Zeyaaa Reputație: 2441 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Autor Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Chiar acum, Zeyaaa a spus: Asta e ii scriu sa înțeleagă el ca vb engleză Era vorba ca avea o programare , cu o ora înainte am anulat programarea și i-am zis scuZe a intervenit ceva pai el ca de ce nu i-am spus mai devreme de o ora și i-am explicat ți-am zis cu o ora pentru ca poate ai iubita nevasta eu nu am de unde sa știu cine este singur sau nu și nu vreau sa fac probleme el apoi scrie ca l-am anulat bla bla de parca l-am pus sa vina in ploie și frig sa stea la usa dar poate e mai bine sa fac așa 4 1 1
JocelynEon Reputație: 11956 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 @ZeyaaaȘtiu dar nu te obosi prea tare. Știi ce zic! 2 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Just now, Zeyaaa said: It was that he had an appointment, an hour before I canceled the appointment and I told him sorry. because maybe you have a girlfriend my wife I have no way of knowing who is alone or not and I don't want to get in trouble he then writes that I canceled it blah blah like I made him come in the rain and cold to stay at the door but maybe it's better to do so I never said you made me go out in the rain or wait at the door. I just said you cancelled your meeting when I contacted you 1 hour before But when I tried to reschedule, you would not answer me (I sent 2 messages, I am not the type of guy who send 10 messages so I thought it would be more appropriate to send a message here instead) Then you got mad and started sending voice messages then blocking me 2
JocelynEon Reputație: 11956 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 1 minute ago, clement mic said: I never said you made me go out in the rain or wait at the door. I just said you cancelled your meeting when I contacted you 1 hour before But when I tried to reschedule, you would not answer me (I sent 2 messages, I am not the type of guy who send 10 messages so I thought it would be more appropriate to send a message here instead) Then you got mad and started sending voice messages then blocking me My advice: forget It. Move on! 4
Zeyaaa Reputație: 2441 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Autor Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Acum 16 minute, JocelynEon a spus: @ZeyaaaȘtiu dar nu te obosi prea tare. Știi ce zic! Da ai dreptate ! 😘😘😘 2 1
Membru Premium elprofesoare Reputație: 61545 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Outcall Oras:Outcall Membru Premium Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 24 minutes ago, Zeyaaa said: Era vorba ca avea o programare , cu o ora înainte am anulat programarea și i-am zis scuZe a intervenit ceva pai el ca de ce nu i-am spus mai devreme de o ora și i-am explicat ți-am zis cu o ora pentru ca poate ai iubita nevasta eu nu am de unde sa știu cine este singur sau nu și nu vreau sa fac probleme Ai procedat corect 👍, mă refer la modul de comunicare. Mai sunt și alte fete care procedează la fel pentru a nu crea divorțuri, probleme,etc. 9 2 1
Zeyaaa Reputație: 2441 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Telefon: +39 348 190 2361 Oras:București Disponibila Autor Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Acum 5 minute, elprofesoare a spus: Ai procedat corect 👍, mă refer la modul de comunicare. Mai sunt și alte fete care procedează la fel pentru a nu crea divorțuri, probleme,etc. Mulțumesc ! 😘😘😘 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 It was fine for me that she only could tell me that she has to cancel the meeting only when I contacted her, even though she could had said before But my issue was she ignored me after this, then after some hours I just said what happened on the forum without saying anything negative against her Then she blocked me for saying that she was not answering on whatsapp 2 1
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Guidelines to please clement mic: -Do not cancel and appointment with clement mic. -Always ON. The taste of clement mic dick is for you to enjoy. -And Above all, keep a rate below 250 lei. Clement mic will not hesitate to go to another girl who will enjoy the sexual skills from this french stallion. 3
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Just now, bertus said: Guidelines to please clement mic: -Do not cancel and appointment with clement mic. -Always ON. The taste of clement mic dick is for you to enjoy. -And Above all, keep a rate below 250 lei. Clement mic will not hesitate to go to another girl who will enjoy the sexual skills from this french stallion. I had girls canceling appointments, but it is very rare and they do not ignore me after it, so we reschedule most of the time. Yeah I like unprotected oral sex, so what? Haha you are very funny, check my reviews, I had girls that were way more than 250 lei, it just need to be worth it. Something you seem to not be able to understand. 3
