mipa29

Va multumesc si astept cu nerabdare sa va cunosc.

buna dimineata, ok, astazi lucrez 12-20 ultima programare  :)

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Duminică aveți program ?

duminica   lucrez 12-20 ultima rezervare ,dupa ora 10  deschid telefonul si vorbim  :)

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

astazi sunt disponibila de la ora 16-20 ultima comanda  :)

astazi lucrezi?

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti
Oferta actualizata :


-Masaj de relaxare soft  cu uleiuri esentiale pentru detox, imunitate, antistress și Best Cock -Massage- 1,5 h - 150 lei

-Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros si cu ventuza (pot sa lucrez 1 ora doar pe spate,cand sunt blocaje mari)-1 ora-150-lei si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15 min)

-Masaj  pe tesut muscular profund,viguros 2 ore 200 lei   si gratis unul din masajele zonei genital(15 min)

-Masajele zonei genitale, doar unul sau in combinatii :Best cock massage / prostatic / therapeutic genital Karsai  35 min-1 ora la 100 lei


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