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus: I had girls canceling appointments, but it is very rare and they do not ignore me after it, so we reschedule most of the time. Yeah I like unprotected oral sex, so what? Haha you are very funny, check my reviews, I had girls that were way more than 250 lei, it just need to be worth it. Something you seem to not be able to understand. De fiecare data cand scrii ceva slightly negativ despre o domnisoara iti asumi implicit riscul ca nu o sa te mai primeasca. Asa sunt femeile, vor numai laude si intotdeauna au dreptate. 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 3 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Every time you write something slightly negative about a young lady, you implicitly take the risk that she will not receive you again. That's how women are, they only want praise and they are always right. That's exactly right. Because the only time another girl blocked me is when I commented about the location poor hygiene. She immediately blocked me after this. When you guys accept this, you just lose some of our freedom. Because now reviewers will be scared of saying something wrong in case a girl will "block him" just because she did not like the post even when there is nothing insulting in the review or post. I just came here to say a fact without complaining, and for this reason Zeya blocked me. Did I really do something wrong? 2
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 1 hour ago, clement mic said: You need such money, otherwise you would not be an escort girl You are getting upset for nothing Don't take it so much personal, like I said I did not even say anything negative against you We could still make peace and reschedule Here you are wrong. She is an escort and she offers her services for money, but it does not mean that she is desperate for clements mic money. 1 1
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Acum 16 minute, clement mic a spus: That's exactly right. Because the only time another girl blocked me is when I commented about the location poor hygiene. She immediately blocked me after this. When you guys accept this, you just lose some of our freedom. Because now reviewers will be scared of saying something wrong in case a girl will "block him" just because she did not like the post even when there is nothing insulting in the review or post. I just came here to say a fact without complaining, and for this reason Zeya blocked me. Did I really do something wrong? Partea proasta e ca, cu cat insisti mai mult, incerci sa te justifici logic cu atat o enervezi mai mult. Femeile nu sunt creaturi logice ci instinctuale. Norocul nostru e ca are "balta peste" asa ca move on si uit-o. 2
damianblack Reputație: 502 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Traveling Oras:Traveling Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 5 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Partea proasta e ca, cu cat insisti mai mult, incerci sa te justifici logic cu atat o enervezi mai mult. Femeile nu sunt creaturi logice ci instinctuale. Norocul nostru e ca are "balta peste" asa ca move on si uit-o. Curva e tot curva, o platesti, futi si iti pleci fara sa te doara capul, can e ceva ciudat cum raspunde, cum te repezeste poze ciudate mai bine te duci la alta simplu si 9/10 iti salvezi dureri de cap. 2 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 5 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: The downside is that the more you insist, the more logically you try to justify yourself. Women are not logical creatures but instinctual ones. Our luck is that it has a "pond over it" so move on and forget about it. Oh yeah, I already moved on the minute I realized she blocked me. And I would never beg her or anyone to unblock me. She made her choice, then she lost a potential big client, it is more her problem haha I am not so desperate, I am meeting someone else tomorrow. I admit that I was horny because I spent a lot of time with my family in France during Christmas, so I didn't have time to fuck anyone. But we have enough girls in Bucharest to not worry if 1 girl block us haha Even though I am always trying to act as much civilized and respectful to everyone as possible. I think I have made enough good reviews in this forum to prove I am not just a visitor. 1
Sextoy Reputație: 53 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 9 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Partea proasta e ca, cu cat insisti mai mult, incerci sa te justifici logic cu atat o enervezi mai mult. Femeile nu sunt creaturi logice ci instinctuale. Norocul nostru e ca are "balta peste" asa ca move on si uit-o. Foarte adevarat. Le recomand celor cu conturi colorate sa-i recomande colegului suparat, o alta fata in pm, asta ca sa nu doarma in seara asta aici pe topic 3
pulicica75 Reputație: 72 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 3 hours ago, JocelynEon said: @Zeyaaa I don't understood anything you wrote in English! Așa că te rog expuneți punctul de vedere în limba română pentru că o stăpânești mai bine! Părerea mea. *I didn't understand* 4
jhonmark Reputație: 439 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Acum 4 ore, Zeyaaa a spus: Yes and i fi Block you what is the probleme ? I Tell you before 1 h I can’t not I have a probleme wher is the probleme ? I fi write her in Forum I cancelled your appointment you resolve soamting I don’t understand you i fi tell you come and after you stay to the door I understand mai bine foloseai google translate =)))))))) . am lesinat si clement mic ....mai lasa-ne dracu ca ai umplut forumu asta ...continuu scri ,,, mult si prost
alexuu86 Reputație: -26 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 44 minutes ago, jhonmark said: si clement mic ....mai lasa-ne dracu ca ai umplut forumu asta ...continuu scri ,,, mult si prost Cioroiul asta care se pretinde half black cand el de fapt din partea asiatica,umple de spam si atacuri mitocane si badarane topicurile fetelor;bineinteles ca lacheiii frustrati isi fac simtita prezenta atacand in turma cum un dobitoc da semnalul. @Zeyaaa ai facut f bine bine ca nu l-ai primit pe tigan,idiotii astia frustrati sunt incapabili sa inteleaga ca voi aveti dreptul sa alegeti cine va trece pragrul casei,ei cred ca daca trimit un sms si au o suma modica in buzunare li se cuvine totul,daca nu,vin si isi varsa dejectiile de babuini pe topicurile voastre si au pretentia de buni clienti 5
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 13 minutes ago, alexuu86 said: This supposedly half-black crow, when he is actually from Asia, fills the girls' topics with spam and mitochondrous and badaran attacks; @Teams you did well not to receive the gypsy, these frustrated idiots are unable to understand that you have the right to choose who will cross the threshold of the house, they think that if they send an sms and have a small amount in their pockets they deserve everything, if not, come and pour their baboon droppings on your topics and have the pretension of good customers Another nazi hitler sucker. At least learn to write better? France is not from Asia, look on the map 😂 And half black does not mean gypsy, Drake is half black and he got more money than you can ever dream of. I am half black and half white, if you don't like it, it is your problem. I already met hundred of romanian girls, it is not something I am missing even though the quality has drastically decreased... I guess because of ignorants like you. 1
alexuu86 Reputație: -26 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 12 minutes ago, clement mic said: Another nazi hitler sucker. At least learn to write better? France is not from Asia, look on the map 😂 And half black does not mean gypsy, Drake is half black and he got more money than you can ever dream of. I am half black and half white, if you don't like it, it is your problem. I already met hundred of romanian girls, it is not something I am missing even though the quality has drastically decreased... I guess because of ignorants like you. Doar dau muie virtuala ciorilor borate cu pretentie de occident;habar nu ai ce inseamna half black cand arati ca un tigan si esti unul. Dar nu asta este problema,ci faptul bai jigodie,ci ca esti un psihopat care hartuieste fetele non stop peste tot;esti un meltean mincinos,laudaros,mitoman si hartuitor;ba cacareaza,ai scris 11 postari doar pt simplul fapt ca fata ti-a anulat programarea si nu a vrut sa te vada!Cat de ratat si frustrat poti fi cioroiule? @misteryo iti dau si tie o muie virtuala alaturi de tigan;de ce?,pt ca vreau si pot daca tot iti platesti contul 4
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 6 minutes ago, alexuu86 said: I just give a virtual blowjob to western-style borate crows, you have no idea what half black means when you look like a gypsy and you're one. But this is not the problem, but the fact that you are a jerk, but that you are a psychopath who harasses girls non-stop everywhere; he canceled the appointment and didn't want to see you! How failed and frustrated can you be? @misteryo I give you a virtual blowjob with the gypsy, why ?, because I want and I can if you still pay your bill My eyes hurt reading your message, I don't have time to answer you and your childish insults And if you talk about escort girl reviews, check my post history I have met a lot of them and I almost never had any problem with any of them So good luck spreading false info.. My reputation is still very good on this forum even though some trolls spam me with racist hate I just don't have time for this, grow up 1
alexuu86 Reputație: -26 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 5 minutes ago, clement mic said: My eyes hurt reading your message, I don't have time to answer you and your childish insults And if you talk about escort girl reviews, check my post history I have met a lot of them and I almost never had any problem with any of them So good luck spreading false info.. My reputation is still very good on this forum even though some trolls spam me with racist hate I just don't have time for this, grow up Boratura de cioroi,tu ai 99% insulte si atacuri la adresele fetelor si restul recenzii;reputatia este doar in mintea ta infatuata de cimpanzeu frustrat si stiu bine idiotule ca te recomanzi la fete cine esti pe forum,ia incearca sa revii sa vezi daca mai esti primit de unele,o sa ai o surpriza Te plangi de rasism cand tu ataci fetele cand este vorba de preturi si/sau cum arata dpdv fizic?Ca ai hartuit o fata noua ca era grasa pe 4 pagini pana cand si-a sters contul te-a facut sa fii mandru boratule?Ia si inghite propriile dejectii jigodie marlana,ti se serveste ceea ce servesti. Cretinule se poate vedea de pe contul fiecaruia ce si unde posteaza,scuteste-ma de cele cateva recenzii,multe laude si minciuni,plus nelimitate atacuri la adresa fetelor. Nu ma cobor la mintea ta de oligofren frustrat ca ai fi in stare sa umpli si aici cu dejectiile tale topicul fetei asa cum ai facut pana acum,dar iti promit multa muie unde te prind ca trolezi. @misteryo ia tata si tu inca o muie ca-i gratis @Zeyaaa imi cer scuze de interventie,dar vezi si tu cu ce mitomani avem de a face. 4
pandele firea Reputație: 2090 Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Oras:Voluntari Oras:Voluntari Postat Decembrie 28, 2021 Cerrone/alexu86 te-au scos astia de la balamuc dupa ce ai umplut forumu' cu citate din codul de procedura penala? Tor idiot ai ramas :) :) 2 1
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